Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 25 Oct 1918, p. 2

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TWO MARKET ONT X hi ifii Editorial Notes A Hero in 5TH Our Toronto TO RENT i House on St with or without acres of pasture Ap ply to Box 6 Aurora HOUSE TO LET On Huron St Furnace and Electric Light Possession Nov 1st Apply lo H Eves St Ne CARD OF THANKS- Mr and Mrs Stick- wood desire lo thank their friends Let no man fail his country at this France Sept Mr Harold Everest was home Hamilton for the weekend crucial hour Our armies areon the Lyons crest of victory I Let us carry over irfei6iciorySihdt AM the teachers have got awaits us freedom of mankind you my in to their and the the loss of your son No I school attendance Is gradually The last dollar may he the last straw that will break the back of Military- Ism J Lyons killed in action on the morn- It seems to be the general opinion German Peace Note is nothing but a camouflage Though it inti mates that a change of Government has been made there has been no election in Germany and the same old forces of Sept during an attack on the town of After breaking through the line the town was captured and all of Su lcus taken It was during these scfjool attendance is coming back to normal Miss Cassidy and her brother of Toronto spent Tuesday with their aunt Mrs Geo Wood prior to his going overseas shortlyT Congratulations to Rev Jos and neighbors for the kind symjand interests are in power They arc shown in their recent be- capable of anything but intrigue land they are simply trying to gain by negotiation what they have lost in the reave men Large Handsome Sorrel 2 years past also 1st Prize Spring Filly at Newmar ket Fair These will be sold right as I must have room Ap ply lo J French EaJe St Newmarket Phone Held They have not had enough drubbing to bring them to repent ance I MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM IN WHITCHURCH Under powers contained in a mortgage which will be produced at time of sale there will be of- for sale by Public Auction by Fred Smith Auctioneer at the King George Hotel Newmarket on Saturday of November at oclock forenoon the I following freehold namely lite Fast acres more or less of Lot No on the Con of the Township of Whit church Co of York The Town Council are to be com mended on their action regarding the appointment of a Fuel Controller That a Controller is necessary all were agreed in order to obtain any future concessions regard lo the distribu tion of coal later on in the season as only such complaints as go through a Fuel Controller will have any attention i by the Dominion officers In response to in advertisement there were four applications for the position in market at salaries ranging from to a week To make such an polnlmenl would be an outrageous charge upon the municipal finances ventures that your son was sniped Odery of Toronto Col lege Iowa having conferred the degree of doctor of Divinity upon him 4 Miss Everest was in Toronto on Wednesday attending the fu neral of her cousin the late Percy another victim of Span ish Flu Bradford Witness Mr and and died instantly He was buried close by and a cross erected in the Cemetery No P22C- map reference sheet His personal effects should reach you through the usual channels With sincere regrets of his company and comrades He was one my machine gunners and a splendid boy Kennedy Captain Commanding 16th Canadians France The above young man was years of age and a brother of Mrs J t nearRichmond formerly Newmarket the past week she has also lost two sisters in Mrs A J of and Mrs from Newmarket Thanksgiving at Mr Word has reached here that Jiir Halpenny who has for several years been the General Score- lay of the Ontario Sunday School As sociation has left for Chicago to take up Ms new position as an International Sunday School Field Worker His brother A Halpenny will sue- j coed him with the title of General- Superintendent Six hundred deaths from influenza and pneumonia have been reported by the undertakers to the Provincial Health authorities for the three weeks of October These figures are exclusive of deaths the various cities of the Province and indicate a deathrate for the month six limes the normal rate for all oilier diseases combined One of the most daring daylight robberies that ever took place in the vicinity of Toronto was reported Wed- I morning Two messengers in the express car of a Buffalo train about am were held up and tied by a masked man at the point of a revolver and a package stolen CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO FLOUR I if appointing three citizens to act without neration the same as a member of Council was also considered but lit was finally decided appoint Hie 1 Town Clerk as Fuel Controller he On property is situated house and a