Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Dec 1918, p. 6

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Mount Albert BOX SOCIAL A Christmas tree and box so cial will be held in Cedar Brae School House Friday evening Dc There will be an excel lent program and Mr J the popular auctioneer has kindly consented to auction ofl the boxes Half the proceeds are for the Belgian Mr of Knox College occupied the pulpit of the Pres byterian Church Sunday in the absence of Mr who was ill with flu A of people in town who escaped the flu before seem to he having their turn now hut is of a much milder typo the previous attack it than PERSONAL Mr formerly of the Royal Air Force in Greece is vis iting relatives in town Mr Thos Hayes who has been in the West for the greater pari of the summer returned to town on Monday It been suggested Mat a membership ticket in Ine Public which for a year costs Dyke only would make a very suit able Christmas gift to a dainty dinner The pres ents were both numerous and costly showing the esteem in which the young couple arc held They left late in the af ternoon raid showers of confetti and good wishes for Toronto and other points On their return will reside near Sand ford The the BED CROSS WORK The proceeds of the Window held in the different stores for the last three weeks amounted to and the ladies are verv grateful to all those who helped make it a success box packed this week Red Cross contained day shirty in dozen handkerchiefs personal pro perty bags wash cloths arid medical jackets the whole valued at SUNDAY SCHOOL EPWORTH LEAGUE A very successful social was held on Monday evening Dec in the basement of the Methodist Church under the auspices of the Missionary Department of the League of which Miss Myrtle is the VicePresident Nearly were present whom were young men and wo men As we entered the room we found Stuart Rowland and Wesley sitting at the receipt of custom We were asked to sign our names in a hook to hand over our admission fee cents and were given a number to be used later on in the program At about the concert commenced with the singing of a rousing hymn and the repeating of the Lords Prayer Miss Olive Tinsdale accompanied by Miss Vera Hogg rendered a very ac ceptable solo A duet by da Sloan and Marion Gray ac companied by Mrs Rev Gray was greatly appreciated Then Practices are going on almost Mjsg Mmi i- nightly in connection with Christmas Entertainment to he held on Monday evening Dec The Superintendent officers teachers and scholars expect a record crowd on that evening so please do not let anything inter fere with your presence Last Sunday was Education a Flower Contest in which we fol lowed with keenest interest the love affairs of a young Theologi cal Student Prizes- were given to the best and poorest gucssers Mr Roy Stewart then delighted us with a humorous song after which we entered upon a spelling Mrs A Gryderman still continues- an invalid farout in the Blizzard State Not much prospect of her being home for Mr Abel Dakota purposes paying the old home a visit after 37 years cordially wel- come our old schoolboy He was an At boy minding his own biz same as all of Johnstons and Valentines boys did Theyre j boys to he proud of Amen The Quecnsviile Scribe may swallow this On Nov 5th Guy Gunpowder Plot Day the old stuffed his crop with freshlypicked strawberries from garden They had hid in a dugout under sorne dead leaves and had escaped the tooth of Jack Frost Now if my friend Mrs Clara Bell Putnam can do better I shall haveto cry happily endorse the Egypt scribes comments on out school- maams ability as a disciplinari an She is the equal of any man I to fill the chair and Jim Kavanagh Julius Rynard Amos Kay and Pat Dillon were good ones That clever young Irish boy Tim Longhurst is a good boy on a cycle and is rarely surpassed He is also trapper and a fine shot with a Run He lined up two woodchucks at dif ferent holes and blazed away Re sult two chucks Mrs Pringle saw he act I if Tim is as clever with the bow and ar row as Dan Cupid but he has no hearts to show for it All Baldwin is anxiously look ing forward to homecoming of our soldier lads They deserve a hearty welcome Crittenden postmas ter has recuperated from his at tack and looking for Fox our har nessmaker and shoecobbler awfully busy He made a fine set of team harness Try him Now the war is over maybe some young men who have taken a shine to some Baldwin belles may ring the bells dlst hold their third annual Talent Sale in the Hall on Friday Dec commencing at 300 pm All kinds of fancy goods will be sold Good op portunity to purchase Christmas Gifts Admission to sale free Supper will be served on the same evening followed by a delightful I entertainment l Mr and Mrs R Shields and family were guests of her moth- Mrs Sailer on Sunday last Mrs has departed for Toronto also Mr and Mr and son Percy attended I he Stock Show in Toronto one day last