Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Dec 1918, p. 7

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vitms OUR LOCAL NEWS I Firemen Attention I 1 The Hook and Ladder Co of the Fire Brigade intend holding the meeting of the year next evening Xmas will soon be with US Nearly All Sold Our Assortment of Fancy China Is very flood and complete Many useful and ornamental for convenience we have tables at and 25o OUR HANGING AND PARLOR LAMPS Are Very Nice and Ornamental See Them In Our Window I DINNER SETS There was quite a demand for wood at the sale of standing tim ber which was put on by Dr Wes ley last Monday on the Con of Whitchurch and nearly all the wood was sold in halfacre lots Brief lets The walking was very bad a couple of days this week Every thing covered with ice The We make a Special Effort to jwon is give Best Possible Value having in a Porcelain Piece Set for have Several Patterns to choose from CHINA DINNER SETS Estate Sale Another Extra Good Bargain of Quality Pieces Dec- bad Fine at 36 Only a few eft CHINA TEA Mr Boyd has- sold his nce on Church Street to Mrs with her sisters arc now resid ing on Queen St They expect Rev Hall New Pastor of Newmarket Christian Church monthly of Womens Moi ety of the Methodist Church was at the residence of Mrs E Manning on Wednesday af ternoon about a dozen Alter a Christmas program of music and responsive readings Mrs John H gave a reading and also read a letter from a missionary in China who was at one time a school teacher in Newmarket As this meeting would be the last that Mrs J Wood will able la attend previous to leav ing next week to make her home in Kingston Manning served refreshments and a social hour was enjoyed THEYRE CALLED HUNS Old to occupy the property Mr Pieces Fine Quality English j the house ad- China from up OUR CUT IS FINE I joining the residence of Mr A On Prospect Ave St Pauls Church 3rd Advent am Litany and Holy pm Sunday School pm Evensong and dress by Mr of WHY Direct Importer of and I at Hardware Fancy China Lead Pencil Bargain Just the thing for school smooth black lead only Gents Watches At weal of Post Of fice IS army WANTED Pencil Maker One competent lo layout equip and organize a High Pencil Fac tory as a new depart ment In a well establish ed business in England This a splendid oppor tunity for the right man Your application will not be allowed to Jeopardize present position Ad dress- Pencil Maker J J Gibbons Ltd Wellington St Toronto League There was not a very large at tendance at the Msisionary Base Ball Match last Monday evening but those present had a time The subject was St Paul 2nd Missionary Journey The pit chers were Miss Shirley and Miss Eleanor Stark and they gave some pretty hard balls to hit Lots of batters failed to make the first base It is hoped to have another match after the New Year Special address for next Mon day night and Pound Collection for he old people at Industrial Home lo brighten their Christ mas Eve Methodist j The Christmas Entertainment the Methodist will be held Oil Monday Dec in the church There will he a number of reci tations songs and dialogues by the scholars and also a Cantata entitled Thc Christmas Child which will emphasize the true Christmas spirit Be sure to come and have a good time your self and at the same time show your interest in what the school is doing A silver collection will be taken at the door On July the Kaiser went to to bid farewell to the German troops which were ready to embark for China On the evening of heir departure he addressed to hem a last official message from the Fath erland- In it appeared this advice- and admonition from the Emperor who he or the and head of all Germany As soon as you have come to blows with the enemy lie will he beaten mercy will be shown I No pri soners will he taken I As the Huns under made a name for themselves which is still mighty in traditions legends today may the name of German he so fixed in China by your deeds thai no Chinese shall ever again dare to look at a German askance Open the war for once and all Even the imperial chancellors lo have been shocked at speech and efforts made to suppress his exact words The only partly successful In 4 1 Christmas Waltham Watches At west of Post Of fice South End FLOUR AND FEED STORE Now that tin war in over and the substitute is done away with the de mand is only because the in in every bag Better let iik send you a bag of of the WHEAT BREAD FLOUR Purina Scratch Feed for hens Licence Prompt Delivery TERMS A Phono S H Death of Mrs Geo Richardson After an confined ilCE to her bed for six weeks Mrs Geo passed away last Saturday morning at the advanced age of nearly years Deceased has been a resident of Newmarket for the years a faithful member of the Method ist Church a worker in the Ladies Aid and Missionary So ciety and a woman beloved- by many warm friends Elizabeth Ann Richardson was the daughter of the laic Win and Mrs Marsh and was born at York Mills on the 2nd of May In she married George Richardson and has been a widow for about years She leaves six children three sons and three daughters to mourn the loss of a devoted mother They are