Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 25 Oct 1918, p. 4

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SAVED FROM Br taking LydiaE- Pinkhams Vegetable Compound One Thou ancle of Such Cases Hirer Falls Vegetable Compound saved me from an operation I cannot say enough in praise of it I suffered from organic txoubleaand my side hurt me I hardly be from my bed and I was unable to do my housework I had the best doctora in Claire and they Wanted me to have an operation but Vegetable Compound cured me so I did not need the operation and lam telling all my friends about it Mrs A Black River Kails Wis It is just such experiences that of that has made this famous root and herb remedy a household word from ocean to ocean Any woman who Buffers from inflammation ulceration displacement backache nervousness irregularities or the blues not rest until she has given it a trial and for special advice write E Medicine Co Lynn NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS has caused millions of other people I and never pay for I them and go Canadians that the Text Moreover the Lord said lhrough the struts in great Because the daughters or A stripes of color like animated are haughty and walk with checkerboards these things necks and wan- jmpar- eyes walking and mincing as in my discourse and that go and making a tinkling se in the language of with their feet in that tide of the War has turned and that now the enemy is on the run May it continue so until the Germans have a dose or war on their own soil Buy Victory Bonds and help finish the job A generous soul name George of New York proposes that the United Stales should cancel all he obligations of the Allies France Britain and Italy in recogni tion of what they have sufffered dur ing Hie years before the States enter ed the War to keep autocracy from crushing democracy The States are hardly likely to he so generous seeing that the total loans to the Allies t dale are over seven and a half billion dollars The success of the fourth Liberty Loan in the United Stales should stimulate Canadians to make the com ing Victory Loan as equally pronounc ed Six billion dollars was the goal across the line and they went over the lop several hundred millions The Americans were little slow in getting in but they are making up for lost lime Over two million American soldiers are in France and I he people at home show equal readiness to eon- serve and loan for the one object of Victory which is certainly approach ing rapidly Comments of Exchanges the surrogates office share and u iv day the Lord will take away the share alike of their tinkling mav m I am about feet and their ing set the evil effects cauls and round tires like improper dress or an excessive the moon the- chains and the of costume It is bracelets and the mufflers Hie s truth that you all know bonnets the ornaments of although the pulpit has not legs and the headbands and it that much of the tablets and the earrings the rings and nosejewels he changeable suits of the mantles and the and the crisping pins the and the Tine linen and the hoods and the veils Isaiah This is a Jerusalem fash ion Member of Parsons Oefobfr S8fh to Fair Syndicate tar day November 2nd A Massing of BARGAINS in Every Department manly costume of our time is This Is an Opportunity you have not had for some the temporal and eternal TO SAVE WHILE YOU SPENB and damnation of a multitude of men- This space quotes but few of the Many Great Bargains we are offering during our Opening Sale imples There is a among Newmarket glasses in what is called high life 2000 FEET OF SHELVING HEAPED GOODS TO CHOOSE FROM LARGE TABLES LOADED WITH SPECIALS Watch for the New Red Front that calls for vehement protest The strife with many seems to he how near they can come to the verge of indecency without 15 plate pulsus two thousand falling over The tide of mas- six hundred years back and profligacy will never turn us down in an ancient city The Designs in Monuments and All Kinds of Cemetery Work Promptly Attended to Call and Sen us before Buying so where ALL KIND OF BUILDING STONE Cut to Order MEMORIAL TABLET8 FOR CHURCHES Kept in Stock JOHN MOSS Dealer in and Importer of Foreign and Domestic GRANITES AND MARBLES Phone Box 12 Make no Mistake in Place Huron Near Depot RUTLEDGES MACHINE SHOP and SecondHand Machinery Wood Saw- Mandrills Saw Mill and other Machinery in First Class order and will be sold cheap Shop of Hank Of Toronto Proprietor Mercury If hate i in hearts of the Allies is reason for it The dam nable barbarism of all the centuries would blush in the face afro- daily