frame barn L faction winter The soil is sandy loam corporation wood arm is situated about I I f become burdensome In Miss Mary Lyons and Teresa Mrs J ages and 21 respective ly both victims of Spanish Mrs is a bride of one year and leaves a son months old Ag nes I Sullivan of Olher sister is slowly recovering from Mrs 1- lias been bereft of a brother and two Sis- within tin space of weeks lime Baldwin Breezes Mr Del who was in Pal- ro the train at Sunnyside ran into High Park commandeered an auto the point of a revolver sped away About 7000 have been recovered but robber escaped tersons Drug Store for time is very ill with the Flu at 5x50 frame He and South from Vivian on en bo made There is a small second dealers will Bush on the premise I l m W unable For particulars and conditions of sale apply to Vendors Mr and Mrs J It Clark and the CARETAKER WANTED For King School Du lles lo Nov 1st Apply I in future any cases re ported lo Town Clerk will have special and immediate attention so as avoid any hardship on account of lack of fhel The action of the Coun cil meets the ease at a minimum of eiit the corporation WANTED First Class Mens Furnishing Saleman To a well recom mended young man a liberal salary will he paid Ap ply to Newmarket FEMALE HELP Young women wanted for light work in assembly department and paper and box department Ex cellent working conditions in modern sanitary factory Write or phone General Superin tendent Phone Office Spe cially Mfg Co Newmarket SOUTH END FLOOR AND FEED STORE FOR THE BEST BREAD AND PASTRY FLOUR Poultry Foods and Spices Always on Hand MIXED CHOP BRAN SHORTS Prices to Suite Customers FLOUR A SPECIALTY H Prompt Delivery 1 Stead in his new The Cow Puncher Toronto Book Co Ltd cloth notable book with rf Western Canada selling Hie puncher of the story grows o young manhood on a ranch in foothills outside off the iiHlucnce of church or school At eighteen he is accidentally thrown company of a young Eastern girl who enkindles in iiiio the ambition he I in the world With this purpose in view young leaves the railed and goes make fortune in young Western city The first night he is swindled out of all his ready cash by a gang of card sharpers and he takes a Job the next morning as a- coal heaver For a lime it looks as though Haves course would he downward Instead of up he fortunately comes under Influences which revive his ambition for About this lime the big western reil eshite boom breaks out is meteoric His wealth collies quickly and goes Following colapse of Ihe boom j tragedy in his love affairs him us an man to France In the closing chapters is found one of highest patriotic notes struck by any author during war The Cow Puncher Is decided ly interesting and refreshing and at inspiring written wfllj all Mr ads intimate knowledge of of dedication Through book runs a happy vein of humor and philosophy which is Ihe least of its charms If should receive warm wiholue from Canadian leading public The United Staffs edition Issued by Ho r pills TERMS Phono 60 A I FARMS FOR SALE North Cwill- All tillable Hani Firfil Class Silo iff Carrier Fork Plenty water Class Hon Lo cate from llaenshoC to shipping points little visited his motherinlaw Mrs Big Ben Mistress of Mill View Farm on Im desperately devoted iii these sweet little Clark lassies They are most decidedly clever as as a sixpence newly minted Baby Elva is I be smartest lassie on her pins youll in a days journey Only two years of age she goes like a race horse All round litlle farm she wanders When she is young How many happy days she squanders May be song she sung Above is strictly true She is a wonderful songster for one of such a tender age Her voice is anil surprisingly pure It gave me quite a startup when I lirsl heard her warble Ins is one of a limited number who thoroughly understands Ihe pro per management of a molhcriiilaw He very cleverly taught her to be an admirer of automobile formerly Ihe Co Devil It was so cleverly done she didnt know what had happened till if was all over She enjoyed a drive church That made car a consecrated creature The Owl says Be good your motherinlaw Reports from Fast say War is rough on Baldwin hoys The list of deaths and casualties is large Many are knocked out second time There is one comfort Her mans are now getting more trouble than hey give They are weakening Our Blbard Win Add remarked thai constant lighting would kill the spirit says Uncle Here he has been lighting so history says Since days of Adam ami Eve and Serpent withstanding which he puis up a great round as most of us well know A favorite instrumental piece for the piaiiofoile March of the Six Hundred Thousand Now will some authority have lo say who were am cur ious know The accounts of throngs of Americans and Allies confuse my germs A number of our most enthusiastic