V m AT i HELP BOOST THE TOWH Anyone Boarders communicate with The OfOce Speci ally Co Ltd as we are now employing hands both Men and Women and daily have enquiries for vacant houses Shone 36 or nlcale direct with Employment Bu reau I The Office Specially Mfg Co Newmarket Thai silent never resting thing- called time has rushed apace and the shadow on the dial will soon number the days of To humanity at large it has been a year of exceptional sorrow and disappointment on the one hand FEMALE HELP- Young women wanted for light work in assembling department and paper and box department Excellent working conditions In modern sanitary factory Write or phone to General Superin tendent Phone Office Spe cialty Co Newmarket Out Winter Term BEGINS JAN Prepare now for reconstruction days Our home and export trad will demand the services of bright young people Get new catalogue today a Business Schools Toronto Shaw while on the other hand it has brought the most horrifying waE of all the centuries within sight jof Peace we all sincerely hope that when consummated it will be of such a character thai it will be impossible for such a cata clysm to occur again as long as the world lasts This is an opportune time for good resolutions turning over a new leaf as it were Circum stances and conditions of life are changing So far as the result of the War is concerned it is re cognized by all military ties that no matter how much I effort the Allies have put forth j it was not alone in the victories of arms that the war was won but by the power of God Almighty Have we as a prosperous com- Imunity recognized that Divine Power as we should Have we as faithful in our worship 1 in the churches of our choice as the soldiers have been in our Society cleared 100 from he car of newspapers shipped last week and the ladles wish to thank Mr Hunter for his contri bution toward it Proceeds bleared Bazaar and Talent Tea held on the 13ih Letters received this week- in acknowledgment of Christmas parcels from A Johnston and LuluDavey is home 1 from Stayner for the holidays Mr Eugene Barker is home I from Columbus Ohio for a week Mr and Mrs Douglas Scott were here over Sunday from the city Mr and Mrs Garfield Rogers and family spent in Toronto Laura Morton of To ronto spent athome and Mrs J Brimaon spent Christmas in the city Mr and Mrs spent Christmas in Toronto Carl Lloyd of Toronto home for Christmas holidays Red Cross Society Now that Christmas is over the officers of the Red Cross Society renewed activity in lbeir work and a largely increased at- Mho city Ispent Christmas with friends in is J fence Have we willingly brought our offerings to Hie sanctuary that he cause of God might prosper at home and Let us put our good resolutions into practice We sincerely hope that the New Year may bring Health Pros- read Yesterdays Utopia tomorrows 1 Happiness to all our reality sots forth the manner of pro- cidure of life promoters of a of nations in with the allied j THE WORLD 0 THE FUTURE- Paris Dec The today was authorized print the article which was censored yesterday The article the first headline of which I There will be three stages the Matin says First the allied Govern ments will ttlp among themselves the principles of the league As a fundamental rule they will set down Die peoples to decide their own destines As a practical conse quence follows that there will be limitation of armaments compul sory arbitration among the nations it at this point the countries hind themselves put these clause in the prelimin aries of peace It has appeared absolutely tin promoters that the regime of the future world shall he fixed in its main there any indemnities and territories no that for 1k first time in history the deliberations of dominated by higher ideals than mere individual Interest Laid Down The second act consist in no- tii powers of the funda mental principles laid down in tip and requiring from them I heir to principles A other conditions of peace as in the case of stipulations of territorial financial and economic elinraclcr no discussion will he Tin- Entente will i3 her allies Compulsory arbitration and of irniauints iidegnil parts our You must hi them Von will know later how will Tllfl signed of the peace treaty will I eussed among only Die signing of this peace proper will the third stage In- reached This will he a univer sal t nw Iti peoples Give In lui- -i- iiMrais ini adtuil however will he In full iiitli An OrderinCouncil has now been signed at Ottawa to author ize the use of the name Canadian National Railways the new title to include those used formerly for the lines comprised in the Cana dian Northern Railway system and Canadian Government rail ways the Intercolonial and Na tional Transcontinental This is another indication of Public Own North in Sunderland on Thurs day of last week nominated Major Henry Cameron of as their candidate in the coining bye- olcctlouj occasioned in lie Legislature by the death of Hon Doyle In the nomination he declared open warfare ihe United organization and platform as well as Opposition candidate Mr The orate will be in a political for nexl two months Report says fields chances are good tendance at their next Tuesday afternoon in the rooms over Grocery Just now special attention is be ing given to making garments for the Refugee Children in France the call being very urgent from British and French Societies