as follows Mrs J Wilkinson of Mr Richardson of Chester Richardson of Windsor Dr I Geo Richardson Of Ottawa and Misses Maude and Lou ise at home With the exception of two grandsons now overseas a grand daughter in Montreal and a grandson in Calgary all hoi Where There Is No Electric Light Would not on- of those Solid Brass Hanging Lamps make a very us gift at S Entertainment Remember the Entertain ment in the Friends School Room on Wednesday evening Dec 18 commencing at oclock The program will include a Cantata entitled Christmas Giving and Christian Living Come and en joy the evening An offering will he taken for the destitute Emphatlo Examples of Cash Buying arid Cash Selling a Showing of the most UptotheMlnute Suits for Men at a fraction of Real Value A 25000 Purchase made by Mr A E Dunlbp for Spot Cash makes it possible for me to give you these Remarkable Values this week Come expecting to find everything just as advertised You wont be Disappointed I r Hi 10 REMEMBER ALWAYS Your Moneys Worth or Your Money Back your Money ours until Fully Satisfied Mens and Young Mens Suits and Overcoats Worth upto18 We never consider em Hie Emperors wore promptly the circulation of efforts were A few weeks Mens and Young Mens Suits and Overcoats Worth up to 1850 children in tin- liicts Com War stricken At Watsons Jewelry Store Solid Gold Brooches 250 to Si Moiled Brooches 250 Christian Church Good congregations last Sab bath especially in the evening and splendid sermons at both ser vices by our new pastor Rev Hall Mr Hall is an excel lent pulpit man and his topics are ably sot forth before all so thai each one receives something of personal benefit The morn ing IhOmp was Christ equipping If is Church for service while the evening topic was The Value of Gods Word You are invited to come ftnd worship with us next Sunday Services at 1 1 am and pm Strangers especially welcome Remember Hie Sunday School later when the letters from lie soldiers in China wore being pub lished in local German papers Vor- Wirts from them reports of under the Letters from the Huns obnoxious word Hun excited almost universal Condemnation in many and the Kaisers speech was openly discussed in Reichstag These stories of in China or Letters the continued to I be published in die Vorwirls for sev eral years So American writers did not origin ate word Huns as a syn onym for German troops bor rowed from German writers It was made in Germany by the Kaiser himself a- WHY PLATINUM IS NEEDED There has been considerable curiosity in the minds of many why war has created- such a de mand for platinum on the part of the government Those who have tried to the answer to the query out of their own minds and without asking for in formation have perhaps conclud ed that this precious metal is used in the making of some of the endless number of shells or in struments of warfare That is not the case It is not included in the composition of the guns nor the shells hey fire nor in the structure of airplanes But it is used and it is essential in making of sulphuric acid and sulphuric acid is of vitaj im portance in lhe making of high explosives Sulphuric acid in addition to being such a factor in Increasing casualty lists is of great importance En textile work the making of dyes and is em- Mens and Young Mens Suits and Overcoats Worth Mens and Young Mens Suits and Overcoats Worth Saturday 1250 Saturday 1500 Saturday Saturday i Boys Bloomer Suits For Ages 16 to 18 years In Brown and Grey Mixed Tweeds Scotch Effects Elegantly Finished Tailoring and Materials of the Very Best Extra Special 1075 BIG FURNISHING When you want Drugs you wont find them in a Hardware Store If you want the Correct Styles in Furnishings go to a Store devoting all its Time and Ability to that particular line We are CLOTHIERS HATTERS FURNISHERS We always keep In Stock what make 1- is New and UptotheMinute in Styles Prevailing Fashions MENS HIGH CLASS NECKWEAR SILK AND KNITTED NECK SCARFS ALL KINDS OF XMAS SUGGESTIONS No Firm keeps more thoroughly in touch with CAPE GLOVES in All Shades TAN CAPE GLOVES Lined and Unlined ALL KINDS OF KNITTED GLOVES try pm If not attending else where come and loin he class thai is wailing for yon of infernal Sabbath AND RESTAURANT IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK NUTS ORANGES AND CANDY FOR Pattersons Chocolates Special on Christmas Mixtures MILK TICKETS FOR chillrcn together with were present at the funeral During he illness of deceased her room was kept bright with beautiful flowers her by her I many friends and among the floral offerings placed upon the I casket were Wreaths Ladies Aid of Methodist Church Win flam V Sons Co Hon J Davis a hi family Mr an I Miss Miss and Miss Taylor -Sprays- Mr and Mrs Mr J IS Cane and Girls Mr and Mrs Mr anil Mri Kidd Mr ftiiri Mrs Vs Jackson Miss and Miss Mr and Mrs Mr and and Dr fain- 1 Pan Class ship HOT SODAS AND to be there The Mens under leader- has started Those eligible foe Ibis will be welcome next Sunday Tin- Christmas is to be on Monday Dec Hear In mind ami for further Boys Mule skin lined anil at Hardware STAN FIELDS EXTRA HEAVY ALL WOOL RIBBED UNDERWEAR PENMANS