v ARK OK J A DEO Dr H- Wilkinson I Corner Main and Newmarket Dr J Boyd Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the College of Physicians and member of lie Royal College of Surgeon of Former clinical assistant in Bye Hospital and Ear Nose and Hospital London England Eyes Tested Glasses Supplied Telephone Hour- OUR LOCAL NEWS f WATCHMAKER AND Park Avenue Adjoining P Office BERT GREEN PAINTER AND PAPER Ave 2nd house from Queen St Newmarket Ph PO Box MRS DUNN Maternity Nurse Andrew St P O Box 3m23 WARJOR1E RATOL1FF Teacher of Singing Studio of Music Newmarket on Wednesdays The Willing Workers Of St Church win tneir annua Bazaar and Talent Sale on Fri day Dec at pm After noon lea will be served from 3 to 5 A good substantial supper served from to Price Children under years SPANISH INFLUENZA OR GRIP DR LEE SMITH An old enemy with as again and letter fig a German or a germ ill hold iheir annual mnrt pnt nghf it m Another Selection afraid The rune i very brief coarse when the patient is caicfol and if we keep the in good condition and throw off the poisons which tend to accumulate within oar bodies we can escape the disease Remember three a clean month a clean skin and clean bowels To carry off poisons from the system and keep loose daily doses of a pleasant laxative As the High School Board at j should be taken Such a one Elm vale would not release Miss Laugh the Newmarket High School Board was obliged to make a second choice for the new Com mercial Teacher to commence here in January and have secured Miss Elizabeth M Kirkwood of who comes very highly recommended of A STOUFFER Newmarket Teacher of Piano Voice and Dealer in all Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia and Records Complete- Stock Prompt Furnace Work Rev T Honored Rev pastor of Broadway Tabernacle Toronto and formerly of ninrkef has been invited to suc ceed Rev Wesley Dean as sec retary of the Union A Committee of the Hoard of Man agement will wait upon Mr and another committee will con fer with the hoard of Broadway Tabernacle Ft is not probable Mr could take up the new duties before the end of the conference year in Tune next is made of Mayapple leaves of aloe root of jalap and called Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets Hot lemonade be used freely if attacked by a cold and the patient should be put to bed a hot mustard footbath To prevent the attack of bronchitis or pneumonia and to control the pain should be obtained at drug store and one given every two hours with lemonade The tab lets were first discovered by Dr Pierce and as flush the bladder and cleanse the kidneys they carry away I much of the poisons and the uric acid ft is important that broths milk but termilk icecream and simple diet be given regularly to strengthen the sys tem and increase the vital resistance The fever is diminished by the use of the tableta bat in addition the fore head ariD3 and hands may be bathed with water tepid in which a table- spoonful of salaratus has been dissolved in a quart After an attack of grip or pneumonia to build up and strengthen the system obtain at the drug store a good iron tonic called Tab lets or that well known herbal tonic Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signature of Chas Fletcher and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years Allow no one to deceive you in this Counterfeits Imitations and Justaagood are but experiments and endanger the health of Children What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Con stipation Flatulency Wind Colic all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea It regulates the Stomach and Bowels assimilates the Food giving healthy and natural sleeps The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend WINTER HOME FLOWERS -V- the Windows When I loom Is Most Welcome Cleaning and Grading Grain How a Good Panning Mill Properly Oper ated Greatly Increase the Yield of Field Every Farmer Should Have One Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture Toronto O Insure a supply of flowers during early winter for the window it la necessary to have suitable plants started early In the fall Among the best kinds for early winter flowering are a few of what are known by florists aa I Dutch bulbs Of these there are only a few kinds or varieties that can be j had In flower earJy In the winter White Roman Hyacinths are very satisfactory for early flowering The 7 I If s the great war time sweetmeat A In Use Over 30 Years COMPANY TOR Cm fc I Th Mothers Meeting Plumbing Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS ft P A The Annua Bazaar in SI