v f Dr N Wilkinson 1ST j Comer Main and Sis Newmarket j wF OUR LOCAL NEWS Dr J Boyd MB Graduate in Medicine of Toronto irnlTtrsity also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and member of the College of Surgeons of Former clinical assistant In Bye Hospital arid College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Eyes Tested Glasses Supplied Telephone Hours McKewon WATCHMAKER AND Park Avenue Adjoining Post Offiee BERT GREEN PAINTER AND PAPER Arden Ave 2nd house from Queen St Newmarket Phone P o Box All Halloween Last night was the anniversary this limehonored festival the prevailing epidemic and illness in so many homes it is to ha hnnnrf Ik was never a i rificw and the help of detractive pranks which some- appreciated than at limes accompany the Celebration I Women should learn and of Halloween may be omitted There is no better we may have a quiet and or- I l niehl Common Sense Medical Adviser with chapters on First Aid Bandaging Anatomy Hygiene care of the Sick There was never a time when the women were more appreciated at the present time Diseases of Women Mother and Babe I Marriage to be had at some drugstores Next Sunday is orscnd60ctoDrPierce Sunday the world around Ontario Help Newmarket win the Vic 5ffei from weak nan nervousness or dizziness if pains ioij lap to ho v j 11 l her the best tonic and corrective is one when they return I made of native herbs and made overseas On MRS DUNN benefit of the new care taker the Post Office is that we have he Town Clock illum inated on Sunday night as well as nights of work Maternity Nurse Andrew Newmarket P O Box 3m23 out alcohol which makes weak women strong and sick women well It is the prescription of Doctor Pierce used by him Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signature of Chas I Fletcher and has been made under j his personal supervision for over years Allow no one to deceive you in this Counterfeits Imitations and I justasgoodare but experiments and endanger the Children What Is I Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms andallaysFeverishness For more than thirty years it has been in constant use the relief of Con stipation Flatulency Wind Colic all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea Toronto Letter St RATCLIFF Teacher of Singing Methodist Church Rev Dr Williamson of Toronto preached again last Sunday and delivered two excellent sermons to fair congregations Mi I Manning Studio Toronto Conservatory Music I in liquid or in tablets Send Dr Pierce assimilates the Food giving healthy Buffalo Y for trial pkg Dr and natural sleep The Childrens Pierces Pleasant Pellets are also best for Panacea The Mothers Friend liver and bowel trouble The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Newmarket on Wednesdays A Newmarket Teacher of Piano Voice and Dealer in all of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tunlnq Agent for Columbia Grafonolas and Records I Prompt I Furnace Work contributed a splendid solo the morning service he Sunday School on hut there wasnt usual number present did Miss provided and a good is requested School in the niore than half Next Sunday a s Program will be Plumbing Eavetroughing Our Specialties Bee the Bathroom Outnt at the Distribution of Seed Grain A free distribution of superior sorts of grain will he mad- during coming winter and spring to Canadian farmers The samples distribution will consist of spring wheat about 5 while oats lb barley about lb and held peas about lb will be sent out free by mail fro the Central Experi mental Harm Ottawa by the Do minion who will furnish necessary application Only one sample ran he each applicant As f seed is limited fanners vised apply forms sent to supply are ad- very I I THE LEADING OSBORNE SONS NEXT TO GROCERY he ef- I PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS PLEASE I Get Them at The Photographer In Your Town Studio One West of the New Post Office EVENING SITTING BY APPOINTMENT i- Change of Time The Winter Time Table on Metropolitan went j reel last Monday morning Hie ban car from Toronto only lo Richmond Will so dial the ear here from the joining does arrive iff a rcccmiig morning mail only other changes cut off I leaving Newmarket lor on Saturday mid also he one leaving for Newmarket night The in fin week thai after to oclock is when it runs Stratford Dr Pre scription was a help to me During an expectant period I became all rundown weak and nervous and could not eat was nauseated I also with backaches I I a complete and vaj down in I bed when I began Favorite I aoon com menced to feel it finally restored rue to healUi and I do all my work and felt fine I I BRACE HOME BurUigh ON FURLOUGH In Use For Over Years city A scries- of holdups took place in the west end of the city on Saturday night an ail- which had been stolen from Dr Wright four boys are said to have made brief stops while one of their number reliev ed pedestrians of small sums of money at the point of a revolver About oclock Saturday night three young men entered Burtons grocery at Islington and covering Burton with a revolver robbed his cash register of be tween and 70 They were arrested Brant ford on Sun day Hon died day at his home Concord He had not been in the best of health for some time Elected to Legislature from North Ontario in Mr was j returned in the general elections j since that time He was elected Speaker at the opening of the Legislature of 1 The WarToronto second the ocean of the wooden type to be constructed in J to miss her countenance The remains were by Ihe train and interred Newmarket I Rev T SI Pauls Church here ducting the burial service for the Imperial Muni- j lions Board was on Saturday successfully launched from the yards of the Toronto