Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Dec 1918, p. 5

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SR f I i i M -i- Ayrtt Or Hr Wilkinson- DENTIST Corner Main and Ss Newmarket Dp J Boyd B Graduate in Medicine of Toronto university Licentiate of the Royal College f PliyslclanS and member of l he Royal College of Surgeons of clinical assistant in Rye Hospital and College Bar Nose and Throat OUR LOCAL NEWS Hospital London England Eyes Tested Glasses Supplied Telephone Omission In our account of he Board of Trade Banquet last week we cidentally omitted to mention the splendid music supplied by Mr J rough toils Edison Phon ograph Hours The Late Chas Osbornes Estate By a will made Oct last two days before he died Charles I well Osborne a tinsmith at market left his properly to his Richard and Margaret WATCHMAKER I Osborne in trust for the Avenue and education of his infant Adjoining Post Office inventory includes HOW TO FIGHT SPANISH INFLUENZA DAVID HAMILTON SI in household foods insurance cash an interest I of in the firm of Osborne Choice Farm and Town Proper- property in New market valued at 3200 ties foi taken sale Phone Victory Bonds AM BERT GREEN PAPER PunfPalities in the Prov- 1 Ontario meet next -Yion- Ave 2nd house from ace l Statute to close Queen St Newmarket business for the year All P Box persons having accounts should j present them to the Clerk previ ous to the meeting The Treas urer lias lo prepare a Financial RATCLIFF Toucher of Singing tndio Toronto Conservatory of Music Newmarket on Wednesdays LIVERPOOLMANITOBA Fire Insurance FRED HARTRY l3m Newmarket Br DR W BOWBRS Avoid crowds coughs and cowards but fear neither germs nor Germans I Keep in order take plenty of exercise in the air and practice cleanliness a clean mouth a clean akin and clean bowels are a protecting armour against disease To keep the liver and bowels regular and to carry away the poisons within it is best to take a vegetable pill every other op of Mayapple aloes jalap and sugarcoated to be had at inoEt drag stores known as Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets If there is a sudden onset of what appears like a hard cold one should go to bed wrap warm take a hot mustard footbath and drink copi ously of hot lemonade If pain develops in head or back ask the druggist for Anuria antiuric tablets These will flush the bladder and kidneys and carry off poisonous germs To control the W WANTS TO BUY France at end of the war finds herself with 2300000 less cattle less sheep and less pigs than in will be glad to buy pork and hog products in Canada as soon as financial arrangements as to credit in Canada can be arranged Canadian breeding cattle also are wanted Canada is the only country upon whose cattle France does not maintain an embargo Denmarks Bacon Trade Before the war Denmark used to send- Great Britain 2300000 pains and aches take one Anuria tablet hundredweight of bacon per year Today Denmark is herself short of pigs And her great hungry neighbor Germany is every two hours with frequent drinks of lemonade The pneumonia appears in a most treacherous way when the influ enza victim is apparently recovering and anxious to leave his bed In recovering short 19300000 pigs Britain ill have to look elsewhere for Statement immediately after this meeting for circulation among Ihe ratepayers prior to Nomina tion Meeting which will hold his year on Monday Dor i A STOUFFER Newmarket Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia and Records Prompt Service Stolen Goods Returned About a month ago Somebody unknown went info the garage of Mr Reynolds who at that lime was Manager of the Imperial Bank at Aurora and carried off a new auto tire valued a Garage had been accidentally I left unlocked which was very usual There was no clue to whom had taken it and Mr Rey nolds had put if down to the Account But evidently con science got busy with thief and the Ore in his possession troubled him for on Saturday last Mr Reynolds who is now siding in Newmarket got word thai here was a new for him ffifl express at Aurora When he received if he identified the tire as the same ono which At the Era Office been stolen and il had not from a bad attack of influenza or pneu- Ibo baron Denmark used W sup ply and here is where Canada will find a permanent Irade op- the coun try of no moan proportions Not Kept Lyman Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses Office Private issued at private res idence if desired Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS TO GROCERY even boon unwrapped There hope for the human race the system should be built up with a good herbal tonic as Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery made without alcohol from the roots and barks of American forest trees or his iron tonic tablets which can be ob tained at most drug or send to Dr Pierces Invalids Hotel Buffalo Y for trial package Presbyterian