I ft VTFl MP J FRIDAY 0 V 1 FOR RENT Sixroomed Brick House for winter months Cheap rent THE 2ND VICTORY Editorial Notes to Mr St Gorham I fc I t yv si I it I The work in con nection with the Victory Loan in North York was pretty well com pleted last week and is now en gaged in the canvas The head office is ill Newmarket with Branch Offices at Aurora ML Al bert and Sutton The work will occupy a period of three weeks and every resident should receive a call There are few people who CARD Mr and Mrs Giles desire to convey their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for Ihcir assistance and sympathy properly hut coma the death of their daughter and especially to the friends con tributing financi assistance CARD Mr and Mrs J Gardner and j laank ttieir neigh bors and friends tor their kind ness and sympathy in tne loss or iheir only and beloved daughter Bessie Stif OUR SOCIETY COLUMN lake care of a Bond and they would never he sorry for the ef fort they make lo invest for the sake of the country and J the hoys the Front The ob jective required from North York is a Million Dollars This is a big sum if everybody will try lo do more than they did for the last Victory Loan it will be ac complished Following are the canvassers for the different dis tricts No 1 Newmarket Henry Cane C Hughes No 2 Aurora FARM WANTED About one hundred acres in the vicinity of Newmarket ville or Schomberg Must be first class soil and have good Walton John Spun- No 3 Township of King If Coffey J A Armstrong Schomberg J I Jenkins King City Fox Kellleby Tp of Whitchurch and Stouffville Fred Newmarket Ml Albert side halls and bathroom It Newmarket You say you cannot serve Then save and help make the Vic tory Loan the biggest financial deal that Canadians ever made Your savings loaned to coun try will help defeat the Kaiser All ye- doubters of the Jonah story and skeptics of biblical literature read the account of the deep sea monster which appears in this issue of the Era Its truthfulness Is vouched for by thousands of eyewitnesses The paper was sent lo us friend Senator Richardson of King ston was found dead in bed at his residence on Sunday morning He was a very strenuous business man connected with many impor tant interests Two years ago he was appointed to the Senate and since then has made several important speeches on the trans portation question- He was years of age and leaves a wife three sons and three daughters He was Conservative in politics and his demise leaves another va cancy for Cabinet to fill THE NEEDY She get a new hat because Mrs of Ottawa is the need new shoes home on account of her brothers death Alderman Fred son of Mrs Albert has had a very severe tussle with the flu but is improving now and hopes to be around again soon Mr Nottingham was He In the same She Why you have no children He No but I cant get a new suit because my aulo needs new tires have buildings and fences also be near to church school and post- I office I will give substantial equity in a firstclass residence on good street in Toronto as part pay This residence would make a nice home would rent well It is solid brick has nine rooms be taken to city on Wednesday for an operation It was report ed yesterday that he was dead but the report lacks confirmation Hon E J Davis Dr Scott and Mr J left on Wednesday night lo join the Hunt Club in Muskoka for few days relaxation in the woods Mayor Eves expects to leave in a electric light gas hoi and cold water and firstclass fur nace is partly finished in hardwood It is in splendid con dition throughout and has been newly painted Lot is I mean business and want to deal owners only Newmarket Era TO RENT House on with or without acres of pasture Ap ply to Box Aurora HOUSE TO LET On Huron St Furnace and Electric Light 1st Apply Eves Huron St Newmarket WANTED First Class Mens Furnishing Saleman To a well young man a liberal salary will be paid Ap ply to Dunlop Newmarket FEMALE HELP Young women wanted for work in assembly department and paper and box department Ex cellent working conditions In modern sanitary factory Write or phone lo General Superin tendent Phone JO Office Spe cialty Mfg Co Newmarket SOUTH END FLOUR AND FEED STORE J A Clarke Clark Township of East Fred Newmarket A It Queensville H ML Albert lames Ml Albert Township of North Gwillimbury Jos Davidson Sutton Peter McClellan Keswick A Hamilton Roches PL Tp of and Sutton A Sutton Rich Cronsberfy Virginia Johnson Canvassing Unit of North York Couniy Chairman P Pearson Newmarket ViceChairman A Newmarket County Organizer Sweet in an Toronto Secretary A Toronto Publicity Committee K N Robertson Newmarket A J Davis Newmarket 1 F Harvey Newmarket L a J Newmarket Aurora Special Subscriptions Com A Newmarket Hon J