i CHINA HALL OUR LOCAL NEWS Xmas will soon bo with us Our Assortment of China Is very good and complete Many useful and ornamental pieces fop convenience we have tables at and OUR HANGING AND PARLOR LAMPS r Are Very Nice and Ornamental See Them In Our Window DINNER SETS make a Special Effort to give you the Best Possible Value in a FirstClass Porcelain Set for We have Several Patterns to choose from CHINA DINNER SETS University Examinations At the recent piano examinaj the Toronto University he following pupils of Mrs J were successful Elementary Grade Miss Eileen Boyd Primary Grade Miss Doris StaHard lion Miss Muriel Sherman Hon Miss Helen Richardson Christian Church Pastors subjects next Sunday horning Taking Christmas to the land of Christs Birth for the Evening the Church Failed Let Christinas tell Everybody welcome 3 Cars of So ran ton Coal Are on the way for Immediate delivery egg stove and nut Order at once from P W Pear son Another Extra Good Bargain of Goldsmith Quality Pieces 3 orations at Only a few Sets left CHINA TEA SETS Pieces Fine Quality English China from up OUR CUT GLASS FINE Early Closing Beginning Thursday Jan 2nd Drug Store will close at pm except Saturday nights To enable us to do this we would ask that our patrons shop during the day In case of emergency all calls will be cheer fullyanswered by phoning my residence J Presentation When the Grand Jury made their presentment to Judge Win chester on Wednesday afternoon His Honor complimented the jury on the satisfactory and expedi tious manner in which they ac complished their work When the Judy returned to the room lie Foreman Mr P Auditors Bros A Parks J Pearson of Newmarket was taken Moss and S by surprise with the presentation I of a beautiful Club Bag in of the valuable assistance he had been to the Jury i Court Rescue A The officers for were elected on Monday evening last as follows J CR W Collins Ayers Treas J HoIIingshead Sec Art Goring- H Marsden JW Geo F SB iB Trustees Bros John StaHard 41 Official War Prisoners Repatriated J A Salmon Sutton West Rebekah Lodge Thorah Lodge No will meet on evening Dec 27th in Hal Mem bers requested to be present Municipal Election We are pleased to report that in all probability Mayor Eves Reeve Keith and Deputy Pearson wilLstand for reelection to Newmarket Council next year Theyre a good trio Red Cross No meeting next Tuesday but there will be one on Dec Great credit is due both offi cers of the and ex hibitors for the magnificentPoul try which has been con ducted in the Market Hall on Tuesday Wednesday and Thurs day week it was the best exhibit in Newmarket for some years and sustains tbe rep utation of this Town land com munity for some of the finest birds in Province The arrangement o the exhi bits in uniform wire each group by itself presented a pic ture for an artist The compe tition as will bo noted from the following showing cases Rhode Island Reds cases White cases Orpingtons cases Black Minorcas cases Barred Plymouth Rocks cases White Orpingtons cases Brown Leghorns Besides several oases of Hat FOR ID J FRIENDS OUR FRIENDS A Happy Christmas and A Prosperous New 1 I Year BROUQHTONS DRUG STORE ft J if it A Club The annual meeting will be held on Friday the 27th inst atj pm at the King George All subscribers are requested Bantams attend Secy cases of In all there must have Pigeons Beginning Jan 2nd Will Close at pm Except on Saturday Nights Importer of Staple and Fancy China Canadian Home Circle At the last meeting held by the 0 G Mr elected Treasurer which of- Welc0m Home ice has been so acceptably filled Tonight the welcomes by the late A E Widdifield for back one of the staunchest of her the past fifteen years soldier members Rowland Mrs was elected Let us all go forth to Chaplain and Mr P Pearson pay him honor and in doing so was elected Guard pay honor also to everyone of the Miss E Willson was Appointed boys who has gone from among WANTED Practical Pencil Maker One competent to layout equip and organize a High Grade Pencil Fac tory as a new depart ment In a well establish ed business In England This a splendid oppor tunity for the right man Your application will not bo allowed to jeopardize present position Ad dress Pencil Maker J J Gibbons Ltd Wellington St Car Stolen r been about 50 cases of birds On Wednesday last while Dr The decisions of Mr J Robert Wesley brother of Dr J Wesley of Newmarket was at tending o some patients Toaro as follows City Hospital his auto was stolen from the front of the premises and there has been no of appear to have been satisfactory The Prize Winners Poultry IBarred Rocks Cock 1st and Representative to the Supreme Meeting to he held in Toronto and Mr as Representative Will Buy That boy a Watch It will