Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Dec 1918, p. 8

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Until She Tried Made From Fruit Juices St St I feel I must tU you of great benefit I from your medicine I hare been a sufferer for many years from Violent and could get no permanent relief A friend advised me to take and I did so with great and now I am entirely of Headaches thanks to your medicine MRS ALEXANDER ft box 6 for trial size At all dealers or sent on receipt of price postpaid by limited O HOUSE TO RENT North Main St possession Jan 1st T monlh Apply at Era Office TO RENT On St Newmarket Ap ply to K ROBERTSON Water St Newmarket on Dec at oclock A cordial Invitation is extended lo all members of the Institute and their husbands or other members of the family Ah excellent programme- will i TO RENT Store in Bank of Toronto Building facing on St Small House on Ontario St J H WESLEY TO RENT Brick use Prospect Ave Electric Light Possession 1st January Apply to Mrs Hatch St East Toronto TO RENT Store and Dwelling- with gar den opposite Post Office For particular- apply M Bos- well Newmarket or lo I Per kins Ave Toronto 30 FARM FOR Acres more or rear end of lots and in the concession of Bank bam cement stables driving house and out building good frame house of eiht rooms good cellar hard and soft water good orchard creek crossing both lots further particulars apply Box Office or Mrs Weir P Ontario Stouff ville Keep December an open dale In the evening the mem bers of the Methodist S- will give a patriotic entertainment taking the form of a Cantata The Key to Jack Canucks Treas ure House Liberal Club Hall On Wednesday night of last week the Bread Cos east store was broken into and small sum of money was taken from the till The thief entered through the rear cellar window leaving behind an axe with which entrance was made tDORA Mrs George of is spending a short lime with friends Mrs was a visitor ih To ronto last week This week we are welcoming according to Jacks announce ment the bride of our old boy John Archibald may have linen some disappointment to John if the boys did not- turn in the usual force with their musical equipment Mr Arthur Emerson and bride have been spending a short time with his hnrle Thomas Emerson and of course the lads gave them a serenade and the groom came over nicely The Sunday School here is hold ing its annual Christmas Tree on Friday evening Dec and preparations are being made lo make it fully up lo the standard Pleased lo welcome Mr Nor man Lee and family back Udora way They have taken his fath ers farm for the year Mr James Shier has gone on a visit the old home at And J She Soon Got Back Her Strength New The measles left me rim down no appetite could How Lydia El Vegetable Compound Is Prepared For- Use oman A visit to the laboratory where this Successful remedy is made impresses i even the casual lookeron with I skill and cleanliness Oft which attends tie making of this great unable to keep about my house- j medicine for womans ills SSS i pounds of various herbs i J are used and all have to l Peered at the season of the year when washing Vmol is the best their juices and medicinal sub- medicine I ever used Alice Record So nth St New Castle We guarantee this wonderful cod liver and iron tonic Vinol for all weak rundown nervous conditions J Patterson Druggist Newmarket Also at lie Best Druggists in all On tario towns WINTER FEEDING OF DAIRY COWS For the Bra from Experimental Farms I FARM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Acres being part of Lot in the 2nd Con of the Township of Scott sandy loam soil rooftied frame house bank ham water piped to the house and barn I can Interest you in Farms of from acres and up to with cash payments of and up A I Real Estate 1xbridge Out FARM FOR SALE The farm known ad Black Thorn Heath I mile from New market on the Good Road As lo quality of soil state of cultivation modern buildings ami improvements this is as one of tho best in a radius of many miles around Newmarket Also acres on Whit church containing wood water ami pasture The whole will he sold together with Stock a of 30 High Class Jerseys and im plements or Perms- a mail down Daniel a well known resident of the 6th of King died very suddenly Nov Mr Rawlins was attending to his du ties on the farm in his usual health when he was attacked with heart failure and expired instant ly He survived by his wife his daughters Mrs and Mrs and a son Donald The influenza has been ram pant in this village and district during the past few days Near ly every house has its victims and in some eases whole families have down with the disease at same lime A wellknown and esteemed resident passed away on Friday morn in lasl in the person of Mrs Janel relict of I ho late Wellar Mrs sustained a stroke about three ago a J gradually sank un til death ensued Mrs whose maiden name was was horn in lit year- ago She had a of Since her marriage and reside nee acts of kindness and sympathy won the affection and temperament esteem all She leaves four and four daughters of Wilhn Nelson and win Wesf Mrs Cows are fed in the stable dur ing one half of the year or more and feeding during this period may through ignorance or on ac count of using unsuitable feed he made very expensive The pro fits from the herd will of course depend a large extent on he economy of the methods of winter feeding followed Economical feeding does not mean scant supplies but the us ing of the kinds of feeds and feed combinations thai will be likely to produce the best results at the lowest As the milk produced depends upon the quantify and quality of the feed consumed every effort he made to supply the cow with all she will eat of a ration combining palalabilily easy di- variety and nutrition Tim most economical ration must have as a basis cheap but rich nutritious farmgrown roughages such as clover hay en silage and roots The liberal feeding of meals is advisable balance