Church There was a large attendance last Sunday morning and the ad dress by Chief Justice Sutherland of Toronto on The Forward Mo The live stock industry of this continent has not kept pace with the increase in population Uncertainty as to the market when the armistice was declared led many slock men to throw his stock on the market unfinished in an effort to turn bis animals in to money before prices went down was a poor policy as events have shown There has was much been no decline in ho price ml when and finish were in- proposition as present- when ed ma logical distinctive clear- cut and comprehensive manner mams MORE TO BE FED THAN EVER Industrial Home Our first and deepest must be for the Bel- Police Court Major held a session of the Police Court here on Wed nesday of last week when Wesley of East was charged with the seduction of a girl under years of age The complaint was made against last February but he skipped out and was found by Go Constable Duncan hiding in the woods near Parry Sound The prisoner pleaded not guilty and elected lo be tried by jury He put up bail of to keep his freedom pending trial was let go on Suspended sentence because die committed breach of the law by installing electric appliances in a house without the necessary permit As it was the first lime ibis kind of offence has come be fore him lie pay me ill of Hie Costs S25 the ease The Commissioners met at the Home last week and awarded the contracts for supplies for next year to the same people who were supplying the institution the past year namely Dry Goods and Groceries Mr Whimsler Aurora Bread- Mr Aurora Hoof Mr Tait Newmarket There was very little difference in the prices compared with this year except in woolen goods Bread is of a cent per pound higher Beef is the same price this year stimulus by openings being found by the Food Board the cod- fishing industry has made enor mous strides in diverting some of its catch to the internal market Over 200000000 pounds of codfish are caught by Canadian fishermen annually This is by far the largest quantity of any Canadian fish or indeed of any three varieties Nor is this sur prising for early at tracted the fishermen of the Bay of Biscay and of- the Portugese coast to Newfoundland Indeed it was the prevalence of cod on the Great Banks which brought about the fact that Newfoundland was the British first colony The bulk of codfish taken in Canada is salted and dried for ex port to the Latin countries South America especially does a largo trade There is no reason why our own consumption should not be as large The cod is native to both I lie Atlantic and Pacific oceans- In the latter there are fact throe varieties ling red and bray The last named resembles the fish The flesh of the cod fish is not sally Fresh or froz en codfish is as white and palate- able lake Atlantic codfish can be procured in firsl- ciass condition as far west as Winnipeg Pacific codfish is marketed as far east as that point Dried salted boneless and shredded codfish can be pro cured anywhere in Canada The codfish is cheap and high ly nutritious Us depends on the cooking Cana dians do not eat enough codfish and our present is largely dependent on foreign mar kets A larger home consump tion encourages the fishery by quicker returns on money invest ed It will also induce more men to go into file fishery thus forming a nursery for the Navy and Mercantile Marine KINQ QEOROE TO VISIT UNITED STATE8 CANADA SAVINGS Tho Canadian Government offers WarSavings Stamps Issue of Payable Jan 1 ORDERINCOUNCIL No authorizes the issue of WarSavings Stamps for the pur pose of assisting in the financing of Government expenditures A Sir Thomas White Minister of Finance points out will provide an excellent investment for small savings and a strong incentive to economy for Until January 31st 1919 WarSavings Stamps will be sold by all MoneyOrder Post Offices Banks and other- authorized Agencies for each and January 1st will pay each for them Registration Against Loss A Certificate is provided for the purchaser of a S On the certificate are spaces to which WS S may be affixed A certificate bearing one or more WS S may be registered at any MoneyOrder Post Office fully protecting the owner against loss by fire burglary ox other cause The Certificate also shows the Cash Surrender Value of fi at various dates before maturity SOLD WHEREVER THIS PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS PLEASE j Get Them at E The Photographer in Your Town -On- Door West of the Office Tins was good ISalurday lliere was big crowd in Town md the had 1 splendid business day prayer service in fh lal nfrehf The milkmen who deliver iluf Town have raised Me Hie hoi I led The Telephone dlsfyflinfed among week Rev T W Leaves Pulpit a special meeting of Quarterly of Broadway Methodist Taber nacle Toronto last week the pastor Rev was released from the pastorate lake effect July I