Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Dec 1918, p. 2

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fiSga SI fc KSJ KWKK V StSS5S -Y- E J n T 36 t r I f j FOR ii Good Sideboard and also a Gramophone wilh records ply to Ontario f LITTLE LOST Pomeranian on St be tween Holland Landing and Town Line leading to Tied in a canvas bag Reward Mrs St North card of thanks Mr Edward Williams and fam ily desire to express their grati tude to the neighbors and friends for their great kindness and as sistance in connection with the illness death and funeral ar rangements of I he beloved wife and mother well as to who sou fl WANTED Clerical position Book-Keep- preferred Available imme diately References Lock Box Newmarket OnU keenly HEIFER LOST A Merry Christmas We never tire of bearing this dear old phrase year after year as the festive season rolls punc tually around Wonder why it is Surely it must be because kindness never dies arid it is akin to Christmas when love manifests itself in tokens of sur prise friend meets friend with a hearty grip and the exclama tion A Merry Christmas is as serted before one has time think Because it is a stereotyp ed phrase let us hope it is none the less sincere Every truehearted man feels more benevolent at this season of the year it must be the reflex influence of the priceless gift God bestowed on mankind the gift of His only Son for the redemption of he world And that is why everybody should be happy on Christmas Day the anniversary of the Nativity feut to the needy Christmas is a time when poverty is more felt not only on account Our Toronto Letter A Jury to the County Court awarded Mrs Florence wife of a soldier overseas since 1000 damages against medical for the death of her fouryearold daughter who was knocked down and fatally injured by defendants auto Investigation of the raid on the Novitiate at to be con ducted by a Parliamentary Committee or Commission of some sort was promised by the Dominion Govern ment according to Rev Kennedy Palmer of the Ministerial who was one of thedcputa- of ministers Orangemen and members of Parliament which waited on the Government In Ottawa on Thursday Lennox headed a de putation from County Council which waited on Hon Pi mid Minister of Works asking that in the estimates the propria ion for the upkeep of roads in the county be increased The Mini ster assured the deputation that he would give the request his careful consideration OUR SOCIETY COLUMN the Mr is agent at IheG TR depot Rev was preaching at Arthur last Sunday Mr and Mrs visited their son here on Monday Miss of Woodstock is spending a few days with father M Mrs Win Draper has re turned to her home after visiting her parents at for some days Aubrey Davis is on the ocean on the way home A FROM BRITAIN i Dr J- A Hunter- of Dallas Tex- asi sefods us a copy of the ihg News containing an account of celebratipri of Britain Day in says the crowd which nearly fiUerithe City Audi torium on Saturday night cheered tb the echo Mayor read the following telegram from the Chief Secretary of Slate for foreign Affairs of Britain His Majestys Government arc deeply touched by information that has them that it has been officially decided to cele brate Dec as British Day all throughout the S of America I- gram stated that he was to sail and they desire to express to the the Governors of the States of the Misses Margaret and Reta Union and to all those associated of Toronto spent with them their sincere thanks Sunday with their Mrs Walker Grace St Cadet J A McDonald and Strayed from Lot 12 Con Of King on the North Town Line sometime in November a Dark Red Durham Yearling Heifer A little white spot in face a little white on feet and on belly In formal ion leading to recovery will bo suitably rewarded P for this courteous expression of friendship The people of Great Britain will ever remember W Ingham of Toronto this action of the Amer were guests of Mr and Mrs people The celebration j Walker on Sunday which His Majestys Government Mr and Mrs Burgess mow gratefully acknowledge is a announce the engagement of welcome proof that the same their daughter Ada Robertson to spirit or friendship with which HELP Anyone BOOST THE TOWN desiring Boarders kindly with The Speci alty Mfg Ltd as we are now employing extra hands both Men and j Women and daily have enquiries for vacant houses Phone or rtireel with Bu reau the Mfg Co Newmarket of the inclemency of the weather but the brilliantly lighted and dec orated homes of those in fair circumstances a sensitive spot in the poor mans heart as he I thinks of his own cheerless hab itation If such an one is in your vicinity or the range of your thought and action do not withhold that which you would not miss hut which would cheer a lonely heart and help materially to speed the message of good will so strongly inculcated by Him whose birth we celebrate May all our readers spend A MERRY CHRISTMAS CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO