Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Dec 1918, p. 10

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III BOND LAKE V J Since Tried Ae Famous Fruit Medicine v i MISS ANNIE WARD 112 St St John it is with pleasure that I write to the great benefit I received from the use of your medicine I was a great sufferer far many years from Nervous Head- and Constipation I tried everything consulted doctors bat seemed to help me until I tried After I had taken several boxes I completely relieved of these troubles and hare been well ever since ANNIE WARD Is fresh fruit Juices and increased in strength combined with finest tonics and is a positive and reliable remedy for Headaches and Constipation a box 6 for trial size At all dealers or Limited Ottawa TO RENT We hope the worst of the flu Is how over During the past two weeks there have been about rases Mr Frank Grant lias the sym pathy of the community in the loss of his beloved wife and child within a week Sawing will soon commence in Mr bush Mr J McAfee of Cookstown has the shanties and expects J to install the saw mill machinery from Newmarket this week Not for years has our communi ty been plunged so suddenly into sickness and sorrow Thehomes no saddened by war have been visited by death and gloom caused by the flu Homes that were full of love and happiness are sud denly cast into mourning cast into mourning Beetort World AND THE SPANISH FLU Stouffville The Presbyterian Sunday School anniversary will he held in the church on Friday evening Dec at oclock A good program is being provided Mr David is in town today attending the funeral of late Mrs Samuel I who died Tuesday Dec at ripe old age of years Mrs was born in jharn Township and resided in j this locality all her life where she was held in deep respect Tribune North Main SI Possession Jan 1st per month Apply at Era Office HOUSE RENT On Queen St Newmarket Ap ply to K ROBERTSON Wate St Newmarket HOUSE TO RENT Brick House Prospect Ave Electric Light Possession 1st January Apply to Mrs Hatch Charles St East Toronto TO RENT Schomberg Mr John Dolson of Kettlehy was in town Saturday Born On Nov 19 to Mr and Mrs Geo Ellison a son Mr D of Newmarket spent the weekend with his wife and family Mr Fred of Newmar ket made a business trip to town the past week Mrs Jos Kitchen is spending a couple of weeks at her parental home in King City Born On November to Rev and Mrs Clements a daughter All doing well Mrs and children of Winnipeg are spending the winter with her parents Mr and Mrs Jos Butler Our burg has been visited with quite a bit of sickness during the past two weeks hut all are doing Everybody knows that one of the most depressing and dangerous com plaints resulting from the attack of Spanish Influenza is weakened kid Hundreds of persons are suffer worry and annoyance from Kidney disorders because they failed to remedy the detrimental effects by the Flo Bat there are other people who are not suffering they are the people who used Gin and restored their kid neys to their proper state of health again From all parts of the country letters in large numbers are coming in to stating that Gin Pills have proven just the remedy required They strength ened the weakened kidneys and ban ished annoyance and worry Gin Pills have always been accepted as the universal remedy for Kidney or Bladder Trouble now they make good again as the beat remedy for after the Flu convalescence I If you have suffered from the Flo try Gin Pills and safeguard yourself against the possibilities of more kidney disorders Gin Pills Sold Everywhere cents the box The National Drug ft Chemical Co of Canada Ltd Toronto Ont By W King resentalion comparatively meaningless progressed There is just issued from the steadily toward greater effective press of Thomas Allan Toronto Ultimately it succeeded a book entitled Industry and in bringing about the by Hon Maobility of to the- pad- kenzie King a study pie at largo lis ba the principles underlving indusiS6s arc a criterion it trial reconstruction which is the would appear that as regards present day problem for all Who essentials its evolution the concerned with the changing of government in industry relations of labor capital man- W follow lines parallel to those and public benefit from your daily food and builds you up If it is You Need Vinol Anaemic rundown nervous devitalized conditions result from poor or- thin blood A glance at the formula Vinol printed on the label will show that it contains the very ingredients necessary to make good blood It soon creates a healthy appe tite improves digestion and helps you to get full fairs of the State one class has maintain a monopoly of government there sooner or The book reads with the same fascination as the author airs addressing a public audience In to I conflict has been inevitable Through the establish industry as in he State auto- men of right relations in Indus- critic government whatever its try Labor and Capital have it form is superseded by a form My daughter was anaemic had poor blood and Buffered from indiges tion and attacks As Vino helped my son I gave it to my daughter she improved in health and it has built her up and re stored her in their power to end competitive arming between nations and to secure to the world immunity from further wars They have the even greater opportunity of releasing industry from the serVi in which it is held by war and the fear of war and of mak ing of forces