Spanish I- 1 A 1 Restored to tfatf Former State of HcsHh by KIDNEYS Hundreds from all parts of Canada assertion If too hare been a to the Flo dont hesitate GIM PILLS Gin Sold 50 Cents a Box THK CO OF CAWAPA Oat IS Our attention has been called to the fact that women will not have the opportunity to use their fran chise in Federal Elections until the War Times Act is repealed The women will have to get busy and see that it is repealed coming together of seventyfive of the business men of Newmarket to talk over afterwar problems- in the spirit of cooperation as they did on Wednesday night of last week means much for the future prosperity of the town RUTLEDGES MACHINE SHOP New and SecondHand Machinery Wood Saws Mandrills Saw Mill and other Machinery in First Class order and will be sold cheap Shop East of Bank of Toronto Proprietor Indications are not wanting that it will he some time before we get back to Sir Win locks Penny Postage In the new is sue of the three cent stamps by the Dominion Government the former one cent War Tax has been eliminated It is now three cents straight letter post age Leeds Dec shall never target thai when I a cable nlesttge to President telling him what ice facts were and how essential it was that we should get American help at the speediest possible rate and inviting him to send Opening First Weekln January NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE hereby given IhaL NOTICE is of the in the County of York in the Province of Ontario Soldier will ap- ply to Hie parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a bill of di vorce from his wife Henrietta Doro thea Da vies new residing at the said fifty of Toronto in the County of York on the ground of adultery and Hated at Toronto this day of A by GODFREY it Adelaide St West Toronto Another Provincial Election is on in the adjoining constituency of North Ontario Nomination has been fixed Dec and polling on the 1 of February The Riding has nearly always gone Conservative hut is consid ered a close one The late had a majority of in the last election The talk is that the United Farmers will bring out a candidate in opposi tion in the Government supporter infantry and machine gunners to Europe said Premier Lloyd in the course of a speech to persons here today The following day continued the Premier there came a cable gram from President Wilson Send your ships across and we will send the 120000 men I invited Sic Joseph the Shipping Controller to Downing Street and said Send every ship you can They were all engaged in es sential trades because we were cut right down lb the bones was nothing that was not essential We said This is the time for taking risks We ran risks with our food r i Will I and we ran risks with essential George Foreign raw materials Wo said I he Minister Balfour Oban thing do is to gel these in across at all hazards America Answered America sent If is not soon to take some steps towards securing some War Trophies for Newmarket nor for taking info consideration the inatlerof perpetuating the mem ory of the gallant deeds of New market Heroes Our hoys have covered themselves with glory which lime can never efface and something substantial should commemorate their immortal heroism Newmarket lias never fa fed In all ils war efforts and We are sure if will not fall down on this NOTICE Is hereby given that MARGARET WEBSTER formerly MARGARET of the City of Toronto in the County of and Province of Ontario married woman will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session for a Bill of Divorce from her husband Henry of the City of Toronto in the County of York and Province of Ontario on the grounds of adultery and cruelty DATED at Toronto this 11th day of September A ELEANOR MARGARET WEBSTER her Solicitors Godfrey A St West 3ni33 Toronto OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Rial David fainlcfion of the City of in the County of York and Provlrce of Ontario collarmaker will apply the Parliament of Canada at the next thereof for a Hill of from his wife Vera of llij City of Toronto in the County of York and Province of Ontario on he ground of adultery and Dated at the City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario this day of September A I It DAVID JAM IKS ON ISy bis Solicitors Itobirietle Godfrey NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS The town could make a Muni cipal Skating Rink at a minimum of cost by using the Howling Green and it would be a valuable asset in providing amusement and healthful for the young people A man with a horse and snow plow would soon clean it and it would be money Well spent in the interest of the rising generation The children could be allowed its use free in the daytime and a small charge made grownups to meet the cost of a caretaker Season tickets at would make the Rink popular and would nul he cost Comments of Exchanges Mercury Were begin ning to think its a pity the Allies consented to on armistice at all when practically bad a whole army ready to capture Had the powers allowed the old war horse to have