week Mrs Geo of Toronto was visiting at Miss last Thursday Mrs of Toron to was visiting at her mothers Glover on Monday Let not thy right hand what thy left hand doeth We are pleased to report that Rev Henbest is in our midst again Quite a number of relatives and friends attended the funeral of the late Mr John Chapman at Christ Church Cemetery last Sat urday Remains were brought from his late home in Toronto We are sorry report that Miss Hell is on the sick list Mr McCarnah is slowly re covering from his recent illness Mr and Mrs Morning were visiting at Oak Ridges Sunday Parsons is on the sick list Mr McCarran is slowly recovering Miss Marjory Bell is recovered from her throat trouble Mr Karl Grant is home for a visit People that are welling Christmas trees belter look where they are gelling them The ammunition workers are coming home for a rest Mrs Bell and Mrs Wood Monday in Toronto Mrs has left our village and intends going is Opening Day OF THE NOW FAMOUS White Progressive Club Twentyfife cents Is all you Come and let us tell you about It Do your part by doing your own sew ing are making It possible for every woman to have the best praotlso real economy sew under the pleasnntesi conditions U Y SEW PAY was wwwu match conducted by the Chair- Day at Mount Albert and Hart- timp man Rev spell down our Public and High University occupied the of but the word that the Church Ml Albert fonm in the morning and gave US a n MftWP very inspiring message Rev A When that gallant young Horner Glides round lie corner AnI runs his car up into the yard A little coquette Smiles and says You bet Now guess hes smitten right hard 1 25c 25c I0ihpmi 7i 75 I 100 Si ia 1 100 Ifrhpini JStdpmi SI uo Wth Hi pmT 150 pi Ohio million SEVEN WHY YOU SHOULD JOIN AT ONCE Because the White is made by a- big established organization Factory United States Because no better machine is miule There are aver five satisfied users of the While all over the world Because you get guaranteed quality backed by over reputation Because the first cost so low Because the Club Payments are- easily made Because prices will be higher after the Club Because this opportunity may not come again THE SPECIAL CLUB PRICES are permitted by the manufacturers during 1 Xm Our At Is very useful for cor OUR We give y In a Piece L CI 1 1 I Fine I ratio 1 loft 1 I China QUI this Sale only You have your choice any at Specially Reduced Prices of DONT DELAY Only BO Machines Only BO are open When this number are enrolled no more will he the Special Club Prices Remember the time hi lake Advantage of s offer is limitedACT NOW PREMIUM REFUNDS An White Progressive Club is this in penis Special Discount on each final you make before it is due COME IN SEE THE in wn icyon i lien followed mo re- very fcii Alton A of and butter and coffee anil presented the claims o Viclorn fc fl frig end to a the Educational Society at lo whicJ go Co the Mfs- to the Mfs- MISSIONARY Fund Why con hi we The Missionary not sen even half tin number Auxiliary Presbyterian present ftl our Ordinary IhMp annual rneel- Our officers are faithful in- a the home of Mrs Geo and our programs are helpful Feasby There was a splendid every evening lo help and tendance of ladies to hear Hie re- be helped ports for the years work which very satisfactory and it very encouraging to I In officers who were all for an other year Mrs Davidson Pres ident Mrs and Mrs Cook Treasurer During the year the ladies a bale the North West Indians containing quills a girls outfit two baby Outfits valued thank offering amounted to Home Helpers 91005 Voluntary Offerings whole amounting lo 91350 and the A very pretty welding took place at the home Mr and Mrs Moorhead on Wednesday Dee when their eldest daughter Ruth became the bride Of Mr Garnet eldest Hon of Mr and Mrs Wellington Sin a I ley The Rev D Roy Gray officiated Miss Florence sister of the groom played the march The bride entered the drawing room on the arm of her father and was gown ed in a navy blue travelling suit with a black plush hat She car ried a bouquet of white carnations and hair fern The to the bride was a gold wristlet watch and to the pianist a gold rin After the ceremony the gueftts numbering fifty sat down Brown Hill A sad wave came over the town Thursday when the news broke out that Miss Elizabeth I passed away after her long illness Mrs was a resident here for some years and was a well respected person and lived peaceably with everyone The service was held at her home Saturday afternoon at p in by Rev Kitchen speaking on a very appropriate text from Numbers The sermon was excellent indeed and in a proper line The remains were taken to Zephyr for inlermeiV- We deeply sympathize with the fam ily Mr took a flying trip Toronto this week Max has crawled out In the sun lo rest again Ilia pal is quite a physician indeed Some talk of another revival here Row would it be to know an Old boy who would be pleased to hear