Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Dec 1918, p. 3

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I French Silk Hats A New Shape in Black Brown and Taupe value for Roche Co OUR LOCAL NEWS 1 Methodist The Regular Monthly creeling of the Womens Missionary Society will held a home of Mrs Mann ing Main on Wednesday Dec A fall attendance is re quested J AT A GREAT BARGAIN FOR BALANCE OF r Aurora 1 AGENTS LJ Safe in Hospital Pie P I Thompson of Brant- ford a missing patienl of New market Hospital has been locat ed by the al St Jo sephs Hospital Hamilton suf fering from burns about the face The soldiers wife was reported in destitute circumstances which is also being investigated by the organization 4 A Large Case containing Trimmed Velvet Hats YOUR CHOICE FOR A Social Dance Over GO people enjoyed a social dance at the Royal Hotel last Fri day night and it has been decided to hold another dance at the same place this Friday night com mencing at oclock Same as last Friday night with Mr Jos as Floor Man ager No charge for the ladies each A Special Line of Handbags At See thorn Watson Presbyterian Church The Chief Justice Sutherland exSpeaker of the House Commons lis to give an address the congregation next Sunday morning As His Honor is a native of Newmarket and one who has made a brilliant mark in Canada no doubt there will be a large attendance to hear him Suited The Forward Move ment To see Ladles Shoes at Wall Paper at 10c White Flannelette Grey Flannelette Linen Towelling ROCHE CO OVER YOUNGS FAIR A Large Expenditure The final bills for the rewiring the Town Hall and new Fix tures were passed by the Council last Monday evening and alto gether they amount to which is one of the big items of expenditure for the past year H is gratifying however to know fhat the work is very satisfactory and lh effect equal to any city public buildings Methodist Mission Circle Will meet on Wednesday ev ening sharp at the home of Miss Robson Winter Sport By all appearances the repairs at the darn on Water Street will nol be made this season Won was commenced last week hut it came to an abrupt termination owing to a disagreement over the contract consequently the young people will be deprived of their kaling Fairy Lake this season However they will not be without opportunity for this healthful exercise The basin of Newmarket Canal was used for Ibis purpose last year and will no doubt be more largely patron ized this winter Provision is also to be made for- opening Skating soon as the King a- limes his rights It will be necessary Aurora Or Bradford for Winter At suitable Gift Watsons Jewelry Slow- Pay Your Light Account The Chairman of the Fire Light Committee makes a special request the people of Newmarket that they their electric light accounts before the ins so that the Committee can present a clean for tie- coming year Brleflets The Council has given no in structions yet regarding lh sale of town wood Six inches of snow lo clean off the walks Sunday morning Ev erything has had a wintry appear ance since then Ira Lloyd is bed with a sprained arm and leg and bad cuts about the head which he sus tained in falling from the roof of a stable ho was building From the roof he fell on two boards on the first floor and these broke letting him fall- to the cement floor of the basement Mrs Albert of Aurora was advised by the militia department that her husband Sergt had been awarded Military Medal for con spicuous bravery at the battle of Amiens under a heavy fire rescued two wounded com rades and was himself severely wounded Thanksgiving Services were held in he Methodist Church last Sabbath when the pastor- delivered two appro priate sermons The Choir also gave special selections The Exercise in the Sunday School were Patriotic in their character The Weekly Meeting of the Mini sterial Association was held at the home of Rev Scott who led the devotional part of the meeting These gatherings are greatly enjoyed by the members as the are very helpful We are sorry to lose Mr A McCal- and family from our Town and wish them every comfort during their sojourn in Toronto The snow Is making things more lively as the bells are being heard along the street Hope it may help the attendance at the Concert given Thursday evening by the united Choirs of Newmarket and Aurora Rev Madden will occupy the pulpit next Sabbath at a and Keswick p in A progressive euchre in aid of the Overseas Auxiliary was held at the home of JJrs Samuel Taylor this evening ami was realized PINE ORCHARD t Evangelist will preach at Pine Onhard on Lords Day Dec at a m and p m All are welcome PATTERNS A I V a DRY GO Our Large- Purchases- of AH Kinds of Dry Goods Enables us to sell Many Unas for- Much Leas than wo can them for today Anticipate your wants ami get Some of Bargains at the Present rt A V J- ALL GOOD COOKS use BAKING POWDER Or We have Alt the- used Instead of Flour at a Lower Prices than usual RHXy Are Our Specials which wo are offering fop about 10o leas per fib than they are usually sold fop y BAKING POWDER I HOES 1 The Price of Boots to again Upward Bound Our Large gives you Protection on Price fop some time to come EVERYTHING IN SHOES UPTODATE And the Workmanship on Every Pair Guaranteed I TWENTYFIVE VOTED i A King Farmers Estate Donald of Strange has applied for administration of the estate of his father Daniel Raw- lings a farmer who