Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Dec 1918, p. 1

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PRESSING MANICURE SEWING CASES MUSIC HOLDERS EBONY IVORY PIECES And Many Other Gifts WATSONS Store The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance TERMS per annum in advance lo United States in advance hen not so paid only Let lis Teat Your and Give You YOU NEED I TC Watson Graduate Optician JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET 0 FRIDAY DEC 1 19 Single Copies each VOL No A Take Santas Advice Select Gifts Early Just a Few More Shopping Days Make It a Useful Practical Gift for the Home AUTOMOBILE Hockey Sticks Little Bob Skates Shin Pucks Ankle Sup ports Snow Shoes Toboggans Steering Sleighs Waggons Doll Cabs and TABLE CUTLERY CARVERS STEELS A nice assortment of Geo Carvers Bread Knives Hoards Pie Knives Berry Spoons Sheets Cold Meat Forks Knives WOULD LIKE Smoking Pipe Purse or Wallet Strong Pa Gloves or Mitts Jack Knife Good Screw Driver Hammer Plane or Saw Small Vice Oil Stone etc FOB THE AUTOMOBILE Wool Lap Hug or Waterproof Pair of Tiro Saver Jacks flood Pump Pair of Gauntlets Battery Tester Tire Tester Screw Driver Hammer combined for tube and casing All Styles Wrenches and Pliers FOR THE MECHANIC Adjustable Wrench Rule Rule with Level Hack Saw Hand or Breast Drill Set of Small Tools in Handle Automatic Screw Driver veiling Hammer Pipe Wrenches TOYS AND GAMES Building Blocks lo Erector Mechanical Sets Si and Trains on Track Doll Beds Cradles and Carriages Iron Banks in animal shapes Rocking Horses Single and Double OR REGULAR RAZORS Gillette Auto Strop EverReady Enders Keen Kuttcr Strops Slick Soap Brushes Razor Paste Mirrors Blades to fit all Razors ELECTRICAL GOODS Flash Lights Toasters Irons Hand Lanterns Curling Tongs Warming Pads Water Heaters Air Warmers Grill Stoves Reading Lamps Double Sockets Small Stoves KITCHEN WARE Tea Kettles Tea Pots in Granite and Brown Earth enware Double Boilers Double Roasters Granite Steamers and Pots Hair Floor Brooms Weight ed Waxing Brush Aluminum Per- Casseroles WASH DAY WANT8 Wringers Washing Machines Automatic Kitchen Clothes Line Clothes Bars Tub Stand Clothes Baskets I Jack Lewis of England Nov ii Dear Mother- Just a few lines I am waiting fur the boat to go to France Have been in England and Ireland for the last weeks and had a fairly good time Think the War will soon be over and I will be able to come back K Had some pictures taken in Blackpool you Will like this one No lime to more Host wishes to all Your affectionate son Jack Great Britain at War BINNS THE PAINT STORE FOR GOOD PAINTS VARNISH PHONE 28 ESTABLISHED OVER i Save Regularly Put in the Bank what you can spare comfortably but save that amount regularly weekly or monthly Small regular savings left in the Bank eventually grow into large amounts Savings Accounts may be opened vilh Bank of Montreal in amounts of and upward Our Allys Stupendous Effort with Men Money and Munitions In Air and on Land and Sea From Scientific American Speaking recently of the mag nitude of Britains share in the winning of the war Air Ot to drew attention lo the fact that it was a British charac teristic not to indulge in selfad vertisement and that it was due largely lo this that the magnifi cent war record of the British Empire had not received adequate recognition With a view to placing the facts before I he Amer ican public and giving due honor to Britains achievements an or ganization of Americans wilh Al ton Parker as chairman and Charles W Eliot as honorary chairman has planned a special day of tribute Dee which will be duly observed in New York anil six hundred cities throughout lie country During the of the war he American has kepi its readers in touch with flic tech nical developments in all the countries and on Hie various field- of The present is visualize Hie vast contribution of Great Britain final ami glorious success of allied armies permitted to slate that of the to tal of fighting men over were serving this year in France over a million in Meso potamia and Palestine and the balance in the navy and in the various centers throughout the world that are enumerated above Perhaps after all the supreme test of a nations share in an al lied war casualty list the dead and wounded Judged on this basis we And that in the whole British Empire men died in battle and by acci dent and disease and today lie in a soldiers grave Based on a ratio of three men wounded for one killed the British casualties amount to over 3500000 We in America who know what grief has come to us due to some deaths and casu alties can appreciate the price that was paid by the British Em pire with its death roll of over and its casualty list of over 3500000 Perhaps the most brilliant feat of British arms was the rescue of Mesopotamia and Palestine from the Turk and Ihe utter annihila tion of the Turkish armies in field The greatest battle of the British armies began on Oct which Frank desig nates as derisive day when Koch threw throe British armies against Hindenberg Line be tween Cambrai and St Quentin with the result that they broke en