mm w -1- r I c havn Business i TtU DaIIav and moreover have helped Ml d i j Editorial There is protection Business ThlC Rpftar going lobe better than ever bo- Ml fore Yes St back to the old Than MACHINE New and Machinery Wood Saws Mandrills Saw Mill and other Machinery in First Class order and will be sold cheap Shop East of Bank of Toronto E Proprietor NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE thai of of Toron to the County York in Hie Province Soldier ply Ihe Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a hill of di vorce from Wife Henrietta Doro thea now at said City of Toronto in County of York on the ground desertion some talk about parly lines again and the strengthening the navy in both Policy for capitalists Canada and the United States while the farmers- and people Thats exactly what we dont the general walks of life can wanl This war is to end mill I the piper There never was and to the end greater prosperity in Canada than less expense of military de- under the Administration fence Th future good of all and the blue books prove it nations should be guarded by On Each Will Your Mik Doling UntiKSi- wry Try It a small patrol from each and all Mr the Liberal questions of settled by candidate in North Huron was arbitration A League of last Monday to the On- ions should make it so The llano Legislature by over war debts would then soon be majority Two Conservatives paid and prosperity smile on aHwer running against him one a lands otherwise it will gen- Government supporter and the orations lift the burden other an Independent Mr received very nearly A conference of Liberals is to as many voles as both the Cm- be held at Ottawa shortly con- against him only farmer suit and advise with Sir Wilfrid less Mr is a as to the immediate and pressing and has been reeve of Moms conditions of the country and to for seven years Last spring he submit an outline of proccjs one of the deputation which dure to be followed in assembling went to Ottawa to protest against the National Liberal Convention Government cancel which is lo be held at a dat after the delegates and at October A by PIIKLAN A Adelaide St West Toronto exemption of farmers sons Although not officially endorsed members of Parliament have the United Farmers of Ontario portunitv consult local assol of the farmer vote it is significant thai in every byelection since Toronto this loth day of Icialions is that del egates will he present to the num ber of about as follows Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Mani- Saskatchewan Iberia British the up- Poor and mean a poorly nourished body and low vitality Poor means cloRRed bowels fermentation and the formation of poisonous gases which are absorbed by the blood and carried through the body The result Is weakness headaches dizziness coated tongue bilious attacks loss of energy nerv ousness poor appetite Impoverished blood sallow complexion pimples skin disease and often times serious Ordinary laxatives purges and salts oils calomel and the like may relieve for a few hours but real lasting benefit can only como through of that tones up and strengthens the digestive as well as the ellmlnative organs Get a 23c box of Natures Remedy NR Tablets and take one tablet each night for a week Relief will follow the very first dose but a few days elapse before you feel and realize fullest benefit When you get straightened out and feel Just right you need not take medicine every day an occasional Nil Tablet then keep your system In good condition and you will always feel your best- Remember keeping well is easier and cheaper than getting well Natures Remedy Tablets are sold guaranteed and recommended by your druggist J Druggist work and moreover have helped father in the old country with his gardens 50 its work I know to do Does It not seem as though when I can earn dollars a week by doing this little extra ought to do it And Mrs could only reply Yes Mary it does but they wont see it that way I am afraid sure enough they did not declared that it was just loo bad that a nice girl ike Mary Jane West man should demean herself in such a fashion and Nellie stoutly that a decent girl ought lo have pride enough lo keep her from such work Mary Jane when confronted with her ignoble deeds said in her clearest tones Yon dont under- 1 mm it You Need If all the tired overworked rundown women in this community coulcr realize how our delicious Vinol which contains Beef and Cod Liver Pep tones Iron and Manganese Peptonates and Glyce rophosphates supplies the vital elements necessary to enrich the blood and create working strength we wouldnt be able to supply the demand Dukedom Tenn I live on a farm and keep for six in my family I got Into a nervous rundown condition so it seemed as though I would die A friend advised me to try VinoL I have been greatly improved by stand girls it is Just my pride and stronger in the General Elections Ihe Liberal candidate has been returned a NOTICE is hereby given thai ELEANOR MARGARET WEBSTER This is the proper way foi formerly ELEANOR MARGARET Party get views of of City of Toronto in and obtain uniled action Comment of Exchanges thai makes me do Ibis gardening- Do you when uncle has lost money and is so sick thai I am going lo around and let him keep- me for one idle hour No Mary Jane has too much pride for that And as for the kind of is more money in gardening than doilics or dust Burdett J of three and raise chickens I had nervous breakdown bo I was unable to work The doctor did not seem to help me and a cousin asked me to try It built me up I now have a good appetite and am well and strong Mrs Loyal Palmer every way Mrs Goodwin down conditions men old people and children there It no remedy llko For mil modown PAIN phon he ting J Newmarket Also at the Best Druggists in nil Ontario Towns County of York and Province of married woman will apply Parliament of Canada al the session thereof for a Rill of Divorce from her husband Henry Webster of the Cily of Toronto in The military idea Of bringing tip boys home as Ihey are re quired in commercial linos is be ing called down by various papers The Toronto Star puis lit the County of York and Province oft The boys who vol- Ontario on grounds of adultery and crossed sea and cruelly DATED at Toronto this A ELEANOR MARGARET By her Solicitors RoMnMle Godfrey i St West Toronto I day of WEBSTER soldiers cannot be drafted home as mechanics as employers find use for them The country thai sent them abroad as soldiers should as soldier bring them Parry Sound Canadian The Food Controller is surely lacking in a sense of the ridiculous He gravely through the newspapers congratulates people of Camilla on their good health due ihe plain fare they have been lo eat and this in the face j of one of the worst epidemics highest death roll in country years The Pride of Daps ami Hint IS the plain square reason l do it Not many months alter this declaration Widow adver tised for an assistant for her school janitors work and who should apply but Mary Jane West- man There is no gardening now she announced and I dont see but under some circumstances sweeping up a school floor may be just as honorable as writing off a question in algebra- At which her former maUw laughingly said its the queer pride of Mary J Aim again A week or two beginning THE WAR MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER NG lin fty Rose Wakefield find for Jacob and his wife had decided to offer a corner in their pretty Canadian home to a Toronto Telegram Ottawa young orphaned niece in the Old must wake up and realize that all thc brains of the Dominion are I Land and one stormy March this little maid made her first home There ought to be here not concealed beneath brass appearance beneath the for hats worn by officers from the NOTICE is hereby given thai Mary Jane City of To ronto in County of York in the Province of Ontario Married Woman will apply to Parliament of Can ada at the Session thereof for a hill of Divorce from her husband John Bruce of lUe said City of Toronto now residing in of Vancouver in the Province of British Columbia Automobile Salesman on grounds of ad if lie and cruelty bated at Toronto in the Province Ontario this day of November A 11 fluff Hamilton Ray St Toronto for Mary lane the applicant I must be a homecoming day Canadian battalion in Niagara Peninsula Three home own Any plan which newspaper reporters would fails to include this is unworkable have prepared and despatched Hie problem of demobilization is list of troops on for our homestaying people hoard the in as many solve as best can but all our hours as il look the military Lyman Q Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses At the Office Newmarket Office Private affection sentiment ami imagination as a people cannot be ignored in doing of it We believe that this is the feeling of people all over Canada Out- boys have done heroic work and when hey return must be given understand thai their sacrifice on behalf of British Freedom is appreciated At the Conservative Banquet in Toronto last week Hon Ho gets exMinister of Public Works and Ihe guest of the evening in timated that the Conservative Parly was at height of ils power when Sir Borden formed a Unionist Government As a matter of fact there was no thing farther from he truth The Union Government was the only thing saved Sir Robert Bor dens head from falling into Mm basket Had the Conservative issued at res lo the country if desired LIVERPOOLMANITOBA Fire Insurance FRED 3rn Newmarket I the record thai War itw Government is shilling an investigation into the German crime- in deportation of Belgian workmen the Belgian machinery and Hie murders of and Cap I it had made in ould not have stood a ghost Of a chance And now before Ihe War is practical over he adrnits that the Union Government failed to reach ex pectations and that Hie future prosperity of Canada depends Oil Hi- right to regulate our fiscal policy according lo our needs he adds We must hold fast with both hands tin National Policy We shall live in an era of tariffs nation will days task to accomplish the roof She was a bright well- built girl of seventeen and the plain practical name of Mary- Jane seemed to suit right well commonsense View of life throng long a gay happy YORK GIVES SAILORS 26000 j York County Council on Monday decided lo make a grant of to the funds for British sail- and their families A favor- j able report for a grant to the British Sailors and Seamens of girls had found and welcomed to heir midst a school mate who was every whit frank and sincere Mary Jane was a student loo of no mean parts and the fact that she could lead in the classroom as well as in every sort of honest wholehearted frolic served lo make her one of the popular girls of But there came a change to all I this and the story ran along very sombre lines About lie middle was made by the Finance in Committee and caused consider- Mr deposited much Me discussion of his hard of Vaughanjj I seem to be the rmer here There was a set able discussion Reeve of Town fa price put on the wheat grown by tho farmer why was not a price put on manufacturers whose subscriptions to the Victory Loan shows their profits and that no fixed prices embarrassed them I admit the farmers have made money but we do not have privileges of electric light and pavements Ilecvc Wallace You arc using without pay for hem I do not think that farm ers should be twice levied on for patriotic funds They are as willing to help art anyone else said worried Who caused the produce of I Hint money farmers to be carried IICIOS Music Lovers Amazed by Edisons Daring Test All told 2000000 music lovers in Canada and thc United States on more than different occasions have gone to one of their local theatres filled curiosity regarding a startlingly novel musical recital to which they had been invited In each case they have come amaz ed at the almost unbe lievable demonstration which had taken place before their very eyes and ears thc most daring test of a or talking machine ever made They say a noted son artist stand beside Me NEW EDISON The Phonograph with a Soul They the lOSlrumtat ting in the voice in other rttreate her voice Presently the herielf began to ling note for With instrument trained ear in Vain to ihe of difference the actual voice and the Then suddenly with out warning the ceased tinging leaving instrument to continue the air Only by watching the artists lips did thc that she had ceased singing an that they heard the Instrument alone is the famous Tone Test- Only makes test Only tan mate this test because only the New actually rttrtatet the human voice and the music of humanplayed With every tone quality and shade of expression Ordinary phonographs and talking machines merely rtprtdutt If have teen t witness an Tint MA at hear fit Mate the time suit pur was a part of lie a if if mill his pari ihn pro- InrniiiinfJ en WllSlfl li the fiiiaa flip The farmer I Tip I fin mil is any in York who not willing lo help linnoij I would be very sorry Hi re con Hie has see it Tall ilown now by refusing those who much lo us mil have iiiatliMeil how many mil lion bushels wo grew here if il hail not have been taken over by men who now US hli Ihem Iteevn I for one rlo war is eioseil Wo may yd hern and if of his earned savings closed ils doors and before hail lime to recover I thoughts one wet slippery day he full from a second story building and was carried home a helpless cripple Of course Mary Jane had to remain home from school and equally of course there followed a time of great anxiety in the household Because there was neither son nor daughter turned in her trouble to the sturdy young English niece ami Mary Jane was not long in facing squarely situation She discovered thai her uncles restless days of suffering were not the sot reason for her aunts face The fact was exceedingly her school duties this brave young workwoman was discov ered by the school principal eag erly gazing at a blackboard prob lem in Euclid And when enquiry revealed fact that the girls heart was fairly longing for the old school days Dr Brown said emphatically Mary Jane you can earn your certificate next summer if you will Work hon estly at night and every day after four bring me your difficulties and I predict that between us we will capture nothing less than Peters gold medal was a daring word of pro phesy but then was spoken a daring sort of girl The following June be Towns- end High School closing was held and of course there were cates and prizes galore The chief interest however centred about the coveted Peters gold medal This trophy said Dr Brown as he held aloft the splendid hit of gold goes a student who has steadily daied do with her might every bit of honest work that her hands have found wait ing and her daily life has been a demonstration of the fact that even very humble work when ne cessary may be dignified into ser vice royal Today I have Ihe rare pleasure of handing Ihe Pe ters gold medal lo our brave young lownswoinnn Mary Jane was noted that as Ibis sturdy girl walked lo the front I hat closing day her eyes shone and her head was very erect hut the plaudits of her fellaw-stud- ents seemed justify the pride of Mary Jam DOfli NEW FUEL IS CHEAPER THAN Such as Flooring Siding Moulding Inside Trim in Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Sash Doors arid Window Frames Doors in Pine Fir Ash or Oak that will interest you Kindly give us a trial Sold at prices Win a mm mm NEWMARKET Limited After much careful thought ami planning she applied her aunt for permission lejjve home and enter a situation hut this sugges tion no fnvor I could not span- you with your uncle so sick said her aunt We will make money stretch Oil I some way bill I ljae you beside me Then aunt could you let me go for a couple or three hours morning and night I wouhl he on hand at each morning and I should not need lo start again until upper was out of the way Mary lane asked Ibis eagerly and when heraunl gave I fie Liberty Mian