Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Oct 1918, p. 4

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iJ ess L i I HOW TO AVOID BACKACHE AND NERVOUSNESS Told by Mr Lynch From Own Experience Providence I all down in health was nervous had aches bit back ached all the time Editorial Notes Comments of Exchanges i Mercury at RewA anevngelist well known in Newmarket died at his in Toronto of last week at the agcoY 54 last forced the Germans to give For the past 30 years he has battle in the open And as ex- conducted campaigns in Canada and he United States- and was a power for ADRIlNISTTUTIOn OF PENSIONS I was tired and had no ambition for any thing I bad taken a number of medi cines which did me no good One day I read about EPinkhamaVege- tableCompoundaad what it had done for women bo I tried it My nervousness and backache aod headaches disappeared I gained in weight and feel fine so I can honestly recommend Vege table Compound to any woman who suffering as I was Mrs Adeline Lynch 100 Plain St Providence RI Backache and nervousness are symp toms or natures which in dicate a functional disturbance or an unhealthy condition which often devel ops into a more serious ailment Women in this condition should not continue to drag along without help but profit by Mrs Lynch experience and try this famous root and herb remedy E Pinkhams Vegetable Com- and for special advice write to Clearing up Knotty Points good Before Peace terms arc con cluded Germany needs a dose of its own medicine The burning of the cities of France and Bel gium and the desolation of homes everywhere should be brought home the Huns in a way that two increases in they will not forget As the casualty list grows and concurrently the number of pen sioners increases the necessity for a fuller knowledge and better peeled they found the running understanding of the legislation better than the fighting and I they lo returned are running yet Dragged out- incapacitated soldiers and sail- of their burrows the groundhogs and dependents the Rhine are a poor lot to Pul increasingly evident The up a fair and square fight following notes relate to the work Publicity Montreal of he Board of Pension printing paper used to print siohers newspapers is bought at the war One of the most common sour- prices fob at the mill so the Ices of misunderstanding lies iii railway the inability of some pensioners freight rates and manufacture of to believe that their pensions newspaper hit the newspaper once awarded will not re- publishers new blows Resides duced or discontinued in the paper and ink there are sonic event of their obtaining good matter how Of interest lo Canadian sports men is the October issue of Rod and Gun with its hunting stories 150 items of expense in publish- positions n Of deer moose bear etc in the i a newspaper Of these 30 lucrative such positions may be various Canadian provinces and have risen over per cent It should be clearly understood its well maintained departments have risen per cent the pension payable lo a devoted to guns and ammunition risen per Cent have risen soldier or sailor is awarded he- fishing the trap line the kennel over per cent Over pa- cause the soldier or sailor by the etc Trout Fishing in Many have gone out of existence fact of his disability has earn- Waters by Louis is the while over have raised their ed the payment of a debt him- j title of the leading article in the selling price If the war His pension will not be Fishing Notes section Mr another year every paper duced or discontinued if he is or being Americas foremost angling in all the countries will become self supporting it author NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE Latest ill and in All Kinds of Cemetery Work Promptly Attended to Call and us before Buying ALL KIND OF BUILDING STONE Cut to Order MEMORIAL TABLETS FOR CHURCHES Kept in Stock JOHN 0 MOSS Dealer in and importer of Foreign and Domestic GRANITES AND MARBLES Phone Box Make no Mistake in Place Huron St Near Depot The Dominion Cabinet has at last passed an order making strikes and lockouts illegal during the duration of the War This should have been done long ago Provision is made for the prompt and equitable settlement dis putes between employers and em ployees and any person violating the regulations is liable for fine or imprisonment or both The up of mines and railways when fuel and transportation arc so necessary the life of citizen ship is too important to be allow ed gone out of existence raised its rales or ha ve is the extent of the disability which alone is considered The Mercury The payable to he widows Conference has tabooed I man over in its offices There are also paid is always tfne place where a man persons arc self over seventy is made lo feel wel- rt lhe and bat is in heaven and payable to the the younger ministers seem lo Persons in the place want to hasten Their departure soldier or sailor a lot preach in hat lie is frank The lo asks you to save wants to borrow from you and give you Victory Bonds a security promi sing per interest the day it is due anil no income lax No heller investment could he and if yon have any patriotism in your make up you will not bold money for a higher rate of inter est when the country needs it to carry on War finances of lhe country and back up our boys who are so valienlly making Can ada a nam to he proud f are awarded to provide subsist for such persons and will or discontinued as be reduced as these persons are or Place Canadian become self I here were several and I Til Then most of the older men younger chaps have yet to learn may supporting sand