L I J 1 Si ft J ft I I I I i AGF MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert PRIZE WINNERS The winners of the Victory Loan Essay Competition in Mount Albert Continuation School are as follows Middle prize Gordon school 1st prize Cook 2nd prize Rose- 4 iff aaaai CONCERT The Annual Entertainment of the Mount Albert Methodist will be held in the Church on Monday evening Dec The feature will be a Cantata entitled The Kev to Jack Canuck Treasure House The usual good attendanceis lo for RED CROSS Since the war began up to the present the ladies of Ml Albert and surrounding country under the Womens Institute have rais ed They have knit 1542 pairs of socks and altogeth er sent away articles the total value of which amounted to A special degree meeting was J mi i r i Sharon Baldwin Breezes Special meeting will be held in the Municipal Hall Sharon on Monday Dec at pm for the purpose of organizing a Farmers Club at Sharon Ev eryone come and hear the report the big Convention in Toronto I A section of dam went out on Monday night This means a great financial loss After the festivities of the hol iday season are over there comes the wood and fuel question which is of far greater importance to CANADIANS AT CAMBRAI The township East us than the Gorman ar Good oldtime hardwood is entirely a failure Fair soft wood com ended its years work with a surplus of several thousand dollars The council members likely to seek reelection Reeve if re elected will likely be warden of York I Mrs- A Moore of is a price of and a cord eighteen inches long- next year Keswick held in Albert on Friday evening last which was well attended The following of ficers were afterwards installed W M Boden M Anthony Dike Chaplain Dr Cody Treas Rob I Hayes of Ross PUBLIC LIBRARY The following new hooks have been added to the Library and will be ready for subscribers on Saturday Vph Money Money The Passenger Elizabeths Campaign The Amazing Interlude The Un known Wcsfber A Daughter of the Land More Letters from Billy The Flying Deep Furrows First Fall Winged Warfare Willow the Wisp My Brave and Gallant Gentle man Beautiful Joe Jimmy Skunk Bobby Coon Mother West Wind Stories Patty Blos som- Patty Bride Many farmers are complaining of thieving at auction sales Many articles make a mysterious disappearance The Market next week will be held on Monday Dec 23 instead of on TucsfJny Rome people are taking advan tage of this fine mild weather to dig or plough their gardens and some have been ploughing in the fields School Closes Friday and will reopen Monday Jan Po lice Village Nomination will be held at pm in Lodge Room on Monday Dec HO PERSONAL Mrs 1 A Cody in own on a visit lo her son Dr Cody Mr Fred Arose of Detroit for merly of the Dominion Brink is visiting his father Mr Alva Grose Mrs Gray end children a Couple of days in Hie city last week she a brother from California Mrs Davidson spent sev eral days in the with sis ter Mrs who i ill Miss Hayes spent the weekend with her brother in the Mr and Steeper wero in city week on a business trip Mr rf Knox College oc cupied pulpit of the Presby terian Church Sunday last Ih- tjitilifnl we are en- us were in April of f yomiff enjoy ing III for tie week There been several of flu in village our ll down ii liiii all reovT Mr- and two children have been III the a of flu and Much fof Mrs Win in loss of her only forotito lllnepi of only I wo It flrlded Iho of in ill to funeral There waft crowd on the on A very quantity of on Our fciore ftp- vitti dig- plays Mtv Allen of Toronto I- visiting With Mr week Mr- word on Tuesday hat her again ill In Hospital He took part in the con cluding battles of Arras Amiens Valenciennes Mens and was seat to from Moos vt- fear from latest accounts I bat who Were counting on near re turn of men from war rnust to yet longer ah so many have been detailed from of in ami according to actual forces win detained for some months yet VVeddlng hells are ringing this week for one of our popular young ladles QueensviHe What lovely weather for De cember There seems to be quite a lot of sickness arpund but none very serious yet and we hope to hear better reports soon We understand Mr Lawrence Foster has the proprietorship of the skating rink for this winter again and is getting the ice ready as fast as the weather permits The Presbyterian Ladies Ba zaar last week was a great suc cess Everything was sold and over proceeds Mr James Cunningham does not intend tobe without that soul stirring music and so has had a beautiful player piano set in his home Large congregations attended the Anniversary Services in lhe Methodist Church on Sunday and were greatly inspired by the splendid addresses given by Rev Barker of Toronto The Choir rendered excellent music and the quartettes both morning and evening were especially pleasing On Monday evening an enthusiastic audience listen ed to the lecture by Dr of Toronto on Crawlers Crulchcrs and Climbers and had a fine opportunity for introspection as to which class each belonged The stewards were greatly pleas with the result of the thank offering Owing the