Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Dec 1918, p. 6

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Cor J SAYS ITS BOLSHEVISM in els and -x- re and Useful MACHINES SAVE LABOR Work of Efficient Gas Engine in House and Barn How Early Winter Pruning May Be Done Without Injury Winter Rhubarb Is Delicious and May Be Grown by All Bolshevism it over lie world like Spanish In flu tnza Wo have a serious sit uation to face in Montreal frith We Bite leafed HI 26 itJBO 250 Hallowed Memories i defeated at Jutland Germans Admit it London Dec with glad tidings its joy its songs of praise its merry bells its merry hearts its generosity its well it would lake Smith of Courageous has many its to fittingly sen to relatives bore- an inter- tell the Chrislmastide and its a ting of Ihe train of pleasure and of the German fleet lie goodness during Of all the holidays year none brings so say- in par You will no doubt be interest- much delight lo the young and led to learn about the carrying such hallowed memories to those out of the tonus of the armistice their youthful by the Gorman fleet Well King -oir- nil the tsarfli ins sting eruyt i ecently an urac il Pat- in in new you he said fin uiurljook of ft And I to And I nl muffler ill If Jill mis miI in en- Mi who have passed days as does dear Christmas There may be a lot of mosshack ed sentiment attached to things Christmassy but even moss has a pleasing appearance much as is sneered at Best of all Christmas senti ment has much utility for if sen timent is not practical at any other of the year it is at Christmas Home is placev above all Other places to spend the Christ- mars holiday Wherever the may he wandering on sea or land- he labors hard lo reach home in time to revel in the delights and mysteries of goose lad plum pudding on Christmas Day when family is reunited around the groaning board Itfie boys may have been away Kill year the girls may have lint at Christmas chicks I they all flock beneath the paternal I and lhre with father at head of the table and mother Iposile the hours speed along and I the happiesl merries kind of time is spent the berries and preen is the leaf of the holly emblem noi will and silent witness of scenes thai arc brightest in the family faille wonder the berry eheeks glow with a deeper and leal with crack line laugh what they see for I urine life Christ- much They ee the rompings or Ihel and the delights of I he whose or- proven I hem from How lie old memories backwards ri Hie vjuiihll- years and Jhev full Ihey had forty lifly years ago The atj a little I that of In lav but vm I Oh thinri I iid a floe dinner And had a Christum dee And bail change there sixteen of il In the pound Ihe and il fun were afler Tine Grandparents Christmas fir then all And ttir- by Aril t joyed And then og logelhei thy father and mother In Oh v- of Arm chairs in the cor ner and logs open fireplace at old homestead are things of delight al Christmas Grandma and grandpa in the big eosy chairs and the grandchild ren on the rug at their watching tde flickering flames and listening grandmas won drous stories make a picture portrayed on canvas and told of in many many times and openeyed to grandma then her head nods and the young folks follow into land of the ml Of their little heads full of over the fancies and the stories in in the mn They may irovJ J grandma that is a mu ruble all the rest of the timet yea hoods by another Christmas itjti poiln hot when grandmas chair is vacant and Chrism corner ground air there are no more stories from surcharged vith grandma steal Into the eeryjiody haft to wic jeering of her wonrlering lit- Je ones the most a all faced i I i 1It his loth 153480 tin- bill for per allowance and mileage of Wlcqt George came steaming around on Wednesday inspecting the fleet dining with etc No one got dizzy over that What wed heen our brains about was would Frit- fight or would he hot Many arguments crop ped up on the lower deck re this matter didnt seem feasible as it does now Dial he would give up all those ships without a struggle Well today came the grant est day or Ihe world has ever seen We were out before daylight whole of the grand fleet this lime to meet the ene mys beaten ships Yanks and all were there Ive seen nothing hut ships ships ships everywhere all day Inday At six Mights reported the ene my ships sighted east of May In land and an hour later we pass ed them on our starboard and within easy gun range We were of our guns I rained fore and ship so as lo cause no misiiii- derinmliiiu irst came battleships Ihei the halite ers all in of five each led by a dinky little destroyer cruiser A few miles behind came their destroyers hemmed in by two lines of our grey devils Clnoma Men It has been beautiful day and here were several news paper ami cinema men on hoard I there will lie