Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Dec 1918, p. 3

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flfflt LOCAL NEWS Church Large congregations last Sun day especially in he evening Attractive educative helpful and practical sermons by Rev J of Toronto Inspiring music by the Choir with solos quartettes A Donations previously Shop one edged I Davies A Smith Thompsons Machine dozer forClub Rooms Allans Hardware Cord and Fixtures fame Gumming Genuine Briar Pipes Only at Binns Boys are Returning of Rev Tims pot home from the front Tuesday afternoon and wall met by a few relatives and friends who were very glad to him a Welcome Home The ame day Ellis Dillman son of Mr Peter arrived and was given a cordial reception those who happened to be at I he station There should be some way for authorities to know when our hoys who have done their bit aw about to arrive Moved to Newmarket Mr has sold his Farm on 2nd Con of Fast Mr Norman and has moved to Newmar ket On Monday evening last about fifty of Mr and Mrs Fair- barns neighbors and friends gathered bid them farewell and presented them with half a dozen Community Silver Knives and Forks and Cold Meat Fork A very enjoyable evening was spent Mrs was also presented with a piece of China by the Red Cross Society of Second St of which she was a member ON SALE SATURDAY AND MONDAY A8 FOLLOWS monthly meeting at the home Ladies Velour Hats Black Taupe Navy and Cherry I of Mrs Jesse Newmarket I 1200 for 895 on Vednesday Dec at A Special Lot of Silk Velvet Hats at 195 Jas Hope will give a Young Ladles Fur for on The Institute and the Youna Ladled Fur Home Miss young Ladies Fur Sets for h Ladles Shoes 3 3 4 5 for read Corduroy Velvet Wine Color for Young Ladies Suits 1 for New Cream Curtains 40inch Black Silk Crepe Chine Ladies White Lawn Tea Aprons Gentlemens French Kid Gloves Gentlemens Mufflers Gentlemens Patent Leather Shoes Gentlemens Oxford Shoes Gentlemens Full Dress Ties 250for 195 for I for 2 for 6 for 6 for 30c Box for Wrist Watches Rest in the World At Christmas Entertainment Keep Monday evening Dec for attending the Christian Annual Christmas Concert An excellent and varied program is being prepared one that is well worth to see It will also include a Christmas Tree with Santa Glaus and the usual giv ing of presents to the smaller children of school Watch for program next week A free will offering is to be taken for the relief of tin Armenians and Syrian a very worthy object at this lime Corn 36Inch Stripe Value for 32c Linen Roller Towelling I 30c for Shoe Laces at Old Price pairs for So In Black Tan OxBlood and White A Lot of Childrens at 35c Ladies Underwear from to Buffalo Robe Trimming 25c for 12l Wall Paper 10c Single Roll 18inch Border 5c a yard for 22C Childs Little Daisy Blue Hose 35c Ladies GoldFilled Watch 10 for Clearing Balance of Ladies Coats and Suits at Boys Boots Size and At Half Price- Mens Rubbers 50 and 75c Wedding Rings Half Price 44in Curtain Nett for 39c Boys Linen Collars 14in for Boys White Shirts 14in Worth ToDay for CO OVER YOUNGS FAIR Our Large Purchases of All Kinds Dry Goods Enables us to sell Many Lines for Much Less than we can buy them for today Anticipate your wants and flet of the Bargains at the Present Prices We have AH the Substitutes used Flour at a little Lower Prices than usual TEAS AND COFFEES Are Our Specials which we are offering for about less per lb than they are usually sold for The Price of Boots Is again Upward Bound- Our Large gives you Protection on Price for some time to come EVERYTHING IN SHOES UPTODATE And the Workmanship on Every Pair Guaranteed I Bazaar and Tea The Willing Workers of the Presbyterian Church are with the results of their Ba zaar and Tea last Friday after noon and evening There was a splendid attendance and the proceeds were about SI Military Hospital Mr Isaac Rose contractor completed a large Vegetable Stor age Building on the Hospital pro perty this week and a car of vege tables was expected here Tues day or The car penters had to hustle around to gel it completed in time to re ceive the shipment the held Womens Institute The December Meeting of Womens Institute will he at the home of Mrs It A Starr on Thursday Dec at pm All members are requested to be present and bring their work Im portant work will he up concerning the by Miss Elizabeth who is having much experience along that line NORTH Mrs Mills spent a few days last week in Toronto owing to the ill ness of her sister Mrs Will Mr Ivan Sisler spent a couple of days this week with his chum Mr Roy Blizzard of Toronto Miss Duff our popular young teacher spent the weekend with friends in the city and arrived home Monday morning in best of spirits Miss Ruth Blizzard visited In To ronto on Sunday last The Community and Sunday School are holding their tree and entertainment on Thursday night Dec Everybody come and spend an evening with us ROACHS POINT On Friday evening Dec a concert will be held in School No The enter tainment will consist of a play en titled Dick Whiltington and his Cat music drills dialoguesetc and will be concluded by a Tree and a visit from St Nicho las The proceeds are to be used for Belgian Relief