Davis Newmarket Fbuiy Aurora Names Win Keith P Pearson A What meaneth all the rustle in the mulberry trees There was an election out at Red Deer last Monday and the Liberal candidate was so liberally besieged with the Unionist candidate has forfeited his deposit That sounds good for the Liberals Mr majority over Mr Galbrailh is it was a pro vincial election for Riding of Red Deer day or two Dr Irving and wife THE LEADING and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY MOTORHEARSE IF DESIRED Night calls attended to at residence CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE HO 84433 FLOUR Flour Is an article in the household that gives trouble everywhere if it is not flood We have people corn- to us asking Have you some good Pastry Flour The Flour we have been using is terrible It is dark and the pastry Is sad and we cannot use it we have been handling MAGIC FLOUR for years and in that time we have NEVER HAD A COMPLAINT J H MILLARD The German language has got into such disrepute that it is be ing dropped out of all school curriculum Teachers attend ing Ontario summer school courses next year will form an ac quaintance with Spanish as a preliminary to making it part of the curriculum of high schools and Collegiate Institutes in he near future If the language is anything like the Spanish flu it will not have a very cordial ccption in Canada son and daughter of B and Rev McKay wife and son of Weston visited in town last week the guests of their cousins Mrs J and Mrs Miss Rebecca of Sharon phones and 26 was in town Tuesday and was looking well as ever Some peo ple thought the death in last weeks Era was her but she tells us it was a daughter of the late Ezra Doan having the same name Mr and Mrs ser of Elmcrofl Keswick an nounce the engagement of their only daughter Joy to Mr Benja min Johnston only son of Mrs Sarah Mitchell of Zephyr The marriage will lake place very quietly early in November Vindicator Rev j Hall who has been the efficient Agent to Ontario County Child- The Altar Wilson On Prospect St New market on Oct list to Mr and Mrs Ed Wilson a daughter The Tomb Osborne At his home Park Ave Newmarket Charles Maxwell Osborne in his 34 lh year son of Mr Richard Osborne plumb er Aid Society for the past Miller On Tuesday afternoon at It is announced that in order lo encourage investors to partici pate in the Victory Loan the Hanks will lend subscribers on the probable certainty of j within a year up to per cent of the amount of the invest ment in the Loan The rale of interest charged by the banks is 5 per cant This will help a man out who has his money lied up for a little while and has the desire to participate in the Victory Bonds from a patriotic motive Newmarket Newmarket Newmarket DONT HESITATE TO CUT Your cake In the presence of the most exacting guest If you know It Is made of PASTRY FLOUR Half the fail ures are due to poor quality Many women blame- themselves J for failures which If first class Flour had been used have splendid successes FOCKLER Prompt Delivery Phono GO TERMS FARMS FOR SALE 100 North All Large Barn First Clans underneath Silo I Carrier Hay Plenly water rated I miles from mil- n mil Committee It Newmarket Toronto Cane K J Jr Newmarket II Aurora Coll is The Mrs mentioned is Chair man of each Committee Honorary Committee Hon J Davis Newmarket J Aurora Goodwin Hoi 1 A West It lteive Pel ferlaw Keswick I Albert 1 Wells King Aurora II Mayor John Moore ML Albert Itavenshoc Heltiesdn I Aurora I J no A Tims LeKKC Cam- The election of a Farmer Can- 9 in last week will make the Conservatives of Ontario sit up and fake notice The constituency was formerly represented by the late and no less than three Min isters of the Government took part on the hustings Benja min Bowman tin nominee of the United Fanners organization carried day by majority His election was a surprise to the politicians at Toronto We miss our guess if there are not other similar surprises when the next general election lakes place three years has resigned to ac cept a call to become the pastor of the First Christian Church New market The resignation is to take effect December 1st Yesterday Mr J completed his 3ilh year in continuous succession as a teacher at Newmarket High School and we can conscientious ly say that he is just as popu lar as ever He is a Newmarket boy and learned the printing trade at the Office With the exception of two or three years as teacher in country schools he has lived all his life here and the High School Board is very fortunate in having such a faithful member of the and we might add one so loyal to the town On more than one occa sion he has had l very tempting offers fro elsewhere We hope thai ho may he spared us for many years of service