are demoralized he Inllllena Iiouhlfiilif Some will be in trim go lardy farmers culling 1 their corn Jack Frost cut it for ami totally ruined the crop harnessmilker Ins fid for leu sufferings of mid r and light Roys occupation brought the foil owing I wiy H Hiie liu big comment from The Condon l WfirjrM has been ulalliig of all hi Indus- I doupl looking populnlfoil around Mile gale canary fenny or what Rev Hall of is to lie in town Sunday and preach in the Christian Church here both services He is a good speaker arid large congre gations are anticipated Dr wife and son have been spending a few days with her parents Mr and Mrs 1 The Dr is con after an attack of pneu monia following Spanish Flu Among the Newmarket bus iness people who are down with the Flu are Dr Webb Mr J Y Mr Andy Davis Mr W J Patterson and Messrs Richard and Charlie Osborne All are improving The name of Mrs A Crone of New York was accidentally omitted from lie list Of those who attended the Golden Wed ding of Mr and Mrs Isaac Armi- in last weeks Era She was guest Mis II Cane while in town The Imperial Hank has a new manager here in the person of Mr It Reynolds who has been man ager the Branch at Aurora for some years lie expects move to Newmarket shortly and we give him and his family a hearty welcome the llnl Key P Fletcher former ly of Keswick has been added the staff of the Provincial Sun day School Association and will lake particular charge of rural work He succeeds Rev Wing who goes In Slate Illinois as a Field Worker Shoe and Leather Journal Toronto On behalf of the Can adian Shoe and Leather Trades we extend to Hon -I- Davis our Fifty years ago this month he work in Ins Fathers Tannery lie still re tains his boyish humor and en thusiasm and is younger in ev ery than many lis for ty May bis years of activity and usefulness in Trade be many many more Panama Oct There have been severe earthquakes in Guatemala and 130 persons are dead Much damage has also been caused THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House I You can your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY MOTOR HEARSE IF DESIRED Night calls attended to at residence Flour is an article in the household that gives trouble everywhere if It is not We have people com Inn to us asking Have you some good Pastry Flour The Flour we have been using Is terrible It and the pastry Is sad and ve cannot use It slow we hava been handling MAGIC FLOUR for 3 years and In that time we have NEVER HAD A COMPLAINT It gives you light fluffy paste and your caket will be light and not of that heavy dark doughy lind We have it in and sacks In Bread Flour we have the reliable PURITY Brandm thing Better for a Q6od Loaf of Bread CRANBERRIE8 quart SWEET POTATOES 3 lbs for 25c GRAPEFRUIT for CALIFORNIA GRAPES 35c lb APPLES to peck CHESTNUTS lb confectionery Our Confectionery Is of the best both Home and Factory Make A Large Assortment to from TRY SOME OF OUR MINCE MEAT AT 20c LB PHONE US YOUR ORDER IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTENTION J LLARD Nowadays it is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AUKKT and The Stokes In Ml Albert on Monday j of Oct to Mr and Mrs W Stokes a son Osborne In Newmarket mi Sunday Oct to Mr and Mrs a son Blackburn In King on Sunday pel Mr and Mrs Leo a son King In Newmarket mi Monday iic- lobcr to Mr and Mrs King a son Burling in on Wednes day to Mr and Mrs Burling a THE PATHEPHONE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument in the World CHOCOLATES Oft MAIN Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies NEWMARKET Phone No Store No LADIES AND GENTS NO LENIENCY FOR THE HUN from Metropolitan frwio he people Ill for Ihe Orel Hi ah- of things will be o at Mind land and can I l 7i and 1 1 rail ford until at it bus a I pal record exact and ill ll J aekhinl Ail wins no losses has Ion e for Irawlcrnh III wormn oid nun and Ill bill MIS youths have been In Ren flic on Wednesday III who re- loured lrance and Daly of the Canadian and the ijiinndii lood reports in Italy is ex by good of fruit mid vegetables the pa si There bus been diuiiiiorion of fifty per rent in product Inn of milk nm- cheese There are now about wo men on farms in Ureal The Tomb Price- bind morning Oct I rice Intcrniiil Mount Foster On Oct I Hospital William ill Ids Ml year Interment In Aurora on up lHb in Vancouver Spanish- influ enza Frederic islamic eldest son of tin- Jale Ambrose llefSiiern Unit COLD WEATHER IS COMING And Now Is the Time to Buy your Winter Supply of Boots Shoes Rubbers and Clothlnq A r 1B0 Acres of North Ml Kail Wheal New House foment for Siok Plenty water Thin is Soil J whs offered and would not well Will Klve o buyer A Knap loorgiiia ah under Iulthnllon Hiiro fttablin House Well Kail Wheal mile An Ideal a0 acre Farm Acres Township wilh j ahliiig