Pauls School Room on Tuesday evening of last week was attend ed with the usual success All kinds of tractive dishes templ ed those who patronized the event the proceeds netting about e the supper realizing SiO Sunt short program was offered in the evening by the committee in charge Miss Mrs well and Mr Chop pin eontributeri A reading by Miss also gave much pleasure Will be held on Dec the in home of the Mrs Al bert Lundy on Queen St Iniencing at pm A full attend- is requested as we want to before Methodist Church The preacher last Sunday was Congregational Rev J SONS TO GROCERY PHOTOS THAT ALWAY8 1 Get Them at The Photographer In Your Town Studio One Door West of the New Post Office EVENING SITTING APPOINTMENT Phone Minister of Toronto and he gave most excellent service The morning theme was the universal ity of the Christian religion founded on the words Every knee shall how and every tongue con fess the Lord Jesus Christ In the evening his text was Hut I say and ho sermon was equally good Mrs Walter Stephens sang the solo in the morning anthem and Mrs Reynolds contributed a beau tiful rendition of the psalm Id rather he a doorkeeper in the house of the fiOrd In the even ing Mr Manning gave a solo The Choir is much strengthened by the addition of Mr and Mrs Reynolds formerly of Aurora Brioflets Municipal Elections almost hand again Over of Town Taxes have been paid this year Dealers may now sell gasoline without license from the fuel controller and the fees already paid will be returned the ap plicants The ban on iced cakes and bis cuits and on the manufacture Of Scotch shortbread puffed and fancy pastry has been lifted by the Canada Food Board Town evening Present Mayor Eves Reeve Keith Deputy Pear- colored Roman Hyacinths are not as j good and do not flower as early as I the White Romans The loose grow- The Kind You Have Always Bought I Bears the Signature of acceptable The Paper White Narcis sus can also be had- in flower early French grown bulbs of the Trumpet Major Narcissus can also he had In flower in the window before Christ- mas by potting the bulbs toward the j end of September or not later than the end of October All of these bulbs can usually be had early in October at seed stores Pot the bulbs in rath- er sandy potting soil as soon as the- bulbs can be obtained The soil should not be too rich in fertilizers Three or four bulbs can be put in a fiveinch pot The top of the bulbs should be under the surface of meeting last Monday i The surface of the soil should be about half an inch below the top of the pot for water space Water the bulbs well as soon away in cellar or cupboard until roots have well start- Following bills passed ed usually for about four or five I weeks When roots are well started and possibly showing through the hole in the bottom of the flower pot they should be brought into the win- 34100 to flower Keep the soil well moist not too wet until they are through flowering Dutch Hyacinths and many other varieties of Narcis sus Daffodils Tulips and can be potted in October or Novem ber but few of them will flower until January or February Chinese Sacred Lilies Bulbs of these can be started In 160 deep saucers or soup plates In for early flowering get the bulbs firmly in the saucer and then fill the I saucer or dish with fine gravel bo as to almost cover the bulbs Fill the saucer up with water a A the benefit the pleasure the economy of a 5c package of LEVS has made it the fa vorite sweet ration of the Allied armies send It to your friend at the front its the handiest longest lasting re freshment he can carry son Councillors F Lloyd as potted and set the Osborne Fred and J Me- a cool dark place in a dark Aurora Band CHEW IT AFTER MEAL Beaver Mills charity Electric Co sup J charity lamps Inspection of Meters J Dunn of con tract re and fix tures at Town Hall to Com to be paid if correct Isaac Rose A Trivett to Finance Com Duncan truant officer sale lands etc Kef lo Mayor By or Made In Canada The Flavour Lasts w THREE KINDS GREENHOUSES NEWMARKET The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ASTER NASTURTIUM ETC Nov Ready In Quantity Ho Order less than Delivered Donations ha Club of hr V A Previously acknowledged I Hunter A Winn J Tail i Doyle Dr Chirk Mr Atkinson jC If Willi- w Cipher j II AdtriiH II field A I Clark A Boyd Moriis I J Victory Loan business has add- Curtis patrol immensely to the work with registered letters in the local post office The school kiddies of Newmar ket had the astonishing sum of to their credit in the Bank on the of June las year according- to a Government report just issued