Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Dec 1918, p. 2

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-HS-r- Two gentlemen lo room togeth er Box Newmar J WANTED County put id its After- aVearsabsefacc oversea application for War Trophies Rev Lawrence wc- deputation composed Warden Griffiths Reeves Arthur J Cornell and Wallace waited upon Hon Minister of at Ottawa on Wednesday and pre sented the claim ft is now in order for the Town of Newmar ket to present its claim to the County- Council The immense patriotic work of our people de mands recognition- Clerical position preferred Available imme diately References Lock O HEIFER W8T Strayed from Lot Con on the North Town Line One detective story some time in November a Dark se by Isabels Ecclestone Red Durham Yearling Heifer A two war stones three little while spot in face a little Christmas stories two social wnne Jolm Rem iniscences an impression of the white on feel and on belly In formation leading lo recovery will he suitably rewarded PO FARM FOR SALE Vineyards with illustrations by Eslelle Kerr other illustra- by Dorothy Stevens and reproductions of paintings by Horatio Walker BellSmith Frank John ston and A Cole besides an outstanding poem by Arthur L Acres south half lot con cession farm is No grain farm good features of the First class brick clad room- j number of The Canadian house with summer kitchen attach- I Magazine He- Frame house for Hired man A good barn 36x74 on stone founda tion with good stabling cement dig with sheep pen above Garage and implement house The farm is well watered There are acres of fall wheat acres clover Fall ploughing done About acres maple hush Easy terms Bond Head SNAP FOR SOMEONE A Beautiful Piano Player in firstclass condition with 100 Rolls of Music and Cabinet also Bench and Stool will be sold at a great reduction for immediate purchase Enquire of Bos Era Office 2w A HELP Anyone BOOST THE TOWN desiring Boarders kindly communicate with The Office Speci ally Mfg Ho Lid as we are now employing extra hands both Men and Women ami dally have for vacant houses Phone 36 or ilireel with Bu reau The Mfg Co Ltd FEMALE HELP Young women wanted for light work in assembling department and paper and box department Excellent working conditions in modern sanitary factory Write or phone to General Superin tendent Phone Office Spe cially Newmarket Germany is seathing with un rest and inward trouble Bolshe vism is having the game effect there as it had in Russia Their ambitious plans have a fatal charm fort the industrial masses who have been sweating under the burden of misapplied capital istic control and are ready lo snatch at any hope of relief De luded by the alluring promise of plenty without toil to any dis tressing extent these dissatisfied masses become destructively dan gerous in the extreme Smart ing under the wrongs of ages in flamed by the harangues of vi sionaries who so cunningly com pare a life of grinding toil with one of luxurious ease that an ex change seems to be the only way to save the world men of the cal loushanded corps do not realize the desirability of calmness and judgment and become a great menace So much so that blood shed has already occurred of Berlin and it looks as if the Allies may have to assume authority to restore order fop of Anglican Church was by his congregation Thursday evening Every seat in the church was filled and hun dreds stood The Police strike was amicably set tled by dropping the Union and ac cepting an of their own that would be acceptable to the Board of Police Commissioners By thus the latter halfway the are practically assured of an adjustment of their several grievances including a rearrangement of working hours increase salary at the first the year and the most uptodate police equipment Gasoline fumes from an bile ignited by the application of ft lighted match were the cause of a bad fire off St Davids Street and se rious injuries to Mrs Arthur Juke and tier son on Sunday afternoon A car went up in smoke also the garage and damage to an ad joining stable The match was used to see how much gasoline was in the car The woman has since died All Protestant denominations in the western district of Toronto represent ed by ministers Sunday School super intendents and leaders of boys at Conference held Saturday Miss is Visiting in Bradford Mrs A Goddellspont Friday in the city with Mrs J Rogers Mr Charlie Atkinson of To ronto home for a visit on Sunday Mrs Albert Ough left Sunday- for a visit with her son Mr at Cobalt Miss Beatrice Boyd spent the weekend with Miss Emma of Mr Earl Stork of spent the early part of this bu y0 Christmas presents week his uncle Mr A fiomV madc for sale Afternoon tea served The following supplies shipped doz Socks I doz Suits Pyjamas j Bandages i Personal Property Bags Undergarments for Refugees Value of shipment Sewing meeting Tuesday afternoon in the rooms over Mc- Cauleys Store Large attend ancerequested Work abundant and constraining- Patronize the Field Comforts Ihis afternoon by coming and v CANA6A FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO LOUR Flour is an article in the household that gives trouble If it Is not good We have people com- classes in the Miss Florence McDonald of Toronto spent the weekend with