KASjHn war is really over we ought dot wondering assent and added our duly by them Reeves Wallace and Keith put up elo quent pleas on behalf of Ihe sea men and Cornell moved that a grant of be made To help Weston out Keith moved Hint if legal that district be left out of the lax levy necessary Reeve of Weston said that Weston was ready to do fluty and the council voted the grant of unanimously also voting in fa vor The request J Hughes respecting a grant lo the York Pi oneer Association is referred lo the County Council of County Constables J Myers Walter Stewart Ceo Thompson A Davison and 1 Brown will he paid a war bonus on Hie same basis as was approved in similar cases Inst June in her cheery fashion Dont you worry auntie dear I shall not do anything dreadful and I might as well earn a hit if can That very night Ibis energetic young business woman after us ing the lawn mower and Trass clippers in lily fashion her uncles lawn applied at the homes of half adoeu neighbors for per mission do likewise for their Old Mr girl t Newmarket Ont HAD PLANNED TO BOMB BERLIN DAY ARMI8TIOE 8IQNED London Nov The lloyal Air Von completed all preparations for the bombing of Berlin on Novem ber with planes each carrying pounds of bombs affording an official report The weather proving bad hoyever raid was until November the armistice was that same morning Children FLETCHERS My bad I hat I he rid of for a while outdoor premises Saunders said Yes indeed my rheumatisms that shall be right glad the care my place Miss declared that she was run off her feet trying to at tend lo the store and garden loo and she would willingly hand over her premises to Mary lane Mr Johnsons too if was the same story I lake the seven oclock car for the every morning he said and I- am not home again until ho von so its not much care my gets You may take it Thus with these and other sim ilar stories Mary Jane found her self after one nfghtfi canvass established as gardener to half a dozen of her neighbors Her aunt said dubiously It is rath er queer kind of work for a girl I am afraid that your schoolmates will laugh you child Whereupon Mary Jane respond ed sturdily lean stand It If they do aunt Washington Nov fuel vaslly ami many advantages over dial product has Invented by of lie war ileparlnienl and is new being produced in large known today Tin new fuel is result of more than tided Major inaii and Weinberger Ihe research ami divisions of general eiijdnccrlnK depot here hose tif ihr new oil is kerosene Major Zimmerman Tin- other an- of tow cost ami ran readily lie process of is simple The Jests which conclusively the value fuel have been and rlKhf Tiny were under Ihe supervision of here Thai no leaf was left unturned to Ms practical is shown hy the fait Dial the fuel used ex tensively in IllOtrtriVtlOS trucks I rile tors stationery engines and In cold and warm weather under violent variations of load with pour ami good operators said Major had been made for quantity production the armis tice much of which would have gone the forces abroad The new fuel odorless I as lei ess and noncorrosive Tests for corro sion were made- in a motorcycle that covered miles of variable ftllon It leaves less residue of ear lion than gasoline requires Jess air or oxygen for mid develops grenler horse power TURKS 1600000 PEOPLE London lieu I Ileuters re ceived from a source figures showing that in the Spring of ion Turks deported Greeks of whom are now refugees In Since war to end of the Turks deported 2H0000 Greeks and Armenians of whom Armenians Greeks have been massacred and 200000 mobilized Greeks have been put to death or have died of their suffer ings A great number of women mid children have been forcibly converted to Island others have been killed or committed suicide Greek properly taken by the Turks Is valued at Is healthy work it is decent francs etter Babies A constipated infant begins life heavily handicapped Constipation means infinitely more than mere failure of the bowels to move regularly and thoroughly It means stag- nation of waste mailer production of irritant and poisonous substances and their absorption into the blood by which Ihey are carried all over Ihe body Cells are poisoned growth interfered with and soil prepared in which germs of disease easily tnk root and develop Constipation in infancy is a had habit but giving an infant drugs to force the bowels lo move is a crime A baby is like a hud both may easily he blasted The Treatment for Constipation is not absolutely harmless but is in the highest degree is not a drug docs not act like any drug helps Nature to overcome the had habits reestablishing natural easy thorough bowel evac uation as regular as clockwork livery drop of taken into the body comes mi of the body Hut in its passage through intesti nal canal it keeps the bowel contents soft and moist makes it easier for the intestinal muscles to act ab sorbs poisons and helps to discourage genu growth Get f your druggist and give it according to direction I ol only hi VVtlrililiy Mark on Von may from Semi for Booklet CHARLES GYDE SON PO Box Montreal A A I A fl Laboratories STANDARD OIL GO NEW JERSEY YORK CITY Regular A Clockwork NOR A Ail How About Some urititure Wo 8omo Pretty wo would Ilk and and will favorably COMPARISON I you got In City FRED SKItfNER f Dealer In and Funeral Pbon CHIVES