An abundance of work is cut out and it only requires two or three doz en- willing hands to complete a shipment May we not ask for the help of all our old members and trust that many other ladies jof the town and vicinity may feel sufficiently interested in this philanthropic work to give us their assistance The following telegram was re ceived on Tuesday Toronto Dec Mrs Jackson Newmarket Can Red Cross Headquarters of Canadian Red Cross Society extends to all Of ficers Branches and Auxiliaries of the Society their cordial wish es for a Christmas of- gladness by he thought good work done and of suffering relieved For a Years Motto will take the words of our Chief Commissioner just received Until the last Canadian Soldier who offered himself as a barrier between us and destruction is discharged from Hospital we must reach forward steadily Yours The Canadian Hod Cross Noel Marshall The Society has decided to make a housetohouse canvass he first week of the new year on behalf of Refugee Children in France We can scarcely con ceive the poverty and lion of the thousands who need the care and assistance which the organized societies are capable of supplying if those in comfort would only liberally contribute is our duly cheer the war- weary whose parents have suf fered and bled for freedom from German yoke of bondage fet the public he prepared when the call Mr and Mrs Brothers of Aurora took Christmas dinner at Mapleton Miss Marjorie Kindergarten teacher at Mans success In the air- with heavier than air machines has drawn attrition to air as a source of motive powers especially the study- of aeronautics has vastlyin creased the scientific knowledge iti that upper medium Windmills form erly supplied motivepower but they pass out of widespread use owing to of steampower Owing lohe invention of an air motor much more powerful than the ordinary windmills the British government has again become actively interested In the development of this new source of energy as shown by no fewer than sis exhaustive reports compiled in the past two years by various royal and commercial committees and scientific societies The chief reasons for the supersed ing of the windmill by the steamen gine consisted in the two facts that the old type of windmill only utilized about five per cent the available and the occurrences of calm V CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO FLOUR Flour is an article in the household that gives trouble everywhere If It Is not flood We have people com inq to us a8kinaHave you some good Pastry Flour The we nave been using is terrible It la dark and the pastry Is sad and ve cannot use Now we have been handling MAGIC FLOUR for 3 years i and In that time we have NEVER HAD A COMPLAINT is home for vacation Rogers and wife of Toronto spent Christmas with relatives in town Mr and Mrs J of Toronto spent with her father Mr Alex Potter Mr and Mrs of Au rora spent Christmas Day with Mr and Mrs Moulds Park Ave Reeve and family of Aurora attended a gathering at Mr H- Knowlcs on Christmas Day Hewitt who is attending Normal School in To ronto is home for holidays Mrs Russell Brim son and son of Toronto are spending Christmas vacation at Mr 11 H Brim sons John Watts has moved his family from Holt into town is located on Raglan St He has a son living in Toronto iMp Fred was in town Friday saying goodbye lo old friends He left this week for California for the winter and Mrs Jonathan Rog ers of Toronto had Christmas din ner with her brother Mr Silas Superintendent of- the Industrial Home Mrs Dr is here from Michigan for the holi days Her parents Mr and Mrs Fzra Park Ave are both very poorly Mrs Geo A- Brodic of New market was honored by being re elected President of the United Farm Women of Ontario in ses sion in Toronto last week Miss Clarice of Ot tawa is spending the Christmas vacation at- home Her sister Miss Toronto was also homo for Christmas A family gathering look place Square up With the advent of the w Year corncs settling lime to the ordinary business man Customers should make it a point to square up and start the year even with the world if pos sible It may he hut a small sum you owe but there arc doubtless scores of other small sums due Urn merchant and mechanic audi their aggregate is- a large sum Play your part and help to keep all wheels of business moving and Where accounts are run between Our Toronto Letter periods and consequent absence of pro pulsion Both theft handicaps have overcome the first by an Hon of the lateProf and Ihe second by tie development of storage batteries Moreover ft has been dis covered that in the upper atmosphere it Is not calm so often as near the ground and that heavy air currents are almost always blowing even an allii of one hundred feel The new windmill or windmotor boxes in sec tion and mounted in arms extending at right angles from the shaft Using boxes ten feet by six Prof BIylh inventor found that his motor developed horse power In moderate breeze and it could be al lowed to run free by itself in the strongest gales will out suffering in jury After his mill in electric lighting for some years Prof Illy Hi became sanguine enough to predict thai before long light and power over a large pari of Great Bri tain would he derived from wind en gines of his model it has been found that airmotors of the foregoing cart be con rue ted one thousand horse Powt By creeling litem