some decent pictures mi show before long We brought up Ihe rear coining back and passed the whole vile brood surrounded in lh the big ones by our dreadnoughts the cruisers by ours with the de stroyers above the bridge safely locked in Once again Britain is of the seas and Ihe navy has done her bit toward winding up Ihe Watch till the Now we are only walling for the army to put the tin bat on it and ish it off On Monday we are escorting the German ships lo Flow in the Orkneys the battleships base From there the crews will be sent home in their own transports after the care and parties have taken the ships over all Correct There are a lot or naval se crets being revealed now give you one The Germans ad mit defeat at Jutland They al so say it took the guts out Of more Heres another This Ship Courageous and the Glorious which are termed two of the hush ships sank German cruisers tiring by director over the tops of our own light cruisers with their 15inch guns This was only discovered when two enemy ships included In the armistice were unable lo be handed over owing to the fact that Ihey were sunk during in the Heli goland Bight Nov last TO TRENT Ottawa On Dec The Trent Valley Canal is to be com pleted This has been decided upon by the Department of Rail- Toronto labor la stable and the men wercly on for everything by the or machinery on strike- said Mr Wilson W of the great economic vicepresident and man- problems engaging the director of the Canadian of farmers today Through the Car and Foundry Company Ltd use of they can produce of Montreal eyen more at less cost than in years Mr Butler regards the past when labor was plentiful lion brought by the strike tolerably cheap of he policemen and of probably never hts- most seriously and ex- ot farming world have so peels to see moat rigorous solved by measures taken to end an piece of Situation now been accomplished by the we can nip it in the hud Ihe diseasewill spread all engine in the stable can be over the The time advantage grinding act is now he said adding hat feed for the stock It can cut feed and he understood thai military ensilage It can pump water for the authorities were ready lake house and stable whenever one charge Of the situation in case pleases a hydrant on the lawn and of need in the stock yards to which a hose Mr Wilsons company which may be attached for washing the is one of the largest metal com- buggy sprinkling the flushing panics in Dominion with poses is source of much plants scat ered between and William says the means of a line shaft a gas need for prompt decision by the engine may operate many in regard peace machines at the same time It reconstruction work is great can run root pulper We know that much materia fining mill separator churn sheep shearers rotary is required and the Government currycomb and the milking machine stated five weeks or which it possible to milk two were about placed but cows in about six Including the time has passed and nothing the time required for changing and has been done be Said I selling Further assistance maybe All of the great transportation 5 companies but lb Government railways need roll ing stock and there is no real Keep WRIGLEVS In as the longest- lasting confection you can buy Send It to the boys at the front i i t I Tim- in Sweetmeats a 5cent package of will give you several days enjoyment Its an investment in benefit as well as Pleasure for it helps teeth breath appetite digestion CHEW IT AFTER MEAL The Flavour Lasts Acuity in regulating the prices lo he paid in view of a falling mar ket according to Mr Wilson who is in Toronto in connection with new railway equipment for the fiovernmenl lines 30UUOAVG SUNK BY DOVER PATROL IM over a cooling a necessity No longer need the preparation of whitewash and its application with a be consigned to warmer re gions for the engine pump the mixture from a tank Or barrel through a hose attached to a spray ing outfit It Is possible to pump It two hundred feet When the job done the hose should bo cleaned out by having fresh water pumped through it The gasoline engine solves for the farmer the problems of comfort In the house safety in the stables and a great deal of drudgery generally Prof John Brans O A College K J he channel passage There enemy pjoof to this effect Between January and 1918 the Flan ders submnrine flotilla lost of which were Identified Montreal Dec One thous and live hundred and sixty men of the four organized city services variance the adminis trative commission on walked out on strike today The official estimate by the chairman of the City Commis sion was Police 844 flrotnen incineration department 150 engineers and others from the lowlevel pumping station of the waterworks The dark clouds of the flu hud a bright side for Harry Lowe of West stated he had driven to see a nephew sick with