hitherto utilized in the work of destruction instru ments for the relief of mankind Industry has been used to destroy humanity If the worldis to he spared further witness of such colossal tragedy there must be a vision of industrial relationships government representative of all the parties in interest and ul timately by a system the corner stone of which is responsible self government Mr King defines more closely what he means by this Investment of Life A system of responsible self- government in industry he says would be one in which all those who contribute aught in the na ture of effort toward production who make aught of investment either of life or possessions would have a voice in controlling Bradford Pa I have used Vinol for Impover ished blood I was broken oat with a rash and run down so it was bard for me to keep about my work Other medicines did no good but Vinol enriched my blood and improved my condition very rapidly Rose For nil anaemia erudition women j old and no broader thou thai which seeks IhftlHo under which their exclusive advancement of special interests Industry must be services are given and to whom the executive authority however NORTH ONTARIO WANTS A FARMER Brechin Dec A contest at the Provincial byeelection in North Ontario for nomi nations take place Dec is practically assured More than two hundred members of the United Farmers of Ontario rep resenting clubs every section of the constituency met In convention here yesterday and nominated Mr J of as their standardhear er At the same time a resolu tion was unanimously adopted which was subscribed to by Mr that if elected he would support the existing Gov ernment in all measures which in his opinion make for the better- made to and to save might be through a recognition of j answerable for the in common interests between men of all classes and of all countries which executive functions discharged are The cardinal fact presented in W fl nicely now no serious cases in fore and Dwelling with gar- A sad accident occurred Tues day Dec when Mr Hoses little fell backwards into a dish of hot water and was so badly scalded death ensued den Opposite Post Office For particulars apply lo M Bos- well Newmarket or to I Per kins Ave Toronto FARM FOR Acres more or rear end of lots and in the sixth connexion of Bank barn celnenl stables driving house this book is that presentday in dustrialism even at the most ad vanced point is only at the level political development in lire lime of Edward I six hundred and fifty years ago On the basis of such a fact Mr King thinks there will be a development of selfgovernment in industry comparable to the change in British constitutional relations from the time of Edward I to the present is altogether probable he thinks that the control of labor and the community will consider ably exceed the control that man agement and capital have exerted in the past Tia day of ment of agriculture In theocratic control of industry by any same resolution it was suggested bat if the are sin cere in their desire lo avoid a contest they endorse the farmers nominee instead of placing one of their own number In the field Farmers Expect Contest But while making this sugges lion it was evident that the farmers do not anticipate the I Government to meet their wishes While the official nomination is a week distant it is taken for con- hold I granted that there will be a test The Conservatives Win Newman who comes from the Canadian West has been placed in charge of the one of its partners is past presentation- in industry a system appearing in the United Stales and Great within last year or two the germ from which Mr King hopes will develop a completely democratic control of industry Political Mr King who as Minister of Labor in the Liberal Administra tion knows Slate Government from the inside applies political principles to industry It is only here and there that on Thursday Three or four party workers are said to be in Hie field the nomination and it is felt that are loo eager for a chance to go to Queens ah interesting event took place lo permit of any agreement being entered into will the farm- apply Bo Newmarket Post I when Ann Fields and or Mr- A gin court P Payne were unied and out buildings good frame house of appointment which rooms good cellar hard and soft J dudes St of water good orchard- creek crossing I An their convention at Sunderland j industrial autocracy is taking the step in the twentieth century that political autocracy took or was forced to lake in Hen and I here says Mr King are calling lo I heir in dustrial councils representatives of labor and the community as Ontario In mar- 1 as Independent rlage ceremony per- FARM FOR SALE I formed by P Knight of Micro is no talk in the riding Bolton j arrived con- i The bride who has hc entering a candi- from was present farmers south half by Miss Ethel liberal i ihe groom was supported by bearer in the general election in farm No grain farm go6d chiy Denver Before when he was defeated by room- lhe lived late Hon by voles some years in this district I Although defeated Mr loam class brick clad house with hummer kitchen attach ed house for hired mtu re- was again nominated by the ihel I field mi The newly married pair will A barn found a- pjjg Toronto lion with the party returned ioI last September pea 20x5G with pen above I of Mrs Fred Ibattime severed his 1 house and Implement The form well watered There aero of clover Fait