on tall shaft- ail ah n is I continuous air cur rent can he had lliruout the year fiirnisli motive power small for waterworks electric fight and heating plants and even tramway services in small towns The chief recommendation for development of this source of power in cheapness Beyond the initial cost of Installation Ihe windmotor works all the lime without cost of mainten ance the plant Is installed it itself and is the nearest thing operpetiial motion yet devised It promises tit he the chief factor in superseding coal and even water- power in moderate measure It you fluffy paste and your cakes be light and not of that heavy dark douahy kind We have it In and 65 sacks Bread Flour we have the reliable PURITY Brand No thinfl Better for a Good Loaf of Bread CRANBERRIES quart SWEET POTATOES 3 lbs for GRAPEFRUIT for CALIFORNIA GRAPES 35c lb APPLE8 to peck CHESTNUTS 35c lb CONFECTIONERY Our Confectionery is of the best both Home Made and Factory A Large Assortment to choose from TRY SOME OF OUR MINCE MEAT AT LB PHONE US YOUR ORDER IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTENTION I PHONE 35 St Johna church was sic was sioh will meet in th A of requested There Service y under the ii J will is to good pro Several eryone night Last ft- of St Church ration of a vcr style adequate given he made soloists Nowadays it is Quality that Counts I QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY AGENT FOR I THE PATHEPHONE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument in the World HUYLERS CHOCOLATES MAIN STRUCT Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies House Phone No Store Phone No individuals should he rendered and at least balance struck Such a course would save many perplexing I when estates fall This is step jean done money I -n-i- lli- Will I- I jitiii in u There four in for Mayor Churchy Kris ter arid own Seven for Ihurd arid nil he Wards local fighh inallers all lnik man reported police Station on Monday licit his WAS anil 1 lo London here wards of workers in Hi oil I A diiUlafoii Ill Cody of on urging of jiry school age tip and I They asked of 1oitcd Slates J hiring to a In j Vern III of rim I Ihey hi III Will and Canada free of al year Tie- Printer and Publisher ml rparalion j any as on why he same add should with lo Canadian paid i hill ad- many has coinrnflled crime and must alone for il he fore eh l Iilili of Meanwhile ihe other will i world police have created and the Sanction of all kinds have been instituted An International tri bunal working and speidrv of war an it humanly possible will banished from of is being sent lo a now ami paid for by imhlk large Of the Hi- eouulry has been with edition of wonderful Ottawa phase English and editions are not any good purpose They are simply tiiff thai the have had of them or giving in full a lot of that papers will not he Willi other hand Is costing a lot of money to gel it mil and it in making an increased call on stock of In Ihe count NEW MUNICIPAL SCHEME IN I yin way conserve fully agree with this serilftnent The qomlnil ion- were eislly Ihe in the history of the city Winn civil WaH oil for year the which the followed op it- work dates to mil the new into operation The result was today when no fewer were and ex pected thai folly fhreexpiarterx of will qualify Ior the were no nominations for Mayor today ap pointing on of number and all Com oners were wiped out tint it was hat the general public are taking a greal drat more in municipal -iffjlr- than for many years past i in t meamire to the of Ihe sylem of municipal into force al the beginning of lbs year which provides for election of eighteen Instead Of eleven ah form erly Six of these are to he elected for three yearn for two and six for one thus leaving to he elected eadi year for a period of three Then a lot of lost time and wasted material around the Parliament Build ings and Printing Bureau at Ottawa thai might he saved to tin- country by application of good sharp prun ing knife Newmarket Military Hospital Under direction of Dr Ar thur and the staff of the Military Hospital to gether with Field Comforts Auxiliary in charge of Mrs How ard Cane Ihe soldiers resident here were right royally entertain ed on Christmas nay Following oldfashioned Christmas din ner there was a splendid musical entertainment and moving picture show during the afternoon which was repeated hi the evening the whole affair winding up with a n08t enjoyable dance made to at lend and full limn and between and pari lime The deputation also that Ihe Truancy Ad auMUnlid do away with he word subi srlmol attendance connect Ion asked lhal I truancy- officers he made boards of of by police and municipal councils lion Cody in promis ing pointed on thai pi est foil of school ages was already- receiving attention his di-parl- At a held in the Peoples Iorum last Sunday llolshcvlkl ihenls freely expressed with considerable Several de nounced I capitalist class slating lhat hope of a vVorld peace lay In the prohiarlsi arising and deuiauding their rights for an equal distribution Of the worlds goods One Socialist who sported a flaming red tie staled that and her allies lifting Siberia as a place lo colled debts for the capitalist class Mrs better known as Mother of the mill Hal gave a Christmas dinner to returned men In Victoria Hall on Wednesday It Was served Willi assistance of young girls who gave up their