from his schoolmate an old girl Roches ter My schoolmates are dear me The young winter died an un timely death Gone but not for gotten tncle Johnston looks for a mild winter so he says Mrs has had four glass doors put in which 1 observe makes a derided improvement Prime good butter is dreadful ly scarce these limes if can hold of Three Roses Rose Taylor and Rose Riddclli I deem myself a lucky boy Those fun tors of Newmarket are hustlers at hunt ing giltedged butter and fresh lien fruit hunt witti sil ver bullets nope to have good light next trip MOUNT There will be a special Public Service in the Presbyterian Church Sabbath evening at half- past seven when Membership Certificates and Pins in connec tion with the will be pre sented to six of the Junior Mem bers of the Girls Mission Hand There will be special music and Mrs Rev Atkinson will give a Missionary Address All wel come T BLJZZARD Agent Newmarket And have us Explain the Plan Dec 20 21 CEDAR BRAE Well short and sweet was our young winter mind we may have sleighing yet for Mr Welsh is busy load ing cordwood these days Master Joe Doyle is attending High School in Toronto Miss Nora of Raven- shoe is spending the winter wilii her aunt Mrs I Jones Hurrah hurrah for the Tree and Box Social at Cedar Brae on Friday Dec A splendid program will be given Half proceeds for Relief Fund A meeting of the Executive of the Convention will be held in the Church on Dee at a in- Arrange- will be made for the Conven tion which will be held on the usual dale he first Tuesday in January Sir W 1 and Stiles A Son are exhibiting at the Provincial in having taken a car load of their horses Win Henry and Son of Keswick are also exhibitors The P Intend holding a card party and dance in die Town Hall on New Years Eve The Ladies Aid of James Church purpose holding a work and a Tea on Wednesday liec in McLaughlins store Sale com mence at p in served from p in I a MOUNT PLEASANT Hon and In the village of Apply to Thomas STRAY vive the revivers Yes its K to get a right start lo accomplish great success Miss Pearl Rye of Holt took charge of the service here in the church on Sunday morning Pearl is a fine speaker and lives out her life That is what I admire Sleeping Beauty HOPE out to Strayed from trig premises of the undersigned lot If con Bast a Black and White Steer with V cut of ear lift ward for Information leading lo recovery WARREN GRAVES ivi Mount Albert church it on liht From Lot 25 in the Con of Whitchurch Black Heifer years old and one Black and While Spring Calf Howard offered for recovery Brandon Cedar Valley Phone Ml Albert SHEEP Came upon Lot In the 3rd Con of East about the of November Five Owner requested to property expanses and take away WHITE Quite Sunday TOO bad we lost Our Mrs Hail visited at week Gordon wan home for the weekend Mr and MrH Hall took tea with Mr and A Dyke on Sunday evening Hope Choir Sharon League In the pari of their program on Sunday evening Mr and Mrs A of Klntj the weekend at Mr We believe our ChHsttaW be very good ao dont forget the date Ada of Toronto Is at her brothers Mr Mr Vlll the spent a day In Toronto week Mrs away to Bee her brother who Is ueriuuMy 111 but pleased nay he la some belter There are to many the name date an Hope that loose in charge have decided to hold the Hope on the Instead of the A Play A Tragedy Hire Arts Act I night very A young man Is seen tie rehiring homeward Act it Time oclock still dark The flame young man looking for lornly flown the same rood whence he has runic after swiftly re treating horse Oh where tell me where my gone It Still dark is being by owner and at length recovered after an exciting chase whole half mile away Moral Young ladles send your friends home before become steeply The End Miss Mary has spent a couple of weeks In the oily visiting relatives and friends y Mr Rons Stiles attending the Fair We arc to hear that Jr Johnston has the pneumonia We hope for a speedy recovery Miss Myrtle Hamilton still In Toronto Mrn TomllnHou and children are vlnitlng at borne of her mother in the of Brook Annual Meeting of the M Auxiliary will be hold Thurs day afternoon at halfpast two at the Manse where a full attend ance is requested as reports will be glvdn Mrs Rev Atkinson attended the meeting of the Executive the Toronto at the Deaconess Home Friday The Presbyterian Tree to be held will be one of the best events of the sea son Unserve the date and come to see the making of the Canadi an Hag the Taper Drill and many other good things that are being prepared Sutton West Dont let King Winter stop your milk supply Prepare now for a milk shortage due to snow storms blocking the roads and railways KLI pasteurized separated milk in pow der form daily in the kitchen and on the table and milk troubles will vanish Use dry with other dry ingredients in cooking or make into liquid by whipping Into water it is nutrition less than any other form of milk Order KLIM from