the roughage ration and lo provide the heavy milking cow with an extra supply of nutrients less bulky form A pound of grain when the cow is fresh is equivalent several pounds of grain after the cow has decreased materially in her milk flow Feed one pound of meal for every pounds of milk pro duced as her lactation period progresses decrease the meal gradually one pound for every live pounds of milk produced The following pare two daily rations for the pound dairy cow suitable to 1 he individual needs of farmers throughout the district No I Mixed hay Id pounds or mangels pounds meal in lure composed of bran parts ground Parley parls il cake part and cotton seed meal part I be rate of I pound per- A pounds milk produced No Mixed clover hay pounds corn ensilage 10 pounds meal mixture composed of bran pari- seed parts oil rake I pari fed Hie rate of a juices stances are at their best The most successful solvents are used to extract the medicinal properties from these herbs Every and tank that comes in contact with the medicine is sterilized and as a final precaution in cleanliness the medicine is pasteurized and sealed in sterile bottles- It ts the wonderful combination of roota and herbs together with the skill and care used in its preparation which baa made this famous medicine successful in the treatment of female ills The letters from women who have been restored to health by tho use of E Vegetable which we are continually pub- shine attest to ita virtue CANADIANS ON GERMAN The Canadian forces now in include the Royal Can adian Dragoons lift Fort Garry Horse the Horse and the Canadian Horse Artil lery forming the Canadian cav alry brigade the 1st 2nd 3rd 19th and infantry battalions of the first Canadian divisions and the 26th 29th and 3 1st Infantry bat talions of the second Canadian divisions The third and fourth Canadian divisions are remaining tempor arily in the vicinity of until transportation facilities in Bel gium are fully restored THIS CANA DAS EXPENDITURE ESTI MATED TO MARCH 31 himself for a time but sonic of the conditions hiscomprHhenMon For instance There was a church on one beautiful shaded Streets the quiet seclusion of a retired pew he had listened to the urgent ap peal of the speaker for a more vigor ous warfare against wrong voluntary service- to root out evil- and a deter mined stand for the right He had seen eyes kindle in response and lips settle In firm resolve Just around the corner- and hut stones throw had watched from a dark ened entrance opposite gilded ing den of vice Out from its door way came inflamed vacanteyed and souls These were things he could not un derstand In ins dilemma he thought a man whom he had heard much since his advent this new world He must certainly he a person posses of great knowledge Id be thus looked up to Yes he would inter view Mr Public Opinion After introduction Mr MoonMan begun Sir hear that this is a free country Yes indeed and we are proud of the fact Will you tell just what the word free means May people all do as they please Yea well that is if Its not something wrong Hi Then they do as they please if its right not as they please if its wrong never heard it stated that way hut I think thats about it Weil who has Authority to say what is right and what is wrong They vote on Oh l see they all vote and lite side that has the most voles conies head Well of course only Canadians vote or the ones from oilier coun tries who have been naturalized thus becoming Citizens Criminals and he insane however cannot vote Is that fellow we see over on the corner a citizen The colored boot black you mean Thais Tim Mason Oh yes can vole lies native born Educated Bless you no he cant write his name Many of them can but not he Now that fellow you see going down the street that is Tony TROUBLE IS your system is clogged with a lol of impurities that your overworked digestive and native organs cant get rid of Pills oil salts calomel and ordi nary laxatives cathartics and purges only force the bowels and prod the liver Remedy Tablets on the stomach liver and even kidneys not forcing but tun ing and strengthening these organs The result is prompt and real benefit Make the Natures Remedy will thoroughly yet so mildly so gently that you will think nature her self Has come to the rescue and doing the And oh Youll fiai much better eel Ottawa Dec 8 The Minister of Finance lias forwarded to Sir Robert Borden fall particulars as to war expenditure of Canada and as lo the annual pension bur den which will from the war The total expenditure Canada is estimated at Id To March next it is at To this estimate should be added the of war out lay which will he incurred after March which may The pension load is per year and probably more Can adas net at March was The net Id March is estimated al l 1 500000000 In addition above Can- Ilis will large claims for in direct or consequential during her louirld for every A or A- she bad by of produced All rows are not of sain i If made of Hi i well as those occurring out raids of German Upon Canadian aO if NOT THE SAME balance at J ewniarkel A few days ago il was reported in many papers IIkiI Mm Montreal Herald had one liauidatioii On account The news was liUO but Hie public should know that Ihe paper ill of the individual had no animal In bestbred henNj w Herald ive Mm Canadian vary in productive I Weekly Star The hitler Davis of ability I here fore obtain is published by FARMS FOR Acres Township North All llllahle Large Horn First Class Silo Litter furrier Hay Fork Plenty water First Class House L- from to hipjiinx points fron V from and Acres Township of North Ml acres Fail- v acres New Cement for Slock House Plenty water is Class oil acres was offered and no ML Will Spcll terra p to quiet A fenap to All under cultivation Barn fabling Good Home Well tuts Fail Wheat Church and School mile i miles to An acre Acres Township Good Jam with Frame House Water mile from ahlp- a Bargain Acres of wan on lermH down only