Shipbuild ing Company in the presence of several thousand people II is estimated that about people assembled in Queens Park last Sunday afternoon 10 hear the orators of the day the Victory Bond campaign They were Sir Robert Borden Hon While Hon Sir and cheerful and Hon W Row- A feeling of triumph per- 1 con in grega y is a car Wednesday ways Must Use Shipping Tags fo Freight The hi i GREENHOUSES NEWMARKET The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ASTER NASTURTIUM ETC Nov Ready In Quantity No Order less than 26o Delivered reign I mi orders In all that they arc not for properly IfcMelofrrc has been Wlfh any old handy rij baa and iuconvenienre hi parlies variably came off fore This IM Ih- issue lrders I ha i ll lllls has is agents to accept any is noi the lipping freight thai was fags the Ml vanly I on fag forced evelets rein- The Penny Bank There are school children in Newmarket who accounts Penny Hank and the ag- te balance on Ihe 30th of was This shows what little items amount to when lakcn care of Depositors receive Ihre- per cent on their money and may withdraw it at any lime iis early days the expenses of the Penny Bank were paid by- friends of the boys ami girls in Canada for the purpose among hem the interest on deposits wilh is sufficient for this Many children passing of school have formed habil of saving and at once open an account with some chartered Bank This is evidence thai the importance of he Penny Bank I veresjnialnd Official Casualties Killed in action Herman Shier Tp Lloyd Aurora Wounded Brown Aurora Baldwin ill Thompson Be haven age of p Shier son of Mr ami Mrs Philip Tp was killed in action oil Sept Will In iicling as wenl overseas Ihe I Iron whirl he wis Hall will Hie Sain in was farming wflh his parent- Soldier Wounded Mrs Mary Chadlr has I lee ram inform von lKi following in I A J Brace who went to Trance a year and a half ago with a Chinese labor Battalion for vice al the front returned on two months leave last week and is with his wife anil three sons in Capt Brace served with the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles in South African War enlisting in Toronto while student in Victoria University After student days he was General of the in Victoria and went to China in for work among Chinese Students In furlough being due he be- came an- officer in the Chinese Labor Battalions and was Quar ter Master officer a contingent of Chinese who went lo Prance in July There are now Chinese in and are organized into working battalions of each with a Captain in charge as four Lieutenants lo assist and nineteen British Com Officers guide working parties Capt Brace was made of Company and attached to a Canadian Company and worked in forward ureas trench digging making barbed wire entangle ments eh Brace reports that the Chinese labor is the best labor in France They are all 111 men being recruited from Shantung province the sphere of influence and Ihey hale Ho Ger mans The majority are strong healthy wellbuill farm hands They I franc per day in and 11 dollars Mux Currency pur month separation allowance next of kin They are saving ami at end of Hie Hirer years contract will return lo China men of affluence Afler Ibf Bun push in March Capl Braces wilh many other Companies hurried ihe Front in Ihe Arras Sector and hastily a great o trenches pNilecl Ibal famous coal area The worked by and dug 200 ruble per man per day in clay ami 100 ru ble feel in chalk and dug regula tion I re riches six fnnl inside vadedlhe crowd Eddie for years one of citys most popular enter- died last week from pneumonia He contracted the disease while singing at fall fair concerts Deceased was horn in Toronto years ago As a com ic singer he had travelled from coast coast A widow and daughter survive He member of the Oddfellows Mrs Hose J has applied for administration of the estate of her husband Oliver formerly of Ml Alberl aj lieutenant in the Toronto who died July from effecls of fumes inhaled al a lire The estate consists of land in valued at a lot HI SI sal- j ary line si 500 due from Firemens Benelit Fund SI 0001 insurance payable to he widow and a share in the Main St I Syndicate of no market value The heirs are Ihe peti tioner and her infant son Rich ard Barton Tim bandit who rubbed the Buf falo Express las week after an allday drive in the stolen car landed al Midlines late Wednes day night and after abandoning Ihe car entered general store which is owned by Chief of Ihe town and asked for a meal which was served him before he J con on Bay his way inwards Buy Victory Bonds- EXPORTS THE Money Loaned to Government Huge Exports of Food Las Cam j was very popular I pencil s Factory and Willi her girl I he funeral I day from I being K plaee Fri- of her father Ho- service a I condiicfcd by I hereby men IIKANOIt of Toronto in I lie County Province of married will apply He Prliiiienl of at ein thereof for hill of from her Henry Webster lie- City of Toronto in tint County Viit Province Church and interment I III Cennlry 1rarliral will family was extended by workmen of Mr oje friends the loll wed Ihe fellow- and other Death of Mrs John Mann We accidentally to re last week dm Mann one of miliar and wellknown residents of Orchard Beach He wen iivese fori as about years overseas he employed in Pickle and Davis Leather Co if Newmarket whose friends her him a speudv rcci is wellknown hope TV for III of io filld CI El Toronto his A Solicitor Godfrey A si Went Toronto eoii whose death J at On following Bon for goitre She 1Mb day of j worker WKB55TKR and one most of our fin is tempi save fuel and chilly rooms and in army camps are due the chills that go with army iii in an opera- wan a an excellent housekeeper anybody without she required