Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Dec 1918, p. 3

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A A I LOCAL NEWS Closed for the Holidays The Public Library will close on Tuesday evening of next week md will open till Thursday 2nd January A Welcome Change The morning mail comes up from Toronto now on the first car arriving here at and is distributed immediately after 8 oclock The change is appreci ated by all business people Wide French Ribbons Heavy Brocaded suitable for Ladies Hand Bags at a great nil in price and inches wide for for for and for 150 a yard Danford Roche Co Over Youngs Fair Real Estate Sale The Misses Lehman have sold jheir house on Church St now occupied by Mr Oliver Dike to ho Free Methodist people for a parsonage Mr Dike to give pos session in the Spring The Free Methodist people in tend to erect a shed in he rear of I he church on the parsonage for the accommodation of those in congregation who reside in country G A Donations previously ft Est per Richard son Piano Arm Chairs Chairs and i Pictures Hardware Store Pack ets Playing Cars and Check er Sets i Writing Desk owners name not mentioned ft if Millard I Arm Chair Gumming Sec orj December and Following Monday and Tuesday We WIN Sell Our WINTER MILLINERY DRY By the Yard FURS AND WALL PAPER Ladies Mens and Boys Boots Mens Felt Hats Mens Cloth Caps AT 45 00 300 2952 ROCHE CO OVER YOUNG8 FAIR- Methodist Church Special Christmas music next ir Officers elected for J Rogers I PM Fred Copeland J Verity Chaplain Scott RecSec Sunday Aurora the evening in the morning by the Methodist Choir and in by our own J Tail A J ft ROSS J Harman Treas D of 1st bee 2nd Lee 1st Corn 2nd Corn 3rd Com 4th Corn It A Kir by Inside Tyler Wrn Boyd Outside Tyler Scot I Auditors If Our Store Will be open until oclock nigh I until Christmas com mencing Thursday Soldiers Coming Home Lieut Harry Hilts arrived here quite unexpectedly on the four oclock car last Monday afternoon and surprised everybody There was nobody him Pie Clayton Brown arrived in week He was work ing at the Office Specialty when he enlisted the hall in He has a Medal for vice In France and fllSO hi Presbyterian Church Tea followed by Xrnas Tree and Entertainment this Friday ev ening Come if you have a spare hour and enjoy a happy time Corn Christian Endeavor There was a splendid attend ance Tuesday evening Rev Hall gave an eloquent address lie outlined the work of the Up lift Committee and all who heard him were much benefitted by the pointers he explained On New Years Eve we are to have a Watch Night Service The League of this Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Guild are joining us and it is ex pected IhaT a musical program will be furnished Service from lo All are welcome to participate with Societies Com these three Something Choice In All Wool Rug at each Hardware discharge Medal He is glad gel hack Canada again The following are ex pec led Ihis week Harden A William- Slick wood Herman the following men A P Death of Mrs Edward Williams After alt illness extending over period of year- the even weeks which she was confined In her lied Mrs Sarah Willi- wife of Mr Williams passed peacefully away on Thursday afternoon of hist week although the Mr aid Mrs Williams and two daughter came to from live years ago July and her other daughter Mrs Williams wife of the organist of the Presbyterian Church followed the next month nailing two days after they were married Rver since corning to they have lived in the side by side in the Alma Terrace off Timothy St Bast Mrs Frank and Mrs Andrews of Newmarket are also daughters of deceased One son Mr John Williams resides at A Blind Pig Episode On the Of May 1017 a warrant was issued for the arrest of Wilson a by trade who has been several limes convicted of selling liquor He has been making himself scarce in these parts but Constable P received word that he was residing in the neighboring township of Fast I and succeeded in making his arrest on Thursday of I week on a charge of keep ing a blind pig Constable Dun can him to Toronto on Monday when he appeared before Police Magistrate Br union and I pleaded guilty He was lined or two months in jail lie look the latter and the Constable I showed him over he Don lie- fore leaving for home The same day Constable Dun can had a man up from King having a fox skin pos session Which did hoi belong him The charge was that he had taken a fox from a trap be longing another man but he swore positively that he look Ihe animal from his own trap and there being no positive evidence to the contrary he was allowed lake Hi skin home with him Town Council Regular meeting last Monday evening All members present except Mr Pearson Mr and Mr Fred Doyle appeared before the Coun cil on behalf of the Office Spe cialty Co regarding repairs lo the dam on Water St Mr said that the Com pany intended to repair the dam as they could not feel safe with out the Fire Protection it afford ed The first estimate of the cost was SI but since then plans have been drawn and esti mates obtained which will reduce the cost to The Company think the pond is worth a good deal to the Town as additional Fire Protection as well as the general appearance and he asked for an expression of the Council if they would not agree