your Grocer Packed and tins with handy covers Canada Food WHAT A BYSTANDER SAW AND HEAtlD Twas line Sabbath morning Not SO very long ago When Fred came marching up a lane At a pace thai was not slow Says he My boys I have you now And that you cant deny For I fool prints prove it As you dogs fly on the following Monday afternoon Down through the rain Fred went To the law log oil those boys who did their feelings vent On a certain anchored building That was wired lo the ground So that early every morning It might easily be found SPECIAL tie- great bargains as Army over Rubber- Overshoes Mackinaw Mens Khaki Rubbers -iz- l Heavy Rubbers leal her hip In Mens Heavy Rubbers Mens odd Veals We have some Men- anil Youth and They are moving Mens wool Underwear Mens or l Mens Keg lhil are for for 1WS5 is Penman si Mi Its iiiiilil iair art Ladies Laities Kim FOR LADIES prey blue lured in and I STa i0rt Alas Sir William- would not lot His law dog loose I hat day Because there was not scent enough And he might stray away As for the trip it wnviu vain Because the law dog would not work But just leave Captain ml the alert To gel Fred up in his night shirt in black blue reduced Sf00 tn Id li5 Ladles Tnn lleneh Made Shoes I Ladies Hood- assl- colours V Ladies Ileeeed I low Token childs cli Hoys Hockey Caps Striped Shaker per Womens Wool Claps eol rOc Pink Shaker We have many specials on nil limes We always ad- as our ami go rapidly It Is best lo view oar often and compare prides All goods subject in slock Save money lime and worry and GHA8 BALDWIN Phono Terms Cosh or Produce On the way lo quality and quantity i r A number of young people from Ml Pleasant the Services A fiervlpc will ho held In the Mt Pleasant Church on Sunday even ing Deb at p for the presentation of missionary the Junior members of the io What You Can band Mrs Rev Atkinson will address the meeting and will be pro vldcd iUurlng the were shot In the Tower of London Union under the auspices the Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday Schools will be held In the Town Hall Sutton West on Wednesday a splendid program will be provided consisting of Drills Dialogues Chorus es Recitations and Music A Skit eniiiied A Perplexing Situation will be presented by the young people Instead of Usual Tree an Offering will be taken up III behalf of the and Syrian Fund Admission Children of above Schools Free All arc Invited for a Merry Program eommeneeH at p We are sorry to report of an old resident who was well and favourably known this community Marion wife of the James At done She leaves two and two laughter heir loss Wo extend our sympathy Rev A Hamilton who was railed away to attend the of his mother In Knox Church Choir attended the An niversary Services of the Presbyterian Church last Sunday Misses and and Mr and Miss sang duct The Union of the Presbyterian and Methodist Sunday Schools wlllbe given next Wednes day evening Hoc In the Town Hall Sutton I Heres to Man Who Lost Hat e Heros to the man who lost liH hat Along by Charlies corn But if you want to back lust call next Sunday morn When Charlies off to church my boys Youll find it hanging thorn Just above Mays little toys you go upstairs But boys if you want to got hurt Just call tomorrow night Youll find Ghnrlos In his night shirt you get out of sight Youd bettor look for water too As Charles is Just red hot Because ho has the old gun down And loaded with buckshot I And then hell know lads That drive horses gray Youll need lo wear pads Or not pilch any hay And how the night You went away from homo To pull the plug which was tight And lot the walor A Cold Weather Necessity Send Your Batteries to Me for Winter Storage If left In unused cars in cold wbather they slowly dis charge and julphuto In such condition they freeze readllyi and a frozen Battery Is usually ruined A Complete Stock of Battery Parts Is kept on hand and I maintain a Battery Ser vice Station for repair and of all makes of Bat teries being Representative In 8utton for the well- known and popular SERVICE and Distribut ors of BATTERY Remember Batteries not In use depredate very rapidly Their should be arranged Immediately STANLEY A Sutton West so L Whitby Deo a has madoils unco again lo a largo among children although cases of adults lately The publio and high schools again for past two Hon Sydney Fisher in an ad- weeks and on Friday evening it dress at predicted that was decided lo thorn closed for til after the Christmas vaca tion I food prices will romain high two or- three years at least rWESnjFnatmRt order of the Board af ealU the Bradford Public and High School arc closed until aflcr Christmas Kitchener Ont Deo day Mr Aaron ana Ida were married for a honeymoon In Toronto over the honeymoon was brief the train a pickpocket MM bridegroom of his roll of and thorn penniless The to the and and a ticket FI quail us WHE Pi loo I Ur and

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