FLOUR Flour Is an article in the household that gives trouble everywhere if it Is not good we have people com ing to us asking Have you good Pastry Flour The Flour we have been using Is terrible It is dark and the pastry is sad and we cannot use it have been handling FLOUR for 3 years and In that time we have NEVER HAD A COMPLAINT I It gives you light fluffy paste and your cakes win bo light and not of that heavy dark doughy kind We have it In and 165 sacks In Bread Flour we have the reliable PURITY Brand No- 1 thing Better for a Good Loaf of Bread CRANBERRIES 20c quart SWEET POTATOES 3 lbs for GRAPE FRUIT for 25c CALIFORNIA GRAPES 35c lb APPLES 25c to peck Of the Viaduct was begun on Sunday morning the Ontario Re- lashes CHESTNUTS 35c FEMALE HELP Young women wanted for light work in assembling department and paper and box department Excellent working conditions in modern sanitary factory Write or phone to General Superin tendent Phone J Office Spe cialty Mfg CO Newmarket Out Editorial Notes The meeting together of two thousand farmers in Toronto this week from all parts Province to tariff and oilier political mailers is going In make a difference when Ihc Three months in with five ing and five more lashes days later was the punishment imposed in the Police Court on Goodman who knocked his wife down times and kicked her as she lay prostrate When neighbors came to the rescue of the woman who had suffered much in recent months at the hands of the father of her children Good man threw turpentine among lliem for which art he had to I home from the Front He peace Strong- in the know- us to correct this He never of this friendship the Brit- got to the Front owing to illness people can face with sent here from Hospital iii all the prob terns which the England new era have in store Mr Brock left Balfour West on Monday to settle an The celebration Dallas was tale Mrs here part of a celohrationj I with him from Hanover and wilt of British Day asaiV expression remain with Miss Cur- j of appreciation on the part of the duping his absence American people of fact that Mr and the two great Mrs f Newmarket nations of the earth have found are spending their honeymoon themselves the flies Mrs John Gryder- war of all the CONFECTIONERY Our Confectionery is of the best both Home Made and Factory Make A Larqe Assortment to choose from TRY SOME OF OUR MINCE MEAT AT 20c LB PHONE US YOUR ORDER IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTENTION I PHONEYS ress y dam- with Mr and Mrs John war or an lie ages man Main St West The young Police couple were married at Newmar ket on Wednesday of last week Mr Redmond Simpson was elections come around Winter Term BEGINS JAN Prepare now for reconstruction days Our home and export trade will demand the services of bright young people Get new catalogue today Shaws Business Schools Toronto W H Shaw WINTER TERM OPENS JAN The December issue of Rod from its first page last is replete with articles of interest to the sportsman and lover of the out of doors Stories articles Special departments are of kind and the mag azine Is well illustrated through out I and Charles St Toronto Has recently had positions to fill at 13 and a wee and a month A course here Is a sure route to a good position Write today for Catalogue J ELLIOT Principal Thai is a splendid suggestion of Mayor Kves which will he heartily endorsed ho citizens The proposition is that if the specialty Go will donate to the Town the vacant land between Water SI and the pond the Cor poration will fit it up for a pub lic Park and share the expense equally the Company or llje darn in repair It might In included fo reserve a portion of the pond for the free use of Citizens for winter sports Comments of Exchanges Commissioners ion Tuesday In sum marily dismissing twelve constables from force of Ihclr con nection the Police Union cre ated great consternation in labor cir cles and the Police out on stride Wednesday morning The Ontario Government will nol alter the Ontario Temperance Act until a year after the war Pour employes the iwear Company appeared Judge Winchester the theft of goods amounting to from the company William who was the night watchman assisted in get- ling the goods out did received one year Ontario Reformatory J who his Honor as the leader inusl serve two years- in tin- Penitentiary win and A Chamberlain Ihe other two employes were let bo on suspended sentence Jul of the window of a Germany cannot aid of Toronto J produce chaos paying Germanys debts Allies most colled dial war from chaos or no chaos in the office on Wednesday to re new his Era for the time is one of our oldest Wo have a number where Era has been in Ihe family for over years Miss Webster lias been successful in passing the Primary Pianoforte Examination held at the University of Toronto heading the pass list nicc is a pupil of Miss Mary Lloyd Mr Fred Nottingham lias been- home for the past ten days having spent over