next to become Secretary of the Methodist Union of Toronto in suc cession 10 Rev Wesley Dean who becomes head of the finance de partment of Methodist General Conference A com ml I tee from ihe of the union composed of J Simpson President or Conference Mr Watson Treasurer of Missionary of lie Conference Mr K Hull and I pre sen led Hie call of Mr hoard ami spoke in earnest eloquent terms Special by Mr I fill mix J tt I After lie rail a if he liters f in of Mr Neats work the pliidiil sun- ess alleiitllin II Since he las has oV- if In- leading iilpHx in Melliiidlsifi his in Serbians Greeks and In addition there are 40000000 people in neutral states who are through no fault of their own on short rations Difficulties of transportation have not ended Troops must soon be sent back to their homes from Mesopotamia to Bombay from Egypt anil the Balkans back to Australia and Singapore from East Africa nack Capetown from Italy back to New Zealand from Palestine back to Wales and I Scotland from France back to Canada and the United States not to speak of the crosschannel re turn of British Iroops when they have finished their new Watch on the Rhino Shipping for foods must London Dec During the war no short I British ships were sunk with Nothing hasbeen said here for crews beneath them and 3147 vch- civilians on llm- sols were sunk and their crews left rations British French and adrift according to a statement by their case remains as Sir Eric First Lord of Ihe Ad- urgent as ever The only factor in an address in support of a which has changed is fund by he women of Empire nation of the submarine a memorial to British merchant establishment of peacelime j seamen Fishing vessels to the New York Dec fi The United Govern will have as its guests in near future King George of England President of France King Albert of Belgium King Victor Emman uel of Italy and the beads of any other nations President Wilson may visit during his visit in Eu rope Lausanne editor of the Paris Matin declared to day just before he sailed for France SIGN IS DISPLAYED CANE SOWS LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRE88ED LUMBER BO fi lore to I t moke Such as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Sash Doors and Window Frames Doors In Pine Fir Ash or Oak at price that will Interest you- Kindly give a trial On Sans Is Limited NEWMARKET 9 British Ships Sunk all these millions number hud been lost during period of hostilities and the iiiin firing in Kings I on mid street and He is pre I Mr fVriiril Iorniilo alvatlOii Hand EVENING SITTING appointment EHRIN8 NEWMARKET a Till made limits fpiile livelylThe Combined Choir Concort down In si unlay The muie jin iiff- own on I ihiui Aurora deserve great I had lone Many a busy i lMvijiL Ihonjrhts will ko Into many a of Mm- useful of corn fori in Ihe of re- I will mean the of all our foodsaving program on Ibis side of the Atlantic in out lis have be fed The I feeding may be primarily f but of the civil- Man peoples who have shared an incomparably greater extent than the civil populations in Canada and Toiled Slates IIm strain the vile work which war entailed The opportunities for lijian farmer- have never been equalled Yet while nor may if gotten thai the same impelling forre and f honor remains as it has been two in erviee had suffer exceeding men The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ASTER Nov Ready In Quantity No Order less than Delivered Newmarket Poultry Fair Lists the Annual Mrs Mami and Mr and leaders f the Choirs al Newmarket and beau- 1 Aurora deserve praise the music they ren dered the Methodist Church here last fliere was a and program was I borough ly enjoyed The best number of Ihe evening was Hie anthem entitled Sol diers of Christ It was well balanced in every respect and re- years Of the people of only areas South Ilussia Hungary and Denmark fooil supplies harvest much credit upon every are now issued In all the full voiced Poultry Mrs Mason acted as eon- PHONE i- Mary font Mcculloch iAty of Jo- in County York In the of Ontario Married in apply ih of Can- el thereof for Divorce from her John Bruce of the said City of Toronto now in Vancouver In the Province of Automobile Salesman on round of adultery and eruolty ioronto In Hie Province Ontario day of November it Duff A Hamilton St ioronto Oat for Mary Jane lie spplieaot Newmarket vhihj to be held Mi the Market Building on the and til of December and directors are desir- of maintaining the high standard of previous and with end in view have offered some very attractive prizes The Office Specialty Mfg Co with Its usual liberality In dealing everything thai pertains lo the welfare of the town lias donated a silver cup for the best cock hen I cockerel pullet and pen in how This Splendid contribu tion the prize list will quicken poultry men in the exhibition and encourage them in their efforts to produce IJlO bent in their class The cup