DRESSING fflAMlCURE SEWING CASE8 MUSIC HOLDERS EBONY PIECES IVORY PIECES And Many Other Gifts WATSONS 1 The Leading County Paper as well as Oldest No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance M LONQ v WINTER EVENINGS Let us Test Your Eyes and Give You tho GLA88E8 YOU NEED I TCWatson Graduate Optician JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY DEC 1918 Single Copies 5c each VOL No feUd With World cannot the dawn of a New Era in Unity the Spirit of Christmas be forgotten We extend to you all Our Best Wishes for a Joyful and may the New Year bring Happiness and Prosperity H THE PAINT STORE FOR GOOD PAINTS VARNI8H PHONE 28 Long Life Oil bright New Year with snow- white train Oh glad New Year youve again Covering the earth its every stain With snow white train from mount to main May good live on in you The beautiful and true Long life to you OVER YEARS Bank Money Orders For settling small accounts where it is not desirable to pay by cheque many Business Houses as well as Individuals regularly use the Bank Money Orders issued by The Bank of Montreal- The Ministers Cat By Mabel Stuart C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD i Wood buy COAL Why Pay for when you can DOMESTIC LUMP at per Ton TRY A TON W PEARSON Cor Church and Carters Giles John Murphy and Leslie 8hler No there will be no turkey for New Years dinner re iterated the ministers wife the tenth time But there always has been insisted her daughter with the persistence of her sex I know returned Mrs Wil son patiently as she purled and plained industriously but in we have not a turkey salary Do you know John she continued turning to her hus band who sat by the greenshad ed study lamp buried in the war news seems strange to me that l earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof and yet His rep resentatives are about the poor est paid men in tho world Why Amy exclaimed the minister returning with a mental jolt is it turkey thats worrying you Im sure if we have good beefsteak who could wish for more Now if we were in Belgium Belgium stormed Mrs Wil son knitting frantically I have given everything could scrape and hoard even our New Year Dinner for Belgium I know the awful need and all that and I know Im wicked but dont I beg of you mention that word to me again Tho way you say that word amounts to almost profanity chuckled the minister burying himself once more in his news paper Nevertheless hurt him that bis wife should he deprived of the little luxuries of former years Perhaps our turkey will he sent yet ventured seven-year- Old Paul It is only New Years Eve and I feel sure will come f wish I had your simple faith murmured his mother Listen What strange noise is thai I have heard il several limes Meanwhile a different seen was being enacted in the home of nearest neighbor just around corner Miss Amelia Dent one of the well-to- do members of congregation was standing at her door a candle held high above her head admiring the ar ray of good tilings on shelves before her No she Miranda bird on the white platter was meant for him and proceeded to remove it accordingly When Miss Amelia breathless and enraged reached the minis ters gate Sahara was l on the verandah and had laid his trophy on the doorstep whence it fell with a thud which had alarmed Mrs Wilson arid brought her to the door with and Paul at her heels At the sound of approaching footsteps Sahara became alarmed and rather uncertain as to wheth er his conduct had been thai of a really circumspect ministers cat- He left his burden and sprang away while Mrs Wilson lifted the snowy turkey and exclaimed In wonderment Miss Amelia seeing the door open slipped behind a maple on the boulevard and awaited de velopments Out turkey after all shriek ed the children ecstatically dancing with delight Oh John come here cried Mrs Wilson Some angelic per son has sent us our New Years dinner ft must have been here for some time too for it is quite snowy I wish they had left their names so we could thank them Isnt it a little beauty And all stuffed ready for the oven What kind people there are in the world John My but Im glad Sahara didnt discover it I wonder where he is Puss Puss 1 But Sahara thinking discretion to be the better part of valor re mained unseen When the door closed Miss Amelia stepped from her hidingplace and sped home ward In her cosy sittingroom before the fire she sat down and thought The poor things she mur mured and I never thought of inviting them to share my good dinner The look on heir faces It was worth it all I am a self ish creature and I deserve to have my dinner snatched away That was summary justice MAY THE YEAR OF THE CENTURY Happy and Prosperous One May Peace Plenty Prevail What the New Year Should Mean to You It does not seem a very long time ago that we were talking about the- coming of a new year with its necessity for the balan cing of all accounts that w may learn just how we stood in regard to the profits and losses of the twelve months that were about to be filed away in the archives of life as ancient history And now that that new year too has gone we arc face to face with an other New Years Day fac to face with the same old problems To many of us the year that has passed has not been particularly pleasant- To some of us in fact it- may have brought so frustrated hopes so many disappointments that we are more than usually glad to bid it godspeed that we may hail with joy the advent ofa new and as we fondly hope a better as matter of fact I Ti INCORPORATED BANK ofTORONTO Assets 584000000 Banking Service Farmers Business given careful attention Hale Notes discounted Loans made lo responsible parties convenience is afforded to