Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 29 Nov 1918, p. 7

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J fc NEWMARKET OAT A 0 V Til I 9 CHINA HALL OUR NEWS DINNER SETS v The Willing Workers Of St Andrews Presbyterian j Church will hold their annual I Bazaar and Talent Sale on Fri day Dec 6lh at 3 pm noon tea will be served from 3 to A good substantial supper Official Casualties Wounded E Valeigli Aurora Smith Aurora Prisoner of War Harrington Aurora Store and Dwelling For sale in Newmarket Cheap for quick sale Apply to Hughes Adv If served from to Children- under years St Pauls Church Dec I si- Advent China Tea Sets one pieces and one Pieces they are We are now showing in I Holy am Window Two Very Fine Quality Litany and Holy Com 1 1 am n Sunday School 3 pm and Sermon 7 pm now Special courses of sermons dur um Advent among the Lines hard to get at Rector any Price Presbyterian Guild A week agolast Monday even ing the Guild took in nearly at their Social Evening on behalf The of the Church Boys Overseas Last Monday evening was spent in CHINA DINNER SETS Very Nice Decorations Quality is No and the Price Is packing boxes for The same and Very Reasonable Importer of Staple and Fancy China mailed on Tuesday Ihey wen morning They will no doubt be greatly appreciated when are received T The Regular Monthly Meeting of the v ill be held on Tuesday of December in the of Mrs Ed Richard son on Prospect Ave mencing at A full at tendance is requested as we are to have our Co Mrs Merrill of Keswick to address the meelingPrcss Newmarket Field Comforts During past week the Field Comforts Society have packed boxes for Sol diers from the Town and imme diate vicinity and posted them for England and France The Newmarket Club also assist ed with the contents of the par cels each parcel is and the post age amounted to The ar ticles wen- packed in the Rooms lon Drue a number of ladies very freely their time for his The hoys will have a happy time when they receive them and realize I hat they have not boon fonffollen far The Lovely Doll In the window at Youngs Fair is to he given away See ad on page Epworth League There was a fairly good attendance League on Monday evening to hear Dr Stephenson of the Military lies- Everyone greatly enjoyed bis splendid address Monday evening Rev H Thomas will speak Everyone come Those who miss League miss a great deal every week Bank Building i The Farmers Dally All interested in the Farmers Daily Paper are invited to attend an organization meeting to ar range a Slock Selling Campaign and other business of importance Meeting on Saturday afternoon estimated IT in flail Everybody welcome Adv for Bravery Mr I liinck this wee received a letter from Ihe Officer Com manding Canadian Cameron Highlanders that pre vious to the death of his son the late Brock he was award- away from home at the French Croix Guerre Division Court reason for gallant conduct in Held Mis Honor Judge Denton pre- Parents expect sided at the session of the A Musical Treat receive this welldeserved vision Court in Newmarket Wed- The combined Choirs of the flecori The usual cases 1 Methodist Churches at Aurora and pied the court till about land the attendance was small It was when the court adjourn ed he afternoon being taken up with a dispute between landlord and tenant over accounts and notes Judgment was reserved J FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN If Emphatic Examples of Cash Buying and Cash Selling a Showing of the most UptotheMinute Suits for Men at a fraction of Real Value A 25000 Purchase made by Mr A E Dunlop for Spot Cash makes it possible for me to give you these Remarkable Values this week Come expecting to find everything just as advertised You wont bo Disappointed I REMEMBER ALWAYS Your Moneys Worth or Your Money Back We never consider your Money ours until Fully Satisfied Mens and Young Mens Suits and Overcoats Worth up to AND RESTAURANT IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK SOME WAR SAVINGS I 3 fop Newmarket have been for months on most compositions of the day and have reached a of sel dom attained by local Choirs They will wive two Concerts one in Aurora on Thursday Dec and the other in on Friday Pec The program Big Change on Prospeot Ave will be found elsewhere in his Mr Ed Wilson has moved to issue addition to the music Ed Richardsons house numbers it will be varied by Christian Endeavor A most enjoyable time was rf s d 0vercoats spent at Christian Endeavor meeting on Tuesday evening Mr Nixon read a most thoughtful and interesting paper on Count Discount on Cash and Carry FRESH MILK CREAM AND CHEESE CONFECTIONARY 0Y8TERS Mr is going back to his house on Prospect Ave Mr Oscar is moving to St Mr Peter Brown is moving in to Mrs Hatchs house two house north from where he has been living Mr Rube is moving back to Newmarket to his own house Fall and Winter Months we fire serving Lunches Hoi Sodas and Oyster Stews Cream and Soft Drinks as usual St near