her aunt Mrs John Brimson Mrs Dennis on Eagle St continues very poorly Mrs J Hazard is helping lo nurse her now between 3 and GREAT BRITAIN WAR BILL Mr Waiter Stephens was in Bristol war hill of I hi allies agrtluSt Oermany is according to the British Prime Minister David Lloyd George to us asking Have you some good Pastry Flour The Flour we have been using Is terrible- It Is dark and the pastry Is sad and we cannot use It Row we have been handling MAGIC FLOUR for 3 years and In that time we have NEVER HAD A COMPLAINT It gives you light fluffy paste and your cakes will be light and not of that dark doughy kind We It in and sacks In Bread Flour we have the reliable PURITY Brand R thing Better for a Good Loaf of- Bread fc who presented lliis and other InUresU his exhibit and attending aing- facts before a large gathering meeting of the Provincial Poultry Association i Winter Term JAN Prepare now for reconstruction days Our home and export trade will demand the services of bright young people Get new catalogue today Business Schools Toronto Shaw Comments of Exchanges Wilson Star War has destroyed one set of autocrats but seems to have built up an other Theres flic hen that charges a dozen for eggs and the cow that is profiteering in butler WINTER TERM OPENS JAN Charles St Toronto Has recently had positions to fill at and 18 a week and a month A course here is a sure route lo a good position Write today for Catalogue J ELLIOTT Principal GERMAN LOOT RECOVERED i London Dec French and Brit ish under the direction Hie PaymasterGeneral of the French and in Hit presence of officers in civilian clothes have re moved from the various hanks of large numbers of chests which were placed there by the Ger mans about Hie middle of October These says the lteuter cor respondent con lain strong boxes inl from towns in including Lille St Other placed by the enemy in Hie hanks at to contain securities of vain of million of ENGLISHMEN HUNG UP BY THE HANDS lvn thiil Will iam PinVcrton of the of in the of York- and of Ontario Mechanic will apply the Parliament of Canada Hie thereof fr of from Germans Tortured British Russian Prisoners Wesley Methodist Church adopted resolutions to hand churches together in a community effort It Was decided in some cases hold conferences of leaders teachers and the older boys every month Rev Shields who returned among his people at Street Baptist Church after four months absence overseas received a cordial welcome from a crowded congrega tion During a talk on The Joy of Victory he recalled many interest ing incidents in haltered France and Belgium which had tome under his personal observation or had been told him on good authority Why Germany did not win the war could never he explained apart from God said he for not until she had satisfed her self that failure was impossible did she upon the conflict Scien tifically defeat was an absolute Im possibility Germany ought to have won in she ought to have won early in the Spring of and ninny times since then Officers and men of Hip allied armies had stated thai if the enemy had only known how nearly he had overwhelmed and Hip allies It me anil again lie would have on hut always he stopped Jus short of victory The Annual Convention of the United Farmers of Ontario Open in next Tuesday impressed with the economic soundness of Ontarios fish policy a committee appointed by the Common wealth of Massachusetts to fully in- vesligale the detailed working of the scheme have arrived in Toronto and arc staying the King Edward Hotel Under the presidency of Aid Geo a special committee of the City Council discussed the question of welcoming and entertaining soldiers on their return from It WAS slated thai the troops would probably he sent home in contingents of about each and would commence arrive En April next hut it would be he end of next year before all were safely home again The latest development of the Royal Air Force will he the open ing of a Faculty of Avialion at num ber of the Canadian Universities announcement being made A F headquarters yesterday thai wo or three airplanes would he lurried over to the universities requiring for raining purposes The Univer sity of has decided to lake three lo he used for instructional purposes and Ihe third for flying Mrs Sophia MeKlray aged n Berkeley was fatally burned in her home Monday morning when a kimono she wore caught fire while she was a eoal stove and I Representatives of seventy prom inent flour milling in different Roy who is now attached lo the Canadian Mil itary Police Corps was in town over Sunday Pie Cookenl ex- pects soon to go to Ottawa to fin ish training for Mounted Patrol duty throughout Canada Mr and Mrs Atkinson wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Al berta to Mr Win J only son of Mr and Mrs both of Whitchurch the marriage to lake place early in January Gunner Gordon Rogers son of Mr J Rogers of Toronto formerly of Newmarket arrived in the city on the evening of Dec 3rd from England He reports having a pleasant passage home on board The Aquitanfa the trip in four days hero today The cost of the war to Ureal- Britain was war the estimated wealth fit Germany said the Premier was be tween and 20000- storlihe So if the whole of Germany were taken there would not ho