J Hill- Mount Albert gHRiSTMAS ladies of tic lied Cross wish announce thai lln Christmas Boxes for our hoys will be packed next Wednes day Donations and money for postage will thankfully Kindly all parcels beakers Store before Nov as Hi J they will 1m- packed n dale death of Oldham his 22nd year Thursday of week was hi in the family of Mi and Mrs fi Oldham blest son Kit- j rest died tin- previous Monday evening and tin- eldest Hazel j for Sir Thomas Whites Appeal to Canadians Points Out Great Need of the Victory Loan to Carry On the War Much expressed for and I Mr Waller at North I pj I In- Sept ji Mrs on Hoar Mr ami Mrs Mr teller Hie with a la rice and Glass in the it iulliivvil by service in Clmiv at Pie Will of Sharon LETTER OF APPRECIATION On the opening of Canadas great Victory Loan drive the Minister of Finance issued the following mes sage To the People of Canada The Victory Loan of Is now being offered for public subscription It is an undertaking of most vital consequence to the nation and I can- not too earnestly emphasize the duty and responsibility resting upon all citizens of Canada to cooperate to the extent of their available resources in making it an success in Inhalf of No Co Opinion Ifank here Full report next Halt I am writing I express- our transferred riueljih Mr J was called sympathy in I In ileal Ii your Mr i idler in n Friday swill Melville who was killed on Hank bet- has I Oeath his ion ml while jrajlanlly lo or iioinj with his plafooii in Mrs ami dauuh- The funeral was on Whitby In- liniio- ailerimoii from his i siijhlly south at i aboil Of iiec Mrs mm miles Iroin Arras o Sun lay Mi- services A was by ami pun in a pay of lh bill it ami Sunday The family have In- salisfaction ami nexi respects me have sansiactom in M ympalliy Hi- eomnnmily l he and if the sluiT no pain Church in Ml irl buried will fallen com- ggBy ami in ivr Sunday her lf The- I of crave will I of will ird is you by hie official I am OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS The of Loan will be need for War purpose only and will be wholly In Canada Minister or Finance Dominion Canada offer for Public Subscription the pm The lament f the Lord- Mr- fly run I Supper be Mr Ji- I I am hi Air David has jone say son was a popular WHITK If lloiinorniiiji and in Mailman A mora daimhlr I ami brave nhlier ami Minister of Finance under whose I Church the Mrs if I Millie is fell all who knew direction the Victory Loan The Official hoard I mm 1 I am- rehirned last drive foi is will mrVl in Ml h- duller in Hie I -ympalhii- iayoiir l SO pm ii Monday Nov perial Navy very The money to be raised is urgently full attendance is Mr Smith I he Hell Wallace required to enable to continue the a- Moii- a few -lav- prosecution ol the win now in its flay Nov ill We fo hear llrinV Hie Ifunl son and must year and for I r or Hie malmenance of the prosperity of h nu in A number of he iadies of lln- Willi iinJuctivi- activity Apart from patriotic considerations j i after which Mrs Davidson read a iii Shorl aiilies ami Mrs Moore p iii he Willi a jrlass ami a flower basket an I hare OUi Mr- and Miss will Those here were bo niel very much A I- in the resbyleriaii as wry workers 1 li and wi-lm- sj I frteds here will hei To they may a new j- mw li j Buy Victory Bonds J Wright win drippi e a real I bork ir if t a v nee mot- -e-m- Vctcy I mm m with ill p I- f i I V Sunday lie and taken by v I ids D I the piilii few in On- on la Hit lie shOi in many thiireloM m- in- n and ilh ivr 1 a Vvv din- her- nlinuell null I Hive Terry has refiiiiied normal inly ii t of ai ami Mr- lanm- Barker I e v f madevery -ii- under I he In care show a substantial appreciation in value All citizens are earnestly Invited to subscribe you are ask- not to give hut to lend your money to the slate Small lions from those slender means are as welcome as the large In he Victory Loan we received sua- of over four hundred