Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 11 Oct 1918, p. 8

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I I EVERY ON Wo Are A Full of Deadly A A Germ Laboratory Life Around the Hub AUTO- INTOXICATION OR SELF- POISONING Absolutely Pre- TKU Dangerous Condition The chief cause of poor health 13 our neglect of the bowels Waste matter instead of passing from the lower intestine regularly ere ry day is alio wed to remain there generating poisons which are absorbed by the blood other words a person who is habitually constipated is poisoning We know now that Auto intoxication due to nonaction of the bowels is directly responsible for serious Kidney and that it upsets the Stomach causes Indigestion of Appetite and Sleeplessness that chronic Pain In The Back are relieved as soon as the become regular ami that Pimples Rashes and other Skin A fleet ions disappear when are taken to correct Constipation Fruit a lives will protect you Against Auto- intoxication because wonderful fruit medicine acts directly on all the eliminating organs a box for trial size At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Another old resident of Ibis place passed suddenly away on Monday evening in the person of Mr Ferguson For sometime past Mr Ferguson had been feeling unwell but had been able to be around On Monday evening be complained of a severe pain in his chest and thought be would lie down Medical aid was once summoned but be expired in a short time Mr Ferguson was born here years ago and bad lived here ail bis life He was highly re pec ted and is mourned by a large circle of His wife who was Miss Annie lingers and six children survive him The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon to Aurora Cemetery and was largely attended Aurora The Chautauqua Festival to be id at Aurora on October it HOUSE TO RENT Newmarket Ap ply 1 ROBERTSON Water St Newmarket itch a Heavy rial BUILDINGS FOR SALE Iwosfory leneinenl house with large twostory frame at rear now erected lot West Side Prospect Avenue frames excellent building 10 A TO Store and Dwelling with gar- dec opposite Post Office For particulars apply to Bos- well or to I Per kins Ave Ioronto HOUSE TOR SALE OR TO RENT Cedars Hoarding and House Would lease for a of years with or with out Apply to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Victoria Ave No Newmarket I at Aurora on and will open with two Japanese plays given by a high class Japanese and his wife Next Sunday Oct 13th will he the forlfclh anniversary of the dedication of the Aurora Church The pastor that time was Rev I Geo and he sermons wore preached by ibv Dr a Sutherland Mr Oh a moil of Aurora Cemetery has been informed that his brother Chapman has been killed in action Chapman wen I overseas with a Western and has been in the trenches over years This is I be second brother Mr Chapman has within the past six months ZEPHYR Messrs Geo and Win who enlisted in Ibe Divisional Signallers of Hie section last week spent he weekend with their parents here They left on Mon day for heir training in Ottawa The fifth shout for the Fred Hogg silver cup was held here on Saturday Mr Latimer of Toronto won I he cup for the 3rd lime and heroines its permanent possessor The gold watch and ftiub bag will have be shot for in tin future The following is if core Lai inter J FSmith J Adams J Stiff JO J If ill ft Curl It Me Ken zie Im A isi it Agricultural Society have been born with a silver in Us mouth usually has line weal bee for its fall show was ideal and a large crowd was I lit- a day laler would have disaster A KING TP E3TATE What Will Relieve Kidney or Bladder Troubles This is a question that thousands ofr people have asked and a question that has been answered for them by the practical demonstrations of Pills Bead these testimonials and realize the satisfaction that thousands of have derived and from the relief they have been given by taking same and expressing their grati tude for Gin Pills Mrs B Walters of writes advise people have not used Gin Pills to try them as Gin Pills are within the means of rich and poor I have been troubled for rears with weak kidneys and oue box of Gin Pills cured me I recommend them as an absolute and reliable cure Mrs Butler of Vancouver sends this message think it my doty to write and tell you that I think Gin Pills a sore cure for kidney I suffered much with my kidneys until I took Gin Pills now would not be without them in my home Can yon have any doubt that Gin Pills have accomplished such wonder ful results If yon have you need not spend a cent on them until you have tried a sample box free Just write to us and when you receive the box give Gin Pills a trial and be con vinced by results Sold by dealers everywhere at a box The National Drug Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto Ontario US residents should address Main St Buffalo THAWKSdlVING HEX we first give Hour at- seems an j comma odd sort of a word does it not But all the is gone when we find that thank meant originally a thought a think- To give our thought to anything that seems natural enough may and we do think seriously on many subjects for our life is full BE THOUGHTFUL in Oh many many wicked things I didnt think can- do I I He gels us into lots of scrapes Hes such a coward too I He I i LI if brother Whose name is I forgot of problems and the results of our Theyre a very naughty family thinking may be care or anxiety or And they trouble us a lot discontent because We cannot by any to ores a way to slop their means solve all of 10 our own satisfaction- And so our may end only in to ourselves But there IS another way to think Suppose we allow