oblige and three are ef If of a loving r Helen lie- School For and In Over Years Mftv mourn he and faithful home ami and Miss very success ful Public teachers at Toronto and iter mother Mrs Fish er and a Fisher who reside beside her at the Lake and another Mister Mrs Bo- Karl of Foronio will feci the Josh deeply I was a very member of Church of at Hoard Point and people from and To ronto who Orchard Beach in ummcr time will Markham Fair showed a plus his year of LEMONS MAKE SKIN WHITE CLEAR Make this beauty lotion for a fGV cents and for yourself What girl or woman hasnt heard of lemon juice to remove complexion blemishes lo whit en skin and lo bring out the roses the freshness and the hid den beauty But lemon juice alone is acid therefore irritating and should be mixed with orchard while this way Strain through a line cloth the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing about three ounces of orchard while than shake well and you have a whole quarter pint of skin and complexion lotion at about the cost one usually pays for a small Jar of ordinary cold cream IP sure strain the lemon Juice no pulp gets Into the bottle then this lotion will remain pure and fresh for months When ap plied daily to the face neck and hands it should help lo bleach clear 111 on and beautify he skin Any druggist will supply three ounces of orchard at very little cost and Iho grocer has the lemons Capl Brace speaks in Ihe highest terms of Sir Ar thur will whom In was associated be die war in Ihe West as Lieul in- the Coast Artillery for live years when Currie in command of ihe Ocncra Currii- he says has Hie officers and men like in France and is a great soldier and a groal favorite wilh llaig Buy Victory Bonds- USEFUL WAR SOUVENIR The War All issued by Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is hand and is a credit to the Publishers A copy sent free all who order that iiDii is paper The A a mine of valuabb Hon and the color work be improved upon H is just such in book as one would like to have close by all times school child in Canada should have it In after years when is Over will be a valuable book of reference TheFamily Herald costs only 91 ia year and wilh the Album is big- value GRAY HAIR Dr Hair used directed In guaranteed restore gray hair to Hi natural color or money refunded net a dye and nonlnJurloiiB Trice Write Trernala Supply On hi store rt- year the people of Can- loaned to Ihe Covernmeut i in nun lit carry on I lie war Out of Dial sum were spent inn- Ihe purchases of in Can- 1 ada for rood and munitions Since I he war began Hie Imperial Muni- lions Board ha awarded in Canada amounting In sluuiumomi ami have been advanced ami hank- Be sides thai there were heavy ml- 1 vances assist in the export Caiuidas These urns have been tin cause a expansion I o industry as well as have men able to sell their surplus products to Ureal Britain and to money at once They have gone on multiplying their efforts and doing their pari in winning Ihe war for had to eat while her were away lighting In the past year the Government has 100 lo out agricul tural ami animal products to Britain The bacon was entirely handled mil Of Loan funds And this year here will be some heavy calls out of Ihe 1018 Victory Loan Can ada has a surplus of cheese lor amounting eggs and condemned milk will more The Victory Loan will gel lo only market Ureal Britain The wheal crop will be 00000000 bushels and value Victory Loan money for ihe most will fli ibis is a hi story Perhaps we may heller tin import of VJolory Loan by the and animal exports of last fiscal year with four years ajo In 1015 Canada exported of these year the figures grew lo because Ihe Dominion was able to the money for lie handling exports In manufactures its have in creased in to 030000000 in the last fiscal year Many great industries have been built up The whole country has felt Hie impulse greater endeavor Thisis the spirit that is winning the war must not lot it flag TWIN RED or GREEN at at GREY AHY people do Dot even et know that ia addition to GREY finiah the i also Green the main points about are its long life its weather and fire resistance the fact that it bo easy to lay and economical to use Ask your lumber or hardware dealer Loth for ths roll with labelthere is only oat genuine ft an sos ft Completing the Home Circle There is no other force more effective in making the home at tractive than music Every member of the family is irresistibly drawn by good music Toe to ra Hill fir- mm- ill I supplies this welding link in hundreds of Canadian homes Those who bound down number of artists in their choice of records choose Ihe Brant because it all records equally well who desire in a case that is in keeping with the of their homes find In the that combination of art and science that marks of masters The Brant is a truly beautiful in strument to see hear Mil A The is made in seven styles Finished in Walnut Fumed Oak or Mahogany It will play any make of disc record Ask your beautiful instrument to LOCAL FRED NOTTINGHAM Phono Newmarket WUNTTOBO SALES CANADA I mi l A Dont Use the Knife Your Goitre Thick Neck Can Be Cured By Siccantia Not one failure recorded in fifty years An easily applied remedy positively guaranteed cure External appli cation stainless YOUR MONEY BACK If fails after a fair trial One bottle is suffi cient in most cases more than two seldom required Per Bottle Ash mi you the names totality THE MARVEL DRUG CO Limited 2834 Street Toronto i a HURON NEWMARKET I To Every Lover of HOMEMADE BAKING TRY Our Favorite anil FRESH FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE Prices Right Give Us a OLIVER DIKE Five Rose Flour COAL Calf 7 U ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO J