roe Last Friday night going north from Sharon Black Bag contain ing weekend necessities Re ward A Marsh Toronto St MINK MUFF Last Sunday night between the of Gwilllmbury and To ronto by way of the Con Newmarket and SI Re ward for recovery Address Mrs Bert Scot I Editorial mm CARD OF THANKS Should Germany accept the I lice proposals now framed at Versailles the Dominion Parliament may be called together sooner than was expected namely I he middle of January as Canada may have some- thing to say regarding indemnity Germany Had the been turned the other way Canada would not have escaped the claws of the Germans There arc three Dominion seats vacant just now but the Govern- ment at Ottawa does not seem to very anxious to bring on the by- elections All three ridings Glen- gurry North Ontario and returned supporters of the Union Mr and Mrs Osborne and at the last election Ac- family wish maw all three are now friends for he column which for the In gggrJKl T I ST- 1 a SV3VA gir jcj J J 1 t i lvL j jttfej r 1 Jf j fcf Z jrri if SSKi y jr jt ii AS3ff5icL ff- Sj OUR SOCIETY COLUMN Edith Parry had birthday party yesterday after- noon Mrs Walker of Toronto is her parents at Ross- more Park Furniture and Ifg Undertaking House w You can buy your Hi ttfl fl Furniture it CANADA offers you shares fe I Miss Carrie of I f Of CdSh Wo spent Wednesday with EMBALM Canada These are Victory A SPECIALTY MOTOR HEARSE IF DESIRED ti to at reldenoe- J Gunner Arthur Evans rPCRPl enJ CARD Mr and Mrs Harry Trent and this respect The elections to the House of Second me jaunt Mrs Geo Wood Mr on St was very bad last week with the Flu but is improving Tottenham Sentinel Messrs Craig and Donald of Newmarket were in town on Sub- day I- Inspector paid anU and official visit to High School two days last week and agfcin this week Mr J E Wilsons little daughter had the misfortune to fall and break her arm in two places The Cradle Jensen At St troit Mich to Mr and Mrs- Mr and Mrs Cornell and her I Jensen nee Claire in the Slates took Mr Arthur inilley Eagle mother Mrs Hodman called on Wail son of a friends at last Sunday Harvey hock swing his name in I in renewing for her pi fully received toil I the price of news print birthday i- travelliiuc ill Master Davis gave a SOUTH END FLOUR FEED paper the kind of paper used in j day Hie u Ihe The l or as you can afford to buy them These Bonds with a fixed period to run will be repaid in full at mafur- just as surely as you can get I the change for a dollar bill But unlike the dollar thy will pay you interest at 5 per cent all the you hold them Splendid as the investment is is only one side of the Money paid for thse Bonds us used to bring the war a success ending and every day we nearer Victory for which we have fought so long for which so many gallant men have died STORE the Era This addi- lime he was wounded was no his schoolmates on Thursday tion following closely upon fad bark of last week which was a son- iir oral previous increases he line 1 I really enjoyed fi by Paper Controller has weeks when lie wounded Rev and Mrs J Simp d by Paper Controller when he wounded Rev and Mrs J Simp- mearil Canadian newspaper Tips wis while having a son Toronto called on friends publisher a total increased pubpfpl lank as he Town on Tuesday on their in the mailer of paper himself to Mr Brock Culrcys wed- on The Altar alone in the past months he was in ding in Keswick three million dollars To meet I If he was very lueky demand publishers are and hat Mr Maurice Foster of he flu- Province Hank of Montreal Staff Brant- rates as well bone injure ford formerly of Newmarket has subscription prices all oyer I would be seme lime transferred lo Mead lioine before ho would In- able In wear lice of the IBank at Montreal carry park was No less than eight rafnlng heavily when he wrote and lady teachers five of whom f if fa l lw fS n arc engaged in Toronto have had I OrOntO Letter how and three or four weeks land was after days On account of the Ku nr nearly hour early Sat urday morning Constable life in Mm Mrs C of in sending in her re- HO COAXING NEEDED Sir j ir i trouble in sables where our feed stolen motor car and finally J j j wlhou the she hopes Che food I hordes lwo nUov constables find jvisl friends ii short- had cornered on Sunny- side bridges one of the band- Id rLast week Miss Bonn was its fired a revolver and shot Con- j supplying at the King George stable John May in the right fore- are called in Ihe Morton who was Our feed not alone tempts horses eat it makes better in condition for work and value Their owners get big ger returns from heir