our minds to dwell upon some favor shown us by another What is the next thing Why to give expression to our thoughts of course to show by word and action SINGS ROCK OF AGES bothering And send thorn off to stay Call policeman ill remember Anil hell drive them right away The Sunbeam we permit oursetye I hat determines whether w happy or miser W Mi vexing ppdl AM UNEXPECTED THANKSGIVING GUEST FARM FOR SALE sixth Si more MS and in III con ist driving house bona of goii hard and soft I further particular iffie born and v boll i8 i Hue a mail ftlale or Im FOR SALE arm sale of liiuwod or acre mil- north mi convenient to ml good frame cellar hard and n wat- in ho will rent nt Kilos wells first barn farm well watered is ran In arranged Apply to WILSON J in Kin- Township which represents the entire by died on September I Her ami her nephew las Jell are to have an equal division Hie thai monu ment be ererled over of Adam Hell who died some years aim and was hur led in Provinces School Reports U S S No G and King A I O A D and Telegraph work as taught In Shaws School To- Will ensure a good position at a good salary Write for particulars Toronto have a well deserved repu- as a safe and effective remedy for ail- They ace IVd lowing is report for of pupils in Spelling ami Arith metic ami average taken Sr Kdna Hoy Jr IV Hannah dr Jennie Clarence Hardy 78 1 dr Lome iHxrr Vol ma I fSooke fioMnn A Lome Ktbel huff AH IRRESISTIBLE would save us floor money If hi our ciihloiiKrh wuuld rtldrway when up only one HiKiit pforn I I of sonic way it Why not lake lie- tie- elevator and put em his bright nit Continued from page little Mary announced as he en tered the invalids room In another minute Ihe old lady uttered an exclamation of mingled delight and astonish ment for the lining room door had been thrown Open and a piclure presented ilself to her tired eyes Why Ann my dear what does it all mean Are you my good fairy who lias waved her wand over my litlle dining room and produced a lovely Thanksgiving dinner and those beautiful chrysanthemums brighten everything Mrs as the I ears mingled with her smile No Im just an unexpected Thanksgiving and I brought the flowers and jellies and some oilier little things willi inc Mary and and I gut dimnr ready without letting you know so as In surprise you Ann replied as she and Mary sal down able opposite guest of hon or And its the sweetest hap piest surprise Its like our risbioned Thanksgiving days Mrs observed feelingly- POETS ATTENTION The Dominion Press News ami l-Va- lure of die I nan a in Mil routes I Ihe Canadians bileiil are in led not words which will hi largely fm heir as fiiihlirj to buy Victory A of fe bond of I Tie new is- -ii- awarded for Ihe pi in in The nexl will be ami Will be paid for which tin- to 11 he in the Hie f Toronto I niviisily ami of Loan Press ami will The offers supply our hearts feel and appreciate kindness So you see thai il Is what to think about shall be shall have still hut things will not semi bad to us if only we will the kindnesses shown lis Now it seems strange if a friend makes us we are grateful to that friend while we forget God wlm loadelh us benofils And is what we have- Thanksgiving Day for that our thoughts may be drawn Gods goodness ami be led to make public expression of our gratitude Someone has said that we keep green the memory f dead when we live as lie And so on day set for upen Gods mercies we fittingly show our wo our thoughts rift his pour his mission aries hardy seems possible that the thought and lite expression should ever he separated Out they are And Ihey have been even so far back as Bible limes The loving is left out while the expression is We remember how said This people draw near me their mi wilh their lips do honor inu bul have removed their far from me And we have thanked ourselves in a and ess way that us plainly there was no appreciative IIioiikIiI behind the words The lews kepi ail thanksgiving feast The whole nation kepi lie Feast of Tabernacles living in bills booths covered with houghs of trees for seven days The eighth day was a day of holy in be morning Hie people left their huts io return to their homes and it was a day of solemnity There is one thing about Ibis feast of special infereslio us The lows lid nothing iu their religious life that was nut commanded by God Such glorious feast of rejoicing and thanksgiving as of nhcles was appointed by him can judge Mien how well is when we keep a Thanksgiving Do LIKE AN ELECTRIC BUTTON TOES WHILE LYING WOUNDED Prove Yourself now God prove Yourself I am wounded and helpless prove now Your power beard the voice of who immediately answered me Have proved Myself in past and will yet again Stand you still and see in these graphic words George Morris tells of bis ex- on the before lie prisoner hy the mans Morris- is now in terned in Switzerland In a lei- j ler to his wife at Ave Toronto he writes This j goes to the spiritual and would rather tell you they threw several bombs at me and I caught them before they exploded and all the injury I got was a splinter in my hip and in my right forearm Morris- goes on to describe many escapes from death The experiences I went through he says have greatly influenced my life my ambitions my belief in God and they have actually brought in closer contact with llianiuosl men believe possible lay there part of lime singing hymns I cannot re member what hymns know one of them was Hock of Ages Cleft for Me When finally Id- Morris was picked up by the be was well treated his caplors He puis this down to he direct in tervention of Providence when lying iu a dugout buried by explosion of a shell his faith did not desert