Kindly bear this date in mind Dec fieorge and Raymond Morton have just returned home after the Winter Fair They report a very large display of excellent livestock Wo are sorry to lose Mr J Gordon and family from our neighborhood Mr Gordon lias lately moved to to start storekeeping We wish him prosperity and a merry Christ- mas Glad to hear Mr Geo Hamilton is recovering from Mr Howard Willoughhy has moved to the city fop lie winter I A WIFE Two kilties from the same Seot- town met in a rest camp some where in France and started to ex changed confidences like a sendoff did ye Sandy when ye left fur France asked Jock presently Sandy lit a fresh cigarette replying Says she heres train Sandy in ye get an see an do duty By jingo ma if ye shirk ft opt yonder I wud see ye was wounded afore ye gang off V Thats the send- off she me Jock HighGrade Walthams In line of Wrist Watches at Forget si Stook Judging Competition Mr 1 Steckley Agricultural We can supply all kinds of San- j Representative in York District ilarv Dusters Dry Mops ever since Mops Waxes and Polishes Hardware at a lira- Brtefiets Young Fair is a Hon for little people Blizzard is putting on another Sewing Machine Demonstration will soon lie hen Arc ready for il -ton- windows are prettier Friday with his Team from this County The Team is composed of Raymond Morton of Keswick Oscar Cox of and Harvey of Inionville There are Counties contesting the Slock Judging Competition at the Winter which lis now on and at Ihe close of lln work Tuesday last York Team stood second Or subscription the Windows make very wjn for distant friends marked in plain figures Will be and h-l- all through year j have you come in if only look around A k from day in the year a look at Santa window is the in Clocks In Ivory Gil Mahogany writ Jewelry Store lip Farmers Club An interesting and instructive program composed of music readings recitations an essay on The Ideal Home Library a Christian Endeavor The- members of the above So ciety thankful for the dd address Mayor Eves gave on Tuesday night on Begin Now Tuesday Rev Wall if to address us oh Social rjpMfl a- this is a new task of work in- are asked he present when Rev Hall will idea A week from this coming hi is the Watch Night The Social Committee are good program for the vrni We are expecting to haw the League and us thai evening Ser vice from oclock to are Corn All meeting Wlo School Board The- regular monthly Office en the evening of Dee Prestenl Mr J Rrouhtoh Dr Messrs rt and Allan paper on lleonomical Poultry A Bad Smash When the ten oclock car on Metropolitan was going out of town last Wednesday morning il struck an auto on Eagle St carried it between and feet and smashed it up badly The enr belonged lo Messrs Hamilton- Bros grocers the North End and one of the hoys was driving it Fortunate ly they were not hurt hill had a pretty close call A Large Assortment Of Gents Fobs and Tie Pins Watsons Jewelry Store Visitors from Toronto and Aurora Rebecca Lodge had a big time in OddFellows Hall on Wednes day night A special ear came Up from Toronto bringing about visitors including some IS men and Ihey let the people off at the crossing- on Lot St There were also visitors from Auro ra including three men The city visitors included the Presi dent and VicePresident of Rebecca Assembly of Ontario and also the District Deputy of West Toronto Lodge Princess Lodge of Toronto con ducted he initiation ceremony On the conclusion Of business a Banquet was served in the Re freshment Parlor followed by speeches and music A most delightful lime was spent The visitors left for borne about id after many expression Newmarket for their cor dial reception and entertainment ARMISTICE EXTENDED Marshal Foch has agreed it is reported from German sources to an extension until February of the armistice requirement that calls for the surrender of German locomotives The Brit ish have settled down in Cologne and have put an end to the dis turbance and the looting that followed evacuation by Ihe Her man army Double Roasting Pans That will fit your Raising and a discussion on he Farmers Platform will be given at the meeting on Saturday evening next at oclock We request all farmers to do milking early so as to be the meeting on time and it fl at Bum not be necessary for them to bring their milking stools as Died In of seats will be provided Hospital but we hope will all come and each one bring the wife arid family Com Oil The Principal reported on I at Kir George School and the Alex School a an average at- lindane of WiA Benn Miss mom for days and r Rogers room one day There In not sufficient fuel at ehool to last through the in window of Pair is takes eyes the A Christmas Wish IS IN JEW Our Block contains some the Most Beautiful De signs In GOLD WATOHE8 GOLD WATCHES DIAMOND RIHQ8 CUFF FOUNTAIN PEARL NECKLETS TOILET SETS French Ivory MILITARY We take pleasure In Invit ing you to examine our promise to Interest you If you will only LOW FOR A QUICK TURNOVER Atkinson Co I The death of Lieut Alills On Thursday of last week was quite shock to all the family connections He went lo a To ronto Hospital for what was re garded as a simple operation and was doing