NEWMARKET Q SEVEN HALL JOUR LOCAL NEWS Expression of Sympathy Official Casualties Prisoners Repatriated jvTie Hook and Ladder Section of the Fire Brigade I f I sent the following letter lo Mr R Newmarket ChristianChurch Worth Trying Fop Topics for Sunday Deo ii am A Spiritual Inventory money from us as a slight token will soon be with us Our Assortment of Fancy China Is vry good and complete Many useful and ornamental pieces for convenience we have tables at and 25o OUR HANGING AND PARLOR Are Very Nice and Ornamental See Them In Our Window DINNER SETS make a Special Effort to give you the Best Possible Value in a FirstClass Porcelain for We have Several Patterns to choose from CHINA DINNER SETS Osborne Dear Sir Please accept this J Little Miss Ada or a Council of respeotfor our fortunate competitor in writ- pm Shall Christian Warfare Osborne money to jing a letter lo Santa at Seek Terms of Peace placed in the bank in trust Youngs Fair and she had the The first sermon t the boy is of proper ago lo satisfaction of carrying the beau- in order to get the most handle money Amount Doll home for Christmas good out Of ihe second I Captain CoHins Quite a lot of little girls tried for the Alexander The following officers Whats All the Noise About r J a were elected at the last regular meet- First Lieut Osborne 2nd Lieut Trivett James A Gibson the common question ing for the ensuing year Friday afternoon when the Preceptor Fred Office Specialty whistle wasiDep Preceptor jblowing for five minutes On j Registrar John A Booth I enquiry we found that they were Treasurer Taiti celebrating on heir own account list Censor J McDonald They went Over the Top in Soldiers Letters Hut Division Epson j j JFI 1 We wish our Friends v I Dec 1918 Dear Sister and Brother j Just a few lines to let you know I fndOcnsor A will find you tin- their sales record having had the list Lecturer J- biggest production year in theiri2nd Lecturer 0 Stone Chaplain A Flinloff Pursuivant J fe Farmers Club Auditors lry Ida from it Is a longtime since Sly arm has been a Happy and Prosperous New Year i to extend Sincere Meeting next Saturday night atl Another Extra Good Bargain of j oclock A good program has you know Fine Quality Pieces 3 Dec orations at Only a few left CHINA TEA Pieces Fine Quality English China from up OUR CUT GLASS IS FINE been provided Come to hear the Avery pretty wedding took report of the F Convention on Monday Dec at the Come to see the moving pictures home of Mr and Mrs An- provided by the Department of their daughter Linda Agriculture You will also have was married to Edward John Jar- he pleasure of hearing and see- ng the Orchestra Com Importer of Staple and Fancy China End FLOUR AND FEED STORE Brief lets Big crowd in own last day and an exceptionally good Christmas trade Streets wore thronged with people in the even ing Union prayer service the Methodist School Room hist night The Christmas mail was heaviest ever known in Next Wednesday is a holiday- New Years Day scribble a fow lines to let have not forgotten you I suppose things are about same i in the Landing Well it wont be long before I am in Canada and I will not be sorry now war is over How is Harry suppose he is still vis son of Mr Geo of on the How is Bert and ham St Bert must be a big boy now for you know it is over three I left home Well I must close with love to all hoping to hear from you soon I remain aver your brother 1 Bell I Canada en Hospital Basingstoke Hants Thanks the Very Liberal age accorded to Newmarket us since locating in Aftcr the ceremony which was performed by Rev Parry the wedding party partook of a jtuous repast leaving in time catch the train from Toron to on their honeymoon the good wishes of their friends following them f NO Womens Institute A very interesting meeting Of the Institute was held at the home of he President Mrs A Starr Prospect Ave on Thursday the Inst After routine business Mrs Reynolds and Miss Ruby Now that the war is over and he substitute is done away with the de mand is constant only because the is in every bag Better let us send you a bag of CREAM OF THE WHEAT BREAD FLOUR Purina Scratch Peed for Licence No Prompt Delivery TERM8 Moss assisted very ably with a Waltham Wrist Watches musical program Miss Jones i Provincial Secretary of the at ave a splendid talk on the lOIckeons west of j done in many parts Province Everyone for Stockholders Meeting The annual meeting of the