Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 27 Sep 1918, p. 5

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iai AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Dr Wilkinson DENTIST Main and Bis Newmarket Fire Insurance Agenoy FRED ttfm Dr J Boyd MA in Medicine of Toronto Licentiate of the Royal Allege of Physicians and member of SI College of Surgeona Former clinical assistant in Hospital and ty College tar Nose and Throat London England Tested Glasses Supplied lie OUR LOCAL NEWS Canada Mooing of Friends Hours WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER Park Avenue Adjoining P Office BERT GREEN ANI PAPER HANGER den Ave 2nd house from phone Queen St Newmarket P Box Nurse Andrew St P O Box A Newmarket of Piano Voice and Dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Agent for Columbia and Records Stock I Prompt I Lyman Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses At Ihe Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at private res idence if desired E Formerly held at Yonge St will he held in Friends Church at Newmarket on Sunday Sept at 11 a m in a Union Session On Monday at a m will be a business Session AH wel come Com w T The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Womens Christian Tem perance Union will be held on Tuesday the 1st of Oct in the home of Mrs Lewis Armitage on Niagara St commencing at p m A full attendance is urged as matters of importance have to he attended lo Com FAIRS PAY WELL S Picnic The annual of St Fouls Sunday School came off last Sat urday afternoon and was very satisfactory in every respect The attendance of scholars and adults was good the races for the children were enjoyed the grounds of Mr French were very suitable and everybody had a good time especially at the re freshment tables if any of the brave women who attend our wounded heroes in this war are women who hare used Doctor Pierces Favorite Prescription or who recom mend it The hospital with its work and long hours imposes extreme hard ship on a womans strength Every woman should make herself fit for wars can at home or abroad She should some time to come The call is There has been no call for slackening efforts Tim impres sion seems to prevail that Canada has done well enough in growing grains and the future is assured so as food is concerned Such is not the case has not been the case nor will it be for Prepare Now to Harvest and Poof Store Root Crops Best Mixtures and Methods of Making Bread With Floor of Various Cereal Grains I obtain a book called the Medical Adviser either at her nearest drug store or by Bending onecent stamps to Dr Pierce St Bridgeburg for more and yet more produc- and the cry for food is still loud in the ears of Canadians The hard work and self Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at lh Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE NEXT TO GROCERY Brie flats Stop the reckless spending The man who saves for his country helps himself Union prayer service in the Presbyterian Church last night Those who do not fighl must save King Council meets on Saturday Dont administer your finances- on the comeeasy goeasy plan Save The time is nigh when the icecream sign will droop and the festive oyster will go in the soup A dollar saved over here helps the hoys over there for this book which tells about n Nursing Bandaging Anatomy Physiol- Canadians has borne fruit thousands of women in Canada have OTercome their sufferings and have been cured of womans ills by Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription Sold by druggists in liquid or tablets Send Dr VM Pierce Buffalo N Y for trial J Chatham Ont toadd my to the that have found in Favorite Pre scription After moth- I could not properly regain my I very weak and nervous also bad a terrible couch I very miserable I taking the Prescription I noticed a marked improvement before I had finished one bottle of my ip in a Favorite Prescription is one of the beat tonics for by Department of Toronto J who I kept up use and completely cured of cough andit built me up in a good healthy women Mrs Gto Hilly Wtllington for New York and on their return will reside al Cres cent The Diamond Jubilee Programs are now issued for the Anniversary of he open ing of the Methodist Sunday School in Newmarket PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS I Get Them at Tho Photographer In Your Town On Door of thr New Pout Office EVENING SITTING BY APPOINTMENT Phone The Fair Concerts The large number of eats re served for he Fair Concerts on Thursday and lriday nights of this week indicate that both will he attenrhil with much success All Toronto Talent under the management of