give him pleas ure days in the year All styles at Hardware us Old friends and new friends you that have known him and you who hope soon to do so we welcome you all and heartily vito you to take pari in the pleasure of our Association at his safe return Come to the Sun- good School Room at eight oclock and came prepared to laugh and sing Brleflets A Merry Christmas I South End FLOUR AND FEED STORE Mr Blizzards Demonstration is now on at his Warerooms Schools close today till the of January Newmarkets County Tax amounting to about was paid on Tuesday Some of the Divisions of the Public School are having a Closing Christmas Entertainment this afternoon The Newmarket Foundry has orders in to keep them a year unless they can gel more help While cutting wood at Dikes Mill on Monday Mr Arthur nearly lost a finger Imperial Bank has sign Splendid Values In Pen and Pocket Knives children and Hardware for at trace of second same d it since This is the 2nd Newmarket 3rd car stolen in the city the Newmarket ay Harry Newmarket hen and 2nd Harry New- S S Entertainment market 3rd Knowles annual Entertainment audi market Harry New- Christmas Tree in connection with the Methodist will take place next Monday evening in the school room A good program being prepared Come along and help celebrate Christmas The school makes its annual ap peal to the congregation for fi nancial assistance It is hoped there will be a generous response by a large offering on the night of IK fc CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN TO Patriotism Hall Now dial id war is is away is only is in every bag Mil Hi because letter over Willi the llie us send you a bag of cream of the WHEAT BREAD FLOUR Feed for hens Licence No Prompt Delivery TERMS Phono 60 A I Christian Church Last Sundays services were ex ceedingly well attended espe cially the evening one Our con gregations are growing under the able leadership of our new pastor who is working splendidly with all Fine sermons again deliver ed and much personal help was derived Watch the bulletin board week in front of the church for announcement of top ics Next Sunday morning subject will he Christ in Syria invited worship wiih us next special Christmas services and music by a splendid Choir School as usual at rm Plan to attend Fine ses sion last week and present League It was unfortunate that more did not attend the service Mon day evening although there was a very fair attendance A very helpful address on the subject was given by Rev of the Christian Church He laid emphasis upon fact that patriotism is not only for warlime but for peace also A man who expresses his patriotism by ringing bells shouting and singing when Peace is declared should also he found living a pure honorable life or he hasnt the right kind of Love of Country Some our laws will have to he changed if Can ada is he the example she might be The workers for the Temperance Cause must at once lost enemies once defeated should be trium phant again Patriotic solos rendered by Mr Manning and Mr ably accompanied by Mrs Mason as pianist contribu ted much to the enjoyment of the evening A good collection for the Home Tree was taken up It will soon be time to make New Year Resolutions Lei our this year be attend the Lrague services In help and lie helped Everyone is welcome New Barber Shop Mr George Haines has re opened his Shop and is now ready for business in the New Royal Hotel Block He will be pleased to see his former cus tomers and others in his new stand that Men Class to wM- again We were pleased J hack us who has seen much service Yen man of Signals etc In our navy All on loved plewlfd talk In the on Monday evening Com Sl AND RESTAURANT IN TUB IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK Electric Table Lamps All Brass with Shades only each at Hardware Christmas Music The Choir of St Andrews Pres byterian Church will render spe cial Christmas Music at both ser vices- next Sunday In the Anthem The Birthday of a Duet Call Him Jesus In lie Evening Nevins beautiful Cantata The Adoration will he given Chorus Come All Ye Faithful tons Solo and Chorus Behold a Virgin shall Con ceive Reverent Awe Sweeping Christian S AND CANDY j FOR Pattersons Chocolates Prices on Christmas Mixtures 19 MILK TICKET8 FOR HOT AND if- dots ford near Market THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between o TOR E T O I r A N T 1 A I Unexcelled Dining Oar Sleeping care on night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains Full information from any Trunk Ticket Agent or Horning District Agent Toronto Depot Agent Phone J ROUGHTOW OpTown Agent Fveryone invited to the Concert in the S rooms of the Christian Church next Monday evening Come and bring the little ones All will