shareholders of he King George Hotel took place on Friday even ing of last week in the Commer cial Rooms at the hotel Out shares here were just represented On motion Mr J acted as chairman for the evening The President Dr J Wes ley presented the annual report Of the Directors together with Phone lno Financial Statement of the home feeling that in the there was a solution for many problems concerning the people of Newmarket Dee Mrs Hell Holland Landing Dear Friend Just a few lines lo lei that I am still in the I just received your letter dated Sept I 1 England lib OLD IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING NEWMARKET you know of the do enjoy gelling sorry I hope A S I AND RESTAURANT IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK ORANGES AND CANDY FOR CHRISTMAS Pattersons Chocolates Also Special Prices on Christmas Mixtures MILK TICKETS FOR LUNCHES HOT SODAS AND OYSTER STEWS mil as usual near the Market THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO E T I T AGO Unexcelled Dining Car Sleeping ears on night Trains and Parlor Cars on principalDay Trains Pull informal ion from any Trunk Ticket Agent or Horning District Agent Toronto 1 Agent Phone 10 J Phone Agent WINTER TERM JAN auditor Mr Geo Vale It was a great pleasure and satisfaction to the Dr to present such a glow ing statement of the past years business which was tho best it its eight years of history A year ago 5500 was paid off the mortgage and a similar slice was taken off this year besides pay ing the usual dividend During past year a new lory costing about SHOO has been installed besides an expenditure of in repairs decora tions furnishings carpets cur tains bedding table linen dish- glass and granite ware keep ing Hotel up mark ill every respect The new lava- lory quite satisfies request or License Commissioners and Hotel being approved by ii is relieved from the Business Tax wlicli is The Dr considered that when Company had of lour war and has to show increased profits teach year Stock is a good I buy as in the near future dividends jure lo be iiisiead of it is found that he liar and Lunch Counter loo small for the business I aim it is intended to enlarge the present Mar by the space formerly lined as lavatory and store room Much of the success the Dr said was due to the highly efficient management of Mr and Mrs and he hoped I hat they might be spared for many years to come The real estate heat ing plant furniture and equip ment is valued at be sides over worth of on hand The insurance has been Increased to SI After remarks by Mr vViddiAeld and Mr P VV Pearson regarding the establishment of a Temperance Hotel in Newmarket and the fears expressed concern ing ils financial success the re port on motion of Jackson and seconded by Mr Hunt er also considered that the King George Hotel was one of the best assets of the town was carried unanimously A special vote of thanks was passed Mr and Mrs Brown Mr Brown was sent for and on arrival was presented with the thanks of the sharelioicrsby Mr A Mr Brown responded being glad know that Christian Church Fine attendances last Sabbath with two more splendid sermons The services were of a Christmas nature and the choir rendered special music In the evening a delightful solo was given by Mrs Piilchard Everyone invited next Sunday The services will he as usual at am and pm A good Sunday School at pm to which all not attending elsewhere are welcome A class for every age Our Entertainment last Monday evening was a great suc cess in every way Scholars of all ages took pail In Spjcndid program and the Room was Hied to overflowing The chief item was play entitled Christmas was well repre sented and true Christinas spirit was fully shown The of fering was certainly commend able if will he up lo before we send- if the Armenian Re lief Com mil fee Com leiters from Canada I am hear of Harrys accident he is better by now I got in the way of one of Fritzs bullets and I got it rough the chest It went I rough my left lung broke a vibe and came out at the hack It just missed my heart hut a miss is good some limes I am weak yet am get ting along alright I got hit on Oct 11th up other Ride of Cambria I have no Kick coming as I have been very lucky have had IS months of it out here so am satisfied that the war is over Stanley got hit on Auk had nieee taken off his right ear He is back the reserve now I mi you his address you said you had I I it