breaking out again of the Flu it has been found necessary to postpone the Tree Entertain to he in Presbyterian Church on Friday evening until fur ther notice Too late for last week The Christmas Concert of the Christian Church S is in pro gress the preparations we look forward to the usual good time this year to be held on Christmas Eve Dont forget the date Dec Mr and Mrs Fred L motored to Little Britain Watch your coal oil stoves Mr A E Morton had a blaze which left his kitchen to be painted besides some bad burns on his face Mr A Morion has sold his business to Mr H Mr Morton has moved into liis moth ers home We hope that both will do well in their new under takings and Mrs Johnston moved to in their new home We wish them all joy and happiness Glad to see J around after his illness I the guest of Herman I Theyre a jolly pair- The have all been to and the Moore have all been at Pringles A fair exchange is no robbery James Crittenden has an enormously handsome pair of deer hounds They can make lively music in the woods when on a warm trail Like all other dogs they are staunch friends of The Owl It surprises folks and the Owl too I may say to see how attached dogs are The wise old bird Harry Coomers old dog re minds me of the commercial traveller He always puts out his paw for a shake Theres a policy in Hes working for his bread and butler Its about a tie between his master and The Owl which old dog loves the most A lady says I remind her of The following ballad lias sent Era Office Corn God frey young man who en listed with the Bait on Jon 22nd He went overseas with them unit won his two stripes In Eng land lie is a close friend of the Newmarket buys and In his tetter dated Nov he slates that they have kept together through everything and at the time of writing they were still together and all well He says some work to finish up and ex pect return home in about three months Canadians at Seen through mist like a pale sad ghost I I Seen by the eyes of an eager Silent the streets and empty each square The blond beast crouching in there Ready take us ail unaware Cambral Siegfried and pagan gods I Brutal and bloody whats odds Canadas boys are strong and free Heady to rush eternally Tin whole of the damned On the green banks of Shannon When Sheila was nigh No blithe Irish lad Was as happy as I No harp like my own lis Could so cheerily play We are sorry to hear Miss Edith received her son the premises of the undersigned lot con a and Wtilto Steer with V cut out of left ear Reward for Information to recovery GRAVES I following wa by Mrs from Stanley Sedore From November Dear Mother lust a few lines to you know thai I am alive and thai is about all I om finishing i flays leave and believe I certainly have had real good old time They crlainly have had a real celebration this last two weeks I sun did take par in il myself and I am feeling at the pre sen I though some one had bra I mi up or something hut I think dial when gel bach lo I will over alright I do not think I could describe to you way that I lie acted when word in thai the guns were to stop firing The girls especial that had hern working in factories making shells certainly went wild and course Hie that was from Ihey Joined in willi and Ihe both certainly did celebrate know was the time I have put in for a long time iiii going back lo France in morning lo bee a little hit more of Hi country By the time I reaeh m unit think that limy will in be in I Until thil I Will Berlin before I stop I think most of boys would like see Berlin I do think i will be hii before semi us back home The wounded one hat are going around Willi flW expecting leave for They an- going them bom- I that Bert and myself have been lucky to gel through far if we jire only lucky enough gel home again I suppose they had a big hole around home when you got I lie word I certainly would not have missed what have seen tills last year and that is what we arc over here for The first village that- we went brought tears to a good many of the hoys eyes What they have seen and what the French people told them It would take one all day to write and loll you but I hope that I will non be able sit around the fireside and tell you a few of the Ibings thai I have seen i do not Xpert thai there will be many of the hoys home for thlx year next think they will be there to enjoy ft think I will close for this by wishing everybody at home a very Merry and a Happy New Year Prom your loving Hon Stanley MOUNT Mr and Mrs J gave their son Boy a reception last Wednesday evening A number of relatives and friends attended and the gifts were numerous and costly A good lime Ik reported Mr J Hopkins has the Influenza Master Joseph Johnston af flicted With the dreaded disease Sunday have been almost too exciting Kb I A number met at the home of Mr and Mrs Kenton where piey gave v Cooper a shower The Church Sunday evening wax well attended and ihe ad dress given by Mix on Mis sionary work wax very much enjoyed l Morton is home sick Glad to see Miss Mitchell af ter her long holiday I wonder if the men who go to Toronto Sutton and