nicely hut two weeks I after it was performed he passed away very suddenly from a hem orrhage Deceased was a veteran of the Boer War where Ik was wounded and decorated for bravery and on his return Newmarket he was presented with a Gold Watch by the citizen of the town Ho went out west and engaged in farm ig becoming possessed of quite fl lot of properly Last Spring be married Miss Alberta Wesley daughter of Mr Wesley Victoria Ave where he remains were brought and the funeral took place last Saturday afternoon conducted by Rev C McOonigle rector of St Pauls Church Newmarket Odd- Fel lows attended in a body and look charge of the service at the grave In Newmarket Cemetery also acted as pallbearers Deceased was a very genial fellow and his death is much re gretted He leaves a widow two brothers and one slslor Hon Duncan Marshall Is Quoted as expressing the opinion prices Of breeding will hold for three years yet NEXT TO THEM Im sure said the tie had unexpectedly brought home for dinner Ifial I have you about NOt il all she replied sweetly not nil We gave you what we were have ourselves our ordinary dinner you know I wish I could that but I feel Hint I have put yon to a deal of trouble and annoyance If so sorry that I allowed your husband to persuade me to I dofll ward you to feel thai way all We were to have you with us- We love to have our friends drop in and take pel lurk with us And when he ol outside lie looked hack house and muttered Mars I corn and beef and when I en I red thai home and what I got was million and green peas Religion will never moan llldll yon find it In the least things He gels little out of prayer who prays only when he would thing Sale Register Friday Deo 13 Mr John Green wood will have an important sale of Farm Slock Implements etc on Lot Con East utiles north and east of months creditor off for cash Sale at one J Tuesday Dec Mr Win King will have an extensive sale of Kami Sleek Implements etc on lot Con North credit or per cent off for cash No reserve Hale ftt one auctioneer HE KNEW BETTER J Last summer little Johnny paid his first visit to a farm All his life he had lived in the heart of a great city He suddenly came In sight of a hay stack he stopped and gazed earnestly at what appealed to him as a new brand of architecture Say Mr Smith he remarked to the farmer pointing to the haystack Why dont they have doors and win dows in It Doors and windows smiled the farmer Thai aint a house Johnny thats hay liont try to Josh me Mr Smith was scornful rejoinder of the city boy Dont you suppose that I know that they grow hay In lumps like thai Over a million dollars has been paid out for sugar beets grown in Ontario this year Live Stock Markets paid in Toronto Steers NEWMARKET To JUST do Your 32 DAYS Xmas Shopping I are WHY NOT MAKE YOUR CHOICE NOW WHILE THE STOCK IS NEW AND FRESH Big Assortment of Handkerchiefs Boxed in Fancy Boxes Fancy Collars In a Splendid Range of Styles and Prices Boxed A Big Assortment of Fancy Wool Caps and In All Shades Kid Gloves in Black and White Heavy Double Silk Gloves In Grey Black or White Black and Grey Suede Gloves Perrlns Make lose I J BO tore to a L V Top prices this week Extra choice Heifers Good Steers and Heifers Choice Butcher Medium Butcher Cattle Choice Butcher Cows Common Cows Choice Choice Milkers Choice Springers Common Cows Choice Calves Medium Calves Common Calves Spring Lambs Choice Sheep Hogs off cars and 20000 1800 1200 700 ESTABLISHED OF CANADA WAR MONEY ORDERS moil the men l moan ttoilir best it buy Urn comfort mod ijucJ ftt all la Baj for i REYNOLDS NEWMARKET BRANCH Branch alto t Aurora Mad Newmarket Markets Wednesday Deo Mr Peter East Half Lot Con Scott vlll hold surplus sale of Horses Pigs Sheep at one oclock credit 1 Kester Saturday Deo Auction sale of acres of standing hardwood in incre lots on Lot refir Con L the property of Mrs Barker Sal at one J Kester Deo 14 Mr Allan Shaw will have it sale of Stand ing beech and maple on Lot Con six acres Terms cash Sale one Kuvanagh Toeedoy Deo Ford man will have a Halo of slock etc on 25 credit or 5 off for cash Bale at one F i per 70 Duttor lb 50 New Oats hush ii 70 lo Kail Wheat Spring Wheat 4 212 Wheat Hay on 00 Toronto Markets per do per Hi Turkeys lh Chickens per Ducks Kail Wheat hush Wheal hush New Oats hush Timothy Hay Ion Mixed Hay ton I ftO 45 35 30 35 213 iMlSSSiS INVESTMENTS VICTORY BONDS I Bought or Sold Write or Telephone to it FRED Newmarket Ont District Agent The Mutual Life of Canada SS i Flannelette Blankets grey or white for 295 Mens Overalls 225 for 179 Smocks to match Overalls 179 Ladies Boots Black Calf Soles Regular for Ladies Cushion Sole Boots Mens Heavy Boots Russian Mens Pullover Rubbers for Pair Mens Boots Neolin Soles reg 700 for buckle rubber heels Regular 550 Calf 550 for for 395 395 115 395 Mens Heavy Rubbers Mens Heavy Rubbers leather 150 Pair Mens Leather Lined Suits Girls 50 Mens 300 Pair Also a or lace red soles Regular 450 for 295 tops 475 for 379 Boots for 395 to 18 for 1295 sizes reg from Boots assorted Big Stock of Boots and Rubbers Must be Cleared I Out I South of Kino NEWMARKET i I J J f m m L

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