his way there would not he all this fuss over terms and conditions that are to day giving rise to many misunder standings Mercury Germany can not escape tin consequences of war now by pleading the collapse of the empire The people of the whole country have been equally guilty with Hie military and endorsed their every atrocity and should he required lo make amends lo ih limit across and out of that number were carried by the British Mercantile Marine The good old ships of Britain have j saved the liberty of the world many times I They saved it in the days of Queen Elizabeth saved it in the days of Louis saved it in be days of Napoleon and have saved it in the days of Kaiser Wjlholm It is a change from December a change from the days when at the end of the year we made our balance sheet and found Germany bad acquired more Al lied territory ban she had before that a new ally had fallen and an other ally was loitering to the fall and that Germany was ad vancing ruthlessly along from conquest to conquest Thai was the story up to the end of December Ifllfi What is the story today Every Ger man submarine is in a British port today The best battle ships and cruisers and torpedo boats of Germany arc now with lowered flags under the surveil lance of British seamen in British harbors And the British army whicb Mas fought so gallantly as fought with a heroism whicb he world has never matched Paris Deo The j Conference will reassemble on December or ings will be at the Foreign Office in the Quai and not at Versailles DavidXIoyd George Premier and A J Bal four the Foreign Minister expect to come here at thai time lo meet President Wilson and attend the conference but the elections in Great Britain may not permit- them to remain more than two three days The opening of the Peace Congress is set the fl week in January first meet ings will be for the actual of the preliminaries of peace the representatives of the enemy powers who will he prose The names of the French egates to the Peace Congress not as yet been announced it is understood Ihov will be lhre members be Government and possibly fourth member The British delegates will be Mission of the Exchequer Andrew Law George Barnes Ihor member of the War Cabinet and a fifth delegate not yet it is anticipated the peace deliberations will last four months and unless unfor- obstacles arise that actum will be reached toward he early part of Mav SOLDIER HOSPITAL rove Party Line suggest consideration for the persons who may be talking on your partyline Do not interrupt their conver sation It is discourteous and unfair Answer only your own signal If there is any confusion about ithe rings report the fact promptly to the Chief Operator When you wish to call remove the receiver and listen If the line is In use hang up the re ceiver and wait until the con versation Is finished Do not allow children or others to listen on the line when it is in use or to play with the telephone at any time 4 Make your calls as brief as pos sible Short conversations will keep the line open and make the service of most value to everyone Cood our true Intent The Bell Telephone Co of Canada To bo Built Near PEACE BRINGS NO LETUP FOR THE V and baf army after months of fight ing and of Buffering is today a bis hour marching across the Rhine into Germany and into one of the most famous cities of manv l A fo cost he erected for the Department of Soldiers Civil about a mile from or about fif teen miles from Toronto The site which was purchased for is the Plunked farm of acres situated where the bridge located and where the radial railway passes The large hospital be built is being financed by the Ontario and Federal Governments jointly each providing with a condition that the Civil Department surrenders occupan cy at tin expiration of five years The site is excellently chosen for lung troubles It is expected that the authori ties will centralize all tuberculo sis cases at the new institution and in all will decidedly medical institution with retraining or vocational lilies as in military hospitals At the expiration of five years the Dominion Government will take over ho building for the use of tuberculosis mental patients An example of what many wo men in the Old Country have done and are daily doing for Canadian boys on leave is told by Mrs Geo Davidson one of the most unselfish and effective Vol untary Workers the Canadian M A in London has had- during its operation of the Little Awful Atrocities by the Turks London Dec The Morning Post publishes from Constanti nople a detailed account of the massacres of Armenians by Turks began in the early part of Us terrible tale points lo TROOPS OVER8EA8 MARRYING AT RATE OF 300 A WEEK Fifty Thousand Canadian are In Eng land Awaiting Boats to Bring Them Homo London Dec Canadian Press learns from a reliable es timate that fifty thousand women a determined attempt and children depedents of the whole nation and I be fol lowing story is told of the awful deportation schemes For hundreds of miles over mountains in scorching heal or freezing cold long