There are certain cases in couriers the town hall on which a pension will not lie grant- Hearts of the World It is a basic principle of I borne of the explosions were ler- lhal compensation is not hi fie and must have sent Countless paid to or with respect of a per reason why it j Millions of germs floating in who has been injured air tobe imbibed by multitudes as the result of his own fault or the way influenza spreads Sliffonce This principle feels an indication in pension law and the sol in a public assembly who has suffered incapacity it lo all others lo retire into through his aw he Anybody to sneeze and septic apartment that is say the open air a single an to nearly coughor or sneezer enough bacteria to or he movie or a I is the duly who sneezes or own fault or li- car full RUTLEDGES MACHINE SHOP New and Machinery Saws Mandrills Saw Mill and other Machinery in First Mass order and will be sold cheap Shop of Hank of Toronto The Oslcrized idea that a man should he chloroformed at years of age ho far as public of fice concerned appears have seized the mind of the Methodist Conference which has been in session at Hamilton for they passed an order to make the dead line for their officials at In so doing whether inten tionally or not they have crowd ed out veteran Steward of the Methodist Hook loom at Toronto a gentleman though score years of age as most preachers at SO and a great deal wiser largely if not almost entirely through his executive ability that the largest hook publishing business in Can ada has been built up and it looks like ingratitude from a source least expected A mans is not always governed by either young or old nearly four is as active his Proprietor formerly he County hereby licit Ik of In it York and Province of will Apply to He il seshion till I voice from ill Hi- County and Ontario on lie roiJiidi irnl oily Toronto lids day of A WKII5TKH ilois A Ailclallc Pi Wcsl Toronto Surer I tie IhroUgh lhe Hon line of we are finding oul tfu thft Huns giving to Hie prisoners of war lain has forth ovinee elull of have broken fences and Hint the grievances or she will take drastic her I rprisals firenl Hi the of not Ihao about ii I mile- firing line proper human treatment of man ten where ami thai representative of hi of Holland forth Willi inspect Occupied behind Ho fines with a view that tin of whole crowd in a church or a hall of Hie person roughs to audibility will not be pensionable is also a principle no I responsibility attaches to a per son respVel any injury caused to some oilier person by some event or agency with former So also the Government cannot he i 11 p Two Model Lasts for Women who prefer a long vamp with narrow or medium narrow Made in all leathers ft inch or inch height Louis or Cuhat keels True Economy in Stylish Shoes r THE woman who likes shoes with a long vamp and a slender toe will be well pleased with the two A models shown above You can obtain smart boots on either last with Louis or Cuban heels in black or tan calf or kid at prices ranging from to The quality of the material in these shoes is better than you might expect at the price due to our being able to cover our needs well in advance We doubt if it will be possible lo offer equal value again so long as the war lasts The model on the left is conservatively narrow in toe with the popu lar Louis heel The other model is more extreme in style effect having a somewhat narrow toe and a higher and more tapering heel You may be certain of getting style value and practising true economy when you ask your dealer for these AHM models AHM WarTime Selections offer special Service Value for Men Women and Children Ask your dealeror them AMES McCREADY LIMITED Shoemakers to the Nation TORONTO J WINNIPEG EDMONTON VANCOUVER retreat into In- 1 responsible for any injury caused to a soldier by some agen cy winch cannot he imputed lo his service in the military forces When e magnitude of lhe ask I SEVENTY YEARS AGO With which- lhe Hoard of Pension Commissioners is dealing is con sidered if will he readily under stood lhal cases of dissatisfaction with which Hoard finds itself powerless rope are bound to do so by Main of a distance In 1848 there was nn It ail way or line north of ronlo The Telephone had not been heard of was not in exist ence Owen Sound was railed Owen Chief among these is tin Sound Settlement No register of births deaths legislation in respect or marriages was kepi is however under and lhe Hoard of The Anglican at Commissioners before Shanty Hay was xperlji be in position disposn of eases of The nearest Presbyterian was al nexplaiuilion is Mead Ihy dependency Ottawa wafs Ryffiwn Unit In the meaning Fori flurry Ad dependent The population of Can- person who was exclusive or mainly supported Of Inlinns population of or sailor was f his death hut who mail service from Toronto is likely lose to wa- by roach f ami who would per week Ill the n iv his or her wenl only Holland had he lived and steamer k he mail from AMERICAN r him in finds name to stop 9 i- Hi and else- ifory Hrilai Visit and no hereby gJvflll Mary Ann of the Oily of In Jilft iiib prisoner shall he Iff mines war Mint County York in province of will apply to at the for hill fecbOlb on He ground of ehdliy Dated Toronto in of day of Kit Germany warfare tion The mail fro Owen Sound and places few and between on horseback once a week Th depended f lhe rt drlanee if jf ice eniild tin miles ion ile for mile- for IK eenfs oil The rah on tellers wm thirty nor half wns and pence he pound filial four d 1- pound I live dollars- vine of Canada con- of Canada and TORPEDOED Perish An Atlantic Port Scores