labor or sale with on I costing an extra either Think El over MM Nov ill by Elder at his residence Pros- pec Ave Mr of North to Miss Daisy Allen of Very quietly at home of the brides parents Keswick hit on Tuesday Nov Dorothy A only of Mr ami Mrs Jos Pollock to A Brock J law Hanover and eldest SOU Of Mr John Flag BUY VICTORY BONDS PHONE II J D Simpson Toronto officiating The Tomb arm They escaped without rooms on Tuesday Wednesday in and week she has Miss rd leaving a trace as their j Thursday and Friday of next week room for same Oct al begin the packing Wilkin iWirl Miss Laurel flranl aged the Christmas parcels Over Mrs Cook was town OTj youngest child of Mrs Fran- parcels pack so we lots visited her Prompt Delivery Phono 60 CCS Grant was and I if workers Come early in IhaJSravo ill the Cemetery She is TERMS CASH HOUSE TO LET injured by an on Thursday j week On Huron Si Furnace and Light Possession Nov 1st Apply Huron St Newmarket so we can gel boxes of f ooal Toronto having night of last week at Hampton There will be a newspaper col- cceiilliy- returned after spending and Dan fori Avenues lection the week after nest so get liv Nellie Annie and your bundles lied with good Mr Frank Duncan Son of Sarah Morrison the strong string Date of Duncan of this If youre not paying in full for Bond have your 10 per in your pocket Get the Honor up early And then add Crowns to it BUY VICTORY BONDS PATTERSONS Drug Store Newmarket WANTED First Class Mens- Furnishing Salesman To a well recom mended young man a liberal salary will be paid Ap ply Dimlop Newmarket FEMALE HELP McLaughlin In King on Oc tober llerherl Mc Laughlin aged years tn King Tp on Oct 1018 Mrs llerherl Mc Laughlin aged years who escaped from ihe jail Farm wild be announced in next weeks whose f ser- lasl Tuesday and were arrested in issue All having papers only a of weeks appeared in York magazine SI leaving wncn notified thai he will County Police Court Monday name and sheet Reserve the We Siberia morning and were to date Saturday Nov and pall Mercer for not ionize r our popular teas lias been appointed than three and an in- later j Of 111 Division tuirt Harrison Al Ave determinate of Anyone having a change of of York Ihe office years When the were dress of any of the boys who by the brought inio clerks office all have gone over lately kindly Mr A ihe previous leave al the ExpressHerald Of- 1 Brown hearing of their case a young dec or Mrs Ross Windsor were calling on old woman who bad once roomed Statement of Fair j friends in town last Saturday I Hip same house as Annie Foster Donations s and visited the Cemetery where market Cemetery motors Young women wanted light appeared and claimed Hie coal I Fish Pond Rev John Drown is work assembly department and which Foster girl was res with oilier relatives She proved her claim by Mr Avers of Now Hampshire dropped in on his Mr paper and box working conditions a- earn of coal ami J Agricultural modern sanitary factory Write a roll of bills or phono General which she had hidden Phone Office The coat and money were Mfg Co Newmarket Out returned to the owner FARM WANTED About hundred acres in Hi evidence thai the Spanish epidemic has subsided in is found small number f Avers lie had not years and a very pleasant leaviiic orpin ft 01 HOUSE TO RENT vicinity Newmarket SI off- deal from ihe I chicken house on chrisTiaVi or City Clerk In- Apply I dedicated las class soil and good stead of ihere being anywhere Kirk Newmarket and fence also bo from to I0u aw near to ehool and post- 1 during Hie heigh I of ml- break here were only in- for Hie a program a copy of wliicii for home week The new church al Frank lin Hampshire of which Rev 1 Hal formerly of pastor I Sunday opening services continued for a week is a beautiful edifice it photo being on ihe elaborate has Fife In New on Monday Oct Fife in his year formerly West Toronlo oii Oct Ann relict of Ihe laic Henry Wade Harrison of Newmarket in her year Funeral i at residence Sunday Nov I hence New- j Cemetery by motors Squires- In Zephyr on Wednes day Oct Ivy daugh ter of Will Stpiirrs aged years and monHis is pari I finished in more were found in hardwood is in splendid con p on Wednesday nod ha- bean That the authorities are to line newly painted Lot is for breakers of the A wages Apply was shown iff Police Court A I mean business and wanl to deal owner- only I IK It Newmarket JTaylor FOR CHEAP yd up other work without I I Wood Cook giving notice of Die change was Suit I Large lined MOO and or Ihree j Table I Centre Table months I Chairs Rag Carpet W YOUNG WOMEN Arc wanted never before for