convoys went Young girls from the age Of ten upwards were obliged inarch naked for hours al a time Hun dreds of thousands died On Hie march Only 1500 Mercury There pay be some significance hi he burnish up again of armor or s Hon Hob- which had be- w wcrc deported come badly in llc crossed the bridge oyer Ilia early days of flic war when front toriaploCliillaill was discredited by the courts of his own province If In Indicate that Tory party need a veteran band tin game of organising and tin- fen f Iirokindowii and Of these only alive 1500 are now an soldiers are in England Roughly speaking they can be transported at the rale of live hundred each sailing How many sailings will be available in the near future it is impossible to say but in any Case it is ob vious the whole number cannot possibly reach Camilla before de mobilization of the army Strik ing scenes are witnessed daily nowadays at British Columbia House where Canadian military authorities have opened a special bureau for women and children to secure passages The crush Is so great whenever sailing is imminent thai many are Id wail hours in The Hikes Bill the trials of these un happy people did not cease at of these will travel end of march I their so flier husbands lomorrov with he young girl who wives will see Canada foj in Monuments Reads Ijjjrrt AH Kinds of Cemetery Work Promptly Attended to all and Sec us before sew here ALL KIND OF BUILDING STONE Cut to Order MEMORIAL FOR CHURCHES Kept In Stock JOHN MOSS Dealer in and Importer of Foreign and Domes Lie GRANITES AND MARBLES Phone Make no Mistake in Huron Near QTR Depot Free Press The oilier day in the name of Christianity professor appealed to taken Into harems ami massacre awaited them The Governor he released all the convicts from the win Starvation Ire and the Reaver Hut She says A Canadian was going lo Scotland to visit the birthplace of his mother a small village I know well on the west coasL of Scot- j land His geography was frail my local knowledge of he spot ac- curate so I was able- and delight to sketch out the lour he final- 1 took to he home of his an- 1 He left me full of gratitude to the which had housed and fed him especial ly arranged his tour ami morally and spiritually uplifted him interesting work of di recting boys on leave and assist ing them lo reach whatever point in the British Isles that they fan cy- since Hie experience given by Mrs Davidson been expanded into a large and important work by the Leave Department which has its- main office in the Heaver Hut During the month of Sep tember this Department present ed its Tour Agency Scheme for the benefit of rnon shortly to go on leave to men in the various camps in Engl arid It received and replied lo Application blanks from men in the camps or hospitals due to go on leave Its representatives met men at the London Railway Stations ami directed them lo hostels or to points outside the city The De partment directly served in this way men advising them as to where to on leave how to get there where leave kils where spend the night and where lo jo for further informa tion In larger centres of Britain lliese men woujil he we copied guided directed by local consuls representing I he Leave Department The Leave Scheme as been the YMCA has been carried and Triangle Tour Agencies have been opincd at such ennlres a- the Maple ami Vise- inu Offices in London The de sired cooperation secured the these has greatly contri buted ihe welfare of men leave inc for recent months Canadian soldiers have glish women al marrying rale Of 300 weekly These he Archbishop or Canterbury fur prisons divided them Into bands special sailings for women arid children will suspended di- DAIY1AGE CLAIMS PILE UP mercy the peace conference I of or 300 each armed with The German professors have very clubs and then sent them to and levers in tin mercy Christian how ever requires that the Germans shall pay Ihe cost of repairing damage done in Relgium and and and Italy so fur as money can do if The world miVht perfiaps have less contempt for this arrogant lust ful brutal country if her leaders would do less whining now Box 41 i whipped Place recently and massacre the Armenians virtue of Christian collected ill In BRITAIN DAY I U ft I FARMER ATTENTION Make money In your lime Ifi- Kail and Winter months Canadian Nursery nriuti markets will ho open again for Canadian and I hi line in order for ftprhig planting Ornamental IolalooH in Writ for Particulars Stone Wellington For the Rellablo NURSERIES TORONTO FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA York Dec Americas nationwide tribute to Britain which found expression in the national dedication of a lay to her honor was unique and re markable From coast to coast throughout this Republic the Union Jack was displayed Big parades and ceremonials took place In almost every city Pub lic men and newspapers vied with one another in earliest and eulo gistic expression of appreciation and admiration The celebra tion of Britain nay by the United States is an event abso lutely unique in American