enjoy a good time Program starts oclock sharp A varied selection of Hems will make evening one to be re membered the main features be ing a and a Christmas Comedy No admis sion Change hut a freewill of fering to be taken for the relief of the starving and destitute Ar menians and Syrians- Christian people in the war- stricken districts deserve our help Let us all take up the good work and show the Christ mas Spirit by giving of our abun dance to those in need Following is the program and Prayer Christmas AddresH by Chairman Recitation Months of the Year Solo Mrs Recitation Florence Johnston Christmas Helpers Pantomirre pilgrims of Night Recitation Austin Bruce Cooker 111 Offering for Armenian Relief Piano Misses Gladys and Leila Belfry Exercise Evergreen Club Reading Miss Mabel Quartette Selected Reel tall Two Act Play Christmas- at Flats Santa and Christmas Tree Giving of Presents to Primary Scholars God Save the The During Farmers Club Meeting The unfavorable weather was no donbl responsible for the Slim attendance at the meeting Saturday evening The mu sic from the supplied Mr 1 it Y Broil gh ton added much to the enjoyment of the ev ening The recitation Mr Frank Williams should encour age hose who arc struggling against groat difficulties and templed in up to still perse vere as rnay be near at hand Mark Twains method of Raising Poultry read by Mrs A Starr appealed to the hu morous side of those present Mr Geo A gave a very interesting address on Farmers Platform tie course of his address he said We do not aim at becoming a political party hut at unity on the great principles hat are neces sary to place farming on an equality with other industries The Farmers Platform has been described by the press as the most progressive and compre hensive platform ever put forth by any party or class of society The farmer Is not enjoying the prosperity that city and town folk consider he is for while he gets more for what he has sell he pays more for what he has to liny Farmers in this section and along the front are probably more prosperous than they were a few years ago but this Is not the case over the whole The chattel mortgage is quite Ml accurate barometer with which to test the condition of Industries this province the ban farming have reduced their chattel mortgages from 8 five years ago to hut the chattel mortgages on the farming industry have In creased during the same period Millionaires are being made In Canada at the rate of several thousands a year and if farmers do not stand together on a platform of equal rights to all special privileges to none ve and the laboring classes will he doomed to slavery for this gen eration Lad as Chorus In Male Through the Arch of Night Chorus Softly the Starlight Soprano Solo And I the An gel of the Lord Chorus Glory to God In the Highest Soprano Solo and Chorus Hushed at Length the Gra cious Song Chorus and Finale Amen Lord We Bless Thee Walter Stephens Gfioir Director Williams Organist Death of Father One of the oldest and most greatly esteemed Priests of Hie Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto died in Toronto on Thursday of last week in I lie person Of Rev P Whitney in his y Who was formerly Pastor of Si Johns Church here and also in charge as pastor in and before com ing to Newmarket fit Four years ago he resigned as Pastor here on account of failing health and has since resided in Toronto Born In Ireland when a lad he came to Providence L whore he graduated from Brown Uni versity afterwards going to Italy where he was ordain ed to the priesthood in 1 While in Newmarket he was pop ular with all classes and served for many years on High School Board He was also par ticularly noted for his many acts of charity to the poor of all del nominations funeral took place Saturday morning at from St Pauls Church Toronto where Solemn High Mass was eel by Rev Father Miller with Father Morrow as Deacon Father Pennylegipn am Father as Mas ter of Ceremonies about ft Priests of the being in the Sanctuary interment took place at Mount Hope Cometory relatives all live in Provi dence and his nephew Rev Father Tally attended the fu neral Many of his old Parish- loners from Newmarket and Bplcrgrovo attended to show their love and respect for the de ceased priest who labored zealously ami faithfully amongst them for many years market cockerel Harry Newmarket 2nd Newmarket pullet 1st 2nd and 3rd Harry Knowles Newmarket S Cock Harry Newmarket hen Harry Newmarket cockerel Harry Newmarket pullet Harry Newmarket Game Bants Hen John Newmarket R Black Bants Cock Fleury Aurora Hen I and Aurora cockerel A Trivet Newmarket 2nd CHar- Aurora pullet A Newmarket 2nd Herman Aurora Black Cochin Banks Hen McGhee Newmarket cockered IJno McGhee