while hypo critical Kaiser ills for the approval of on bis vile work promulgation by sword was merciful compared to lb of modem Hun- A in prior Watchman This week Chief lacknian all punch boards in town to go out of business disappeared on Wednesday and anyone found with one in bis her will be liable to line varying from These punch boards have bus iness in contrary to law and should never have been permitted from first as are a gambling device pun and simple Packet Three families in whom Or J Mian an interested were last week railed upon to mourn the of an son innocent vic tims of the mad ambit ion of the Ger man military leaders it is a terrible sacrifice Canada is calling upon mothers and to pay What healing not divine can be for the heart wounded by ill toss of tin- one with Whom hi light and hopes of family go forever what balm and can tie carried into tin years that arc to come if it not ihe consciousness that sons have helped to pay ihe price freedom for the world from the men ace of war that has hunt ovir man kind likl a pall from the early years if Surely we who re main owe it to those boys and In their paivnls to continue the until he no that they have made has not been hi vain and thai which attained procession of men and women is moving P down the gay streets II is the height of the fashion season The sensible men and women move with SO much that do not attract attention here come tbo haughty daughters of house or habilitate herself loan forward It is high time that our lean very much forward so far good and sensible women make forward as lobe unnatural protest against hi ing wriggling or as I my text describes it Ihey walk with necks walk ing and mincing as they go Sop That i a princess Lock That is a Damascus Look Thai is a Syrian merchant The jingling chains Ihe lashing of head ba ml ft the exhibitions universal swagger Ihe the Isaiah and he Brings His Camera to bear upon the scene and takes a picture for all the ages But whore is that scene Vanished Where are those gay streets Vermincovered population pass through them Where are tlic hands and the necks and foreheads and the shoulders and foot I lint sported all that magnificence Ashes I That we should all be clad is very clear ly proved by opening of the first wardrobe in Paradise with its apparel of dark green That we should all as far as our means allow us bo beautifully and grace fully apparelled is proved by I lie fact that Hod never made a wave but He gilded it with golden bearns or a tree but He garland ed it with blossoms or a sky but He studded it with stars or al lowed even the smoke of a fur nace to ascend but columned and lurrcted and domed and scrolled it into outlines of inde scribable gracefulness When I see Ifie appleorchards of the spring and lie pageantry of the autumnal fores Is I come to the conclusion that if Nature ever docs join Hie while she may tic a Quaker in the si lence of her worship she never will he back until there is a decided re formation in womanly costume I am in full sympathy with officer of law who at a levee in Philadelphia went up to a so- called lady and because of sparse and insufficient apparel ordered her- either STATIONERY Parsons Special Writing Pad Reg 1 2 for 1 to leave the Swansdown Writing Pad Reg Reporters Pad Worth 10c each at Envelopes Worth 10c Now Empress Linen Envelopes Reg 10c pkg pkgs Tor 1 5c Fashionable Indecency Swansdown Linen Envelopes and if the women of the house- Reg 15c pkg for 23c hold do not realize the deplorable extremes of much of the female costume that husbands implead their wives on this subject and Parsons Special Bar Reg 25c 3 for 35c thai fathers prohibit daugh ters f 11 Large Bar Castile 35c each Infants Delight each See our Assortment at 5c each TOILET SOAPS for lias been But it is not only such bold ness that is to be severely and righteously reprehended but ex travagance of costume This ex pensive dressing is clearly an in centive to dishonesty There are clerks in warehouses and offices and banks on limited salaries who in the vain attempt to keep wardrobe as showy as other folks wardrobes are tempted- lo things would not otherwise think of and when they die they will expect Us ministers to preach about thorn as though were the victims of early pi ety and a highclass fu neral with silver handles at the side of their coffin of extraor dinary brightness it will be found mil that the undertaker is cheat ed out of his legitimate expenses Do not send to me to preach the funeral sermon f a person wlio dies like bat What are Ibe men to do in or der to keep up such borne ward robes is