three months in a Toronto Hospital where cheated he undertaker He is j now able to go around town audi call upon his old friends who are very glad see him on in road to recovery THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY MOTOR HEARSE IF DESIRED I Night calls attended I to at residence Nowadays it is Quality that Counts I QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO FOR THE The Most Remarkable Instrument in the World- CHOCOLATES J H I Phones 17 and Closed on and A The from car Wide I for Lac cut in wide for Heal Ei The their the Fr essioi The tend the ch Tor in the the Writ men J Offi I MAIN STREETV Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Phono No- Stoic llhii No fi tiC 23 i si lower Draper bank silver coins in Ihe of a surprised crowd on Sunday Someone inside had adopted thai scheme keep the money out of Hie bands of Piainelollusmen and Dunn who had drop ped in The crowd got the rash bid the constables got he IkIiI men in side and men were fined of I Canadian Shoe facturers of have Hon J Davis lo give them an address at their Annual Meeting in Montreal at the Windsor Hotel on Thursday the I nth of Doc on market con ditions anl other mailers of in terest to the Association Mr and Mrs John ft Mc- each six of them with costs for Gill Midland announce the The Cradle Mann- Canada Ough At Holland fandiii Dec 13th to Mr Mrs Arthur a son on and gambling on he Lords Day dentally the Childrens Aid SO rash found gambling table Sir Wilfred was Mr Lark In week got Oil Hil da ys a a gathering RUTLEDGES MACHINE SHOP Nov and SecondHand Machinery Renfrew Mercury few days before of teach Hon Dr Minister of juried the be slave- and hut develop and live ly their To I GRAND JURY PRESENTMENT The problem fdn info by iv- Ihe Wednesday men I In jurors on flic pi employer in ildilill mi Inhalf at iifKeil a in I mi Ihe and lhal vhat as Did a speak must have Wood Saws Mandrills Saw Minister of Kducalion ever before Mill and oilier Machinery in First I speak radically Possibly order and will he sold of ior regaining Shop- of Hank of Toronto J Proprietor war head or tin- y i on of the province thus V il was rfoluHon lie pro- Idem offered by the who lo foci of the at tin- While rooms Ihe engagement Pauline telle Del Hughes son of Mr and Mrs Tottenham and formerly in Drug Store being a graduate of Newmar ket School Numerous have been made concerning Mr IS Jackson He has been confined his bed for eleven weeks and is receiving every attention from a nurse in attendance his and hearing have failed greatly He is gradually grow ing weaker be is comfortable and sleeps most of Ihe lime lie may continue for weeks in the same condition- in Newmarket on Dec to Mr and Mrs Frank a son Kirk In Newmarket Dec 16 to Mr and Mrs Thus Kirk a daughter Chard At on Dec to Mr and Mrs J W a daughldr Thorns In Newmarket on Dec Mr and Mrs David Thorns a daughter In Newmarket on Dec Mr i and Mrs Waller Perrin wins son and daughter Cold Weather is Coming I aininB Iheir will Mr Dr must J nirMorll i-ii- for Hi- NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE IS David of the Oily Of Toronto hi County Of York and of Ontario collarmaker will apply the Parliament of panada al Session thereof for a hill Divorce from bis wife Vera Jaiofeson of I of Toronto In the County of York and Province of Ontario oh ground of adultery and ration Dated City of Toronto in tie- Province of Ontario this lay of September A 1018 DAVID his Phelan A Newmarket Military Hospital P R COACH OH FIRE People Milting Winnipeg Dec Fifteen are believed burned death a result of the destruction by fire early morning of a coach on Hie P Wfnnlpeg to Toronto trans- train Station are made he al he on eve ihe ladlpfl of the Red Auxiliary are very proud of he lovely in ibape or property which bey have been making for lie -oldp-r- in Scwiuaikfd hospital One hundred and fifty is result of effort provide Tin- arc made of fuel jailers maple imar elfarellcH pad pencils nuts 1 Oil fruit cake and raids The- ladle haw- wrapped indivi dual in paper expend- a of inn- and IhOllfdll in dolm hem up daintily with ribbon and Blinkers io make I hem as Cbrfalinan- looking will be In or Saturday id off by Mori- books of an uplifting tendency were for library Tin- Jail Kami Grand fury inain- was no a fit place for prison crs drug ami Mi it prisoners should be Home other institution where could be properly treated Tin- charge made by two escaped pri- by Iheir after recapture Jurors found be bill thai men to have been in Hie place allotted lo them Where iron bars were of Ihe hind Of Iron The ef forts made to Improve condltioim for the Slock Yards and actions of lie police In up were commended The jury drew Ion to fact lhal not one of tbu prisoners whose case Ibey had considered came from he county thanked for ilieir admirable present would be conveyed lo the and promised thai re com proper quarters WO west of Port William Six anionic the missing are believed and