yet His ability lo imparl knowledge and his witty criticisms are his strong points The pupils always ready cheer llolli I It gives you light fluffy paste arid your cakes be light and not of that heavy dark doughy kind We have it in and 165 sacks Flour we have the reliable PURITY Brand thing Better for a Good Loaf of CRANBERRIES quart SWEET POTATOES 3 lbs for GRAPE FRUIT 2 for 25c CALIFORNIA GRAPES 35c lb APPLES 25c to peck CHESTNUTS 35c lb CONFECTIONERY Our Confectionery is of the best both Home Made and Factory Make A Large Assortment ic choose from TRY SOME OF OUR MINCE MEAT AT 20c LE PHONE US YOUR ORDER IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTENTION PHONE her late residence in Josephine Baldwin beloved wife of Miller her year Funeral on at two o clock Qardner At the North End of Newmarket on Oct IP Bessie Gardner daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Jos Gard ner in her year On Tuesday at his residence Warren Ohio Samuel beloved husband of Elizabeth Mc Bride and father of Mrs Free man Lloyd Newmarket aged years and months Wright At Queensville on Mon day James Wright in his year Funeral on Wednesday after noon Oct Interment Cemetery Of Nowadays it is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY AGENT FOR I THE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument In the World CHOCOLATES pneumonia at THE PRESCRIPTION After repealed attempts ac cording a news item handed in Secretary it appears that blanch f I he Labor Inion been organized j WwmarkeC- If in rue I ha I the abnormal wages being paid by munition works airplane factories and ship building yard- have some workmen from Newmarket bill there is no here as Kwoal shop methods We mil si I hat Labor Inions have eondilions foremen and in eities experience lias howu in small towns the dues ami other incidentals any gain ed Child I know what s ihe mai ler willi you The old doctors kindly eyes twinkled You have a malady thats very common these days Then Im in for tyhpoid fever or asked he wo man wearily Typhoid he exclaimed Just plain discontent I call it Youre tired of life and you show it Why You have a home hand friends Tragedy has never touched you Yet if you go on in six months time you i will he up for murder in the see- I In N Moose Jaw on Monday Oct Eleanor aged beloved wife of Oalhraith and daughterinlaw J of this town Mineral Wednesday Browning In Newmarket- on Oct Irene Cook wife of Percy Drowning in her nth year Funeral look place Saturday Kedle MAIN STBBET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies House Phone No la I Store Phone No fi j in hi ley year Funeral on Sunday from the residence of Mr J to degree Tin woman sal up and a red spot appeared on either cheek I mean it or contin ued frankly The murder would he thai or your real self ami the would he one higher than Oct Ifelioii mean iu from School and 10 Township of North All acres Wheal IU wren New lain firivjfnr llnn Stabling House Plenty waler Thl Soil I joining 1 000 and would Will give buyer A GO All IJfldrr iOI tn pood Hon Well Acre fall Wheat Church and mile lo JiiiaiiiiK Mobil An Ideal acre Acres jowindiffi House from ship- ping A Acre Province vau on easy down only two and balance in four j pay cent acre FOR stor dwelling Uck In vIIIjk of Thin a maker FOB Ilrick Iioiim Vhl bide of Ave iooiiih and bath Hardwood floor to dale pjiteulifA and apply to Box Just now the air is full of sounds of and peace proposals is said that Austria I p hi Wednesday the is ready surrender sold in North York linhally and Turkey has inde ed a over ouel peace of the objctive to the nations The Buy Victory Bonds many dnfeatK sustained of late by lnft German armies have begun to make on populous sen abroad he panicky total of the people from the e owns in valley and he Jead of depoaitn in hanks which is another iJn of failing in he solvency of Slate Ger many has asked for an armistice in said that he will he lo at one said Ihey will framed so as render her im- lake up Will ilialion of armies the I the Allies of for- fled fowiis the and Heligoland also Ihe of AlsaceLorraine f High Seas Plod and surrender of submarines any held in this juri Musi do she asked She flushed really want In know she insisted It isnt as if I were alone The dorior nodded I know your husband is in the same boat Business cares ami high prices- it is a low hoc these days I a or sick of it said ihe wo man Show me a way mil of if you can Away hack in some out Inf ill way corner you have lucked hook that was your moth ers- wisest hook writ Ion il aside all Other reading lor awhile wont hurl you he said dryly and it holds cure for discontent she exclaimed t have read if some How do you suppose Id have earn I my Ihe asked Id read my hooks some