the only respectable thing they can do last llftccn years there have been innumerable line business men EXTRA SPECIAL 14 Granite Dish Pan Reg for 10 Tin Worth 40c for We havent room in this space for Tin and Granite Come and compare prices SMALLER Safety Pins Brass pkgt Dome Fasteners Pearl Buttons So Hooks and Eyes or 5 Mouse Traps for Hair Nets for Curling Tongs and Bone Hair Pins 5 and Kid Curlers 5 and Talcum Powder Reg for Tooth Brushes 10 and ea Dressing Combs 10 and Stove Lifters 10 and ea And 1000 Other Articles WRIST BAGS From 50c to each Pure Cream Baking Powder 25c lb Worth mo Hie hint i- business thai anyone ran All which Is introductory lo tic funirs I hi province issuing newspaper in Heir own lhal formerly r Ihe Toronto in S Mm of York awl Province of woman will iily lo Hie of Canada the next session Hill of Divorce from of City of Ioronto in hilerifils the County of ami Province of on of adultery wflti eaiiilal awl nelly Toronto thi- lay of September A It WKHSTKR j her SoUcitors v If HI West Toronto lAjfoitor ii is nut I for iiiifwirl thev know how run newhincr wen can run any kind lion of even farming awl he- with a A Quaker in the Stylo of Dress Why the iff a tern leaf of a waterlily Why when I be day departs it Id idhiine itnois of heaven Open lolljf when it in quickly One I saw an army of a each one mud of the first water I mean era Willi Ibe iW on it When the prodigal came home I hi- fa Iter only pill a on I back but jewellery mi bis hand Christ wore a heard OUR ADVICE IS TO SHOP EARLY AS MANY OF BEST BARGAINS WILL BE PICKER UP SPECIALS IN CHINA GLASSWARE AND CROCKERY TAKE A WALK THROUGH YOUNGS BIG FAIR WE WONT HAUNT YOU TO BUY barbel or not lahi fiinled wild any admired of a awl are now block al per mans hair when he said in his -lir- There was a lime when this epistle If woman have lonu of money would i hair it I a bum will be fashion ill heaven require thai as on earth but it will be a ohk when a ferent kind It will decide the mlii iwiy- to color of the dress Willi an expenditure in plant mid ij HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO CANADA The Homo of the Red Deer and the Moose of I be and I be pl- ui of that country a of from In beautiful law will wear while day it lakes from J bj pin- hard work J ground yon an into a day at in i my you thai I haw monimK and at prudish theories to luni out a weekly I of paper at year OPEN DEER November her ificltihive November 1st lo No- In vernber Inclusive Koine of the Northern of Ontario and the territory north and ftoulh of the Railway on the subject apparel but f Tho Goddess of Fashion Ikis ir Ihm in I WHITEN country and at the sound of be WITH LEMON JUICE we are all expected to fall down and worship tars smoke flic sacrifice of i the and souls of Ion Iboiis- j and victims When I come to count the victims of fashion I find as many as has the lemons nine Men make an easy tirade Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan l nine Men make easy mil itho Can ru l woman as Alio PPly ro he worship i for and no Home men v for in pari of lv into a pew ready m from to le ibeii put In be orchard wb le lh nor pari or Ura inclusive ail we or further JjaitlClllarrf any Trunk to Agent or lo I A pint of skin and complexion Horning DiP known Massage this apply w Ticket Shipwrecked on the Wardrobe The temptation comes in bis way A man Ibiuks more of his family than all Ibe world outside and if they spend the evening in describing to- him the superior wardrobe of the family across the that they cannot bear the sight of the man is thrown on his gallantry and his pride of family and his feelings into plain language he goes into extortion and issu ing of false slock and skill pen manship in writing somebody elses name the Iool of prom issory and they all o down together- the husband lo the prison the wife he sewing machine Ihe children the care of those who were railed poor relations Oh for some new Shakespeare lo arise and Tragedy of I a plain lint beautiful home Ihe newlymarried pair- simplicity of man ner and behaviour as much happiness as has nolo her to one bom Act Discontent with humble home envy Kit- jealousy desire of dis play III of ex- peiiMh Khter all queenly dressmakers Kilter mil liners Art The tiplop society plnln all is I splendid Act and last winding up scene Knler lb assignee sheriff Ihe the wrath of the of society Now lei the silk drop on the singe The farce is and light are nil will you forgive me if I say in shape possible that some men in Ibis country and perjure and swindle to pay for heir wives dresses I will say it whether you forgive me