Savings Depositors Small or large sums may be deposited and interest paid on balan ces Branch A Manager CANE SONS CO LI MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND LUMBER I f f if 4 Such as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Sash Door and Window Frames Doors In Pine Fir Ah or Oak Bold at that will Interest you Kindly give us a trial The Cane Son NEWMARKET Limited mused I dont think has forgotten anything The mince pies are perfection Then is he pudding and Hie cjtkis ami jellies it wife disappointed me Ihe last Miranda and I will have a lonely day after all I if sin- lo bring j thai turkey bring myself be nicely hawed out by morning me can dial noise be in lb- shed- like falling ami Miss Amelia hurried Hie door and Num open shed was em ply bill Hie oiiler door stood half open and On lb lay On Which the bad reposed WHh a shriek Miss Amelia sped the street door and peered oul Mir- snowy A glial of wind blew out her flickering taper hill in last feeble glimmer she delected a black through hn Tli she cried In horror got my turkey bark vftn And Hoping she hurled her candle him the feline redoubled bis Mod half draKed half carried toward his- Miss Amelia a maiden lady of ae knew better lo a snowstorm on New Years without coat and rub- hers so she banned door and rushed equip nil f I ably mlnls- hail been well and favor ably known hi He was an black Persian with silken fur and lhal could look mild and contented or blaze with wild fury of his desert had been given Wilson by a wealthy parishioner and was chief pride and Joy of the family lie rejoiced in the name Sahara His during the few He had received had far been without of bis sojourn in kindly word and dftlnlv morsel in Amelia hark iied and when be nt red on New looking for he felt pure ie peculiar Miranda say And Miss Amelia leaned back in her rocker and laughed immoderately Suddenly she heard a light tap at the front door and hastened to open il There on the step stood small Wilson prof fering a white envelope Come in dear urged Miss Amelia ill see if this requires an answer Oh yes il does announced Someone sent us the loveliest turkey and mother wants yon to come and share it us lomorrow She says you mnslbe so lonesome here And al our house then is plenty of noise is very sweet of your ask me replied Ame lia with eyes I will come wilh pleasure on one condition thai you all lake dinner wilh me on following day for you see I want to have a New Year parly How lovely cried I know we can and Miran da is such a good cook if we stop for a moment lo look back over the twelve months that are now so rapidly drawing to a close there are but few of us who will not find that the old year has been a pretty good year after all Ring out bells Ring silver- sweet Oer hill and moor and fell In mellow echoes let your chimes Their hopeful story tell Ring out ring out all Jubilant This joyous glad refrain A bright New Year glad New Year Hath come lo us again o a THE REAL TE8T fowls with in Holland In Denmark In Germany in Argentina and in the United Slates This is contained In a handy statement plain to grasp at a glance issued by the Canada Food Board Increased production of live stock Is of vital importance to Cana das future and is the most valuable reconstruction work that can he done Britain normally imports dozen eggs had a war shortage of 12i dozen Up October 3isl 1918 3861389 dozen were exported If Canada in 1919 exports as many eggs as she did sixteen years ago she will be living up her egg opportunity Britain before the war imported pounds of butler- year The of butter in Great Brit ain due to the war was pounds yearly Twelve years ago Canada exported to Great Britain butler Two years ago exported of butter Compared with twelve years ago Canada has not lived up In her butter opportunity ARMY LAUNCH BIG DRIVE FOR ONE MILLION Rod Shield Campaign to Assist Soldiers In AfterWar Work 50 YEARS km From Era Jan 1st Rev of Toronto lectur ed before the Institute Inst Fri day night Subject Irish Char Much interest is taken in the Institute lectures Special services were held in Episcopal and Churches on Christmas Day Mr and Mrs E Jackson are in week owing to the death of a brotherinlaw Mr Jehu Clark Markets Fall wheat Si 15 spring wheat barley SI oats 50 peas potatoes bush pork butter and eggs cheese Me lb QOO From Era Deo is given of new High when llic small messenger drparJcd Miss Amelia pill mi Wraps called Miranda and lalfd tin conduct And now Miranda I am lo buy real gifts for Ill tat if ha I her llltf and the lines red SOlll how- for Wilson Aril gel I hose ducks ready for Wednesday as ministers family will dinner here Well never Well I was all Mil as she wall Well lied her mistress looking pari Shes got shook her shell bless her Thai dinner the ministers Miss Amelia will forget Everything was delicious On the windowseat sat Sahara in his new red bow casting glances at the turkey Once when he look ed lit il and licked his lips Miss Amelia nearly disgraced herself by laughing aloud and had tell an amusing story which caused a gale if merrimenl When she had left late in afternoon Mr Wilson turned smilingly his wife I had no idea Miss Amelia was so and so clever and well- read She is really very willy and We shall enjoy vis iting her tomorrow And I feel thai this Is only beginning of our friendship Yes Indeed agreed his wife absently Hut I wish we could find put who sent that turkey It Is mistaken modesty on their pari keep in the background I A NEWYEARS Oh how 1 would like to live among noble people I Surely I could he noble then I would have no temp tali oil to be mean or unjust said a boy as be laid down a book and drew a deep breath of enthusiasm