A ST FIVIPAY DEC iVS f aflertisemcnta DAVID HAMILTON f Editorial Notes Choice Farm and Town Proper- tics for sale Victory Bond taken Phone TO RENT Store in Bank of Toronto building facing on St Small House on Ontario St J WESLEY The coming together occasionally of seventyfive of Ihe men of to over afterwar the spirit prosperity of Newmarket problems in the Town j HOUSE TO BENT Brick House Prospect Ave Electric Light Possession 1st January Apply to Mrs Hatch Charles Si East Toronto to MONET LOST A Bank Scotia down town morning Nov please notify Post Office and receive reward Nova Box When the War started the Germans were so sure of final victory that not care what it cost because they calculated they were going to make peo ple of other nations pay for it No wonder they now stagger ing under the bills for damages that are being presented But that is the only way that they can feel the enormity of their crimes v7VV A FOR SOMEONE a A Beautiful Piano Player in firstclass condition with Rolls of Music and Cabinet also Bench and Stool will be sold at great reduction for immediate purchase Enquire of Box Era Office WHITCHURCH TAXES Mr Frank Sleek ley Collector for the Township wilt he at the Bank of Toronto Newmarket on Wednesday Dec and at the Imperial Bank Aurora Tuesday Dec These are the only days to receive Taxes at the Bank sure to come The Government has yielded to pub lic opinion as expressed through the I newspapers regarding the of the Canadian troops and instead of commercializing the demobilization in the old country the men will return in units for local centres so that the people of the home Towns will have an opportunity of seeing them parade through the streets headed by the Regimental Colors and be given an op portunity to extend to them a welcome OUR SOCIETY COLUMN Mr andMrs Hoot Barker of Toronto visitecl berejover Sunday Mr John spent the Field SoldiersVComforts r with his son at Hanover Miss Minnie of Med icine was visiting Miss this week Friday afternoon Dec in the rooms from 3 to the ladies having an afternoon tea and sale of work and some beautiful brass articles are to be disposed of There will also be a talent Hooks tlaugh- sale of Baking Come and bring your friends for a cup of tea and buy your Gifts An entertainment is being pre pared for the patients in the Hos pital on Christmas Day Wo hope to make this a very happy day for them I I E I CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 84433 LOUR CapL Herbert Boyd Brother of Dr J- Boyd of New market who was promoted Oct for services in in France that befits the occasion Our Toronto Letter TO SPEND MUCH MONEY ON GCXVERNMENt WORK if Chief prominent FOR EVERYBODY The Undersigned has Received Instructions from Dr J Wesley Newmarket To Sell by Public Auction on MONDAY DEC On the West of Lot Con Whitchurch miles East of Canes Factory on the Town Line ABOUT ACRES OF BUSH In Lots Two Winters to Remove Timber Also a Small Stack of Straw on same Lot will be sold Sale lo Commence at One Oclock FARMERS ATTENTION Make money in your spare time dur ing the Fall and Winter months by soiling Hardy Canadian 8tock British ami European markets will be open again for Canadian Fruit and now is the time to order for spring planting Largest list of Fruit Ornamental Stock Seed Potatoes etc grown in Canada Writ for Particulars Stone Wellington For the Old Established TORONTO OUT HELP THE TOWN Anyone desiring Hoarders kindly communicate with The Office Speci ally Mfg Ltd as are now employing hands both Men and Women and daily have enquiries for vacant houses Piiune or dip with Km ploy men I Bu reau The Ltd FEMALE HELP lifcht Vfjunv women wanted work in depart rncnt and paper and box department conditions in modern sanitary factory Write or phone lo General Superin tendent Phone Office Spe cialty Co Newmarket Out FARMS FOR SALE 100 Acres Township North All llllable First underneath Carrier Hay Fork water First Class Brick Silo Plenty alid from from points Metropolitan Hallway School and Church Mid Cawthra son lice Sir William Toronto business man and one of Canadas youngest millionaires died suddenly Sunday morning in New York City where he Mad gone on a business trip Mr MulOCk will remember ed as a man Willi a true philanthropic bent In he made a gift of to the Toronto General Hos pital and in he gave 10000 to the Hospital for Sick Children In addition to these handsome donations to deserving causes Mr made many other gifts which were not pub licly announced He had traveled extensively having visited practically every country in the world with the exception of the South American Slates He was a member of the Anglican Church and a Liberal in poli tics He is survived by bis widow and three children By adding to their member ship in fourday drive which came to a close last Friday night the A workers more than exceeded their objective Fire from an unknown cause which out in the main forge of the British Forgings Bay last Friday morning damaged the building lo the extent of about The loss is covered by insur ance Fire believed to be due to the care less throwing of a cigarette butt was responsible for to the three- storey factory premises belonging to