ALL WOOL COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Saturday we pass into stock 10 Dozen VERY LATEST HATS Blocks in Every Proper Shade and Shape King and 300 350 400 up Young Mens FINE SHOES Very Newest Lasts Black Brown and Mahogany to Heavy Working Boots to 400 The Reading Clothier Hatter and Haberdasher OLD IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING NEWMARKET ployed in medicine The way that is linked up with this sulphuric acid may he ox- plained briefly as follows sul phuric acid is made from air writer and the fumes from burn ing sulphur when brought together they will unite with pro vocation as the chemicals phrase il Platinum furnishes a suf ficient amount of this provoca tion The mere presence of a I race of if causes this oxygen to water and sulphur dioxide- join hands chemically king of chemicals is born the Oil Drinks St near Market if THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE M R E A T R O N T O DETROIT I A Unexcelled Dining Car Sleeping oh night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day train Pull information from any Trunk Ticket Agent or Horning District Passenger Toronto Depot Agent Phone J Phone Agent and Mrs Stevenson Vancouver some roses from Miss and members of the family The funeral on Tuesday after- noon vas conducted by Rev J I Simpson of Toronto President of Conference A quartette com posed of Mrs Mason Mrs Mur ray Mr and Mr led in the singing of the hymn Oh God our help in ages past and also sang two beautiful Pall bearers wore three sons soninlaw grandson Frank i Wilkinson and nephew Mr Al bert VanNostrand The re- were interred at Aurora Cemetery Among those from a distance who also attended the funeral were Canon Marsh Lind say nepnew I Mr VanNos and Mr Johnston of Toronto nephew- Miss and Mrs Dennis of Toron to nieces Mr Powell of Toronto Mrs John and Mrs Arthur of Keswick and many relatives and friends from Vandorf and Aurora At Jewelry Ebony Mirrors Hair Brushes Hat Brushes Clothes Brushes Nail Flies Buffers etc etc it Poultry The Seventh Annual Show of the North York Poultry Pigeon and Pot Slock Association will be held in the Market Tuesday Wed nesday and Thursday Dec and The Show will be Open lo the public from am Wed nesday Dec IB lo pm Thurs day Dec Newmarket birds have made a most creditable showing wherever placed on exhi bition The local birds which will be placed on view here will be Of the very highest order In addition to the usual incentives lo exhibit the best there will be an extra one this year- The Office Specialty Co have donated a fine silver cup to the Association Phis generous notion on the part of this well known firm will doubtless he the means of bring ing In many additional entries All local breeders of hue birds are requested to place their birds on exhibition increasing thereby the interest in the show and ob taining for a very small sum the Opinion of an expert judge fur nished by the Government as the quality of their stock It would seem lo be the duly of our citizens lo assist this show which has now for the past six years in the face of much indif ference staged a good exhibition of firstclass stock each year and kept the name of Newmarket constantly before the poultry fraternity of the Province Buy Your Lady A Wrist Watch at A steam pipe burst on a tug Off Port and scalded Arthur Taylor the cook fatally and also injured of Owen Sound the Chief engin eer John Packard a tollgate keeper on ours road of Port Hope was killed by being Struck by an automobile driven by a widow entered action mid received from Plunked Salt Lake City Deo Al though be controlled millions of dollars while President of the Mormon Church Joseph P Smith left an estate of less than Forty seven heirs are mentioned In the will Copenhagen Dec JO Turkey has demanded the extradition of Pasha former Grand Viz ier and the former War Minister as well as other members of the former Turkish Government who fled to Germany Cbas Johnson baker at Trenton was burned out on Tuesday In GnnQda have been On for some months between the various trade fl celadons looking to the formation of guilds for research will en able the or companies belonging lo to cooperate with the council In experimental Investigations with the object im proving their manufacturing A number of Industries such as tinners pro ducts manufacturer and the pulp and paper men ore ready to combine for this purpose oh soon as the proposed central Institute with its much needed facilities for laboratory work Is ready 1 I Who Will Get This Lovely Doll Regular Sale Price a t I HEADQUARTERS FOR TOYS DOLL BEST LETTER TO SANTA P A The letter will be Judged by a fell what you would like for Written by a not more than 10 years of ago for Its composition and correct spelling Tel that you have seen In Newmarket Stores You can drop your letter In the Box at Youngs Fair without paying postage Doll can be seen In the Window of Youngs Fa p Competition Twill on Deo st The Presentation will be made Christmas Eve NOW LET THE LITTLE GET BU8Y I if mm tfV AND AVOID THE HUSH with i J r S3 I if r t3 I VOL i f y

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