enough to pay the ac count Therefore he had used the words Germany should pay to tie CRANBERRIES SWEET POTATOES GRAPEFRUIT CALIFORNIA GRAPES APPLES CHESTNUTS quart lbs for 25c for lb 25c to peck 35c lb utmost limit of her capacity CONFECTIONERY Our Confectionery is of the best both Home Made and Factory Make A Large Assortment to choose from TRY SOME OF OUR MINCE MEAT AT 20c LB PHONE US YOUR ORDER IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTENTION I Large est music Donatio I P A Si dozer Allans and J Toronto Telegram After aril illness of over a month I Spanish Influenza Rev A P All was hack again yesterday at Beech Avenue Methodist Church In evening Jlis father Rev Peter Addison Hi years of age preached a most ac ceptable sermon THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY MOTOR HEARSE IF DESIRED Night calls attended to at residence J Phones and PHONE Nowadays it is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR- THE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument in the World HUYLERS CHOCOLATES CANADIANS TELL OF PRISON CAMPS Would have starved but for Parcels sent by Red Cross London Canadians who there fore endured years cap tivity were by Ihe Canadian Press at the landing Dover A few days rest in camp works Won ders with this class All are In spirits naturally rejoicing at being in England with leave available for as long as two months days hunch almost without were unanimous in declaring that If it had not been for the Red Cross parcels- they would literally have starved Louis Ryder of Toronto said all he lived Pearl York mm he ih Jay his in the tf New ground of Dated at Toronto December A i iOiH SoHiinervllle Newman Victoria Toronto for Applicant is hereby given that Eliza beth Wlntera of the City of Toronto in County of York in Province it Ontario Married Woman will Apply Parliament of Canada at the next thereof for a hill of Divorce from her husband Joseph Henry Of Toronto on ground Dated Toronto this Newman A llattfn Victoria hi for the Allan of oat in hell of a Uld hi- wiut frame of aw severely injur ing Kingeton Dec A tragic a hooting accident occurred in the Township of Miller In the homo of A small calibre rifle hanging high on the wall out of easy reach children was taken dovn by a boy of six while the grownup mem bers of the family were out In handling It he happened to point it toward thirteenyearold Martha and the rifle went off through her breasts With the cry Oh mother I am shot fell and expired Germany Is known to have well over airplanes destroyed and surrendered during the present year On the other hand the of the are being by German of modern type and in aerylceablc condi tion London Dec Appallin stories of the torture of prisoners of war in hands of the Ger mans are told by the correspond ent of the Daily Express in Co penhagen who lias just paid a visit to the camp established at Urn miles from Ibagen for repatriated British I soldiers One man from seen by the correspondent a strip of rubber ten inches long and of triple thickness which he had out of Germany He said With this weapon the German cook knocked man after man senseless if the prisoner was suspected of trying to get a sec ond helping at dinner The cook slashed prisoners across the face the jaws and the Vic tims were carrier outside and cold water was dashed over them lo re vive them While the man was speaking a British sailor came along and confirmed account showing how the inslrument bad been used on the jaws and neck lie said I he Russians were treated with special barbarity being forced to kneel for hours with their hands tied behind them now and then raising their feet from the floor while the German sentry carry ing the rifle aslant struck Ihe Russians in chest face With the butt if they did not hold up I heir feel as long as pleased him In other cases the wrists of were lashed to slakes and their toes just touched the snowcovered ground They were left there for an Indefinite period Many so strung up were prodded with bayonets These punish ments were Inflicted for such of fences as refusing to be worked to death the correspondent says purls of the Dominion on Tuesday at held Toronto Board of Trade Council Chamber an nounced Ihal Iheiff mi ftgC of flour year Canadian Methodism is sending Of leaders owrseas o study at hand the problems of demobili zation and peace The three men are Ilr Superintendent of he for weeks was turnips and slept on the hare floor working in a sugar factory wounded in the hand Taylor Charles of Toronto spoke of Working a silver mine the point of Ihe bayonet A little trick of was knack prisoners with mining lamps which were sharply pointed Hunt formerly a clerk in the Consumers Cas Company worked in a brick and three times lo escape one ting as far as Ihe Swiss border lie endured weeks in a dark cell each lime lie was raptured Ihnil nays he saw a bayonet run thru leg of one Canadian Another man reported sick Hire- runuiiiK was forced lo go to work and died days later a QUELPH WINTER FAIR The Cradle In Newmarket on Dec Mr and Mrs a son The Altar On Den 10 18 at St John the Evangelist Old Fort Toronto by Walton of Mrs Mary AAgnew to er both of Newmarket At Jack- man Ave Toronto on Thurs day Dec the marriage took place of Minnie Alice only