ploughing done map bush Head the lie well us of capital and manage ment They are seeking to work Mil a wise system have Conceded Ihe principle of representation not privileged classes only but to all who participate in Hon Mr Kin as evidence f I his tendency the representation in industry plan of Colorado Iron Co and established in Britain under the Whitley FOR SALE Acre Itabury A Township barge Barn Class SUblB Silo I mttui Utter Hay Fork Plenty I Water First Bated miles from mile from from Township of North All Mrand Mrs is line have suffered dependent and an second loss in death or their crusader or the son Wm Roy who passed away farmers cause lie is a fan Friday after a short illness from and was one time or influenza The deceased was in township He will Slip his year and is survived by Opposition in all parents his wife and child I fo the nen of agr The death look place at her c runs ashore home here on Wednesday alter noon Dec of Elizabeth John Dec The wife of Chan liner Corinthian tons from gross register which from litis on Saturday morning at for with a large cargo for the British struck be fore oclock Saturday afternoon on ledge Brier Island commonly known a Northwest ledge ami flO- cordlng to a message from the captain will he a total loss Cant David nock and tils crew of were all res- oped into pneu- with fatal results Sin shipping husband r Railway mile a School and Church leath vas about years of age and wo ly ilea Walter had a close call while training in the air ser vice In England On his first trip up afl a passenger something two of acres Hall Wheat acres New Seeding Barn Driving House Cement r for Stock House Plenty I machine got out vater This is Class j of control of pilot and adjoining was offered ground killing laid would not hell Will give special four men aboard terms to quick buyer A snap bo j war record wader cultivation Good Born Stone Good House Well wrtB Fall Wheat Church and School to shipping point tin Ideal acre Harm Township Good Krn with stabling Frame House mites from ship ping A Acre Province of Saskatche wan near on easy terms down only tot first and balance In four equal pay ments Interest per cent Price per acre FOR 8ALE dwelling stock general In village of Is a money maker FOR BALE ttriok house Veneer Vest aide of Ave rooms and hub Hardwood floors Up to date In etery detail For particulars end price to fcor jot Swan Nov that munition work Is practically at an end in Toronto it is Interesting lo note that establishments in Toronto have engaged In munitions work pro ducing shells to the value of Offices which have factories outside the city add lo this amount In the whole of Canada it is estimated there have been shells made American orders In the whole Dominion aggregated More than airplanes have been made Toronto factories at an average cost of each the engines which are the cosily part of the Ocean cargo boats and mine sweepers lo the number of have left Toronto shipyards With the boys returning home It Is worth recalling that approximately men enlisted in Toronto Over has been subscribed for war loons and pat riotic funds cued today by the Government steam er Aberdeen and the patrol boa l-est- of the Canadian Naval Service Which were despatched from tills port soon after the distress was re ceived and fishing craft which put out from Nova look off a few of the men It Is understood the steamer Is grounded bow on Hie vast majority Of industrial concerns however in Brit ain the United and Canada still conducted mi autocratic principles governed exclusively by capital and management leaving both laborvaml com munity out of consideration Ultimate Implications in Industry is bound to come more widely ac cording to Mr King not shrink from the ultimate im plications How vast he points out has been the trans formation in the relative powers of King Lords and Commons since the days of Kdwnrd I Control In political government has widened from absolution to executive authority broadbased upon a peoples will in progress towards selfgovernment in the state three phases of control are clearly distinguishable The first may he termed that of autocratic executive the second that of representative government and the third that of responsible self- government The introduction of the idea to the method of securing such a complete change from affairs as they are today Will it come by evolution or by revolution Mr Kings own scheme aims at securing the revolution by evolu tionary methods But whether this evolution of government will be attained in industry without the violent revo lutions which have marked its course in politics will depend up on the degree to which the les sons of history arc taken to heart It is in the nature of things for privilege to die hard and privilege where it represents monopoly in industrial control may find the democratizing of in dustry as difficult to concede as did ancient aristocracies the abo lition of their exclusive rights but principles as fundamental in the one case as in other will he contended for and ultimately won their slow but certain ac quisition throughout the world in the realm of politics is but paving the way for their more rapid at tainment in the sphere of indus try It will be fortunate for so ciety if the inevitable trend is recognized and by a process of natural evolution in industry which reveals appreciation of the possibilities of men lo govern themselves the world is spared Ihe kind