lo meet them half way Mr Doyle presented blue prints showing the contemplated im provements which would make a permanent job as far as they go It proposes cement work feet wide from feet deep feel the base and narrowing in symmetrical form lo 1 inches the top Reeve- Keith said proposi tion was a hard one with at the close of the year The money levied was more than all spent and furthermore an ex penditure of such a large sum which might involve other ex penditure in the future should have the consent of lie people There is another difficulty in the way The Hoard of Health has ordered the pipe to be disi been home at his moth- she waft Hera ton Pa He to come not having seen r for ten years but before he got here The other William still remains o England The funeral look place Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev of the Presbyterian Church remains being Newmarket Cemetery The casket way covered with flowers the tokens of being a beautiful spray from the Loyal Gleaners Class in the Methodist of which her daughter Mrs Thos esteemed President We regret to add that the bus and Mi Williams is in and confined to his wit a ca on his leg Did You Lights at each A Christmas Wish BE8T IN JEWELRY Our contains some of Moat Beautiful De signs In GOLD GOLD CHAINS DIAMOND CUFF FOUNTAIN PENS PEARL TOILET French Ivory MILITARY BRUSHES We take pleasure In Invit ing you to examine our We promise to you If you will only loo LOW FOR A QUICK TURNOVER Atkinson Co Marriage Licenses I and will not allow the pond water to be pumped into the mains Unless this can he over come expenditure so for as Tire Protection is concerned is entirely for he hemfit of lie Of ice Specially Co Certainly he appearance of he foAvn is im proved by pond to say no thing of the pleasure of boating and ska ling Mr riolau remarked thai only tie present condition pond very unsanitary but ihe present supply of water IS really inadequate In ease of large flee Viewed from the point that the pond water could In- used in case of emergency he considered the expenditure would be a Cheap insurance for the Town We have been exceeding ly fortunate regarding fires but if any one of the three large es tablishment were to be wiped out by a large conflagration the lown suffer- more than the whole cost of repairs to the dam Mr Osborne remarked that af ter pumping two hours the Blizzard fire there were still live feel of water left in the reservoir Mr McCaffrey observed that everybody in town would feel more safe from fire if the pond was there as a in case of necessity Mayor Eves asked if the Com pany had considered the question of turning over- any of their va cant properly to the Town if the Corporation would assume liability for repairs the dam The ground between the dam ami he railway track on north of the pond would make a pretty little Park for- peo ple lo use in warm weather This would be some compensa tion for the expenditure and add greatly to Ihe Towns advantage as a place of residence Mr Fred thought it was worth every dollar of expenditure to the Town simply lo have the water there again Reeve thought the Council would not be Justified in spending for Ihe benefit of the Specialty Co alone but If some means can be devised whereby the water could he chloride so as to have consent Board of Health to use the connection thus adding lo the Fire Protec tion of the whole town he saw no objection It was finally to leave the mayor over Wednesday evening for a special meeting of the Council lo consider in the meantime Mr Keith to consult the County Engineer regarding he question of Alteration The following accounts passed Collins repairs 6D5 Queen City Coal Co car coal 15678 Beaver Mills coat for of fice 31 J Murphy cartage to Clerk J Com Muir Co cap Com Newmarket Era Printing and advertising J Wilson supervision wiring in Town Hall Robertson Co sup J Caldwell glazing at Hall Can Gen Co King George Hotel meals for Band Bell Tel Co calls to Clerk Pay Sheet fireworks for celebration Osborne Son rep Geo patrol Applications for electric light granted to Harford North Eagle Sherman West Huron A for barber shop Main Curling Rink Main and Mrs Fee St That of f Burnt Huron St referred lo Fire Light Com with power lo act Communication regarding elec tric bulbs for sale referred to Com Communication regarding con vention in Toronto re Assess ment law placed on fyle The Mayor presented the re quest of Mrs Weir for aid which was discussed some length hut no action was taken Mr Osborne slated what had been done for Mrs Weir by local organizations individ uals and the difficulties to con tend with Mr Keith was in hope that the Womens War Organizations might lake up this matter similar difficulties of soldiers families and he felt sure that if they would undertake it would he done satisfactorily Enquiries Mr Osborne asked if something could be done on Timothy St to prevent the snow from melting on the tunnel between the two Office Specially Factories as at present it spoils the sleighing and heavy loads got stuck going over The Road Bridge Corn was asked to consider the matter Mr asked what had been done about water for Gardens The Mayor replied that it was referred to the Light Com with the addition of himself but the Chairman of Committee had been away from home