Allen Johnsons Lane last Friday night The damage was 7000 to the contents and to the building About 00 people attended the com plimentary Banquet given to Hon Robert Rogers in the King Edward Hotel on Thursday night of last week Thousands of people waited for hours at the North Toronto P station on Sunday night for the return of war veterans Both the rail way and military authorities were loudly condemned for lack of informa tion that caused so much inconven ience Three years at Kingston Penitentiary was the sentence passed Monday by Magistrate on Pie Noah Stover a draftee of the 1st Battalion C who pleaded guilty o marrying a girl under a false name Damage estimated at was done by gale on Saturday nigh I when one of Ihe of Street Church was blown off plunged Hi rough roof of the DOW Sunday School Five caws negligence foil wing accidents with and- rases of theft and receiving two lit con spiracy five fit pre lenses wo of perjury one of forgery Iwu of one of assault and two of gross make up the doefel of criminal eases to he tried at the Sessions which opened he fore Judge Winchester Hall Tuesday Tuesday night two banels labelled Fish shipped under name of Cranstno arrived at the station ad dressed to store on Crange Avenue he Barrels were delivered tin- address was found to he a vacant place The expressman returned willi the order with the result that the barrels were opened By hi police and they found thai on the lop was a layer of herrings packed In sawdust and Ottawa Dec As the reconstruction program the Dominion Government Hon Dr minister of railways will at once proceed with the comple tion of the We II and Canal The estimated cost of the work em braced in the four main contracts under which construction was be ing carried on at the outbreak of the war was twenty million dol lars of which twelve million dol lars has already been expended In addition lo estimated value of the main contracts referred to there were other estimated ne cessary expenditures in contem plation for land cement struc tural steel bridges lock gates valves etc amounting to about eight million dollars of which four million dollars has already been expended The minister of railways expects that there will he engaged during Hie winter a force of about eight hundred men preparing for the reopening of the work in he spring when some four thousand will be engaged Hon Dr also expects to fin ish up work remaining to be done In complete the Trent Canal This will employ a few hundred men As already announced orders have been placed through the war board here for two hundred thousand tons of steel rails to meet the requirement of the Can adian Pacific Grand Trunk and government railway systems The value this order is about ten million dollars In addition the boards of directors of the several railway companies will proceed willi construction of such car equipment and locomotives as arc needed It is understood that he Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk will fill their requirements in their own shops The aggre gate value of car and locomotive equipment required by the several railways will be som twelve to fifteen million dollars had a birthday parly last Friday afternoon J Robertson and Miss Robertson have returned af ter spending a week in the city Word has been received that Louis Granger is expected home from the front in a few days u Mr J of expects to leave for Florida a week from Monday for the winter Miss Emma of St has been Assistant Hostess at Camp for the last six weeks Roy of Hamil ton formerly of Newmarket has the flu for the second and is reported to be very- ill Mrs to writes It is a pleasure I look a part Of j forward to each week of receiving of j the paper from my home town Mrs left this Iha field THE Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING SPECIALTY MOTOR HEARSE IF DESIRED Night calls attended to at QOO- ARRANGED FOR 2000000000 To B Spent In Canada on Muni tions and Foodstuffs of North acres Ottawa Dec Half dozen announcements of steps taken by the Government and by private in dividuals to promote export trade and gemrally In meet lb tin made today hi the place the Govern men l has received credits for hi- Govern ment amounting Thin sum is be expended in Canada and while is I he utilized in winding the business of flip Muni- lions Hoard the balance is to jie expended upon foodluffs and will enure to the benefit of the agri cultural community of Do minion Fifty million dollars will he mooting the cost of Canadian grain of his years and balance will be used to make purchases of meals cheese lard and other foodstuffs this connection il he staled that representatives of industry of agriculture are shortly to go to under the auspices of the Canadian Govern lo assist in securing orders I be filled in the Dominion and to study conditions governing I week for Los Angeles California to spend the winter She was accompanied by Mrs J Wilson of Winnipeg Hon J Davis left for Kingston yesterday and expected to be absent for several days on business in connection with the plant at that city Miss Irene has re turned home from Pa where has been visiting her uncle Mr J for the past two months Chief