mil- lion dollars from over eight hundred thousand subscribers This year expect five hundred million dollars from more than a million Let all I extern of j their means be or small and once lilt world the strength unity and nation of Canadian people in world if In- should end an earlier dale than has been anticipated all the asked for will be required for the purposes of demobilization which will extend malty months am for the continuation credits for purchase of Canadian The organization and publicity work connection with Ibe Loan has been completed many weeks of ef fort It now remains for the people I of Canada to d Thai ami I he they do so to the full si degree am eniiniv Ottawa I lory Loan I- il lays fin- iiir limit in j Mi The will ii I v III I Mi- la- J Herbert ha- a I I hid emlil ion- have ft hit liter- I do I tf the lln I a Hah The family is Cnnnimham new liom- full Mr thee vifiiay Pearl Hi lipir hi- Have- has hail re Buy Victory Bonds Inly a I Mi borne mi f Hi Pari- in one wed- Uma eH has Ie il j Innm- in tin- deaths Sun lav last Molly Dr vill n ami hi- within of Buy Victory CANADIAN ARMY AND THE VICTORY LOAN War Over Million Dollars a Will He I have been enrolled In the Canadian have war bill III he 1 war bill ml J Mar Is now j a month It exceeds a 1hc subscribed to the will not do more than pay this yeurrt war bill are needed the Victory even though peace come tomorrow 5 Gold Bonds rom November lit 191 and offered In two the choice of which optional with the year ember lit 1923 15 1st Principal payable without charge Office of the of Finance and Receiver Genera at Ottawa or at the Office Receiver General Halifax John Montreal Toronto Retina Calgary and Bonds may be registered as to or as to principal ami interest at any of the abovementioned office Interval payable without half yearly May 1st and November in any Chartered I Principal Interest payable In Gold Denominations and Issue Price 100 and Accrued Interest Income Return per Annum Tree from tares Including any Income tax Imposed In pursuance of legislation enacted by Irliament of Canada The proceed of will be for war purposes only Including the purchase of Grain fooditutfi muni tions supplies and will pent wholly In Canada Payment to made follows on application fith 20 nth tebruary March The balance of and llfi accrued Intereit at to due dates fcirtaimens A hall will lC laid Wi thcbtli and interest S itjiI at thp limn loO without interest or on any instalment due date loitlier with accrued Inter tint the rate j annum ii jutlinriirjj under Act of the Parliament of Canada and both principal and Interest the I J fund Amount of Is wtcluslv of the amount if any paid for by bvndl of fre Minister of however reserves the allot the whole or any part of annum hi i Oh i ft this will in the jniiiiftli War other Conversion Privileges cat of future iiintiiiEty or longer made by the Government the made abroad be at and accrued interest equivalent ot iurVjf subKciption Payments All draft inilalmtnt made payable to the Credit of Minister of Finance to lay any wlien due pstyn ecu liabie forfeiture and the allotment to deposit of J Canvasser will forward any brunch in Cahadq of Bank will sibctijtinn and receipt IV paid at llmo of application due there- after with accrued to time of payment in fl- Under this provision payment It iMiil In full before I fit It- without If retisaininIntalimntJifdoDeath Intuit per If Intalnxenll fltti MiGili Win fiK findlmereit remaining Instalment paid on Mar of M and per and Rearer bonds with and and registered topriniiaL The firat coupon attach to llieitfbondi be dire on May 1919 tlie iriciet Mid owner Government elisor Aill ijjucd la fi000 or any multiple i Payment of Interest A lull haft fiJsCt per annum dll be paid May 1st Form of Bond and Delivery Indira to on form of anil the denominations required an I the securitiej will he delivered by the bank llw In full bond of will be