from PHONE J M A v 1 LOO 1 00 00 50 LOO LOO L00 1 I on 50 LOO 30 n LOO LOO 25 LOO LOO 25 50 I 00 LOU 50 50 LOO 1 LOO Honors for Newmarket Word was received by Princi pal Davidson last Saturday that the Newmarket High School had won the Carter Scholarship both 1st and 2nd prizes on the work of last year in competition with the other High Schools of the County This is the third year in succession that Newmarket has won this distinction Miss of ft 1 in Belfry he cash Miss Prize wins the First cash and Miss Elsie Second Prize in is deserv ing of ureal praise she having won 505 as the result of last year- work She came for the Blake prize for Gen eral Proficiency in the wind Pro- valued at viuei won the College Tin both pupils reflects and also of success of Credit on all the members of the staff brings honor to the Town and Application for water Mrs Tor to Fire Light Com Application for electric light from Cane for J Watts Ilagfan St granted Communication from Organise- alien of Resources Com placed on also copy of Official Gazette Enquiries Mr Lloyd asked if anything was in the summer Late flowering done about water for are also good for Gardens early Winter decoration All of these The Mayor said it W In expressly for ho window or purchas ed from a florist The bulbs named and sot them away in a dark cool place as mentioned before for about three weeks until roots well started when they can be brought in- to the window to flower These wlllj flower in December Keep sau cers filled up with water as required Callas or Cac tus Cyclamen Primulas several varieties of Begonia especially the type of Begonias are suitable for Christmas as well as dwarf type of j that flower so profusely either in the window in winter or out Mayor said il was up to the Fire and Light Com Councillor thought it would be cheaper bore a well Mr called attention to the unsightly bits of paper blow ing around the Market Several members objected to burning refuse on the Market Square and the Market Com are to have stopped Mr Lloyd called attention lo bicycles on the as suitable for early flowering can be grown with very little trouble and expense by any ono who takes an in terest In flowers and in flower grow ing No plants or flowers give more satisfaction In winter than do the winter flowering bulbs beforo named MAKE YOUR TOAST THE ELECTRIC WAY I AT THE TABLE AS YOU NEED IT WITH A COME IN Cleaning and Grading Grain These two farm operations may be accomplished at the time and pavements by the ftame means The fanning mill Prospect Ave and Mr successful medium In fray said a Utile girl was nock ed down by one The Mayor is to see against riding walks is enforced Mr McCaffrey asked on the the the Street Lights turned liii to Hamilton oo Donne Amies 50 8L00 NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE Monument All Kinds of Work Promptly Attended to Call See tin before ALL KIND OF BUILDING 8TONE Cut to Order MEMORIAL FOR Kept ln JOHN 0 MOSS Dialer in and Importer of Foreign and Domestic AND Phone Box Make no Mistake In Place Huron Near Depot Elections elections next mojith will Like place at almost the latest dale possible Monday the fill of January- Nominations will be held on Monday the of Dec the Town Hall At the meeting of Town Council last Monday evening provision made the election of the Council for as well as three Public School Trustees- an election is necessary there will be two polls each at the three polling booths owing the large number of voters In fact it is a Mention whether Town is not entitled to another Deputy at the County Council This point be settled in time to give proper In ease of an election Polling vill he at the usual places Prospect Ave Market and Tire Rail The Officers and Poll Clerks appointed by Council are follows Ward- John and Win Poll Clerks fas Marshall and Walter Hughes Andrews Ward liar and Henry P Walter Collins and Fred St Patricks Ward Duncan and Stewart P Irwin and M Hughes as Choir Concert ToNight Dont forget the Patriotic Con cert in the Church Newmarket this Friday evening to be given by the combined Choirs of Aurora and Newmarket with assistance of Miss of Toronto Head the following press no tices Miss wan all that lias been claimed for her and is one of the best elocutionists ever heard here Arthur Miss Florence gave several splendid readings her Patsy and Leah the For saken being especially well given- Tribune One Miss contributed sev eral numbers with equal success Winnipeg Free Press Miss held her audi ence spellbound Kdmonlon Alia Journal nave On evening which will be to Orders of Day- Mr Lundy gave a verbal report on