for first two and balance in four equal Interest cent Price FOR SALE dwelling stock In village of Out a money maker Mrs sane of liivar Pask Mrs Austin firnharn of and Mrs head of Port Arthur livray of is her surviv ing brother The funeral rrviec ennJoeled at I lie home on l by Hew- and Hie remains were interred in Tamed Albert son of Mr and Mrs profit kepi of milk ami feed and made occasionally lo Mr tin if if would pay increase Or deer iuifirn al a minimum be housed under Ihe most favorable conditions halls in regard iasc ihe grain in order make a Publishing ami is known ill almost every home En Canada In Justice lo our con frere we make this announcement The word Family should not he omitted when addressing thai paper who runfl a saloon on Street He can vole because hes got his papers He doesnt look as if he knew how to vole He knows which side his is buttered on Look at that fine lady in the auto mobile Can she vote Well if there isnt the Governors wife Shes the first lady in the Stain She cant vote though Surely shes too Illiterate Illiterate I should say Why stirs a college gradual and a lawyer besides Foreign horn she No indeed Surely not it criminal What are yon talking aliotil Shes a fine lady Has she any children or Hoth And do mean tell me she nil have nit say Hie laws thai govern tier children and her pro perly a of course vntr Ittit she may use her inI Ho that lint Mason ami Tuny can dictate Hit vlroamenls of his ladys children mid home and that she rail have no voire III the matter for see men I do art in mens clothes Theyre your remarks hid thai citizenship is not deter mined nationality Intelligence morality or hill sex If that lb your Idea or right think I do not rare to slay and disgusted Well cant tenth line King passed away the home Of his parents on Mon day last Deceased had not been in health for Rome lime and was unable withstand an at tach of Influenza He was in his year and had always lived home The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon Laurel Hill Bolton good ventilation plenty light necessary bedding and occasional A row should have all good finality she wants with a well balanced grain ration regu- by her production also plen ty Of fresh water and from one to three ounces of salt added to her daily THE FILM IN ENGLAND Shown to over In Mili tary Disturbed sleep usually comes from some form of indigestion Strengthen the stomach and stimulate the liver with a course of Out lire at on Friday Mr ftw away Id ton I O The THRIFT man has ever tiny nation liul off J as FOR brick Venter Went Of Ave Seven and hath Up to in every detail For and apply to a Hot marie the of Civil moving pictures in clearing stations and hospitals during hummer months These moving fully the through which wounded soldier goes under the care of the Department had are with being Shown hi the Canadian public In tie- reel aerial- Oanarian Work for Wounded officer In who haa charge of the pictures that during June July and August were shown fit Dux ton Tap- low Orpington and Kirk- WOOd Hospital Liverpool The audience wea and the average per shewing wan all Several were given at hoth at the Canadian Dis charge Depot Hydro and the Hall Annex military hosjillaln The allowing are being continued BO wounded an soon an become acquainted with the for treatment and tratnlog them HURON NEWMARKET If You Want a Good Loaf of Bread Try our J I Is sold Guarantc J DRUGGIST NEWMARKET IT HA8 GIVEN WHEREVER I Dry Hardwood Slabs on Hand Prices Right OLIVER 8TRI0TLY SSgSjf- Give Us a Call DIKE Phono me achieved success nor a ever become great I have hern the of every career and the corner stone of every fortune All the world knows me and most of the world heeds my warning The poor may have as the My Is ltmlths my apt Hon Hi me has ill present and surely for the future I am greater vnlm than rabies and diamonds ftnee you have no man can take me away I lift my possessor planes of living Increase his earning power and bring to realization the hopes of his life make a man well dressed well housed and well fed I insure absolutely against- rainy day I drive want and doubt and away I guarantee to those who possess me prosperity and success I have exalted those of low degree and those of high degree have found inea helpful friend To you need put out no capital hut personal effort and on all you Invest In inc I guarantee dividends that last through life and after I am free as air I am yours if you will lake me I am I thrift American Bankers Association Children FOR FLETCHERS A Mood Music gives expression to every human emotion All that is happy and beautiful in life has been expressed in music When things seem bright and cheerful because a ray of happiness has come into your life you need an outlet to give vent to your feelings When sorrow or depression comes the need of consolation is even greater It is at such times that you derive the greatest comfort from NEW EDISON The Phonograph with a Soul Then one sweet note of the voice of Anna Case or one ripple of melody from the bow of Albert Spalding puts your soul in harmony with the world Music music is one of lifes greatest boons Edisor music is real music because the New Edison does riot merely imitate it recreates One never tires of the- New Edison the novelty never wears off because there is no novelty to wear off It is not just machine It different To appreciate the difference you must hear it We will gladly submit the New Edison to your musical judgment cither here or in your own home J Y Newmarket Shin porta TABLE I A Boards Sugar SI Fruit Smoking Good lack Ham V Wool Li Good Pi Battel Screw Vulcan All Hand 01 Small Screw PHONE Bar a Ma EM tN fe Helps teeth breath appetite fawi Give it to me Please Grand- daddy Why Bobby If you wait a bit for It youll have it to en- Joy longer Thats no argument with cause the flavour lasts anyway w ID Canada fitter every meal it r ft was ci P0g0t I V

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