usual for sake of the soldiers small tables decorat ed with holly and evergreens After dinner the boys entertained themselves With a concert of their own talent Tea wan also served The largos surplus in the history of the Toronto was turned over- to Ihe on Monday being David Palmer was sentenced t days In Jail for betting on a hockey gome at the Arena at residence Of Mr It Man ning on Christmas Day which was attended by relatives from Aurora and Toronto as as those nearer home Mr and Mrs and daughters Mr and Mrs home Cole and son Mr and Mrs Hoy Stork and daughter all of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr ami Mrs A Stork Mr Herb Skinner of Orillia called oil Old friends in Newmar ket on Tuesday on his way where all the mem bers of the family were expected for Christmas the first lime in years for all lo he home Three of hem are graduates of irigh School Mr rrank sonoflllC late who car ried on a grocery North lnd of for some years where Osbornes butcher shop located now is bin mother and relatives in an absence of year- or more on Pa cific near Ihe of Van- and Prince Four or five entered Mrs v inane in Hamilton in her husbands absence work smothered her and tied her nock a bedpost and ransacked the house THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY MOTOR HEARSE IF DESIRED calls at Li rid to at Happy To and Prosperous New Year All Our Customers STOUFFVILLE HELD BY FLU EPIDEMIC for sale by Phones and The Cradle English In Quecnsvllle on 1018 lo Mr and English a son Dec Mrs All of Medical Officer of Dr A Hales the li brary and poolrooms are closed and all public meetings are to prevent spread of influenza in The has been spreading rap idly I last week aSnd duping past live days sixty new oases were attended one of ho vii- Dales lias is sued a the people not do their Christmas shopping in crowded stores Special ar rangements are hnlng made to prevent crowds of people waiting in the for their Christ mas mail Around Locust Hill and epidemic in continuing serious are being daily report ed but only one death lias so far occurred Christmas entertain ments in many of villages and hamlets throughout Ihe county are not being held for he flrst time in many years Mount Albert ami Uxbrfdge are suffering the effects of the out break apparently reached Its height last week at Oxbridge and prospects are brightening for happy Christmas In the post masters family Mount Albert six children laid up with the disease Deo Major Henry Watch out for an in the near future Smith In Toronto Dec I I a Mr and Mrs Guy Smith- late of Newmarket a son I Phone 22 Newmarket Garrett- At Davidson on Day to Mr and Mrs Harold Garrett for merly of Bradford and New market a son IF ITS AN SUPPLIES syndloate of decldel that for ten years It will not receive a native of enemy as employee or TO BE HOLLAND THROUGH It is reported here Holland lias been by Great of her Intention tend to the pnny of In way of the River Scheldt and Dutch There Is talk of organizing a Community Club New York Dee 42 An lion to he led Robert A noted explorer win be lo Polar nxt June to survey the North airplane according to announcement here tonight by the Club of America The Altar On Dec JI 1 1118 by Rev Parry the brides parents Mr Edward John to Miss Linda An drews alt of Newmarket The Tomb AbbsOn Dee 2i at venshoe Mildred eldest daugh ter of and Abbs in her Kith year Abbs On Dec Christmas Day May Kellar beloved wife of Abbs of Raven- shoo aged years Hughey At the homo of his daughter on Saturday John of Keswick aged years Interred at Deo Gould At Industrial Homo on Mnrgnrot Gould an for a number of years from the of King aged about years Then you know Its I representing I he United formers of Ontario were Inday nom inated In the fill the vacancy In North Ontario caused by the deuthof Hon The meeting followed the completion of the Official proceedings was attend ed a large crowd and from the chaiaoter of the speeches It la assured that conies will he lively I Made in ASK ABOUT THI8 CANADIAN PRODUCT No 1 No Terms If You Wish TORONTO OFFICE 18 Adelaide Local Agont Era Office Newmarket S J Road house Furnitures Undertaking Main SI North Newmarket All Orders Careful Attention WELCOME FOR London Dee iO her on the visit of President Wilson lo England Tito Dally News nrofouinl over Mr plan and adds Kvrry of the is for an opportunity to display lis and admiration of the Presidents unfaltering Idealism and steadfastness of purpose President Wilson will be assured of a great popular to Eng land H perfectly certain if Iho future peace Is to he really founded on a permanent basis there lion between This Will ho speaking powi lo safeguard anil develop Is arranged ilfc National been The address An address of the officers tin Church Council has to President Wilson that In the nam of Council of ana our appreciation vices rendered during the signers desire found esteem wartoUic cause of humanity 4 A sivi i iiiH I Never the such a- as Piano gram part to act play Flat program idea It lo Icrs dcs The Relief and it will he The am eryone that Hit time In th at flee Sunday sold service In Ih Mi or I was a and a In II music choir Besides Twer choir j car am the mo Method being The Pi her the pi Is of was- 43 wood Hay are lhat hi pupil of In our ing which deposit and of Sep The Penny sum lies On I Howl in loci v night of Mes son an a nor Messrs Bin of the Ha was a the pr