tirely through the wide stretch of hose amazing defenses Dur ing these weeks of continuous lighting he casualties were from a week The official figures showing the total captures of he British army to dale are not available at the present writing but several weeks before the signing of the armistice he Jotal of prisoners taken on all fronts was over of which nearly were German prisoners The to tal number of guns captured is estimated at over the ma jority of these were taken from the Germans in France ami Flan ders MEAD OFFICE C- G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD Why Pay for when you can DOMESTIC LUMP at per Ton TRY A TON Wood buy COAL W PEARSON Cor Church and Carters Giles John Murphy and Leslie Ti OF TORONTO A V Banking Service Farmers Business given careful attention Hal Notes discounted Loans made to responsible parties convenience is afforded to Havings Depositors Small or large sums may he deposited and Interest paid on balan ces The Army In Angus H ih- ar my contained regular troops reservists and territorials the old vol unteers the middle August two weeks after the out break of war she placed her Ural expeditionary force of men in France At Lord Kitchener called for volunteers and the country bent itself to Ihe task of building Up an army to meet Hie nighty forces of Hie Central A year Infer or July men had enlisted in the army and ten months after that on May Government announced thai the Iota voluntary enlist ment in the army and navy had reached In August Of I he present year Lloyd Gcorue an nounced thai there was a grand total of men serving in lie army and navy of Great Brit ain As the war progressed German and Irish propaganda was quick to take advantage of the promi nence which was given in the press to the achievements of he troops from overseas- the Cana dians Australians and New landers- by suggesting that usual was silting back and Idling other people do lighting for her The following official statistic show how held back British Aircraft One of the most brilliant pages in the history of the army in the great war is thai covering the aircraft forces In the amount of bombs dropped by air craft was practically nil In May I if 1 Ions were dropped in a single day On western front British aviators silenced Ger man batteries destroyed gun emplacements and caused ex plosions in ammunition dumps etc In one week in August Brit ishaviators accounted for a tola of tVi enemy machines and one Zeppelin Prom July to June enemy machines were destroyed or brought down by pilots with a loss of 1213 machines Tho Navy It is a common truism accepted whole world over that but for the preparedness and power of the fleet Germany would have succeeded Quickly in her monstrous attack on civilization The work of he navy has been summarized as follows 1 Itic High Seas Fled of Ger many costing her was contained in its home ports Five million live hundred thousand tons of German ship ping was driven Off the seas or captured 3 The overseas trade of Ger many and Austria was strangled Branch P A LISTER Manager r Lond on men of the Cassandra com- if oiining a result hfilfsh wars hi hifc in contact a mine in the Baltic Sea last Wednesday night Wording to an official communi cation by the Admiralty lo iht Torpedoboat destroyers the remainder of the crew made if nielli Ken em I slure here of when tiivy with tweeds and bow heftj and Jewelry worth from The in by cetJJ window left by a rear door wlilclffhey left open on do- the thieves had an auto carry booty away Armed Casual Forces ties and Wales Scotland Ireland Dominion Colo nies During four and half years of war Great has waged seven different campaign and hanks her om nipresent navy she hflS been able to attack and defeat the enemy in no ban different centers on the globe forces have fonhi j ihe following Flanders France Italy the Aden Persia Palestine north west froiillep of India Klaochau Liberia Northern Russia New Guinea Samoa the Soudan Rasl Africa Africa and wesl Africa answer WMre the We are now The Overseas pipe was torn from them Two million enemy subjects of military age abroad have been prevented from Joining he enemy Ocean communication with Ihe markets of world has been denied to the enemy ami secured to allies The situation which he British navy established within hours remained unchanged to the of tins war During his war war ships have fought in every sea either against enemy ships or support the Allied troops in laud operations- It is Officially an nounced Hint in proportion to numbers serving the casualties suffered by the navy arc higher than those in In August L the British navy had a tonnage of 500000 and a personnel of I offi cers ami men Today it has a tonnage of including the auxiliary fleet and person nel lias increased more than 1 Officers and men This does not include those in lie candle Marine over of whom have heir lives for cause of allies In mine sweepers and patrol numbered hey now exceed During years of War the British navy transported across the sea over men horses and mutes vehicles tons Of explosives 51000000 tons of Oil and fuel and I- 10000000 tons food and