becomes the properly of Hie exhibitor winning it three years in succession Newmarket poultry fanciers in variably carry off numerous prizes at all the larger shows in he Province and outside men have a high regard for birds raised here Let Hie coming Fair lie well represented and largely patronized Poultry is one of the essential byproducts of the farm and many townspeo ple find if proliable business Give the Pair all the you can and keep Newmar ket the progressive map Fair at the pipe Or am Mr at Hie piano The precision of lttckt diminuendos I and retards were line and the of- I feel most gratifying to judges of pOOd music The Male Chorus Pussy in the Well the Ladies were pleasing The music was all the more joyalde because of Hie tiave sufficient I until next imports Suar beet production in all till Including and Austria has drop ped from 8500000 Ions in lo tons for last har vest Sugar was selling in Spain month ago from to a pound And Spain was neutral In Austria it was from cents Mo cents a pound when pro curable while in Turkey just be fore her Capitulation under smashing blows in Palestine aim Mesopotamia sugar was selling oral least was quoted at from Si a pound These fig ures show a shortage A Nov Potato A booklet has been prepared Hie use f potatoes Many new ami interesting giv- which are likely In ttl- is the desire of the Food Hoard to bring before ro Do cough or sneeze wlthoui a handkerchief before ihe fare Since the outbreak of Influenza how often have doctors and others Inter ested In public health advised in of this and yet how frequently in the warning disregarded the obey this rule Is probably responsible for the spread of much contagion Take example those In early nol he of consumption a sin gle cough release iiilllloris of deadly bacilli he In by Others Until yeitrs coiifliiniplloii was Incurable hut we now know that can ho Cured if in ken In lime The Free Hospital proved his a doubt of its have been restored health and lives of use numbers by Miss housewives anew Toronto which interspersed them She live selections every one perfection ami proved her self an adept jn that lino The number The Britains Ships Keep Free was exceedingly appropriate She has a very attractive and Is a very capable performer Those who had charge of program have reason to he con gratulated upon the success of their efforts Philadelphia Dee Two million pounds of destined for was destroyed when a big of Sugar Company on the Delaware Ibver front wfcs burned Ten compelled lo jump for their lives were Injured The Is rnaled at hundred thousand dollars remarkably high food value of Ihe potato so that il may be used to the fullest extent In the coining winter as a leader those limits which have to supplant wheat flour its much as possible the common knowledge of the humble potato itsnot near ly so largely used nor prepared so palatably as it could he The booklet will lie willingly mailed to any applicant to the Food Hoard Ottawa Untold Wealth of Cod Fisheries Codfish has come into its own In Canada during the war it has always been a favorite dish of the French and other NewLatin countries both in Europe and in South America It has however been one of the most neglected fish so far as Canada is concern ed banks of Newfoundland famed for tholr fulness One of that hospital write an follows Just eight years go Ibis Christmas time entered your Sanatorium I Was a very sad ami discouraged girl that Christmas hut I have been home over seven years ami I can hardly believe that ever had I look hack to the days I spent there with great thanks to Coil and thoao faithful workers who understood our cases and needs and ministered to lis so faithfully To carry on this great work the Free Hospital for Con- is again appealing for help There in much to do Will yon lend a hand Contributions may he to Sir William Cage avenue Toronto or to A Hold Gage In stitute College street London Dec Fresh evi dence of the ferocious treatment of prisoners of war cap- lured during the offensive by Germans is contained in a fur ther report by Justice committee Much sworn evi dence is given that prisoners be hind the Hue were half- starved ami overworked wore brutally treated and forced sleep shelterless and wero unable lo Change their clothing A number actually died of starva tion Out Dee Highly thousand cords of hardwood are available In this district for- do mestic purposes as a result of the cancellation of munitions contracts From Lindsay it is learned that an extract from this wood used in the chemical plants for the manufacture of the large quan tities had been cut and split an ticipating a prolonged war Now it is no longer needed for explo sives and will bo turned into the fuel market at onco Ml Most Efficient Mealing Device Sold in For Full Information or Phone J DUNN Phono 147 Agent for BRADFORD NEWMARKET AURORA i it A mm

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