the wiring and lighting of the Town Hall slating that it was the only building in Town that is properly lighted A was passed providing for the Municipal Council adjourned MINES ENEMY TO HOLD OUT Pails Nov Details of Hie sequestration and destruc tion of machinery fa ihe Preach lerjes in the valley region is by All says and one lion ize the Hi to Troat Your Town Praise it Improve it Talk about it Trade at borne Bo public spirited Take a home pride Tell of its business men Remember it is your home Tell of its natural advantages Trade and induce others lo trade here When strangers come to lown use them well Dont call your best citizens frauds and posters Support your local institutions that benefit your town Look ahead of self when all the town Is to be considered Help your public officers to do the most good for the most peo ple Dont forget you live off the people bore and you should help others as help you advertise in the local pa per to help the editor but ad vertise lo help yourself shipped the Journal slocks of merchandise Iron ore msI Iron and steel wen requisi tioned by Herman and I lie correspondent then and drill men arrived lo organ the plants manufaeturers visited the region and picked out certain pieces of machin ery wliieh they wanted placed hi- their plants and these wen InimedJnlcly in After these had been made the demolition of blast fur naces steam hollers tools searings and light fixtures not cumiectuil with the actual working of he mines was carried out em ployes Of the plants being compelled to aid Mentions in IlieJr devasta- tion In Hie nieanlinie exploitation of the mines was kept full swing- Prisoners to number of were pul lo work with hardly any this result and too much cannot bo placed on the use of this machine The successful of the fanning mill depends on two factors that wind blast and the use of sieves The removal of light or inferior and the small er and lighter weed seeds is almost wholly dependent on the wind blast It also assists the sieves because it removes part of the grain which would otherwise have to pass through them and It prevents clogging in the sieves by light seed The two most Important sieves aro those of top and bottom top sieve should be just largo enough to let the grain through and keep back Impurities The bottom should bo of Just sufficient slzo to keep back good seed The utility of many fanning mills is impaired by owner not posscaa- a full assortment of sieves and by his using sieves which allow weed seeds and grain to lodge In mill efficiency of many fanning mills too is often lessened by operator being in too much of a hurry To obtain the beat results grain should pass slowly over the sieve When fan ning mill Is turned too rapidly or lower sieve has too much slope many of smaller Impurities will not bo removed Well cleaned and well grain la not only from weeu seeds other seeds dirt and chaff but Is larger In size greater uniformity weighs heavier is better quality and Is of stronger vitality than grain not so cleaned and graded No farmer can afford to bo without a good fan ning mill and there aro many farm ers who would bo much better off if they extended Its use Dr A Ontario Agricultural College Guelph When the soil Is moist bat not tho drag docs the best work road will bake drag la used It when it la to roads should bo made when needed and not onco a year liter crops are laid by SEE THEM I HURON ST NEWMARKET terrible discipline mines was larger lime and the enabled the hold out for four rest under The output of tin Mi mi thiil In peace respondent adds central powers to When the time fof the final Allied attack approached the Germane con centrated heavy and 7000 machine guns for defence of the region but the heroism of the Allied roups rendered these precau tions useless and the Teuton dream of universal domination was shattered Every Lover of HOMEMADE BAKING -TRY- Our Favorite and Five Rose Flour FRESH FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE COAL 8ERVE ONLY ONE YEAR WITH SIBERIAN FORCE Ottawa Nov It has been decided that the Siberian expedi tionary force whose movements have been somewhat delayed by the signing of armistice shall continue to go forward to its des- InhUion Part of tho force is already there remainder is to go forward is however decided that any man who desires his discharge may it one year aftor the signing of on Nov last Prices Right OLIVER TERM8 STRICTLY Give Us a Phone AS to go to the on PHONE Let us make you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt 8ervlce Charges Reasonable A BOYD Prop Night Halls on Phone Promptly Attended lo I f i