the Market On More Opportunity The attention of young people is directed to an advertisement in this issue in connection with the Newmarket High School To meet the demands of the Com mercial Class and fulfil the selections Miss Florence of Toronto She is a stranger here following Press Notices give a most favorable introduction Miss Florence show ed elocutionary gifts- Toronto Globe The Ballad of East and West Kipling was read in a charming manner by Miss Florence -t- Toronto Saturday Night Miss Florence in Queen Katharines Defence Henry Shakespeare was fairly inundated with recalls to which however she only bow ed acknowledgements Toronto World your Mercies After the meet ing lunch was served and games enjoyed Next Tuesday evening meeting is in charge of Misses Leila Bel fry and Gertrude As this is a Consecration Meeting mem bers are asked to respond to their names Com Worth up to Mens and Young Mens Suits and Overcoats Worth 2250 Mens and Young Mens Suits and Overcoats Worth Local Agent Wanted For Old Reliable thousands of Orchard Irees need replacing War Gardens call for small fruits bearing fruit trees Rhubarb plants etc The demand for Ornamental Block In towns and villages Is large cure a paying Agency with liberal commissions Experience not of the Educational The admission is only a it is necessary to em- j tor Go early ami sit where ploy a seventh teacher The new you choose teacher commences her duties on I over expenses the first Monday in January and I be to Patriotic Purposes this gives a splendid for anybody to commence the Prominent Toronto Christian Sunday School Good session last Sabbath afternoon with a splendid attendance It was Missionary Day and a fine letter was read to the school from Mr and Mrs Stanley Missionaries in Africa arc doing good work there and our prayers arc with them Next Sunday our new pastor will he present It Is also occasion of a business meeting after the regular service Let all lie present especi ally teachers and officers Visiters and new members invited Come fit Com u Com mere ia I Course Death Lawyer Mr Geo Watson K one Exams Deferred of leading commercial lawyers In view or unavoidable inof Canada died his home in lerruptions to school work duriToronlo on of last the past few months the Min ister of Education has decided to defer- the holding of the MidSum mer Examinations in each case for a fortnight in accordance with the following scheme Junior High School trance July IM Junior Public School a June Lower School Stone Wellington miy Established TORONTO Pass Matriculation July J Up per School and Honor June SOUTH END FLOUR AND FEED Dr Abbot I Professor of ronto and Chairman of the Ontario Resources Com mittee is to be the speaker at Ihe He unite refused a judge ship offered by the Gov ernment The Toronto Star of Nov 1st has the following obituary Mr If Watson K one Ihe successful com mercial lawyers in Canada pass ed away in oclock to day in year at his home Heath St He has been mine or less of an invalid for the past iwo years only occasionally liiu down Office and al though his was somewhat better diiiinj- the his dcalli was not unexpected Mr Watson i survived by his wife oil son Mr Stratford barrister a member of his THE LATE SHERMAN BROCK First Newmarket Soldier to Win High est French Award for Bravery In the Field J George Hotel Wednesday Missorah tiliens in King father law firm and one e was a of it James he held no Sat- JUST ARRIVED Cars of at per BREAD AND PASTRY FLOUR ALWAY8 ON HAND I Phone CASH late for Prompt Delivery TERMS THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between tOn Cost of Victory Loan We have been bow much the canvassers their work on Victory Loan reply of one per eeul of the loans they cured A canvasser who pick ed up PIOOOO would receive for bis three weeks work All local organizers did work free of cost- The entire news paper advertising for bo whole Dominion together nil of preparing copy etc less I ban one- 1 went eiilh of pel a low rate and all reading T O R A N O I T I AGO Unexcelled Dining Car Sleeping cars on niglit Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains full information any Trunk Ticket Agent or C Horning District Toronto Dopol Agent Phone J Phone IS Mr J I McKays ear funeral will up in smoke last Friday unlay on It was stalled out in Ocongo Hughes was King Tp and the gasoline look born on Sept After fire while some men were gradual from Toronto it he became a barrister in Union prayer service In the a in 1800 and later a Methodist Church last night bencher al Ontario bar All The Industrial Classes his professional has been are off lo a start bill the spent ill Toronto but he is only half whal appeared before the was last year preine of Canada Imcrcial Lav was his forte but was also prominent in elec tion cases In 1000 he was of fered a judgeship by the Government but declined In Mr Watson was re tained with Mr J L Perron Of Montreal to assist Judge in conducting an investiga tion into the