Newmarket 1 Golden Seahright Bants Cock C Aurora hen 1st and 2nd Fleury Aurora Breeding Pens Wyandotte Newmarket 2nd John McCaffrey Newmarket 3rd McCaffrey Newmarket- Barred Rocks Harry Newmarket 2nd I Red R Stewart Newmarket Or pington W Stephens New market 2nd J Stewart Hamil ton 3rd Anderson Cross- land Minorca Newmarket Silver cock Head- ley Hill Newmarket hen Head- ley Hill Newmarket Rouen Ducks Drake Harry Newmarket duck Harry Newmarket Pekin Ducks Drake Harry Newmarket duck Harry Newmarket Newmarket goose Newmarket Toulouse Geese Newmarket Harry Newmarket Brown Cocker el Aurora pullet Harmon Aurora c Brown Leghorn Hen 1st and 2nd Aurora cockerel 1st and 2nd Aurora pullet 1st and 2nd Aurora S Minorca- Cock and Christmas Supplies We Buy Fruit by the Carload and Cannot be Undersold in Quality and Price FINE ORANGES GRAPES AND CANDY CHOICE NEW NUTS OF ALL KINDS CELERY LETTUCE CUCUMBERS CABBAGE See Prices Before Buying Elsewhere SAM MAIN ST NEWMARKET Store Open Every Evening I Harry Harry liar goose Hen 1st Ires and Newmarket and 2nd Ross Sijiiiies cockerel Ross inri pullet Knowles Newmarket Huff Orpington Cock Stew art Hamilton 2nd L Ander son Cross land ird J stew art Hamilton Hit L Ander son Cropland hen and 2nd J Stewart Ha mil toil 3rd 1 S Newmarket J Stewart Hamilton S Anderson Crnsslund 2nd J Stewart Hamilton 3rd L Anderson Newmarket pullet J Stewart Hamilton 2nd and 3rd Anderson Crossland John McGhee Newmarket While 1st nod 2nd W Stephens New market hen 1st 2nd 3rd rind W Stephens Newmarket cockerel 1st 2nd 3rd and W Stephens Newmarket pullet 1st 2nd 3rd and W Staph ens Newmarket While Rocks Cock Sharon hen Phripp Sharon cockerel 1st and 2nd Phripp Sharon pullet 1st and 2nd Sharon C It Red Hen 1st and 2nd A Newmarket 1st and 2nd A New market 1st and 2nd A Newmarket I Reds Cock 1st and 2nd Stewart Newmarket 3rd Ed Richardson W C hen 1st and W Stewart Newmarket 3rd Fleury Aurora Stew art Newmarket cockered 1st and 2nd W Whyle Newmarket 3rd W Stewart Newmarket Whyle Newmarket pul let 1st 2nd 3rd Stewart Newmarket W Lundy Newmarket Black Sumatra Cock 1st and 2nd A Newmarket hen 1st and 2nd A Newmar ket cockerel 1st ami 2nd A pullet 1st and 2nd A Trivett Newmarket White Wyandotte- Cock and 2nd and 3rd Ross Newmarket J McCaffrey Newmarket hen 1st and 2nd Newmarket 3rd and J McCaffrey Newmarket cock erel Newmarket 2nd McCaffrey Newmarket 3rd ami illi It Newmarket pullet J McCaffrey Newmarket 2nd 3rd and New market Pigeons Owls 1111 Tails I and Specials cokerel pullet and Ross show any one variety lime by Wyandotte Cock pen any one variety the Office Specialty challenge trophy won by Harry Bird in show pest breeding ii Stephens itcst collection of won for Hie third Host cock in show lies hen in show W Stephens Rest cockerel in show Rest in show If collection Mack While veil Best I hen Stewarl Best Roil cockerel- Win I pullet Stewart cook J Stewart Best Buff hen J lies Huff Orpington pullet Orpington cockerel Stewarl Meal White Orpington cock and heir w Stephens while Orpington cockerel and pullet Stephens Ft J rook- Best IfcSl Ham Hair Ha it Hock Book Heck cock II Hen cockerel lt si Hock pullet Hurry f llnlse pair Hill Hill I it Sharon I Blue Cheek Aurora Utile Bar I Aurora I ami w IIMINnwmar- Homer I anil Blue Pouter anil Hill Parlor ami Hill Newmarket- II Head I ami W Hill Red 1 ami W Hill Red Hill I and w inn Nineteen stoat Id wintering at have in storago almost million bushels of grain iho creates I ever hold ihere Isl January all railways transportation IhaiKoS of all kinds with one he paid iii advance like rive ai Cobalt were fined and costs each and one and costs for having objection able alien enemy III era lire in their possession New York Doc One man was ami killed ami two others wounded two automobile bandits who held up the Brooklyn Hank today looted it of A Bilk Plage Jacks Canadian and Yankee Hardware AT THE FRONT The official announcement about a hundred thousand Cana dian troops arc to remain In Gor man territory till 1st as part of the at Occupation Is made by Minister of MUltla Cana dians at present homo arc men who have been stationed In or men who have sufficiently recovered to be able to cross the Atlantic When the family gather to gether this Jet Brant- Ola entertain them They will be delighted with the inspiring music of the worlds greatest artists faithfully interpreted as only the BrantOla can Christmas Day and Every Day BrantOla will delight you vith music to suit your every mood The BrantOla plays any make of disc record It is made in a large variety of styles and finishes one at feast that wild harmonize with your home Ask dealer In your town to to you E NOTTINGHAM NEWMARKET i j 1 BRANTFORD SALES LIMITED DISTRIBUTORS i CANADA I