other material for I lie carried from England men and tons of military sup plies and last April to make good the loss from the German drive she carried from England to France in 30 days 335000 men To dale the Royal Dockyards have docked and repaired during the war over 50000 vessels in addi tion lo doing extensive repairs on allied ships Because of its terrible threat to the boys on our transports and because of the cooperation of our destroyers and patrol boats with Great Britain Americans have been particularly interested in the antiUbdat warfare A statement made public shortly be forethe close of war showed that of the Allied warships engaged in antisubmarine warfare in he submarine warfare in the East Atlantic per cent were British IS per cent American and fi per cent French Of the submarines engaged in hunting submarines per cent were British per cent French and per cent American Of the miscellaneous smaller patrol craft largely extemporized yachts and motor boats per cent were British per cent French per cent American The bulk of our craft of this type was engaged in protecting our own coast British warships during their silent watch in the North Sea and other home waters in one month sea miles In same month the mileage of auxiliary vessels including mine sweepers and was miles In the antisub marine warfare over onehun dred and fifty German have been destroyed British submarines have been uniformly successful destroying- two battle ships two armed cruisers two light cruisers seven destroyers five gunboats submarines and auxiliary vessels besides bad ly damaging three battleships The also destroyed Li enemy transports six ammunition and supply ships and steam and sailing ships and in this work no merchant ship was sunk at sight and care was taken hat lie crews got away safely The Marine At the outbreak of the war the tonnage of he Merchant Marine was manned by 000 officers and men On the British Merchant fleet has fallen the great task of sup plying willi food coal and other material not only he farflung British also Ihe great majority of be people of Belgium ranee Italy etc Ions was set apart for he service of France to whom Ions of iron and steel was supplied in one period U months Frances per cent and per cent of Italys were carried i British ships ana per of their coal was sup plied hy and carried in her hips Due lo fun fact thai the great carrier for the Allied cause ami has fearlessly ravers- ih submarine one the Mer chant Marine has lost over tons or say 50 per cent of ils original lolal In carrying against the fero cious submarine warfare Ihe officers and men despite the loss of and have shown undaunted heroism The Pres ident of Board Trade re- pnrled in the House of Commons May that there had come his attention a single in- 6 YEARS AGO ii From Era Dec of fat yoke Late Walter Tunny of Newmarket Mr Frauk Russell sold a cattle yesterday for Mr of Bradford is now manufacturing farm implements Marling of Toronto lectured before the Mechanics institute lost Friday evening on Building a House Commencing next Monday morning the village bell will be rung at in stead of fi oclock till further orders Messrs Phillips Dales have in stalled one of their organs in he opal Church at By direction of the Synod Ihe in the English Churches of this I Diocese on Christmas Day ore to be presented to the clergyman of ach mission Markets Butter ami eggs The following letter was received week Mrs Hugh Tunny of Newmarket written by the Major of the Battalion of which her youngest son was killed on Sept He enlisted in tin York and in Toronto hi Sept anil was jnsi about year in the service Somewhere in France Oct I Dear I wish to exlendt you my deepest sympathy on the loss of your son I liked him very much as did all the Company ami we feel for you very much We hurled him in a little Soldiers- Cemetery nl Shut man hath a greater love than to lay down his life for his friends as did your son I have honor to be Madam yours etc White Major 2nd Can By Troops 1st Can Pioneers The munition to which he women so largely contributed not only supplied the whole Brit ish army hut was able lo furnish large amounts to the Allies In the had risen to 12- tons per day As Banker for the Allied Cause In addition holding the seven seas secure and maintaining an army of Great Britain as Lord Gupzon stated on July 1018 has been the feeder clothier armorer banker and uni versal provider for the Allies Previous lo our entrance into the war she had loaned lo Allies Hie huge sum of over During Hie war he National Debt has risen to The taxation which En Itll was about in has risen to The re sponse to Hie Government Loans has been well distributed for out of people some hove invested in the War Bonds and War Savings Certifi cates At the opening Of Ihe OOP YEARS From Era Dec- at Miss Ward on Mrs f was here for a few days on account of her fathers death also Miss of Toronto and Charlie of Marhkam Miss Carrie Council received presentations Wednesday night Dry body conhvjtiod Newmarket at the Root Club Supper was held at Robertsons refreshment parlor last Friday night between and being present