him Pear I had none he says For I was far happier there than ever I was in my life for presence of was there All Germans to whom he spoke him that the war was all wrong War is in year siid one German lad Let Music Brighten the Lives of Your Children Let them grow up in an atmosphere of good music Let their appreciation of the beautiful things of life be developed by good music Let them receive the indelible imprint of culture and refinement through the medium of good music While the young minds are open to receive such impressions begin their musical and higher education The Phonograph with a Soul This wonderful instrument brings the world ot music into your home recreated by the worlds greatest artists No matter where you live your children can have the same musical advantages though living in the great cities during the height the musical season The New Edison docs not merely imitate It recreates No human ear can distinguish artist from phonograph The famous Edison tone tests have proved this not once but more than 1500 times Start the Childrens musical education today by bringing them here and letting us play a program of charming music that will be enjoyable for you as it will be delightful for the little ones J R Y Broughton Newmarket Ont War is no all will he killed Tolls why a corn is so painful and says makes Ihom grow Press an electric button and you form a contact with- a live wire which rings bell When your shoes press against your corn it pushes its sharp roots down upon a sensitive and you gel the shock of pain Instead of trimming your corns which merely makes lliem grow just step Into any drug store and ask for a of an ounce of freezono This will cost you very little but is sufficient to re move every hard or soft corn or callus from ones feet A few drops applied directly upon a fimiiiin I tender aching corn stops the I tin- ihe soreness instantly and soon tbe corn shrivels up so it lifts right out root and all without pain A MOTHERS And il was this I bore a manchild yes day til travail son- pay the price which moth- pay To live the life Of motherhood hopes and fears day day And poignant full ex pressed in tears and pray As eer Ihe life unfolds anxious eye To son what if holds THE BEST SOFT COAL ON THE MARKET Tit see I lie When ftrown to stature full The hopes fulfilled The fears wonderful virion lui lo ill wlm hi iinllteeH IS SI Till III iil will a few BOO I prii ill This Is Better Than Laxatives Tabtot Each J For A Witt Your Conallpatlon and Constant Doting Try This drug freezone is harmless and never inflames or even irri tates the surrounding skin HOC out on I lie in bilious attach sick headache heartburn and constipation gently and surely the organs of 1j purify the blood tone system and very quickly Strengthen Digestion WhIUy t J iK over feel smaller were denlroyeil ibis evening by fire on He- of -l- of the Toronto fit reel ibr went of here on Ihe shn fie Will he very heavy allie of feeii ioI a number of valuable cattle them bulls were dealroyed The fire have front engfius drive niter hint ho that It hnpoflhle to t fall of thr out though a large number ami a Html Lit Ion a nOUl i and low vltullty elimination fermentation faction nnl liu f KHJfCM Which by llm Tilt Ik vnikn liver of enrrKY poor Appetite ImpoverlshuQ complexion fliil often III- Jrtllnary laxatives find tliH ll calomel like may relievo for a few hour but real lasting benefit can only UHe of that tone if tbo MkmIvv Will km a box Of Nature a iiS Olio tablet earl jfiy ViHH nit ran Phone 22 Newmarket a I Nil for Itillef will follow Drat but a few VtlM you ninl tins foil- benefit When you get triilxllteied out feel 1 rUtit need not take tovrry day on Tablet lieu your In wood will f your Remember keeplntc well cheaper than vclL Natures Remedy Nil and by your J PATTERSON Druggist business Hilly for job offlee hoy he iroduie -hlliu- Is fiHiii two who knew liiui well Hut limn nut pressed by lliem dont you on my Lift he hi you refeiviiee known you mi week days lnurleen ulil boy held for ilrnppnd twenty friuu the iu which he had I been till train time alight- lilt in a flower bed ami escaped This liupjmiHd He was lulcr Owen Sound Aiiss Iwln dnugh- of pile 1 of Taylor Mils town Ihe victim In a nulnmohlln near lUlOlli with a COM Oft Oil Mary Mercer of Mr a widely known Block llicy left the of the loi ter III u auto an farm Till road wa HllppDry from lllfi effect of in the winids Mined the cur to liirlle The top held for a Infore I wo foil life out of Miss ever A heiicl full Joy A untile life speaking And rill dealh liveil won I cry aloud A 4 id cried my son I I would to Sod Thai l had die leid of thee and and son W the I wail on with praise Iorl Hope Thou jf Hut warned Thy a Id than our Ill hope and trust And blest comes me Ill understand Ami as Cod sees I shall see Al the great time sweetmeat the benefit the pleasure the economy of a 5c package of IT mi use iimm MM for a bolt l it alt wrwf i to Mkntat4rWM lolroil Journal has an the effects of prohibition on- May The City Detroit ha- benefitted in dustrially as well morally and The experience of the Cadillac Mo tor Car Co employing nbuul 8000 men is said to be typical of conditions 111 fill of Ihe city how a decrease of 13 cent in lateness per cent in hours lost absence on Mondays and per cent lost Other days to has made It the fa vorlte sweet ration of the Allied send It to your friend at the front Its the handiest longest lasting re freshment he can carry CHEW IT AFTER MEAL I Mada In Canada Flavour Lasts JUICY THREE KI ARCHIVES OF You ii Of Our able a I Blue Ft We h The It T PHONE II Car 4 1 if

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