I guess we will he getting- hack to Canada one of these fine days but mil for or months If we set a chance will call around see you all Tom naked me if I a pared from ihe lied Cross No havent had one yet I hope you are having some weather ever here We are having rainy end weather hero Well I must close now as the light will be going nut piviiy soon yon all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year I remain your friend 7 Sparks not exceed the ability to utilize memories of childhood days it and paid a tribute to who had braved the dangers of the poison gas plants far from the glamor of the real battlefield and who in some cases had made the supreme sacrifice PARIS VICTIMS OF LONG RANGE GANNON Paris Dec Figures arc now mad public for the first time regard ing the number of person killed during German air raids and by longrange cannon statistics relate to the city of Paris only and not lo Hie suburbs In la bombs were dropped in bombs of Ihem on March fell on the city In when she couldnt uhderstant how dear old Santa managed to get down the little chimney with out blacking his snowy mous tache She had often considered herself rather childish but ex cused herself by saying Perhaps I err by giving in to this pet- y notion but we all have our likes and dislikes She had not spent a Christmas at home for four years so we cannot perhaps criti cize her vows too strongly nor yet consider her really selfish since is no spot on earth just like home To he continued I next week in ployed FOR OUR COUNTRY A Happy Prosperous Future Booze for a Friend 1oiiis residing the New Hoy a I Hotel went lo Toronto on Saturday lasl armed with a obtain for a friend I got DOMINIONS TO MAINTAIN NAVIES OF THEIR OWN and wind of and made drank pari got he re Constable Duncan in or he permit search on Sunday when he found a in Ihe grip of a boarder Joseph runs part of the hole as a hoard ing house ami a of liquor was found in a private room Olson was invited lu accom pany Constable Duncan lo Toron to on Monday and interview Po lice Magistrate noon on Sunday had four boarders at four oclock when the police arrived he only had three As the law allows that a person can have liquor in his house if there are not more three lodgers Mr for the defence argued that no conviction could he made against either defendant Major reserved judg ment London Dec Announce ment by the Admiralty of early departure of Admiral J licoc on a visit to the overseas Dominions for the purpose of ad vising their Governments on naval mailers is the result of an which was arrived by I lie representatives of the overseas Dominions heir meeting here last August follow ing the submission Hi cm of a tentative for the naval defense of the Empire by chiefs of the Admiralty in conformity with a request thai effect mafic by the Imperial War Con ference in March Basis of Navlos The proposal of Admiralty was considered by representatives of the Dominions with the result that a memorandum was drawn Up by Sir Hold on behalf of Canada and subscribed by the Dominions suggesting a permanent overseas naval policy On the basis Of navies he built by and administered by the Do minions on a system which would permit close cooperation with In Itrifisfi navy enemy bombs against Paris and in During Ihe mi months of the- war there worn casualties from bombs Airplanes and Zeppelins dropped mi August killing two per sons mid Injuring The long- range cannon fired shells into Paris killing and wounding On last Friday more Ihon persons were killed New York Dec The Rev Dr J Chapman noted as an evangelist died here today He was operated upon a few days ago Since May ho had been moderator of Hie general as sembly of he Presbyterian Church En the United Slates A new for cue on rage in I t in Ihirrle was organized h meeting ill busbies in lion Is called FOR OUR FRIENDS A Happy Christmas A Prosperous and New Year BROUQHTONS DRUG STORE by This Beginning Jan 2nd Storo Will at pm Except on Saturday Nights ihoul GO ilneing ins in WHAT THE Free Methodist Church Monday evening was ore of the Christmas and St Toronto recently had to fill at 14 17 and 18 a week and a month A here la a rout to a good position Write today for Catalogue WJ ELLIOTT Prlnolpal Dec The liranlford Courier which has been in existence for years makes announcement in afternoon edition after Dec it vIll discontinue publication owing increasing handicaps limiting purchasers which have