little iinldenlffied but it the unidentified worn vim my wife end son of Poole jumped hie tracks and crashed into Cleveland Dec Five are dead one is dying arid another wan probably fatally injured to- when an freight car from to Albion Mich Advices received here indicate Ural fire started thru carelessness In handling a stove or other light in a berth by an unidentified man with bis wife and small baby Vltbln a few seconds the flames swept along the berth making the car a fire trap Eight passengers were res cued from Ihe car uninjured while four were Injured none seriously The Injured have been taken to Fort and their conditions are said to be Mttjftfietory two automobiles Dec death oc curred In Toronto of A Lawrence rector of Trinity Church Thorphlll after long Di- Was rector of Trinity for six years and was previously rector In Charge and al Creek Alberta lie was in Ids year survived by bis wid ow- a Lawrence was a graduate of Trinity College Toronto He was horn Bradford Era bring Try on iieniy Ford announces thai lie has John wafting for 4000 maimed soldiers no mailer bow disabled they may be Paris lias give heart without reserve to the American President On the route along be boule vard the avenue de the Hue de to the Hotel de Vllle the crowd wan thicker and If possible more than lhal which greeted the Presi dents arrival Saturday Aurora Dec death oc curred at bis homo here yesterday after a long IIIneHS of Herbert Charles aged years the Ontario representa tive of the firm of Meaklns Ltd John He is survived by a son James Charles at Dental Col lege Toronto and two daughters a graduate of General Hospital and at homo CLOSE SCHOOLS AGAINST FLU Art a risiill of a renewed outbreak of Influenza in and llradfnrd have been closed Public meclliigs arc for Ihc line being ami Is observed altuosl as rigidly it was during fhsl epidemic Many new rasas have also mil in Mount very previous outbreak hut the schools are dill open Several public meetings have been Killed off Ibis wcrk in Aurora as a prcvenallve for as yet there are a few cases deaths have occurred throughout the enmity and ihe malady is rapidly spreading A campaign which was to have been started in raise money build a memorial I heir fallen soldiers has been postponed for a time At the campaign Is going ahead put no meetings are being held and only canvassing Is being done one of Ihe first arts of King Al bert after Ids re-entry- Into was In visit cemetery in company With Queen who laid a wreath on Miss grave Vancouver Dec I ft Walter Find lay lain Prohibi tion Commissioner for British Columbia who dismissed from office Provincial Government last week this morn ing pleaded guilty In the Police Court to charge of illegally Importing liquor into the Prov ince and was sentenced to pay a fine of or six months Im prisonment Deo IS When- Fred rural mail carrier In this district was making ids trip east- bound from Hill this- morning he was held up near on the Concession of Township by three men and armed who rellovcd him of In cash men were In a hurry find did hot make a thorough Job of the robbery as they neglected to rifle ofj mail bags which contained quite a number of registered letters Ulrlckson At mi Dee Mr and Mrs dan of Piltsflold Mass daughter In n Momlav Dec lU8 to Mr and Mrs forhierly a sou for sale by Altar RacSpragg be Manse on Monday Dec by Rev Thomas Win James Brock Hue to Elsie Mabel ail of King Pp Moslor-Darllng- In Newmarket on Dee IK 1018 at home of the grooms mother St by I Audley It to Miss Lily May Darling of Phone Newmarket The Tomb Thorns- In on Dee infant of David Thorns Charles Al on Sunday Deo Herbert J Charles in his year Lomon At his lato residence Aurora on Dee Lem on in his year Williams In Newmarket on Dee mil Sarah Williams of Edward Williams in her year At on Dee Florence of GhtfS and daugh ter of Mr years Funeral on Sunday at am from residence of Mr St to Hill Cemetery Invest in SPEND your milk money on this pasteurized separ ated milk powder It is pure wholesome nourishing and conven ient A pound makes quarts Use it for cook ing and baking Drink it Will notfrecze or turn sour Order from your grocer Costs less than any other form of milk In one and ten pound tins St I J I in a- J Undertaking Hit St North AM AN OVERCOAT INVESTMENT When buying an Overcoat you should consider the Material and and what you save in end- You may pay for an Garment that will last one year or that will last better at the end of years The the best Investment In buying Ordered Ing from us you are sotting the Best In Quality and Trimmings Examine our Materials be- deoldlng elsewhere C F WILLIS Gentlemens and Ladles Tailor Main Street A I I f II I Bros Our Wit every Soldle Lie quite and was town he en get hi A l It Her Also i Death Aft a per con fir Willi Willie away last quite Mr last J Mrs organ house Terra Andre Mr J Scran plann gone other En The Chore Irom Hams oand hed Thi 4

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