Mr Donald was ogive the Concert last night Tonight Friday the entertainment will take the form of a Comedy in three acts St Pauls Dramatic Club and promises to equal if not excel all other productions that have previously presented As it is local I a no doubt i the Hail will he packed Secure your seal in advance 1 We copy the following from lie World marriage took place quietly on Wednesday high noon Sep tember Hie eleventh at Broadway Tabernacle Toronto of Lena Vic toria eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo to Mr Cane of Toronto son of Mr and Mrs Cane Newmarket The Rev officiated wore a Trench ivory georgette satin and a corsage of sweetheart roses and Mr and Mrs Cane for and Ihe Stales and on heir re turn will reside in There will he three Special ser vices on Sunday Oct with sermons and address by Jos of Toronto a former pas tor Everybody is heartily in vited enjoy these services A Church TeaMeeting will be held in Ihe Gym on Monday even- following At oclock a Pageant will be given in the audi torium representing What a Modern Sunday School Stands For presented by about children followed by an ad dress Mr The are invited see I his Pageant ami it is hoped he Church will be faxed to its utmost capa city A Silver will be taken the door all your friends know about this Souvenir Programs can be ob tained from lhe Superintendent send to former scholars who have moved away from town and would he interested in this event Great Britain cannot be starved There is enough to provide for the armies and the civilians until the nest crop but no more There are no food reserves as here be MUST INCREASE Canada must double its production in Let that soak in The continent of America has promised and must deliver tons of food stuffs this coming year In tons were i and will be delivered Amer I must produce per cent more for the Allies Thats the job before he farmers and citi zens of this country The great crops of grain in the United States in may not be dupli cated next year and Canada will have to deliver a still greater share There are hut two ways of se curing his total production and conservation And the greater or these is PRODUCTION The manifesl duty of the hour is prepare the land for the coming of the banner crops in 1019 PLOUGH PLOUGH PLOUGH This should he hammered into the consciousness of Canadians now This country with a years ex perience in tractors with sev eral hundred more them avail able this fall than in should he able to turn over many mil lion more acres than ever history of country The more ploughed the greater will be the production The weather is favorable he machinery is available the neces sity of times demands it TURN PLOUGH I tractors bum for hours a day the general fawner woo i grows good grain for seed to the specialist In garden and truck crops and par ticularly to the live stock man the offers an opportunity pays to and the Fair Is the place where the people see the goods produced and seeing Is believing Moreover the papers report the win nings and through these the exhibi tor gets a large amount of advertis ing free which would otherwise cost him a considerable amount of money Winning In close competitions under a competent judge adds dollars to the value of stock shown and In creases the market price of any com modity as well as giving the exhibi tor a standing not only in his own community but over- a section of country corresponding to the slxe and influence of the show at which prizes are won The Fair is a good place to make sales Prospective buyers see the good exhibits made and en quire about the breeding stock at home Stockmen show ill Fairs large ly to make sales rather than to win prizes although the latter fs a factor in the sales and they are not dis appointed as evidenced by the grow ing interest in the Fall Fair Show ing at the Fair coupled with a judi cious newspaper advertising policy which should never be neglected is good business The two go together and work hand in hand It pays to let others know of your good stock Use printers ink and show at the Fall Fairj Prof Wade Toole O A College Guelph 34 RHINE RAIDS WITHIN DAYS Tons of Bombs Dropped With Excellent Results Farm Produce Maikel prices day per Mutter per lb Dressed here last i7e Chickens per per lb lb BARGAINS for Somebody I have for Sale AND COMPLETE OUTFITS Jut be thing for Children also AND TIRE In good order Apples Crab Apples par bush Apples per basket I Potatoes per bag Onions peck Cabbages fir Cauliflower Heels par basket Celery Live Chickens per lb Old Hens per lb Ducks per lb Live Turkeys per lb Pigeons per pair per pair Live Young Pigs SI Hides lb hi Sheepkins to Tallow Public Meeting A meeting