the epidemic and bad enjoyed a drink The court pre sumed be had the pa tients prescription When he drove away the police discovered In his car as well as himself Lowe claimed It passengers be had car- time Light Pall Pruning Is Safe Light pruning fall Is permiss ible but heavy pruning dangerous and likely lo result in serious dam age from winter killing especially if the succeeding winter Is severe The injury is caused drying out of the cut area and may be prevented by covering all wounds of any size with a good covering of pal Ml made from pure lead and oil Do not use pro- pared paints as these contain injur ious benzine or turpentine dryers To make an effective covering it will be necessary to give not less than two coats because one coat will not prevent- checking and drying of green wood Coal tar makes an excellent wound covering and Is easily applied This matter of coveting wounds made In fall or early winter is fre quently slighted by orchard men but the writer has seen such serious dam age res tilt from of this pre caution that he feelK justified in warning fruit growers with regard to the In experimental trials In the college Apple orchard varie ties so hardy us Duchess of Olden burg Wolf River Snow and Scotts Winter have suffered very serious in jury following November pruning with the cuts left unprotected The wounds dry out around the edges and spring the dead area Is greatly en larged frequently extending down trunk or brunch for a foot or more The dead bark comes away laterleaving a large dead area detri mental to parts above and certain also to decay later Prof J Crow A College How winter Rhubarb Is Produced The production of to go to the Country on call up Also Scores of Drifters London Dec 1 ViceAd miral was presented with Ihe freedom of Dover He said that the Dover patrol had ac counted for submarines be tween Jan 1st ami of Sep tember A thirty thousand fund bus been started In which Lord donnled to commemorate the patrol by the creel ion of two monuments on the cliffs Dover and lap ami lo make provision for a home for Dover patrolineul ViceAdmiral inKIhe Dover in a speech Dover revealed a number of secret by which tin great ft I successes of he were achieved He explained the channel bar rape consisted of two lines of specially ships able at anchor IhrniiLjmnl he stiffel jrale They were pro vlded wilh most powerful searchlights One line ran from Folkestone to a second extended across channel sev en miles westward Scores of drifters ami small erafl which trolled the Intervening interval of darkness were so thick Ihal won impossible for to pass them file surface were masses of submarine devices The duly- of patrol craft was prevent submarines passing on the surface and- to drive them down to ho perils hidden drop depth charges These were so successful ter baa become of considerable of this year ftbftn- gardcnen It easy to do If certain methods arc followed If one Is making a permanent business of rhubarb forcing It is each year to net out a bud as plants once forced are of no further value In the spring large roots should bo split in one bud sec tions and replaced In rich moist ground During the growing season they are kept cultivated and free from fall they are cov ered with Next spring a se cond bed Is planted as before That fait a large part of the first bed Is taken up leading to replant another bed the next spring The roots are taken up the last thing in thd fall before the hard frceiiog wea ther comes and ace placed in piles in a where they can easily be got at during the winter but will reinulu In December take in a sufficient of roots place these bud up on the door of a warm about degrees or degrees cover with an Inch of to fill in all Inter space this sand moist About a week the buds will begin to well and in from four to six weeks depending the of the room the cooler and growth starts you have rhubarb re After roots are exhausted throw then and put In more If a constant requited a now bed two or during winter Be sure to keep all the dimmed Put burlaps PHONE Let us make you Comfortable in a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Service Charges E A O D P p Night Calls on Phone 172 Promptly to J linn Most Efficient Heating Device old in Phono GOLLINQWOQP COOK8TOWN For Full Information Write or Phono J DUNN AURORA Sole Agent for BRADFORD NEWMARKET AURORA ri Good blood makes firm tissue strong nerves eyes and clear brain Keep your blood pure and full of healthy red corpuscles and your liver active by using Pills which remove poisonous matters from the system assist the stomach to assimilate its food and the food to nourish the body A world- famous remedy to strengthen the vital organs and help to ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO fi ffv 5x- itit r

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