Newmarket for wives forgot to look at the many nice girls and widows here in Keswick Dont forget home trade Wedding hells are pealing Mr J has put a new addition to his home a storm door and a new window We are glad to see Mr Pollock home from West Miss Bessie Mitchell and Miss have returned home after an absence oof three months Glad to see them back u a The weather is fine and the goose Icings high I am wailing for Mil The service here on Sunday night was largely attended Rev land took charge Ha is stalwart speaker and preaches Love Light Charity He loves to see pupils salvation shown by their dally life anil walk I believe oh Ibis line myself ami no other Actions speaks than words because self praise is no recommendation It reminds me of a railroad christian who staggers along on Sunday and is derailed through week Away wilh such folks a mini preparing mas Will Mm day The Baldwin came off Rev around are for a swell Christ day he as ding Sumo from this berg A officiated both morning and evening Ifn an old-line- preacher What Mr Sims leaves out IsjVI worth men tioning No loopH for anybody all through know a tree i known by the fruit it yields and if it yields mi should he hewn down Thais in Village I MIS been very liusy of late in general liorse- Ire weather increases Ihe demands of Well I have a bag news but my lime j as leelh whereby I miit any more Sleeping Beauty no friend was so faithful As my poor old dog Tray I dont know how tis but somehow lis so The Owl has a great attachment to dumb brutes dogs horses cattle etc Like the old minstrel melody The good old days I long to see the dear old home way down yonder Sharon Queens ville Newmarket Its nigh about years since I saw them I would J like a letter from some old- timers and schoolmates The Tew thai are left this side Tor- dan The late Mrs Win Turner of was the last old- timer of sixty years ago The Turners were a tine family throughout father mother two sons and four daughters I hold them in high regard for their up rightness How is J J Jacob and Andy our old standby friends I suppose their heads are as prey the Owls I hope to get my wits collected so I can write more connectedly next day Who- said Dr Graham shot a boar- He would like doubt A buck and a doe a handsome pair ffOl Iransmogri- into a fine bear You can put that down Owls illeg ible scrawl liras all right Winter begins Dee Shrivel in dusky diamonds Pour grand Presidents Geo Washington Abe Lincoln Itoftftft- and Wilson bul Ihe greatest of them all is Wilson Hurrah for Wilson anil Sharon give us a big budget of Christ ma news Ill ditto if possible barrage thresh line Willi a row and rattle a moan and whin 1 But Canada heedethool their sting As with loud deepthroated cheers that ring They dash to the unwavering I Theres a deep canal full of and I Over it lads with oil I taking breath- Rout out Ihe nests by the Devil made Whence birds of illomen long have preyed I And stop their croak grenade a hand Heres with ils factories That is the Arms road one sees- Cambrai I Working along like an underground mole Where are we now asks the worried patrol aint it dark- but Im backing St Look nut I I Jerry is mad and his brows are black Wall for him steadily all is well Though his eyes arc aflame and you hear him yell Now lads with the steel just give him hell I Iritx is a dour and Stubborn Cambrai I Bul Canucks dont Tear him in the Icasl We mean to lake Ibis damned shack old paid We want It badly- we waul ft hard- we have smash the whole Prussian Guard- The Expectant Mother The Shadow of ComingEvents often darkens the days of the expectant mother Constipation always a handicap to the health anNappins of every woman becomes doubly dangerous to the woman is preparing to fulfill her highest dutymaternity The expectant mother must nourish two She must be able to get rid of a double waste Failure to do so poisons herself and the child that she is to bring into the world Constipation means more than mere failure to have a regular thorough bowel evacuation It means stagnation of waste matter in the bowels production of irritant and poisonous matter its absorption into the blood and distribution all over the body It means aggravation of all these discomforts that attend the period of pregnancy Itcontributestothe tragedies of child birth It prejudices the ability of the mother to nurse her child after it has been born And it is dangerous to employ pills castor oil purgative mineral waters aaltietc that force the bowels to act But the Treatment for Constipation is not only lesi but in every way efficient helps Nature to reestablish natural thorough bowel evacuation regular as clockwork la absolutely is not absorbed It cannot affect the child It is easy and pleasant to take Best of all not only overcomes constipation hut hinders the formation of poisons in the absorbs carries them out of the body thus preventing complications Get from your druggist and take according to directions sold only in sealed Wa I bearing the Trade Mark Insielon Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO NEW JERSEY New US A tuft Us