died in King Township Nov leaving imple ments valued horses and live stock insurance a house and lot at Strange and an equity of Si in a fiftyacre farm in Kinp The heirs are he widow Mrs Chris tina ami the deceaseds children Jennie and Don ald Red Cross Society The attendance at Ihe meeting last Tuesday afternoon was very limited This is lo be regretted as there is much work to do for the Refuge Children in France and Ihe last for the Prisoners of War almost drained funds The next regular sewing meeting will be held on Tuesday Dec and it is hoped that the ladies of the Town will make a note of the date and be present to in the work Ottawa Dec 3- The Govern ment has created a which be available by way of loan to the several pro vincial governments in connection with the carrying out of pro grams for better housing through municipalities or otherwise In the authorizing he transaction lie minister of I financ points out- that at he con ference recently held at Ottawa between the premiers and other members of the governments of the several provinces and repre sentatives of Dominion Gov ernment one of the most impor tant subjects of discussion was that of creating better housing conditions for the industrial pop ulation of our larger centres 0 MOTHER PROPHECV Berean Athletic Club The Bible Class of the Sunday School has re organized the Athletic Club with Mr Manning as Honorary President and Mr as President for the physical so cial and moral benefit of the men of the own Per mission lo use the Methodist Gym has been granted and a Physical will he engaged for an evening each week Y A rules will prevail This is a fa vorable opportunity for res poo I aide young Amu develop lie body by physical training Reception Into the Sodality of the B at St Johns Church Next Sunday oclock evening there will be a solemn i1ption of young girls into the Sodality of The Blessed Virgin Mary The object of this Society is foster In of young girls a true love devotion to Mary the Virgin and In practice to the highest degree virtues which distinguished her namely Angelic Purity Humility Obedience and Charily After reception on exhortation will be given by the pastor A cordial invitation is given to In be prose a I Miss V and Miss Johnston of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr A J Rev COttou of Holland Landing preached on Sunday evening last and hose who were absent missed a treat The Womens Institute mel at the home of Mrs Blackburn on Wednesday Dec I Men are at work excavating the fur nace room of Methodist Church Mr Win was called to go on Jury this week The Kettleby Methodist Sunday School will hold their annual Christ mas Concert on Monday evening Dec A good program Is being pre pared Watch for particulars later and remember the date ABERDEEN ANGUS CATTLE NEWMARKET give Mother Shopmans fa mous prophecy made in as follows When pictures look alive with movements free When ships like fishes swim be neath he sea When men outstripping birds do soar life sky Then half he world deep drench with shall die This is the woman who also predicted that should be rid ing in horseless carriages Live Stock Markets paid in Toronto Steers To JUST do Your DAYS Xmas Shopping rat Christian Church We tie pleased hat our new now with has begun liia We look ahead a work with him Sunday was a good day in particular Large attend- graded liiui in the evening Splendid music by the Choir was Mr of Aurora favoring us a very fine solo The services were of a Thunks- rig nature in accord with the in government The sermon dealt with those we should be truly thank Id for a result of the War and victory achieved It was certainly a masterly and while the topic for the evening of the War set forth and explain- a firstclas way showing thai speaker thoroughly iin- his subject Mr Hall j Come and fttar bun next Sunday am and in next morning an important one spe cially the church members Cluvst preparing and Church for service Let all A large expected Sunday at pm in the School it is hoped a Class vill be formed in charge of the pastor Please Come men and help us 0ng The hour vil be lo you Bazaar and Slipper last May evening was a delightful There was a large crowd present and everyone had a most pleasant time Proceeds A reception was our and fam- y after all had partaken of the provided by the ladies at welcome were given and V Keiley acted as the absence of and Rev Hall suitably lh their welcome and wenw to the parsonage fc 4 read a Christian Endeavor Miss Gertrude viv paper on All for Our dealing with pleasures that affect our soul and mind which was listened to with much Internal by all present Hail was then intro duced Ihe and spoke for few minutes on prospects for the new year week Mayor KVOS IS to address ihe Society on Begin Now Mr an interesting speaker it i llOpei the of the will hi- present to hear him Miss Mae Stork has charge of the meet ing We are planning for a Watch Night Service on New Years- from to to oclock be con ducted by the Pastor under the auspices of our Society Partic ulars Inter Corn Masonic Wednesday evening was oili er those pleasant and ilhtrings id the craft so often it bring occasion of he visit hi Doric No It visitors from Toronto arrived by special car The niosl Kx Dr 1 of No Toron to was by hi Scribe P York Chapter Milne ft Sllpt Toronto loseph P of SI Patricks Toronto and some twenty others from the different