of American sailors arid j soldiers were killed or wounded tired by a lli had lorpedoedj HI fir in The lieutenant who answered him so with a loaded revolver saying that if he did not swim back he would shoot him When our had only men in il we were ordered along side the submarine and made to tie up while ihc shelling of the dead and dying sinking ship continued The leader of our boat was ask ed some questions which re fused answer and suddenly the submarine submerged and only the parting of rope with which we were tied prevented our going down with il One of lhe survivors said the submarine was of I lie cruiser type and had the largest guns he ever had seen on a submarine One of the gunner officers- he said whose room was pierced by a shell from the submarine de clared lhe shell wns an projectile only gnus have been reported on submarines The survivors who were iidrifl for four days before they won- picked up said thai a rail wilh five wounded men on had off from the Ticuiideroira and lhal had attempted- low il will them but lhal il broke away during the in hi and di pea red ail to Take an NR Tonight JUST TRY IT AND SEE how much better you reel In the morning tired feelinf will be font HP ROUBLE IS your system is youll fine a lot of impurities that your a lot digestive ant organs cant gel rid Pills oil salts calomel and ordi nary laxatives cathartics and purges only force the bowels and prod the liver Natures Remedy Tablets acts on the stomach liver bowels even kidneys not forcing but ton ing and strengthening these organ The result is- prompt relief and real lasting benefit Make the test Natures Remedy will act promptly thoroughly yet so mildly that you will think nature her self has come to rescue and is doing the work- Ami oh what a relief Youll be to feel every die one iihkt or -jt- to in it el sold and recommended by your j Patterson druggist up r coning iviJi van tin YORK TEACHERS ELECT THEIR OFFICERS ft 11 A 7 Inw d Ton i for the ApUCTftL on of of Ion J a Hi for arranged so ami Toronto Malory and Jin hi- a on jig the iinto j i Every and of of hi I year have secured and out of the last hun dred and four applications for Office help we filled only nine Catalogue Enter J ELLIOTT Principal l In own wan HMPHfffffo W1 in iifnfcfwl Mr STRAY HEIFER Carrie in Whllcliurcli or of 8pUi a riiiifi lo prove properly pay and away It No In from in A of I In Vim on p Hie Moll a da Tin ovimnnl was Hi flu and by Italdwin was John A iradrr fin- Tim Karl arid of Flour hill hush Hals hush and 100 Ids per pound Hi do on Polaois Hay a Ion only ill on in and If a mi linn of wfi8 ill London was a by siitoriari in Hi loiinisliip TiriindiioKri I off Mi Allnnliciroaslj a- Mo- who liiyr In day a ho a id a wimi ah aid III til I an I hip or Jio Ions and all hoi who lien- arc Imvi- away in fhc was Iroiii- Hip of Ho- CIVILIANS LIBERATED I 1 I civilians hriii lihoralcil from mans lh advamrin nd in survivors wliu by lira purl in didarhniriil of soldiers I All I mm of Mam- only who of I Id which Tbr was on Oct Itll Inr lioOHUHO of j survivors wtm no bad a foiiido crashing inlo or ih ship Tin did a vilal spot I crowd- Id on full in an lo ill Hi ordering lb Kim Hip siihiuarini Our un did live or six shots of survivors saul The for ward piiii was s awav almost oiicp Th- afl mi- and was done all wili in a having wilhMil rood irm days when Tears of jiy coursed dawn lb- of Ihc lib rated 1 1 PROVINCIAL S S CONVENTION Miss in A J- Minn miS kind word on I ravels There no telling lie good it oiy do will A Port Ma il tons has and sunk It lives were The hound for Japan and aarried- about The vessel was and sunk a early on Friday of last week when miles south of Ireland FOR A O illlmn ihii- Mr loos I Its as men went lo bill ft was no use aH lb flying was Spraying WCKH ami fin a fell lb boats Mi Tores PiMlfir killed or badly wounded Another survivor declared ysaiSa all of the of one were riddled shrapnH before they could be launrhnd A of men who tried to he were killed by shrapnel as limy clambered over side of he vessel he said Finally his survivor llnuod of our men iu des peration swam close lo ha I marine and bailed an officer ask- 1 1 The Ontario Sunday As- j social ion will Ibis month hold lliei Annual in Massey Hall and the iudicaf Ions are il will in exeelleme previous Mis Maiuarl of a well known Sunday School has been and will six lectures Miss Irlys as a CAN NOW BE SEEN speaker enlilbs rank as worlds most Iorreful and woman ad- to litis lady following have heei I in I To- J Hhii III of i he I vis ion Internal Immodiato can bo glvon fn School Mr well known a few years ago as an On tarioSunday enthusiast ill Hoys Work Dr Henry Dickie Chatham Special will he at lhe hy Professors and be planning of this the idea in mind has heen make it I HibufiiiK force in Sunday refaTion New Day eon- wit wrong man iidmllfl that Hi In Is la A man who mis- hikes make many Bond the Era to absent THE LATEST DESIGNS THE NEWEST PATTERNS tn our now doslons for Fait aid Winter Suitings They at neat and attractive and strikingly artistic They represent the best materials as are durable In constant Try a Suit or Over coat la latest style and you will be more than satisfied with the fit the tailoring and the price which will mean a great saving to you WILLIS Qenllomens and Ladles Tailor Main Street A CALL SOLICITED I ARCHIVES OF I i z Dr Corner Dr jjlvcrsit Jo liege the land I Moorefie rity Col Hospital Eyes Qi Phone Mater Studio I Teacher lin Mi Agent Qomplet Man At the Par I Fui Oi I THE R0S NEXT THAT The Studio the Phone BAR Just perru The

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