Yeoman of Signals ack of this town who has seen service on a Torpedo Boat since the beginning of the war is vtisiting Mr Peter East Mrs Win who has been spending the summer with relatives in friends in East left for Maple on Mon day lo make her home with her daughter for the winter Mr W P Forsyth of Spring- water in renewing for the Era writes The weather out here has been nice and mild with no snow and the horses and cat tle running out abun dance of good feed The crops wer good in this district con sidering the dry season Miss Ross of Vancou ver G writes We are having our first snow fall of the season this morning Indian Summer which wo have beep enjoying has given place to Squaw Winter En closed you will find the necessary amount to furnish us with the paper for another year Durham Chronicle Rita Irwin returned yesterday from the West where she was engaged in Chautauqua work Owing to the prevalence of influenza the company had to give up after a couple of weeks work and were sent to Swift Current where they spent five weeks waiting The Company decided lasl to aban don the work for the present It may be taken up again next spring but nothing definite is yet known AUSTRIAN KILLED AND INJURED J H LLARD Phones and 26 Hour is an article in the household that gives trouble everywhere If It Is not flood We have people com- to us asking Have you some good Pastry Flour The Flour we nave been using Is terrible It is dark and the pastry Is sad and I we cannot use we have been handling MAGIC FLOUR for years and In that time we have NEVER HAD A COMPLAINT I It gives you light fluffy paste and your cakes win be light and not of that heavy dark doughy kind We have it In and 165 sacks In Bread Flour we have the reliable PURITY Brand No thing Better for a Good Loaf of Breao CRANBERRIES quart SWEET POTATOES 3 lbs for GRAPE FRUIT for CALIFORNIA GRAPES 35c lb APPLES to peck CHESTNUTS lb CONFECTIONERY Our Confectionery is best both Home Made and Factory Make A Large Assortment to choose from TRY SOME OF OUR MINCE MEAT AT LB PHONE US YOUR ORDER IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTEKTIOH London Nov four million killed and wounded during the war ne- Icordfng to from jhageii hundred thousand men were killed including officers The Cradle Draper In Albert on Mon day Nov 25th to Mr and Mrs Waller Draper a daughter Mantel In Newmarket on Dec 1st to Mr and Mrs Fred erick Mantel a son The Alter At the residence of the parents St Newmarket Wednesday Dee i by Rev Elliott of Richmond Hill Miss Annie Hilts to Mr Win of King City Onl The Tomb Smith At Moose Jaw Hospital on Nov John Henry Smith 3rd and beloved son of Mr and Mrs John Smith of Queensvilleagcd years Interred in on Sun- day On Dee I of influenza dearly beloved son of Chief Justice the Hon Sir Wm C M Logge On Dec 1st at nia of pneumonia following in fluenza George Legge son of Mrs James- and the late James of King in his 40th year Interred at Jefferson on Tues day Mantel In Newmarket on Dec 3rd infant son of Mr and Airs Frederick Mantel aged two days In Newmarket on Dec James McLean aged years Interment in ML Pleasant Genu etery Toronto Bode ML Albert on Wed nesday Nov Mabel Flor ence beloved wife of Herbert William Rod aged years months ami days Kllgour On Dec Robert dear- LIU I PHONE 35 Nowadays it is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY AGENT FOR THE PATHEPH0NE Tho Moat Remarkable Musical Instrument in the World- CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo House Phono No Store Phone No fl tt A Acres All I table Wheal acre Nov Seeding Brim Driving House Cement Stabling for Stock Plenty water Is Glass adjoining was offered St would not Bell Will give terms to quick buyer A All under cultivation ham Stone House Well acres Kail Church and School A mile to shipping point An Ideal 50 acre loo Acre Township Good Bam with Btone stabling Frame House Water from A Bargain Acre Province of near on easy terms down only for firat two years and balance In four equal jay- Interest f per cent Price per dwelling general In of Investigate This la a money maker FOR SALE Veneer West side of Ave Seven rooms and bath Hardwood floors up to date In ever detail For particulars and prices apply to ft Box 301 water Lifting the out they j Irl h commodities found In each a number fit tins of alcohol He renin be was awarded t by Judge Ida Bull against the Township of Vaughan drove bin motor truck a near and It went through the floor Arthur he 18yearold boy who it was charged early in the morning of Nov shot John May on Queen street was found guilty of shooting with Intent to kill and sentenced by Judge to ten years In the penitentiary Or charged with prescriptions for liquor In con travention of the Ontario Temperance Act was fined on three Charges urn to be named by organisations WINTER TERM JAN LJQTT and Charles St Toronto Has recently hod positions to fill at 17 and a and a month A course horo Is a euro to a position Write for J ELLIOTT of Clara his a summer Point for was very was a sen- eve go ally inisstd mm VERY IMPORTANT INVENTION ftoy A WeaKnt chief engineer of the Marconi Company has perfected an Invention regarded an the Im portant In