hit lory and formally marks the commencement of the new and enduring BritishAmerican lente Many man- has repented at leisure who never ail Money the it It to make the auto so soldiers and others ot so weary Of the work of massacre that the Governor advertised for execu tioners to complete III ft Work He boasted fhaf at Armenians put to death Burned lit- took children enclos ed them in a and set fire to it were admitted info harems were obliged adopt Mussulman religion Three months after hi accession present been forcibly converted lo bo returned to their homes The Governor of on receiving the or der collected all Ihe children in his district and placed Ihem on baizes and bail them lowed into the Black and drowned In Georgia Hey regret ted that his had not been energetic enough in killing Ar menians ami be had pits dug in which young children were hurled ali London Saturday Deo Britain will demand of many sterling for Britain and her dominions as reparation for the war This is what the war cost Great Britain and her dominions and British taxpayers vill bo relieved Of 100- per annum by the payment redly deinobiliatfon begins a HO II I PA IHIOIISM man with dead Who novel ha Hi Raid Thin Ik my own my upon ihousaitdH or men iinlluicly during the four yearn never had iho love country culled tor such a sacrifice Hoes not begin nor end with war We Cannot all on bill we run bo as duly in looking tin- welfare of our countrymen here home There an enemy In our mldfll- Lurking In UlurtlBpoct- places but a foothold to drag VlCllms down death Surely it a true of love country to devote our energies and our exterminating BIICll a foe V7c have learned of a family oner quite comfortable now In of poverty ami misery The father developed consumption after lingering that exhausted their Havings he died leaving the mother and ones penniless Still nil children contracted the same This Case not exceptional family after family Is suffering a similar fate Mimkoka Free Hospital for Consumptives the pioneer In the war against the White Plague needs your actlvo help lo carry on Its work Consumption can bo cured If taken In Must the fight bo lost for lack of funds f may bo to William J Gage 84 avenue Toronto or to a Held Secretary Treasurer Institute Col lege street f Dec paling several thousand and for varied amounts which will run into the million flglire are tiled wilb the of Stale demanding for damagCH sustained in connection Willi war The bulk of are presented by people resident In Canada who had Invest in Russian pro perly or securities The proper ly has been destroyed or damaged and the intrinsic value of lie as sets destroyed as result of I reign Of Bolshevism product of Another class of claims are for damages for loss of shipping by the submarine warfare They to ships of larjca companies lost on the sen and the Ashing smacks which were sent to the bottom of the Atlantic last summer A variety of other claims- are for dnjnages properlyattribut able to the work of alien enemies They will all he sent over swell the account which the allies pro pose in force enemy countries liquidate OOP Ah a business proposition there is no comparison value you receive from a years subscription for The Farmers Weekly and that of any oth er farm paper considerlilK Is accurate market forecasts and The Sisters Page doubles tho value It Is a wornans with life in every lino No in crease in price One Dollar per year tjllllitiitl1i Crackers Fine flour expert mixing carefu baking and hygienic packing make Tetters Soda Crackers twice as tasty as ordinary crackers They are always fresh crisp clean and appetizing Packed in air tight packages Sold by all grocers The Buy Word for Biscuits IWliiililiviiilUiilir iiiM XWft Is This Your Bill shed The Sins of the Flesh arc tliis world not iu the next Disease is not an accident nor is it sent by Providence It is Natures punishment for the breaking of her laws Hemorrhoids for example occasion an infinite degree of discomfort suffering and miser- So does a fissure or a fistula But such punishments ore meted out to who sin against Nature in two ways by neglect ing to maintain regular easy thorough evacua tion of the bowels who form had habit of constipation or what is a worse habit the of pills castor oil purgative mineral waters salts etc With the mistaken idea of overcoming constipation by forcing the bowels to move unnaturally But the Treatment for Constipation prevents such sins of the flesh or mitigates the punishment therefor helps to reestablish easy regulai thorough evacuation of the bowels is not a drug does not act like any drug is absolutely harmless Nujol keeps the waste matter soil moist easily voided is not absorbed does not effect the body acts as a mechanical lubricant which can used for any length of time Get from your druggist Take Knjo according to directions Institutive cilARLKSSYb SON P Box Montreal i A I A A t A Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO NEW JKKSKY YORK CUV Warning isit only in scaled Utiles I Vcmi may ntwliluiei Jam Pro wilt bill Tor Von Cob Hie Of A