NEWMARKET SEPT as OUR LOCAL NEWS jerleflets Flags arc Hying at half mast all over Town on account of Ir ving Ross being killed in action DINNER SETS Lodge No will meet on Wed even ing Sept when important business will he transacted All members urgently requested to be present i Dinner Sets we offer Extra Good Value in Sets ranging In price from for Very Nice White and Gold Set for a fine quality of Set of a Nice Border pattern A Large Selection of Plain and Fancy Ju9 of Colors to Suit most Everyone Rural School Fairs Without exception all the Rural School Fairs held in North York his Fall have been attended with success at hough the in some instances was much them We hope to he able to give the prizewin ners as soon as the energetic Superintendent Mr J Steck- and bis secretary get back to his office MORE FLIES THA CATCHER Clean to handle Sold by all Drug gists Grocers and General Stores I Brleflets A new Time Table comes into effect on the on Sunday Sept but it does not affect this division tea Pots In Plain and Nicely Decorated Styles each Christian Endeavour Much interest is being mani fested at the Meetings On A Car Will leave Newmarket for Au rora and intermediate points im mediately after the close of the Concerts in the Town Hall on Thursday and Friday nights of next week Importer of Staple and Fancy China I Tuesday evening Rev A from to paper on Using Our Pens for Christ Miss Annie Knowles read a poem on the paper and Miss Mae Stork rendered a piano instru mental Letters wore read from Jefferson and Bruce Mor ton thanking the Endeavour for parcels they had received As the members of the Society planning next Tuesday even- Methodist Sunday School Come and help us make our at tendance record before the first of October Arrangements are being completed- for making Ihc celebration of Our Sixtieth An niversary a event Be sure and keep this date open Fur ther particulars in next weeks is sue Com to have a Corn Roast let every- AND RESTAURANT IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK SOME WAR SAVINGS I Discount on Cash and Carry GROCERIES One be present and bring a friend Meeting in charge of Misses Flos- sip McArlhur and Mabel Menar A special program of solos readings and piano solos are prepared so he sure to come Com FRESH MILK CREAM AND CHEESE We ran supply Ice Cream whole sale delivered taking back all not used also supply Garden Parties wild Confectionery Soft Drinks Cones etc Restaurant and Soda Fountain Always Open St near the Market SOUTH END FLOUR AND FEED STORE An Unpopular Brand Two barrels labelled Sauer kraut were shipped from Mon treal to Newmarket by express The authorities in Toronto be- came suspicious and detained the barrels long enough to open them and examine their contents Their suspicions were confirmed several bottles of liquor secreted herein The barrels continued their journey but were accompanied by an officer of the law Last Friday when the woman who is a resident of this Town called at the express office and paid the charges she was more than surprised by the appearance of the Toronto officer who confiscated the barrels and shipped then back to the De partment Toronto Whiskey dealers and people generally will soon find that is unprofitable In evade fhe law Look Them Up is the intention of the Field Comforts Society to have a Booth on the Fair Grounds next week and on behalf of the Boys at the Front they ask for the liberal patronage of the public The ladies give their time and con tributions without charge and we have no doubt their efforts will he generously rewarded Choir Concert Do not forget to number among your corning engagements the Concert to be given here by the combined Choirs of the Aurora ami Newmarket Methodist Churches on Thursday Nov Both Choirs are working assid uously on the various numbers and a real musical treat is as sured WON MILITARY MEDAL AT THE FRONT George H Moore Pays Supreme Sacrifice Two ether brothers In colors Cousins of A of Newmarket North Toronto Sept One of North Torontos best known hoys has been killed in action Aug 30 Somewhere in France in the person of Sergeant George Herbert Moore son of Mr and Mrs George Moore Wood- lawn Ave west Sergeant Moore was one of the three brothers who enlisted and went overseas to the defence of the Empire Together with a younger brother Sergeant EG Moore he went overseas with the Battalion but was transfer red to the Machine- Gun Section of the 2nd Battalion with which unit he has been serving in France for two years and four months His younger brother was returned as a Casualty last December An older brother Moore is in England with the Headquar ters Staff of the Canadian Hail- way Troops bis physical condi tion haying prevented his going France with his unit the with which be enlisted The late Sergeant Moore was a Toronto boy born and educated in city where he attended St Basils Roman Catholic Church He was in his year His father George Moore is one of the best known North Toronto Merchants being VicePresident of he North End Merchants As- soeiation Mrs Moore the late Sergeants mother is a niece of Hie late Hon C Fraser The family have received the Military Medal won by late Sergeant at the defence of Hill last year e COOKING FOR TOMMY From Womens Section Office of Director of Public Information 1 SELL COCKERELS NOW How Fall Fairs Can be Made a Great Success Attend Your Local Fair to Improve Education and to Have a Good Time Contributed by Ontario Department oi Agriculture Toronto HE marketing of thin chick ens is not conserving our meat supply nor la it the moat profitable method to the producers Present prices of market poultry admits of the liberal use of feeds and the marketing of wellfleshed birds The best birds to flesh or fatten are those of the heavier breeds such as Iteds and Rocks The light breeds such as Leghorns seldom pay to fatten unless they are very thin in flesh The birds intended for fattening should be confined to a small pen or slatted coop The process is not diffi cult if you will but pay attention