of convulsions En indus try which have attended efforts be thirteenth at democratic control within Slate In closing Mr King says Is it tori much I believe that witnessed Humanity through Its tiethsMinane having seen its agony in Garden its cruei- noon thfeross of ism Labor and Capital will vol bring a disconsolate and enhearted world the one hope lis heirs alone In bring and Ihl in tin acceptance of prin ciples which bold deliverance from tin- scourges Mini beset Mankind hey will poll back the worlds sepulchre Inday and give to Humanity promise of res to more abundant life An Exciting Book Mr lifts volume coming Just as it does when the whole world is facing Industrialism as an im mediate and practical problem is not only worth reading there are many sections in it which are positively exciting dealing with the worlds great ferment The hook Is ail the more in terest to Canadians because although built on a cosmopolitan scale draws example after amide from Canadian experience the til Canada Is led us a firsthand participant into a drama that stirs the imagina tions and mankind Oatmeal Crackers a Once you have tasted the goodness of Oatmeal Crackers you will do as thousands of other families do keep them on hand for daily use I- I Packed in air tight Sold by all grocer 1 if Buy Word for Biscuits PRI0E8 IN ENGLAND London Dec For the past two weeks eggs been selling in London at per dozen An attempt Is being made to fix the price at SI pef dozen but with little success Meat does not show such an enormous in cost as with Cana dian prices being about per higher without regard to quality sold here would not retailed in Canada hog hut the tall fcot snout is made into ba ron by it ton degree that the Unfortunate householder is paying an price for a very inferior article Potatoes for past two weeks have not been obtainable in more than fburpouhd and about per bushel A greater and cheaper supply Is promisod It Is estimated that the purchas ing value of a pound is only seven shillings compared to prewar prices 11 AND BY AUSTRIA Amsterdam Deo The supreme tribunal at Vienna has that persons were to death by Austrian military tribunals during the war and executed J Patterson Druggist Newmarket Also at the Best Druggists in all Ontario Towns I When cloudbanks blot the sky dull grey or whistling winds make outdoors disagreeable how cheery and exhilarating are bright lights and sparkling fires And iii these soultrying days how welcome is the cheery brightness the soothing caress the souUsatisfying message of the music you love So this Christmas you need music more than ever good music that brings the spirit of Christmas to everyone young and old Such is tlje music of ED The Phonograph with a SouV This wonderful instrument brings the beautiful world ofmusicintoyour home IONS of the art of greatest artists The New Edison docs not merely imitate it actually RE CREATES with such utter fidelity that the human ear cannot distinguish between the living artist and The New Edison The true spirit of Christmas lies in the soul of The New Edison Let it sing its message of hope and faith and love in your home this year our store for a of the or have one sent to pur obligation o J R Y Newmarket Ont NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE In Monuments and All Kinds of Work Promptly Attended to Call and See us before Buying ALL KIND OF BUILDING STONE Out to MEMORIAL TABLET8 FOR Kept In 8took JOHN 0 MOSS Dealer in and Importer of Foreign and Domestic GRANITE AND MARBLES Phone Box Make no Mistake in Place Huron 8t Near Depol NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE i hereby given DAY IKS In- of in ih County York in Province of Ontario Soldier will lo lhe Canada at lhe Iheivof tor a bill of di vorce from bis wife Henrietta said lily of in of York on ground oinlbry and desertion Dated Toronto Mils ICIh day of October a Ii Tin- by A Adelaide SI Toronto FARMERS I Make money hi your spare time dur ing Fall and Winter months by selling Canadian British and European markets will bo open again for Canadian Fruit and now Is the lime to for spring planting Largest list of Fruit A Ornamental NOTICE is hereby WWWn formerly PIUCKIWT CUV ef Toronto id county of York and Province of Ontario woman will 10 the Parliament of Canada at the session thereof for a Bill of from her husband Webster of Toronto in the County of York and of Ontario on the grounds of adulter and cruelly I DATED at Toronto Ibis I lib I September A By her Godfrey St herehyUiven that Will iam of the city Toronto in the County of York and WJJ of Ontario J Parliament of next I for a bill of divorce iw thereo Ids wife Pearl of Stock Potatoes etc grown In inr Canada Writ for Particulars Stone Wellington For Up Old TORONTO on day ground of adultery Doled at Toronto litis December A I Rowan tones t Newman A Victoria Toronto Solicitors for Applicant I Is hereby given that Winter of the In the County of York in the of Ontario Married Woman will the Parliament of Canada at next session thereof for Bin lral SooleUfll or plantations of Divorce from who arc up an Henry Winters of J and would one- ortUMr M he gMjnd of artists vooallsl or Dated at Toronto this should- communicate will DO Victoria SI for the Applicant I the Office have been appointed Booking Agents for the Imperial Concert Co of Toronto ARCHIVEST5F must IVOR And I I- We Wish may and T PHONE es Si in 1 y

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