become o great that future publication with profit would bo Impossible Mis bad given satisfac tion and the hope that the Hoard would see its clear to make accommodation for locking up with Individual keys as their next Improvement as Ibis class of trade is develop ing very extensively The retiring Hoard was then reelected for the corning year as follows Cane J A Cody A J Davis Aubrey Davis Fives P Pearson dltleld and Dr J If The meeting then adjourned Immediately at its close the Directorate were called together when the following officers were reelected President Dr Wesley VicePresW Kveg vice of the free Methodist Sunday School The program consisted of appropriate songs and recita tions rendered by the children Sunday School while Mrs the pastors wife told the Christmas story The Pastor presented the needs of the and children mid a collection of over 1000 was taken for that purpose The presentation of Christmas followed when the primary junior and in termediate members of the Sun day School each received his re spective donation At the conclusion of the service a goodly representation from regular attendants of he congre gation retired to parsonage where the pastor and his wlfo coming in last were greeted by a miscellaneous shower of Christ mas gifts This was accom panied by an appropriate paper and address follower by the unanimous singing of Blest be tie that binds The gather ing dispersed with the compli mentary expressions of good will Corn New York Dec of Americas enormous prepara tions to overwhelm tho Gorman armies with poison wero made public today by the Now York section of the American Chemical Society Asserting that in May 1917 the of gas masks was started by a group of live volunteers Col Jlradloy Dewey commanding of ficer of gas defence declared thai up lo the time llio truco was signed there bad been produced masks extra quantities of mustard suits gloves ointments and antidotes production of as masks when hostilities ceased he added had reached 40000 a day i model he said showed a revolution in design overcoming all discomforts of earlier patterns and adding tenfold efficiency Col Win Walker command ing Arsenal said that on Nov wo had all the facilities for producing mustard gas at of tons a day to say nothing of our resources for deluging our with chlorine phosgene and now vapors previously unknown lo Ihom He added that thero was a day when production of did lies The club junior and Interims A Woodstock Dec Men giv ing the names of Pred Donnelly of Que and Thomas Gorman of were ar rested in a haymow here Both were armed with revolvers several lime fuses and flash light were also found inlhcir possession They had S100 in cash and in Victory Bonds are charged with blowing open a the store of Arthur Smith at WyocomhG Norfolk Co and stealing he bonds and the money CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN TO BUY- I THE PAGE OF THE DIAnY from page own difficulties to face Let us imagine ourselves taking care of an old insolent avaricious and stubborn lady who had lived by herself for years it would doubt bo very unpleasant and the only that would encourage us to remain with hep would be our consciousness ofdoing unto others as wo would have them do unto us Itwas this alone that encouraged the little to slay with Granny She work ed faithfully day by day until she had her quite comfortable and the house in most healthful and sanitary condition it had been in death of her only child some forty years before She now hurriedly closed diary begin her monotonous morning ablutions and wear isome task of dressing I have said she to herself truly earned a Christmas at homo this year If there was any one season which little nurse looked forward to spending at homo it was Christinas She did not object if duty did summon her elsewhere on any other hol iday but Christmas Indeed she could oat her Easter Eggs any where or enjoy Thanksgiving dainties but if she was callid away from home for that Glori ous festival it wns more than heart could endure This was probably duo lo some I Fruit and Christmas Supplies We Buy Fruit by the Carload and Cannot be Undersold in Quality and Price FINE ORANGES GRAPES AND CANDY CHOICE NEW NUTS OF ALL KINDS CELERY LETTUCE CUCUMBERS CABBAGE o- See Prices Boforo Buying Elsewhere SAM MAIN NEWMARKET i Store Open Every Evening fife May Bring PEACE AND PROSPERITY FRED Newmarket Ont District Agent The Mutual Life of Canada