history of wireless telegraphy The Invention removes the static thereby overcoming the greatest to the clear olsslon of Ii to vdreleBBS telegraphy what- the old buzzing to be to phone discovery makes con tinuous vdrelena communication over the oceans possible for hours of day regardless of atmospheric conditions It will also make the high towers for aerials UBOAT INTO London Dec The Fleet in the harbor of Flow was Saved from desperate attack by a German Uboat the day before the armistice with Germany was signed through the gained for Its Inventor Meat tbe gift from the of SI and the decoration of the The submarine which wan manned by a party of German officers at tempted a feat that bad never been tried before In whole war Car rying eleven torpedoes aha approached the entrance of the harbor where she detected When she came up lo the surface an button was pressed and she was blown to pieces Brandys device has enabled the British warships to enjoy almost complete Immunity In the three years from German mines and sub marines saving lives of hundreds of and preventing of a large number of warships The device Is known officially as a paravane and consists of a Water- plane shaped llko a torpedo with a pair of large flat fins projecting on either side of the body Us tall is fitted with rudders that keep it at any depth desired while operating to Winter BEGINS JAN Prepare now for reconstruction days our homo and export trad will domand services of bright young people Got new catalogue today Business Schools Toronto W 8haw NOTIOE Local Societies or organizations of any kind who are getting up an en tertainment and would like one or two first- class artists vocalist or should communicate with the Office Newmarket who have been appointed Hooking Agents for the Imperial Concert Co of Toronto TENDERS FOR Scaled Tenders will bo received up till Monday Dee 2nd at by the Commissioners Jas Stewart or Moorcheod Mt Albert or by Armitage Newmarket for supplying the Indus trial Home in the Co of York for one year commencing Jan 1st and till Dec both days In cluded with Dry Goods Boots and Shoos Dread forms of Tender can be obtained from Mr at bis office at Homo on No tender neces sarily accepted ly beloved husband in year Deceased has resident at Roachs about years ami highly IIe crous contributor to work and will ho If was one of I be Trustees of lb Union Church at Orchard- Bench The following is copied from ho Toronto Mail of Wednesday The of Mr at one lime a prominent manufacturer in the oily is reported from bis home at Head The Mr prior to retiring from business about live years was identified with many business activities among his latest being the Bros Bag manufacturing lie was at one time president of the Canadian Furniture Manufactur ers director Of the National Trust Company of the City Dairy Company and Of St Andrews Col lego was formerly president of the Company vicepresident of the Canadian Bank of Commerce and a member of tho Advisory Hoard of tho Lon don Guarantee and Accident Com pany in addition to being a pro moter of various smaller com panies Ho was formerly identi fied with the YMCA and the Toronto Mission Union was a Presbyterian and a former mom- bar of the Board of Management Of Knox College His retirement from his various activities five years ago was due to illhealth The Into Mr was horn at Quebec where the body will he taken for Interment after a funeral service at the house this evening Two sons and the widow survive sons being Mr It Kilgour presi dent of Ontario Motor Car Company and A Kil adjutant of A Camp A third son Arthur Kilgour was killed in England in July of while serving with Ft A Cold Weather is Coming for sale by Phone 22 Newmarket Commercial Department NEWMARKET HIGH SCHOOL To Studonts trained for Work and for Civil Sorvlco A Beginners Class Is being organized Commence January of Ability or of Industry may be Promoted to Class at Midsummer S J Undertaking St North AM it- The 8taff and Successful equip ment Is good and Inoludos Typewriters Book- Keeplng and Typewriting are under tho direction of a Commercial Specialist Table Is arranged to moot tho convonltre of Students by oar or train JOHN DAVIDSON Principal AN OVERCOAT INVESTMENT When buying an Overcoat you should consider the Material and Price and what you save In the end You may pay for an Garment that will last one year or that will last and look better at the end of three years The latter Is the best Investment In buying Ordered Cloth ing from us you are getting the Best In Quality and Trimmings Examine our Materials be fore deciding elsewhere C WILLIS Gentlemens and Ladles Tailori Main 8treet NEWMARKET A SOLICITED I French A and The I Women held at Mai at guested Safe ford a ed by sophs ferine The si in deal Is A Over dance day hi lOtlOlC place Mr ager Gents fk Sped Jewel The Suthei House Sun da is a who A The of lh last which is that and public By at the not was came owing contri usual scasoi he of Nft ibis no do ied I also King not or An SI ore Chriat We lendei Hall his to a Last every ftnees vices favor giving foi was War in that hear Pm His be pre is w he Mens Come along able crowd over riven Wdrej as Chairs 9 li i