will be held at the Sharon lltfiiple On Saturday Sept A oclock pm when Watson of Toronto for of Sandusky Ohio USA will speak of the principles of Quakerism and also the prin ciples of the Children Peace Everybody invited Dr Watson spoke in Hamilton last week and the Spectator has lo say His address was on The Insep arable delations between lvlli- anil True Manhood and it was one of most speeches ever delivered in isoii- with Mm order Watson is a nan possessing rare ability as a Icdlurcr having had wide experience with Hie Chau tauqua bureau during the last fourteen months of con nection with thai bureau be de livered lectures ami covered a territory of miles He is highly cultured and hi a loving disposition pos sessing an endless menial store of poetry with which he embel lishes his remarks Iteing here on a mission of securing on llic life of the late Win a former pastor of Cen tral Presbyterian Cbureb be ex presses bis grateful appreciation of the courteous treatment and valued assistance rendered to him by Sir John Si Titos and John Henderson He has promised to return to bis city at some future date and such an event will be eagerly looked for ward to and an effort Will be made have him address a pub lic meeting The following tin lhe Drill si been Minister of Probably there never Ins more formidable as sault lie suffered from during IhhI week Between sent and I separate wen made Twelve wen for vital railway Junction triangle at four against vnlle Sjiarbruckeii and Main and heavy alhieks were also on tie enemy diilius at reseifv and Such in lin- same places were ntiesHaiily as agalnsl repairs machine Add mi raids wen- also made on lhe and airplane fac tories lhe works anil Me- inik sidings ill Kiflynine I oils of Wen dropped during v days more I hail half a Weight of dropped during the whole preceding month The material re sults are clearly shown in photograph- l and other records and a large num ber of dinel lilts were obtained on f e Sale Register Hints on Harvesting Hoot Crops crops should taken up bo- fore he weather becomes too wet and disagreeable in the fall if in any quantity It is slow work at any and becomes much more so un der cold damp conditions Lift roots with a digging fork and twist off lhe tops putting them in piles and covering with the tops If a large area is to be lifted and one is expert with a sharp hoe ho can very quickly remove ihe tops but they will not- beep quite as well The roots should be ploughed out throw ing them as much as possible on the top with slatted sides and bottom should be used Tor storage where possible as his gives the roots a chance to sweat If the stor age room temperature is above cover them with sand Carrots should not be deeper than two feet in a bin others may be four feet Where cel lar storage is not available use oils These should he three feet wide two or three feet high and of any length Hun the pits north and south where possible and have them on well- drained ground Put a layer of straw on the ground and cover with straw Inches deep then inches earth and as the frost gets harder cover with fresh strawy manure Have ventilators every or 20 feet as all roots sweat in storage These may be filled with straw during cold periods All roots should be as free from dirt as possible when put in storage It Is often advisable to leave a few days in small piles so that at tie second lifting any adhering will be removed A Ontario Vegetable Specialist Water St Newmarket NEWMARKET The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ASTER NASTURTIUM ETC Ready In Quantity Mo Order lest than fa PHOHE 18 HopperHand A charming wedding wan sol emnized in SI Helens It Toronto when Anne youngest daughter of Mary Hand the bride of Mr Oho Hopper formerly of The nuptial mass was eeleliraled by Father Walsh bride entered lin Church lo strains of Wedding Ma roll and was given by her She was govWd in tailored of rose and wore a large but and white fox furs the bride wearing a ftilk crepe gown of rnldnfghl with hat lo and red fox The groom iiporled by Mr Hand brother of the bride During the signing of the re gister MIah Theresa Hunker sang HOW Kail HOW Alld Holy The gift to the bride was an taupe velvet hag in silver a pearl necklace and to groomsman pearl cuff links After the ceremony a dainty vcd dint breakfast was served home of brides mother which was beautifully decorated with carnations and ferns in I lhe day Mr and Mia Hopper left Monday Oct Messrs A Dennis Son will have ft- farm of slock implements etc the 3rd Con of mites north of months Sale at one oclock sharp If A net MADE EBONY LEMONS MAKE WHITE this beauty lotion for a few cents and see for yourself What girl or woman