daughter of Mr and Mrs A Guyler of Medicine Hat Alber ta Dr J Morel Mont gomery of Toronto The Rev J Simpson conducted the ceremony The Tomb Died at on Thursday Dec Elizabeth in her year The funeral was held at her home on Saturday Dec by Rev Kitchen Remains taken Ze phyr for interment Switzor At Coronation Attn on Dee ltH8 Wcldon O aged years only son of MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies House Phone No NEWMARKET Store Phone No in Cold Weather is Coming I own Burial at for sale by T Phone Newmarket m Dee Dili and Mrs Prod Church Moore General Secretary for and Social Service and 1 tar- of and Social Service Asking that he ai the next of by which women will he entitled to a seat In Ihe House a deputation Of women from the Independent Interviewed Sir William Hears I al tin Parliament Wednes day morning An overturned lantern was fire which destroyed an fluloriiebllc worth In a garage the rear of Ave The garage which Wan damaged the extent of owned ami that Imjiosed by Judge Winches- upon Lawrence Smith being in possession of stolen goods Thirty American Union have now entered Into reciprocity In motor licenses with he Province of Ontario Three more were added the list within the last few days are Oklahoma California and Texan by I 9 One of the greatest triumphs for Canada at the International Live Stock Show at Chicago last veek was the winning by the On tario Agricultural College team of the first place the Judging competition 8ECOND UNIT OF CANADIAN REACHED VLADIVOSTOK The second Vladlvohlok Dec unit of the Canadian Siberian forces consisting of officer and 400 other ranks Including a squadron of mounted police arrived loday on the steamer General headquarters have been esta blished here Units of the British and Canadian Bed Cross have organized with Vladivostok us the for military and civilian relief Dee The idfl of prophecy rested on A when he named n steer bred by It Hunter of hut fel and exhibited by himelf Clear Way This Steer cleared he way all right He was first In his class of grades ami crosses of any lie won the championship in grades and crosses of all classes and finally was awarded acclaiming him grand champion bullock the Winter Pair In addition to this Ihe Shorthorn Special went him because he was sired a hull At a meeting called by Mayor New- Stead to discuss the question of loca tion of fair lion Henry Minister of Agriculture staled very plainly that desires to retain the show it must provide more ac commodation for the stock Pro vided this is done the Minister the Government would have no desire to see show removed from President and Prof Ceo Hay expressed the opinion thai Is the natural location for the show hut the latter sold accommoda tion must he provided for each of horses and sheep each of and cattle cattle and and persons Ottawa Dec Federal as sistance to the construction of good roads was advocated by a wide representative delegation which wailed on the government this morning Bog art Suddenly Audrey I daughter of Mr I Borden St To ronto mid granddaughter of the late Jos of New market Funeral Newmarket Ceme tery oil arrival of I It morn ing I rain Tuesday last Hamilton- In on Dec Christina Ross wife of Dr I Hamilton in her year She leaves besides her husband three sons and y daughter Win J of Detroit Mich A Hamilton of West J M of Mrs Chamberlain of Gait In on Saturday Deo Marsh relict of the late George of Van- in her year I Commercial Department NEWMARKET HIGH SCHOOL Studonts are trained for Office Work and for Civil Sorvlco Beginners Class Is bolng organlzod Commence January of Ability or of Industry may bo Promotod to Senior Class at Tho Staff are Experienced and Successful equip ment Is good and Includes Typewriters Boon- Keeping Shorthand and Typewriting arc undor the of a Commercial Specialist tor lo I W v Jtl tit fctl ffjr ft 1 Mills- At Hospital in Toronto on Deo Lieut Thus Mills of Newmarket in year Chapman At Western Hospital Toronto on Dee Chapman son of the late Josh ua Chapman of Holland Land ing aged years Interred at Holland Landing last Friday Eokhardt On Wcdnoadny Dec 1 at his late residence Stouff- vlllo in his year Funeral Friday at I no pm from above address lo Tho Time Table is arranged to meet tho convenience of coming by or train DAVIDSON S J Road house Undertaking Lain St AN OVERCOAT INVESTMENT When buying an Overcoat you should consider tho Material and and what you save n ine You may pay for an Garment will last one year or that will last and w hotter at the end of three years the best Investment In buying Ordered from us you are getting the Best In Quality and Trimmings Examine our Materials fore deciding elsewhere WILLIS Gentlemens and Ladles Tailor Main Street NEWMARKET A I J l I i I Only Boys ar Front was friends give hi The son of and by boys w are Moved Mr his Fa at about barns gather Forks very Mrs with a Cross which Best for Annua excclle being worth Santa ing of child re will the re Syrian this fi a Do No Wei Brlofi Yon mi So win Are Tim than A ye makes and la A Ha v Hinns Fancy Gill Wats a did ad Next Hall is Uplift work to he explain A we day nig vice have Guild vice arc Public The was on The fetal ol endant fees Stewart I- Ther ftithor winter i L I

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