every for the past Iwo weeks and nothing had been done Mr thought thai for the sake of the wives of the soldiers something should he done once Mr Osborne said I here was a demand in Town for wood all dealers being sold out Of hardwood and be thought il was time to fix a price on corpo ration wood and let Ihe citizens have The Mayor reviewed fuel it AGENTS FOR BUTTER1CK A v ALC GOOD COOKS BRUMTOM8 RAKING POWDER V DRY GOOD Our Large Purchases of All Kinds of Dry Goods Enables us to sell Lines for iVIuoh Less than we can buy them for today your wants and get Some of the Bargains at Present Prices GROCERY TALK have AH the Substitutes used instead of Flour at a little- Lower Prices than usual TEAS AND COFFEES Are Our Specials which wo are offering for about less per lb than they are usually sold for The Price of Boots is again Upward Bound Our Large gives you Protection on Price for some time to come hi EVERYTHING IN SHOES UPTODATE And the Workmanship on Every Pair- Guaranteed shot Min ister of the Interior has assum ed the Presidency Dr was formally proclaimed President of Portugal June last He beaded a revolt in Portugal in December and was named President of the Provisional Government on Dec a few days more than a year before he was assassinated Dr was a professor of mathe matics in the University of Coin- bra when he entered the Portu gese Cabinet in as Minister of Public Works At the out break of the war he was Portu gese Minister to Germany and remained in Berlin until early in when he returned to Lisbon One of his first acts after being proclaimed President was to take active sieps for greater partici pation in the war by Porutgal On Dec while walking in streets of Lisbon Dr Paes was fired at but the shot went wild The Presidents aggressor was arrested Sale Register Tuesday Deo Ford Leh man will have a sale of stock vehicles etc on Lot Con Whitchurch credit or off for cash Sale at one NEWMARKET JUST FOUR DAYS To do Your Xmas Shopping J AT ver Four young men at Hamilton were sent to penitentiary for years each for burglary Live Stock Markets Toronto in Top prices paid this week Extra choice Steers Heifers Good and Heifers Choice Butcher Cattle Medium Butcher Cattle Common Cows Choice Blockers Choice Milkers Choice Springers Choice Calves Medium Calves Common Calves Silling Lambs Choice Sheep off cars and 1 00 Newmarket Markets per do Duller lb New Oats hush Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Wheat Hay ton lo 9 OH 22002000 Toronto Markets WHY NOT MAKE YOUR CHOICE NOW WHILE IS NEW AND FRE8H Big Assortment of Xmas Handkerchlofs Boxed in Fancy Boxes Fancy Collars In a Splendid Range of Styles and Prices Boxed A Big Assortment of Fancy Wool Caps and Scarfs in All Kid Gloves In and White Heavy Double Gloves In Grey Block or White Black and Grey Suede Gloves Make 1 I ESTABLISH OF CANADA UP POND WAR SUPPLIES a will car NEWMARKET BRANCH REYNOLDS Branch at Aurora INVESTMENTS per lb Turkeys lb Chickens III Geese per lb Ducks per Pall Wheat hush Wheat bush New Oats bush Timothy Hay ton Mixed Hay Ion anil said he would ike Emm dozen see all sold hut was not ft lb or lo offer now or hold il till the severe weather in Jan nary as hen is holh hard and now lo be had in town The Clerk staled Hint Cor poration bad worth of wood Oil band Mr Introduced a mo- lion as follows That who reap an apparent shortage of hard wood in town and Hi supply of wood purchased hy Corporation was be used in case of emergency therefor the Fuel Controller is hereby au thorized orddrfl for wood not to exceed quantify in bush This met with the approval of Council wilh the following amendment that Messrs McCaffrey and Fred be a Committee the price for same there four foot and one foot lengths Orders of Day A motion was Introduced by Reeve Keith and carried unani mously flint ft bonus of be given to engineer for be year In lieu of salary increase The Clerk presented the half- yearly statement of receipts and expenditures which was referred the Finance Com wilh In structions have same printed according lo law Council adjourned clock I 55 ro 36 Mil 10 VICTORY BONDS Bought or Sold Write or Telephone FRED CH ANTLER Newmarket Ont District Agent The Mutual Life of Canada i PRE8IDENT OF PORTUGAL London Dec Dr Paes President Of Portugal was shot and killed by an shortly before midnight Saturday while he was in the station Lisbon waiting for a train to Oporto Advices from reporting the Assassination say he was struck by three bullets The Presidents assailant named Joclne was killed by the crowd President Paes died with in a few minutes after bo was Flannelette Blankets grey or white reg 350 for 295 Mens Overalls for 179 Smocks to match Overalls 179 Ladies Boots Black Calf Neolin Soles Regular Cushion Boots Ladies V Mens Heavy Boots Russian Mens Pullover Rubbers Neolin buckle 300 Pair Mens Boots Mens Heavy Rubbers for for 295 Mens Heavy Rubbers leather 150 Pair Mens Leather Lined 50 Mens Suits 300 Pair Girls from 15 Boots assorted Also a Big Stock of Boots and 650 for 479 rubber heels Regular 550 Calf 550 for Soles reg 700 for or lace red soles Regular 450 for tops 475 for Boots reg for 395 to for 1295 sizes Rubbers Must be Cleared Out Three Doors South of King NEWMARKET I ff A i V MI r

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