hasnt beard of lemon juice to remove complexion blemishes to whit en the skin and to bring out the roses the freshness and the hid den beauty Hut lemon juice is acid therefore irritating and should bo mixed with orchard white this way Strain through a tine cloth the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing about three ounces of orchard white hen shake well and you have a whole quarter pint of akin and complexion lotion at about cost one usually pays for a mall jar of ordinary cold cream Be sure to strain thejeriion Juice so no pulp gets into the bottle then this lotion will remain pure and fresh for months When ap plied daily to the face neck arms and bands it should help to bleach clear and beautify the skin Any druggist will supply three ounces of orchard while at very little cost and be grocer the lemons A enlored man who hud ally worked for him Into family a baby had come shortly before have you named her asked Mr on being told he father of the addition finally Dais we cant ride on wnc the reply I wantfi her Clara and my old woman wants Nettle Well Mien Mr why dont yon mil her Clarinet I Mania said the rehired men admiringly dut Is dan either of em Meeting Mis friend weeks later Mr was amused to hejir Kay named her net The new tunnel through the mountain at Montreal was formally opened on Saturday GRAY HAIR for On this continent and in we wheat iu much larger quan tities than any other grain This is because the flour made from contains the eons ill necessary to form contains a simi lar substance to a leaser extent while the Other grains do not have any of this material is a tough clastic tenacious stitisiancc of expansion Conse quently when the gas libiiaiel die action of 10 make its way out of wheat dough the gluten expands the gas and causes the dough to rise When broad is baked I he Is set coagulated and this ac counts for the light porous tiuclur Of wheat bread When surrounded by a proper moisture is re tained and he bread may he kepi for days and be an at tractive article ol food Hire corn and bailey cannot be to prepare bread this type They cannot be expanded by means ol yeast for their is no in muss They may be used In and cakes or which breaks easily drlis out read ily cannot be safely Iraiutpotted ami must be consumed a few boms after being prepared On the other hand I here is coin little the composition of he various grains and one will furnish about as much digistible nu trients as another If then in a lime Of wheat shortage like lhe we substitute some- of the Hour of corn oats barley buckwheat for wheat Hour In making bread we do not decrease Us nutritive value We do dilute he gluten and thus limit the power of expansion of ihe dough and we make the bread dark er bill wo have retained the desir able features of bread of texture and whiteness of crumb counted points of excellence In the bread of old high patent flour bin under the present conditions of longer extraction of tho wheal grain and the Introduction of substitutes It Is wrong for the consumer to place a high valuation on these points Irof It A College wr R There is no flat sys tem just lie that of the Pandora Range Before you buy a range learn about the Pandora method of heat distribution it is the secret of good baking and of every kind of good work a good range should do It is the lung system of the range FOR SALE BY A ALLAN Toronto Montreal St Hamilton Calgary I Edmonton Vancouver Saskatoon Most Heating Device Sold in Phono GOLLINGWOOD COOKSTOWN For Full Information Write or Phono J DUNN AURORA OUT Solo Agent for BRADFORD NEWMARKET AURORA Dont Use the Your Goitre Thick CanBe Cured By Siccantia Not one failure recorded fifty years An easily applied remedy positively guaranteed to cure External appli cation stainless YOUR MONEY BACK If SICCANTIA fails after a fair trial One bottle is suffi cient In most cases more than two seldom required Per Bottle Ait us Mans frsett in have by kit rencdy THE MARVEL DRUG CO Limited Street West Toronto I D J I HURON 8T- NEWMARKET To HOME Every Lover of MADE BAKING TRY I mm FALL Dr Natural Hair as directed la guaranteed to gray hair to Hi natural color or refunded a dye and Write Supply Co Out J li- rog Sept Sept 30Oot Oct and Oot Bolton Bradford Oot 35 Our Favorite and Five Rose FRESH FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE Prices Right OLIVER TERMS 8TRICTLY Give Us DIKE a Flour COAL Call I Phone i Oot i Oct at How About Furniture Wo 8omo we would you lo call and boo and will oomparo favorably with what you can got In trio City COMPARISON IS I Dealer In and Puneral Director 8CH0MBER0 NO TROUBLTO GOODS FRED SKINNER A I

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