or Again cost time in every case is fashion two cents for God God gives us ninety cents out of every dollar or hundred cents The other ten cents by command of His Bible belong lo Him Is not liberal according lo tith ing system laid down in Old Testament is not liberal in giving us ninety cents out a dollar when lie lakes but We do not like thai We waul have ninetynine cents for our selves ami one for God Now I would a great deal rath er steal ten from you llian God great along in worldly accumulation faster is because they do not ob serve this rule God says Well if lhal man is not satisfied with ninety cents out Of a dollar then I will lake the whole dollar ami I will give it lo I lie man or woman who is honest with Me The greatest ob stacle to charity in the Christian Church today is the fact that men expend so much oil their I able and women so much on Hi dress Ihey have got nothing three worlds strolling for Ibe work of God and Ihe People that woman patron izes It is pitiable is it not wonderful that Hie Lord Inns not strike meeting houses with lightning What distraction of- public worship Dying men and women whose an soon tn he turned into dust vet before a think one reason why a many people do not gel iky wing worlds betterment pew or taking up a hymnbook all ganl costume is also very clearly absorbed at the same lime in pur- array sing A Distraction to Public Worship i You know very well there are a good many people- who go to church just as go to the races see who will come and women souls be saved passing Ihe hour in- wondering where that man got hi- cravat or what heller portion I from llnntp Towards heaven native place I adopt Ibe Kpiropali prayer Continued on Page ft as a back- sermon to show no prim precise generous distribution My ser mon shall be as appropriate for one end of the pew as for Ihe Passenger Agent Toronto fragrant creamy lotion daily other are masculine Depot Agent i Men fire as much the Idol- Phone 1 Phone Up Town Agent FALL TERM and just see how freckles tan redness and rough ness disappear and how smooth soft- and clear Ibe skin becomes Yes I it is harmless and beautiful results will surprise you Yonge anrf Charles Toronto Every of of have of the A and four for OMIce ll hi nine flow ft tors of fashion as women but they sacrifice on a different part of the altar With men the fa shion lo cigars and club- rooms and yachting parties ami wine suppers Hut men do not abstain from millinery and elaboration of skirl Harry lender arrived at through any superiority of Theatre London he received a notice calling him military He yearn old FLETCHERS is only because sue appendages would be a blockade business What would sashes and trains three and a half yards long do in stock market And yet men arc the disciples of cus tom Just as 08 women The of all Christian Almsgiv ing Men and women spend so much In personal display that they of ten have nothing for God and cause of suffering humanity- a Christian man cracking his Pa lais Royal gloves the back by shutting up his hand to hide one cent he puts in the A Christian at the story of the Hottentots crying copious tears into a twentyfive dollar handkerchief ami then giving a twocent piece one penny lo the collection thrusting it down under cheques and notes so that people will not know hut it was a tendollar gold One hundred dollars for to The medium broad high toe is popular with many men who a roomy widefilling shoe black or brtrwn leathers to fro The High Cost of Whims THE United States Government has found it necessary to issue strict orders regulating the styles of shoes Why Because the high cost of fads imposes a burden all alone the line cost ot lads imposes a an along manufacturer dealer and consumer and upon the Govern ment itself Such action may be avoided in Canada if you the con sumer will cooperate with the manufacturer in reducing the demand for extravagant styles if you will buy prudently for service rather than for effect To do this will be a direct benefit to you You will get better and longer service more comfort and your shoes will be quite as neat and attractive You will need fewer pairs of shoes in the course of a year More than that you will help to cut down needless extravagance to reduce superfluous stocks on the dealers shelves to keep prices down and to release essential supplies of leather or our forces overseas Selections Offer Special Service for Men Women and Children Ask your dealer for than AMES Shoemakers to tho Nation ST JOHN MONTREAL TORONTO buy Shoes look for- fc I H 53s ARCHIVES

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