His father looking earnestly at the boy remarked True goes deeper that my I makes one upright generous pure even hough sur rounded the Jin just ami ig noble To be real it must the lest of any situation any environment A diamond stays a diamond even though thrown Into a mud puddle Tin- pond lily lifts its head of dazzling while above stagnant pond A large manu facturing linn in tin gland makes a certain fabric for the govern Running through Unit fabric at is a scarlet bread thai cannot fade Whether a piece of Ihe goods is found in all freshness In ho kings wardrobe or is soiled in a ragbng scarlet thread is there in all Its brightness it cannot he mis taken So with nobility If it is real worth wishing and striv ing for it must be of the kind thai shines forth unmistakably wherever one is Selected AIR CAItHY MEN The Salvation Army to launch a campaign to raise One Million Dollars for war and de mobilization purposes The moneygetting campaign will be from January to The of Devonshire Gov ernorGeneral of Canada Sir Robert Itorden Sir Wm Hearst Sir Wilfrid and many oilier prominent citizens have endorsed Ihe scheme and strong committees have been formed for Ihe purpose of boosting ob jective The Salvation Army intends use the money for three pur poses To establish for re turned soldiers who are Is May it be yours that prize to Toward which your heart pressing And may to yon this New Year be A year of constant blessing May you have grace and health and strength To tread the path of duty in you the Lord at length Shall show His porfeot beauty Watson i Tin- ration have return ed work in Manchester at an if cent In And Fly Without Stopping 8peed of rlliiH an Hour London Her SO Lord Weir Mini ster Air In a at Manchester said we now have substantial numbers of airplanes ami able to of a crew and 10 without at a Speed of 100 miltrs on hour He that the big Shipping and other transport organizations hot Id actively Interest themselves In the development of aviation and when peace was cone hided the Slate sell Its superfluous for In use private cheaply Lordship that the Air Hoard must reorganize The first essential step of tin new Ministry should be to organize International flying would Involve an International air con vention The articles of this wore al ready drafted and being to tin- if approved the convention International air con vention should be hold and he had reason to that within he next four or five months the principal nations would have reached an on this question re- de ed and in need until they are into industrial life To provide emergency and maternity home soldiers wives widows and pendent children in need i To continue during demob ilization in ami Franco the and comforts al ready provided by the Salvation Army for Canadian seas soldiers DPI into il lo a lellrloiis ONE LETTER All amateur in town have been pointing out to us a slight error which ercpl Into the ac count of a wedding in our last lssu An Innorrn Utile r place rightfully belting e made lift say lhal wedding supper was served The only explanation we have to offer Is the paper was under delirious conditions was while wc were making up the last forms for he press that the news which seal the whole continent Into dllrium The war has ended I Our make up mans attention was divided between ifojng bis regular work waving a and nod Save the Kins- The pressman sal tin- Stars and Stripes and whistled the while the Office boy climbed tin- flagpole see If aeroplane was coming Kveii machines went The linotype stood on Ms bead while the presses fell down the elevator shaft Really was such a mixup we are glad worse of a menu Hut we go I he paper out on and when the roads get belter we are going reward the printers by taking out to the home where wed ding was held to see If they have any of lhal delirious stuff left LeaderMull Era bring Try one T He Jos Mrs Miss Sep r j i r it i than a marriage fi the asl A lengthy account the opening of he School Building which look place lasl Friday afternoon J- J Pear- sou chairman presided Addresses by Hon Ross Minister of Education J Ed gar I of Toronto A Davidson I I of North York Odery Bell Amos and Mor ris E Jackson and J Dickson Principal for the preceding years Following spent in Newmarket Messrs I Mil ler school encher at Harry Hoover of Thessalon Jno Drue of Toronto and the Toronto Miss Nash Hat- cliff and wife Wilson moth er and brother Isaac Silver Mrs Slocking Miss Mr Staf ford Miss rtrein Fred Knowles A and Will Oliver Fred Lloyd Fred Slocking and Win Morr who were home for Messrs Will Montgomery of Lloyd of Sudbury A of Kingston Dr Clay- Ion f Michigan ficiffilh and wife of Aurora of of Kennedy ami wife of Irwin of Weston Warner of and Nash of Miss Mamie Millard entertain her Class Wednesday log is bark from Pe trol ia The I reel lights are now candle power Newly elected officers of Tus can Lodge W John McCormick Phillips Ty ler 1 luges Win Kennedy Ha Hard and Charlie Ross Officers of North York Reform Association elected last Saturday Wm Cane Dr Coulter El- loll A Yule John Randall and Randall The Altar By W on Dec Mr Alfred Darling lo Miss Rhode bold or Whitchurch Dec 0 Mr Kitchen of to Miss Lloyd of King J W Hell Dec Dr s Watson of Newmarket to Miss Ida Pearson By Mackay on Dec Mr Wm of North Miss Alberta Eves of The Tomb Dec Coleman of King aged years Dee Hunter or St aged 74 years Dec Joshua Tripp of Whit church aged years Dec church aged Markets Butter and eggs chickens turkeys Op At a in Toronto Hie other nigh the ebalrmaa announced Rial hey would sing Ood sve King Whereupon one husky sprke up and said Ping hearty boys there not many left KV I in I I I J i J i H IV J ffl of Whit- years I J j rr lj