You have work for anything that is worth while into it like the miner and hid your own Kohl Hut ell me more know so little il is he said and youve gel it for yourself vo r IP IK Leonard son of Mr L Weir and dayn West mi Oct J sisttp of Mr Albert West of in her year Funeral on Wednesday after noon from the residence of brother Mr Sherman West Hu ron St X Hi I JK J 1 TH E LATEST DESIGNS THE NEWEST PATTERNS are In our new designs for and Winter Suitings They are neat and attractive and artistic They represent the best materials such as arc In constant wear Try a Suit Over coat In the latest stylo and you will be than satisfied with he III J the tailoring and the price which will mean a great saving to you F WILLIS Gentlemens and Ladies Tailor Main Street NEWMARKET A CALL SOLICITED hi SI Colo i I AUTO OWNERS ATTENTION I When laying up your car for winter remember the battery the heart and without if you cannot move We- arc Hole Agent for the M Storage and make a specialty of repairing reeharKlng and for the winter Ih folly of violation of neutrality the use of poison the of is now coining homo lo the German Kill pi re and the men who thrust this war upon he world should he made to pay the penalty Buy Victory Bonds Field and Soldiers Comforts Society will soon ho pack ing the Christmas parcels for Write service only Anyone having any change of address Or the of the boys who have over CANUCK AUTOMOBILE Ltd Toronto lately kindly hand in to Mrs eared Hie sick I never in mind ami body for forty years and kepi sane unless Id had lo lie to That hook has been my meat and drink let it and dig dig- for your lire As soon as the door shut he- hind him the woman walked tit lb hookease reached behind a pile of hooks and held up a little worn volume She turned pages slowly searching I Peace I give unto you she Not as the world givelh give unto you I ft not your heart he troubled She sank into a chair still reading Dark ness came and alio reached grop ingly for light Her fane had lost its anxious look The lines about her mouth she came across passage after pus- sage deeply underscored Thin is whore mother got her help she said 10 herself softly it Arthur Cole- aged lulerrid Cemetery on Thursday a t On of on Oct 1118 1 wile of Ird in her year Thompson In Xewmarkel- on October Thompson aged i years- I In is Ihe Lords Lei her go forth upon her way Kill rent her she cannot stay lie calls her and she rrmsl obey She is Ho Lords speed her on her heavenly way We in vain She will not slay loves is willing to obey She marks us not She looks at Mini To all Inside her eyes are dim She hear our plaintive lone He speaks she hears alone And counts he world well lost to prove hear and hope In life and love Sim is Lords NOTICE TO SOLDIERS ON HARVEST LEAVE Attention is directed to a recent announcement published in the Press by the Military Service Branch Department of Justice regarding extensions to be granted to men EXEMPTED AS FARMERS It is pointed out that this DOES NOT IN ANY WAY AFFECT MEN WHO HAVE BEEN ORDERED BY THE REGISTRAR TO REPORT to Depot Battalions and who have thereafter received leave of absence from the Military Authorities Once a man has been ordered to report for duty by the Registrar he leaves the jurisdiction of the Registrar and conies under that of the Department of Militia and Defence and is to be considered as a soldier This applies to men of the to Class who have been ordered to report by the in virtue of the cancellation of exemptions by Orderin Council of the 20th April last as well as to those ordered to report in the usual way on refusal of claim for exemption or on expiration of exemption granted All men accordingly who have been ordered to report arc therefore SOLDIERS and who have subsequently been granted harvest leave by military authorities MUST NOTWITHSTANDING THE NOTICE ABOVE RE TO REPORT ON THE EXPIRATION OF THAT LEAVE unless they are notified to the by their Commanding Officer or by notice published by the Department of Militia and Defence DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE In memory of my dear friend Hi hired Gardner who en tered her spiritual life on Mon day morning Oct lots Everest S J Purnltiire Undertaking SL North Comments of Exchanges We have heard of nil trouble shooting Ilia of this Canadian Official Record This publication was instituted just Nor order- ineouncl forbidding the establish of more newspapers during the war I A tot lo of MM fc- for I u ft hut hi- l at H i MACHINE SHOP Now and SooondHand Machinery Wood Saws Mandrills Saw Mill and other Machinery in First Class order and will be sold cheap Shop- East of Hank of Toronto Proprietor 1 i V 4 f ARCHIVES OF ONTARK5 bits i We an Window China one 2 among any 3 Quality Very Re 9 fc