President Dickson in Hie chair Soloists Hood ami Hodge instrumentalists Oliver and Caldwell of of Hunter is now in Green Mrs I J Duncan A Stephens Taylor and J Murphy The Town Hall was packed last Tuesday evening to hear- the Black Knight on temperance Question Mr Harry Graham shot a black bear near Sill Ion and brought it to Town his week Mr Calvin one of the pio neers settlers East passed- away this week at age of nearly If years on the farm on which he was horn His father was I fie first Clnrl The Rev the Christian Parsonage on Deo of of Jwillinibury Tomb At Dec Samuel tamer in year hi King Dec Ann wife f Sty las Iiu god Id I Markets id hag chickens lb lb in which either officers Or men had failed take on their ship when was reuly sail The tonnage entering and dealing United ports rose from Ions in to tons iu August The losses through submarines were offset new construction ami requisitions Hie amount of tons the re lease of shipping due to the production of fund in Hie Isles the fndif increase Of tillage since amounting acres there was a cor responding saving of the service of Ions o shipping British In tho War In afotal of ii 000 in there were workers Of Ibese joined the forces and went into munition and other war work leaving only 750000 of the original to carry on the rede etc of the nation- and they did thanks to the patriotism and ability of the women of Britain In there were fe male workers MM women were doing different kinds of wrk formerly done by men The following Table includes Only pari of I hose activities of I lie women LAW vs JUSTICE use Hie of the Allies lay Of year during the righting In Plunders fourth year of Ihe war a popular Victory loan of was in days Since Ihal time the great drives for money have been abandoned and the people a steady flow of about I 2 per Week The foregoing at a skeleton outline of Ihe of Ihe to he vast Allied have resulted in the overthrow of foulest and most stupendous ef fort ever aimed the of modern 0 CHR13TMAS JOY FOR CANADIAN SOLDIERS London Dee Peace Christ mas promises be a big day for the thousands of Canadian sol diers who are in London Apart from the general Joy of such an occasion at such a lime he Can adian has been planning for months to provide something of special entertainment in recog nition of the event At the quarters in Victoria sta tion the Of arrival from France Christmas parties are arranged for Christmas eve and night Al Heaver main centre of Canadian entertainment big things are planned A free dinner will lie served in the din ing room to homeless sot- The leave department In tends to Canadian sol diers in a doen different town throughout v 100 REWARD The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn Dial there Is least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its slaves and Unit is catarrh catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts thru the blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease giving the patient strength by building tip constitution and assisting nature in doing Us work The proprietors have so much in the curative power of Halls Catarrh Cure that Probably the most pathetic mo ment in tin homeward journey Of our soldiers will be Hint stage where they are passing the graves of thousands of comrades bidding Ihom a Ion- last farewell It doubtless will occur strangely lo hem aio that Ihe working of justice must be inextricably ob scure and crooked when men Ugh I suffer and die to ile- fen I in enemy who to satisfy bis lust for power and dominion tied all international law and all international rules Of warfare by the most barbarous cruel and un precedented atrocities ami then can calmly step neutral coun tries to be saved from the nntion of bis own subjects and the punishment of his by the action of hat law which in the days of his power so contemptuously ami ruthlessly trampled under his feet may be international law but it cer tainly is not international nor any other kind of justice is not demobilization but the lion of Hie allied armies around Paris when the peace conference sits and demand as Cromwells army mobilized at Black Heath demanded justice must be done 011 lite chief delinquent And not alone on lie chief delin quent but also on Ihe lesser and equally guilty would be a powerful object les son Hint democracy will adiniif- isler retributive justice In every one whet tier he be prince or pau per who welters in human blood and suffering to satiate the thirst for ambition and power If in this supreme crisis democracy fails to do its duly when like the swain whose objective- wa Tipperary it has a long long road travel to reach goal of even the human conception of enual justice all- Mono Road Cor respondent to The British Grown jewels have been returned the tower of London from Windsor Castle where hey were stored when there was danger from Zeppelin raids London Dec An official statement issued by the Hundred Dollars for any today says ion is Peace Conference with he inten tion of proposing the abolition of compulsory military service lhroiihoul The to the t to make I U

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