Son SECOND ST il at last a husk and a Im tin Cambrai Camhrai Illfid il perfect Baches have Camhrai they have paid a terrible price Willi lluiusinds of men for On a single throw of lie- Kaisers dice SPECIAL The Annual of the Second SI reel Patriotic Society held at the homo of Miss Violet Mills on Dec 3rd and the following officer were elected for the coming year President W VieePrcs Mr A Smith J Treaiinr Miss Flo Salter During thi- year following sup plies have been sent In to Military Hospital I do Buck Towels l doz Slipper do Comb I do Tooth Brushes I Night Shirts French Belief Field ComfortH prs Socks doz Trench caps Membership Col lee I Ions Ilonallon Yoke Talent Sales Bah on hand from 1 Boxen 7ri 1 1271 Mount Albert v J Era to Prtandf Total Donation lo Newmarket Hos pital Yarn Yoke Boxes Total Bat on baud The will be held the home of Mrs Wright on iiCHday Ian 8lh Members kindly bring their 126I Sutton West Mrs Stanley will hold her reception on Monday Dec- from A lo pm We are report Mr Howard had lo have his eg broken one day last week Messrs Stiles and Hen ry have arrived borne from with help horses Wo lo congratulate them on their success hut we are sorry they all arrived home suffering from influenza which was prev alent in The Girls Patriot league cordially invite everyone to at tend their parly and dance he held in the town hall on New Years MIbh Mamie McLaughlin is suffering from bronchitis but we hope for a speedy recovery Lieut Alex Anderson returned from overseas this week We extend our sympathy to Mr and Mrs Jen nor and family In their recent bereavement Word Game on Monday of the death of Hoy Tenner In services will he held In all churches on Dec and special music will be provided by the choir Mioses and were in the last week Miss Grace and her mother of Mich are guests of Mrs glory be i ugh I so va torn y in a holy Per Because of Hie recurrence of influenza It has been decided to close the Public Schools prohibit the of Sunday School and all sort of Christmas entertainments and also to keep all persons under sixteen years of age from attend ing the theatres Ibe Maple Leaf I And hoys whn ft Cambrai I Per shed their cause Willi never a flinch and never a pause build ami sustain Humanitys laws CAuihrai I OB POINT for the Order to go Homo The Home Club has received two letters acknowledging boxes France 17 hear Friends I received your most welcome par rel of came In good order mill contents wen- much enjoyed by all boys In the same billet You will all be feeling happy now this struggle Is over but not any hap pier than the hoys out here The next thing we are looking forward to now Is the homeward Journey have had news of hoys lately They have been In some hard places as luck has been with one I missed all this for Ihe last year and am not a bit sorry Well I hope you folks are all well and are the flu at the Point Therell so much of lids around Thanking you all again for the parcel and hoping that may be back to sec you all again soon Yours Bert Stephens 3rd class Can C P France iiriciiiiii November Bear Friends received the parcel yod so kindly sent and must Hay I find words to express my gratitude but feel sure you will understand and now that the war Is ho nearly over I may soon have the chance 16 thank you In person Well there has been a big change in look of things I wrote you loui vrloil lb- great bargain as Meiis Army Over Mens I Mens Mackinaw Mens Khaki Handkerchief Mens over size Mens Heavy Bobbers leather op in Mens Heavy Men ild Vests have some Mens ami and They are moving fast Mens Wool tmlerwear Penmans Men- Black or Blue Denim overalls Mens Belli lh COATS FOR LADIES Ladles in black grey blue etc lacehdes Suit- at si Pi f r- inenl pair IK alii 1 fi Ladies Neck Furs reduced iced tit Ladles Tan Bench Made Shoes Ladles Hoods colours Misses Boys Hockey caps Womens Wool Caps col doe G5C roc SMI I Ladies Fleeced Hose Striped Shaker Pink Shaker yard 3- at all times We have many specials Oil verllse us our goods come and go rapidly is I often and compare prices All goods subject to Being In Save money lime and worry and com- In BALDWIN On Ihe way to quality and quantity Phono 21R14 Terms Cash or always nl- hi slot produce ITT A Cold Weather Necessity Your Batteries to Me lor Winter If left In unused cars in cold they slowly djj charge and sulphate In such condition they free and a frozen Battery Is usually ruined A Complete of Battery Parts Is kept on hand and I maintain vice Station for the repair and recharge of all terles Service known and popular PRE8T0LITE 8ERVIOE and of the BATTERY Remember Batteries not In use depreciate very Their Storage should be arranged Immediacy STANLEY A Sutton West I going tie miule work of Hie Boche I sincerely hope my friends on the- Point are enjoying the of This leaves me and longing for order to go home all these things take KveryHiiig In parcel was In first W8t Once Marshal get things class condition I must say you women arc becoming esperls in what we soldiers and you a once wishing nil a very Merry and a Happy Yours sincerci Bert Day ARCHIVES Is ut 1 F ei