Toronto Chapters After the routine work gave officers ami members of Doric diaper sonic very points and he company enjoyed lunch and speeches Mil the wee small hours THE FUTURE OF THE LIVE I I A Christmas Wish DEBT IN JEWELRY a Chairman In Com Try Our Stock some of the Moat Beautiful De- In QOLD QOLD CHAINS DIAMOND LINK8 PEARL TOILET Ivory MILITARY We take pleaauro In Invit ing you to examine our a took promise to Interest you If you only LOW FOR A QUICK TURNOVER Atkinson Co arrival of peace has created renditions In the export at meal and produce and some uncertainty In minds of Canadian farmers as to future markets Information In Ihe hands of The Honourable a Minister of Agriculture convinces thai the export market will continue to at firm tin compared the prices for all other agricul tural products every pound Of beef bacon and other animal products Unit Canada ran supply In discussing the situation the Honourable Mr said in view of the- great scarcity of cattle and live stock of all kinds In and because of the great de mand for live and live slock products of all kinds sure to continue for some years at least I am going to ask the farmer and live stock men of Canada to maintain their breeding op erations on a war time scale to prop erly finish all feeding Block and to conserve all good breeding females and to still further Improve their herds and flocks by using even greater care In the selection of Ihe hire i Widertown Dec men comprising the crew of tin bow section of freighter are be lieved to have been drowned when tha section of Ihe boat went down in Lake Ontario near Duck Island last night a terrific gale and blizzard Montreal Nov Caught be tween a huge swinging duor and a locomotive years age was Instantly killed In yards of the Dominion Company last J Redding Road miles north of will hold an extensive sale of purebred cattle also horses implements etc on Wednes day Dec starling at In- eluded in stock are head high- class pure bred Aberdeen Angus Lis on application A auctioneer THE CROWN PRINCE IN EXILE i Holland Nov Two hundred luosebieeched wood en Dutch fisherman local policemen a burgomaster and half a dozen newspaper men watched crestfallen former Crown Prince of lauded at 130 on this hitler cold and cheerless afternoon on islam in where he has formally Internet Sale Register Friday Mr John Green wood will have an important sale of Farm Stuck Implements etc on Lot Con I miles north and east of months creditor off for cash Sale rft J Thursday An extensive auction sale of farm slock im plements furniture etc be longing to the estate of the laic at Con Owillimbury miles south of Holt at one oclock Six months credit J Kcstcr Tuesday Dec Mr Win King will have an sale of Slock Implements etc on lot Con North Cwillim- credit or per cent off for cash No reserve Hale at one II auctioneer Top prices this week Extra choice Heifers Good Steers and Heifers Choice Butcher Cattle Medium Butcher Cuttle Choice Hatcher Common Cows Choice Stookcrs Choice Milkers Common Milkers Choice Springers Choice Calves Medium Calves Common calves Spring Lambs Choice Sheep Hogs off cars WHY NOT MAKE YOUR CHOICE NOW WHILE THE STOCK IS NEW AND FRESH Big Assortment of Xmas Handkerchiefs Boxed in Fanoy Boxes Fancy Collars in a Splendid Range of Styles and Prices Boxed A Big Assortment of Fancy Wool Caps and Scarfs In All Shades Kid Gloves In Black and White Heavy Double Silk Gloves in Grey Black or White Black and Grey Gloves Make J ESTABLISHED and t 1450 1200 OF CANADA CAPITAL PAID UP FUND SUCCESS A die Udder of success Every of a savings department Intercit Allowed it current rite REYNOLDS NEWMARKET BRANCH m 9 Branch also at Aurora Man Newmarket Markets per do Duller lb New Fall Wheat Spring Whoa I Goose Wheal Hay On 60 70 in A a a 22002000 Toronto Markets do Turkeys lit per a Pall Wheal New bush Timothy Hay ton Mixed Hay ton a a 55 45 35 30 35 80 S fflistite You can only make two mistakes regarding your Insurance with The Mutual Life of Canada NOT CARRYING IT AT ALL AND NOT CARRYING ENOUGH FRED Newmarket Out District Agent Wednesday Deo Mr Hubert Davis Lot Scott will soil large number of valuable horses cattle incuts etc ten oclock months credit Hosier Auctioneers Wednesday Deo 18 Mr Peter East Half Lot Con I Scott will hold a surplus sale of Horses Cattle Pigs and Sheep at oclock credit 1 Kester Saturday Deo 1 Auction sale of 5 acres of standing hardwood limber in acre lots on Lot rear Con I Bast the property of Mrs Ra chel Darker Sale one W J Monday Deo Or J IL Wesley will have of Wood on the West half of Lot Con 5 Whitchurch miles East of Caries Factory on the Town Lino Also a stack of at W Kavanagh Allot Flannelette Blankets grey or white 350 for 295 Mens Overalls re for Smocks to match Overalls Ladies Boots Black Calf Soles Regular 650 for Ladies Cushion Sole Boots rubber heels Regular Mens Mens Heavy Boots Russian Calf Pullover Rubbers 550 300 Pair Mens Boots Mens Heavy Rubbers buckle 395 39 115 Mens Heavy Rubbers leather 150 Pair Mens Leather Lined Suits Girls 50 Mens 300 Pair reg from 15 Boots assorted Also a Big Stock of Boots and 1 fc fflpWc W1Fn for for for Soles 700 for or lace red soles Regular 450 for 295 tops reg 475 for 379 Boots 550 for 395 to 18 for 1295 sizes Rubbers Must be Cleared Out Throe Doors or King Qcorgo Hotel NEWMARKET i 1 WIVES OP

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