Hour- ping A 320 wan down only Winer Weal able of Ave rooms and hath Hani wood floors Up to date in every detail For and prices apply to It Newmarket slave unhappy parents know what has become of them Mile ha hern loot- I IiclurcH and other roller- lions f t wellknown gallery and ve been rifled lis hi- and their oeiKhhors have been forced pay million pound sterling in fine I When are made good let allies begin of leolenl for people Justice is done Iheoi not in on tones If there is one in the School AND DESOLATION IN W is a sad Moving f he city ahoiild he I a ken so thai the world could nee for itself Ihal he dMrdcd The are I led with and of all kinds in nil h- j ayluins had been Opened and tie- madmen in Heir fury had tak en delight in destroying everything The la hied windows in Ihe Church of St haw I n smash I anil the organ hah been broken up were found about tin- floor the church The hall where had hi- tarter a was pillaged and sacked of in ileum taken but fortunate was no damaged nil from -ankatehe- on t for first two vara and in four ipial o ceo I Price 92300 acre FOR SALE dwelling in of J Inventiicalf a money FOR The I boat last month ale for the past two years New has vol- A irydMJiian First rationing Scheme for the homes of her people Tills plan was pre pared conference of representatives of lucid food wo rn ns and science ft was vised and approv ed by Ihe Komi Hoard Sim ilar plana are hirinuhited In other provinces rev I sod in minor to lor id Qreatcr The Canadian wheal for has proved pointing despite I creased efforts put a iolo nop This effort must be renewed for Victory la in air mud not relax in her task of furnishing supplies It is important that the greatest possible wheal acreage be plowed his Fall The lllllel Top IllfS a pj success Next year SI will be Canadas turn The Allies depend upon us Your Beef The Hon a of upon Canadian farmers to finish their beef animals for market Too many light weight animals have it is of it- says Mr our farinera should make every effort to the slock before marketing so long as space for traosAllaulle cargoes is as limited as present The Ministry of Food will pay the top prices only for bacon which is from acted hogs weighing between and pounds live weight The beef In order tie fa vorably considered should weigh least a00 pounds her lasl on Del nth lack Frost liHK I nipped and cooked green fruit I reported having supped on strawberries and on Del Curiously it serins just exactly day nd hour I dimd peaches and I went four mistake ahoul If Too late to more Hope fo l- deck week Hood bye Menno period Tine wailir com ing how i he CAUSE FOR THANK8QIVING All Irish farmer waking up in saw an apurilion al tin fool of Hie bed lie reached Hit lor a gun and perforated the ghost with a bullet In morning he discovered that he had made a target of own shirt What did yon do lion- In quired the friend to whom told story knelt down ami hanked I bat I been inside it said Hie fanner piously Era to Absent Friends PINK The be held Sun day in charge of Dr Watson is In definitely postponed owing to the ill ness of the speaker Owing to Prices Increasing we are going to cut them down as Goods bought early in the season are coming in and we must make room for them Come In and look the Goods over Here are a few of the articles 8 Cases of Ladies Rubbers Reg 1 to for 9c Rubbers Pairs Mens Laced Rubbers Red Soles Reg for Boys Rubbers Mens Boots Leather Lined Reg to for Mens Boots Soles Reg to for Mens Heavy Working Boots Reg for Mens Russian Calf Boots Reg to for 300 Pairs Mens Fine Boots Reg to for Big Reduction in Boys Girls and Childrens Boots 300 Pairs Ladles Black Calf Boots White Soles Reg for Ladies Fine Boots Reg for 150 Pairs Ladles Boots Patent Leather Tops Reg for Mens FleeceLined Panama Underwear Reg 1 25 ea for Mens Wool Underwear Reg 175 to for SI 50 Simmons in I Mens Trousers Heavy Worsteds Serges Reg 450 for Mens Heavy Top Shirts Reg 175 for Ladles Silk Poplin Dresses Reg 14 to 15 for 1095 Ladles Silk Poplin Skirts Reg to 7 for 150 Sweater Coats Wool Ladles and Mens Reg for Childrens Sweater Coats Reg for Doylein Vewniarket Oct Till Ola Smith Al Alberta on Del I John Smith in his lb year from he residence of his Viehuia Ave Newmarket on Msl Newmarket I aura wlfi tiKed yra I eo Toronto mi I Home aed years j fcmeliry Irons In Niwmarket on net nd Irons 8 v Drown In Newmarket Zelfa of he iged years Osborne fa on of of Toronto ami wife of tin- own aged Tien I borne years Giles In mi lane daughter of Mr Will dies ijued li years 1 pita I on Sunday in Sept killed in action Samuel Lew is Machine Section cess Ugh I Infantry oldest tjon it and llallie Alborln nf also grandson of I bos years S J Furniture Undertaking Main St North Newmarket All Orders f I t a nruitf

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