Offices as Telegraph Operator Toronto give the proper training In short order Free catalogue H At the Flu has broke in litis and lavishly loo Home people think are too good come in with Mr Flu but it has no res peel for persons whatsoever When if says come yon must No ifs and amis hot I most have my way for a few days The services arc Mill going on and Charles St Toronto ii church yet as usual pay big dividends Every day and Friday evenings DOLLAR YOU INVEST In a Course of Training In the IO of School year employment promptly Enter any Urn Catalogue free WJ ELLIOTT Principal AUTO OWNER8 ATTENTION I When laying op your car for remember battery the heart and without it you cannot move are Sole Agents for the Storage Battery and make a specially of repairing recharging and stor ing batteries for ihe winter Write service only Ltd Hi Toronto day at am and also night Horry lea mi that Mr Jones and family are on the Ii8l Our closed op owing to present conditions what young couple loiter around the church so Ionic after are dismiHsed A problem eh Away I musl Sleeping Beauty ST 8TRAYED From Itfchardsori paslure loffl and Ml Con and While and Heifer lags in left ear marked ft Connor with fin reverse side of lag Phone or any Infor mation DAVIDSON Mount Albert FOR BALE 20 Young Geese and Old Ones Head of Poultry Young 8 weeks old 3 Fat Pigs old Heifers What no worthy of the lie and men on eitlh are the thing of the led Of John i Apply to MHS 2nd Street Niagara Kails last Friday They were on wav home and were a few ays friends al the Falls They bad had such a lovely lime and were to leave it he next day They were jusl return- from a beautiful drive ami turning a corner ihe auto collided with another motor Mrs er was I brown out and dragged for Home distance being very badly bruised while her husband was also cut and bruised failing hem io remain Ihe Fa a a few days longer lhan expected for medical treatment Overwhelming Italian Victory Home Nov The Italians have captured Trent one of Aus trias chief fortified towns in the Tyrol Italian and allied forces in the drive In northern Italy have cap- lured Hie Italian war office announced today More than guns have been taken Rp0CCll was given to ex press our but arc who do not limit use of to that ShortHorn Hull old Apply ALLAN Owl I Button Went At Oct ji Marie formerly of Newmarket in her year- At Oct Herman West son of West formerly of Newmar ket in his year Rao Killed in action somewhere in France on Oct I I fames Inhnshui Mac aged years younger son J line At Industrial Home on Nov 1st IK Laurence aged years Cox In Newmarket on Nov Margaret infant daugh ter of Wright Killed in action soiilCr where in France Sept 1018 Albert son of late Albert j Wright f and second cousin of aged i In Memonam CANADA ASKS US r Simply to LEND to our own country money that the great fight may fc finished for us and that the sacri fices made for us in four years of War shall not be in vain And Canada makes it very easy for us to do this through THE VICTORY LOAN OF W EVES til mm A beautiful complexion ia the outward mark good blood and a healthy body When the stomach- liver and blood arc in good order the deer J lovely Unsightly blotches eruptions show need of Fills to and regulate the vital organs and improve circu- Good health and better locks soon a a box Sold America In boxes Eldrldge In hiving memory Of Win or Hall for merly of who fell action al on he Hi day of Nov 1017 lie bravely answered his lryveall Mis life he Tor one and all His heart was his spirit brave He sloops in peace in a soldiers grave when we said Good Bye Thai wo parted forever and you were lo die Hut the unknown grave is lercHt blow None hut an aching heart can know luserled by S J Furniture Undertakin MaJn St North Newmarket AH Orders AtVooHon Iiiirs YMir wife WITH AUSTRIA OUT ALLIED Ye Indeed sib What lines she Why says sift wish PLANES CAN REACH BERLIN IN QUICK TIME London 1 Kratfcuid his morning by nBWS lhal dellnilely up Sunday IHii frontier it Today vaSmoved io me order of Local Agent Wanted inula which Is only miles from w Itself Munich and Dresden are now of our air- raft and from Prague fast bonibhiK j run nail lo and pall Ihe citadel of In vn hoars and a half For the Old Reliable NURSERIES of replacing The of an mil- Gardens call for fruits Is that In ft person who may early bearing the performance of a plants etc but doesnt get any money for demand for Ornamental I towns and villages Is secure a paying Agency with commissions fcxpcriencc necessary not A tor color lo led tab for ft fctlJn- klU Stone Wellington Kstabllshcd TORONTO ONT