available delivery at I In time of application to subscribers diri mfii in a fully to principal and Interest will be delivered payment in full I can 1- nude of all must he it originally named by the will ii deire to pay by instalments These receipts will hank ir bonds any i subscription in full Porta of Bonds 9 mil iol new J of Coupon wii liilM I the to Wthout coupon at aiiytinul to tl tor of or any A- of tion ma from Oft any iciory Committee it meaner thereof or front any biancli in Canada will close on or 101S t or October 1013 Behind the Gun the Man Behind the Man the Dollar Make Your Fight the Hun A SOLDIERS LETTER ivmn ltil rroni u I Ioiiff Jiliih HOW THE VICTORY LOAM ftplirn lliifiiitfhoiji 8U8TAIN8 CANADAS lie llf fitlikftof lis- I In Iil flu- SALE war will n a wMUUrH Ci0llfl ami I war lull Apto MnMo war Xirinljiiii 1 iHiOiiiri a aHEEPFOR8ALE xmI a day ijiirirrikind HANKS In to dim Huh I tcrlbiiK lh Victory Loan the will ilnin on orirjlntv of with In a up lo jo I hi amount of umn Ii Loan 1 of by the banks com 30000 PRISONERS Is to be ami AND GANNON an H fVl Of I he ii- III Victory Loan Sharon Tin p icioMry Mr will al all irk Willi Mr- I Mall mi ill with stir i A IiliU of a I was a- in I III Tit irk frinil I iltisiiii in Writing lliankiii- you for SOIIH I 111 lakr in I noli I linpi I lhal Will ami help in up gMiil work i Mil ltl a iay anil a illinitiiuy i- ran- Inn- lln- in tin- iiii isirui in tin- in- School will to Small lift i- In iNpri hi- llally Ihiy Impi In n mori on llii- moll it out for llic or pray ami dial drill will with Mr I am- ill in I nti ami rrliiwoil homo of hi- wife Mrs ill powers of to Iraw Ihouuh wi- know yrPAl In I il is wen- grail I by Allies orx the Belgian In Month i fin I if mi rUl out will haw Ik If to llils one lists limn III HUihlliK- VUtur I ii It In net 1 I Hi- J for at lot I will lor at liorae to Ljijo- priiiiii- mi j In Vitor Loan liuttln must unce of AS iHii ami ffir-i- Into Hie Victor Ixmii drive -a- m- to Victor Mi- an I lf would have a STRAYED Buy Victory Bonds Dr A Viilliuiiitfrlaml U3CiJjtt one May from in ocniiiri of in a not tin j and Heifer run I one Black A it -IfcWiLmv- ami not tin vtrciifjlh army ami riiirh army ariKK K ami I v liikcn Thus in our month llir- of Mian of all kinds also ftiH have not mi 500 cannon ami T Ik llml da Buy Victory Bonds- Oct hiOO thousaml troops hutnlrcds of Innumer able machine guns have- boon by Italian allied forces oh Italian front Willi I Mr Smith ami Mrs liar- tit mililarv fu- hi on Monday to SCO Mrs and and allies for rip III in and frrdoin ami In an he liaiharim Iihvi ainfil sonic line viGlOrins last while hark the help ol llifl iians and now mi tin way Mrs mil a victory for dreal ami the tmashiny of our I will now close as it loaves inn in health With kind rewards hi you one and all Ihaiikimy yon for I he kindness I you shown Inward me since I left I he Canadian shores I si ill remain a faith fill mum Iamida Pie IPS Buy Victory Bonds League Novombor ill rune Maud and I toll 111 i I ho lli I- Vou Jack It IihI Aid Amos and Mr Your hivli I 1 in utd Children FOR FLETCHERS CAS TO I A Who was lhal used bus language on the si i lie had heller he careful IIOPK Mrs Sailer has had her ami family her the Christianity Its Cost I To Christ Mrs J To Mrs Hall To Missionaries Mrs rlibson In death f To Mrs one Of our ivsphclCll Victory Bonds ens Mrs She had HOPE FARM FOR rr- ami pahiolisin are t if in III l I proving JMOfll- plsl lira JMV Iliiliiliilinn lias III III II- acres more or less acres cleared I fit Con Township alongside main road miles from Fair DONALD 39 Head St Hamilton when stricken with in hi kindly way- and willingness I lend in any mu She will hn sadly missed We extend our ei Sunday is Victory Bond sympathy In family in all Churches Mr is very low linn- of wriliiip with Ho had returned front FLETCHERS the West and was visiliim his AST R A fit ARCHIVES OF ONTARI -ft- -L- 1