civil service at Ot tawa His success on that was very great and the damaging rev elations which he elicited resulted in numerous officials being dis missed or disciplined Mr Watson was a director in Company and third trustee in the A estate Re was also a director I of the Crown Assurance Go and of the National Trust Com pany lie wan a member of the Toronto and Ontario Clubs An Anglican in raltelon Mr Watson was a Liberal in politics He was formerly pres ident of As sociation ami of the Toronto You Off Mens Liberal CI lib He was wellknown and ardent The late Mr Watson was North York boy having been horn at berg the son of Thom as and Clarissa lie re ceived his High School training Newmarket before entering the Win Esq Norwood Man Dear Sir It asked to write anil give you what Information I could late brother Sher man Well lie was in my Section hi Platoon He was killed mi afternoon of August by a piece Of a shell was quite near hint He was hit in the and died In fewseiomls of his mates were Wounded with Hie Home shell I alii Unit sure he did not suffer any it all happened so quickly lie is burled in a Cemetery for from where he Ml Willi ill kinds buried be- side him A IfllJf while cross wilh his name marks Ihe place where he laid Peer Sherman he was liked by everybody in his platoon and we were very Horry lo lose him wis a splendid man in Ihe line and had no fear I liclfavu he was awarded lriili Hi fur gal lantry in Ilii Kill August scrap- Aboul Ins personal effects I know burying parly would al ined lo I he in I suppose you will gel iliitii in die course I ttn trying to find mil who lie was on leave with and will Id you know If there in anything further I run do for you I Will be Very Yours sympathy lte Carpi It Tail aril of Saturday Saturday 1500 Saturday 1800 Saturday Boys Bloomer Suits For Ages to years In and Gray Mixed Tweeds Scotch Effects Elegantly Finished Tailoring and Materials of the Very Best Extra Special 745 795 1075 Bid FURNISHING When you want Drugs you wont find them In a Hardware Store- If you want the Correct Styles in Furnishings go to a Store devoting all its Time and Ability to that particular line We are CLOTHIERS FURNISHERS We always keep In Stock what is New and UptotheMinute In Styles No Firm keeps more thoroughly In touch with Prevailing Fashions MENS HIGH CLASS NECKWEAR SILK AND KNITTED NECK SCARFS ALL KINDS OF XMAS SUGGESTIONS EXTRA HEAVY ALL WbOL RIBBED UNDERWEAR ALL WOOL COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Saturday we pass into stock 10 Dozen VERY LATE8T 1919 Blocks In Every Proper and Shape King and Borsalino 400 up Young Mens FINE Very Newest Lasts Black Brown and Mahogany 500 to 800 Heavy Working Boots 295 to The Leading Clothier Hatter and Haberdasher OLD IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING NEWMARKET org Iyer BO ore yfi W WASHABLE CAPE GLOVES in All Shades TAN CAPE GLOVES Lined and Unllned ALL KINDS OF KNITTED GLOVES ft s Free Methodist Church The meeting for this year wan held last Sunday district el der in charge and a good attendance Mi will resume their regular order JKahhalh School at am preaching service 1 1 am and again at On Tuesday evening Dec pm the regular monthly meet ing of Ihe VVomciiH foreign Mis- ionary will meet in the Millard Ave v ft Who Will 1 The jeel and will be and Ihcre will ho oilier Important fea tures to the program All are cordially Invited Com University Mrs 1 flcld of this Town Is his sister and the last surviving of he family Era to Absent Friends Mr William is Arnold SI Norwood Man Canada itrouk Sir 1 am in of your lei- rcspecling marginally II will lie some Utile I you know lhai your rot her met an diitii d ring viry oralious place Kant Of An is on In- Aligns I As regards any found on him usual iils lo his of kin I inn glad he to inform you dial Just prior to ids he awarded Inenh for Ioildllii in he field Ileilproe your kind wishes and Ihe same wth ion in 1 j loss yon and ourselves iird Canadian Ball of WO Chatham Nov Three hun dred Mexicans to Kent County by the Dominion Sugar Co early in the summer because of labor shortage left for home 10- day by special train The em ployment Of Mexican labor seems to bo very satisfactory Niagara Tails Nov only newspaper published In this The llevlew fares a paper famine has not paper supply for longer limn weeks and the publisher has made efforts to gel failed Regular AT Get This Sale Lovely Price Doll A FOR TOYS J it I For tt BEST SANTA Written b a Girl not more than 10 years of age Tho letter will be Judged by a stranger for Its composition and correct spelling Tell Santa what you would like for Christmas that you have seen In Newmarket Stores You can drop your letter In Box at Youngs Fair without paying postage Tho Doll can be seen In the Window of Youngs Fair Competition wjll dose on Dec 21 St The Presentation will bo made Christmas Eve NOW LET THE LITTLE GET i 1 Christmas all over he has 4 rp sss A

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