to a few points that are essential Do not feed the birds for the first day they are shut up You should give them it is best to give no feed After the first day feed very lightly for two or three days and then gradually in crease the ration being very careful not to overfeed We usually start on very finely ground i c ft Hi J rk j IS t- SUCCESSOR TO F DUNCAN The one great business attraction of the Newmarket Fair will be Dunlops great 3DAY EXHIBITION SALE OF- Hats Shoes Clothing Furnishings The Cold Days of Fall are fast approaching The need for New Fall Clothing and Footwear Is amply evident While at the Newmarket Fair come in and Inspect Our Stock of High Grade Fall and Winter Clothing Furnishings and Hats bou for Business before the recent rise in Values at a rate on the Dollar which enables us to pass them on to you at prices impossible If bought in the open Market at present day prices We have anticipated you every Want and feel confident at the rate of threequarters an a visit Store will be both Profitable and grain per feed to each bird daily This can be in creased gradually to two or three times this amount Generally the the Goods to fully vindicate All the Claims we make most pi table gains are made We are doing what we Advertise Bringing Down the High Prices on All Needs of Men and Young Men We can Produce In A tig British gave permission to Just Arrived a Car of Hay and Straw Also Shavings at 35c per bale for Bedding Try our Purina Scratch Feed for Laying Hens NOTHING TO EQUAL IT I FLOUR A SPECIALTY Successor to A Howard Prompt Delivery Phono 60 TERMS CASH DONT MISS These Buggy Bargains Newmarket Branch of the Q V A Then has lately been organ ized a branch of Die A in Newmarket By he lime the world war is over this Branch nigh I to be in a position Io help Die Res ahlish men f our Men in Civil Occupations The Branch a Club Room in Newmarket I prosecute ils work hold meetings Social ven ing elc lack funds to hem to make The people have been noted for heir in I il Im much io ask them for help in furnishing a Club Room for laudable If Branch gels a good Ihe association should be independent of any finan cial support which I think would tip the of who would prefer- own Branch of Die A Com St Pauls Church The Sunday School and Congre gational Picnic postponed from last Saturday will he held on the grounds of Mr French Ragle St on Saturday Sept weather Will the Scholars please meet at Ihe Parish Hall at one oclock and will Die mem bers of Die church and their friends kindly bring Die necessary food donations Sunday Services Holy Communion a Prayer a in Prayer 7 p m The Bishop of Ilia Yukon will be preacher at the taller ser vice a ft Rubber Tiro Buggies Buggies with Tops Tiro Open Buggy TwoSeated Mikado Light Wagon with Top Good Work and Driver Enquire at R0BERT80N8 GARAGE Water Newmarket FALL TERM a Charles St Toronto Me7 and of of year have and out of the laU one and four applications for Oflce tip we mitd only nine Enter only J ELLIOTT HOUSE FOR 5ALE Hh all Modern Convenience excellent garden re of Mrs St urines vniaiki ivii FOR fU jjJarkot acres under- JWWII i acre- bush and buildings Apply to W5i Newmarket Another Newmarket Boy Killed The received on Tuesday morning Ihal was in action spread all over Town with rapidity and his bereaved parenls have the sympathy of the whole com munity Serjeant Irving was the only son of Mr Man ager or Hank of for Ihe Hi years He was born and to up in educated at and was the of the Ontario Hank here when wan into Hank of Montreal He then accepted a position on Hank was afterwards re moved io Polerboro Branch Io the Hank Street Branch f the sanie Bank at Ottawa then o at Toronto and finally became Manager of a Branch in Die Broadview district of Toronto Shortly after the War broke out be enlisted with the Ball and went overseas in November of He promoted the office of Pay in which posi tion lie held until Col Lennox the Irish he became dis satisfied with inactivity parted bis stripes and went to Trance as a private in Dm ing ranks In Feb HUH dis playing the pirit of a true Cana dian the time of bis death lie was in the 1 Ball IDs name will go down with the lials of the Town as one of the Heroes of the War A young man JO- years of age of large mental ability friendly disposi tion and capable of occupying a larc place In financial world thus sacrifices bis life for Die principles of democracy and Die protection of his native land He will be greatly missed among his Christian Church Although a poor attendance last Sabbath morning owing to Hie very bad weather there was a splendid congregation in evening flood sermons by the pastor and another fine anthem by Die Choir Our services are all being and deep interest being manifested by everyone You are invited to make your Church Home if at f ending elsewhere- always sun- of a welcome helpful ser mon and fine music Next Sunday to be a big day Willi us Day iii afternoon and at both other ser vices- a in and p are to be favored with and duels from two good singers of a Toronto Choir Die Misses BiiD Plan to be present at one or all services and enjoy day- Com list Government Die Womens Legion now known as the War Service Legion under Die leadership of Lady dcry to place women as cooks in certain military conva lescent camps The Legion claimed Dial women were natur ally prepared do the work more satisfactorily than men both in Die matter of the finished product and from the standpoint of eco nomical handlings of material It was not easy Io persuade the government that these claims were reasonable but men cooks were scarce and the women were given a chance Mrs Leach look command in camp which em ployed the largest number of the farm women and from that as a be ginning she has come into Irol of Die great army of women cooks who are employed today not alone in convalescent camps wherever Army cooks are needed It took just six months prove by figures ami facts that women cooks were an economical factor ami the unanimous ver dict of those dependent on the cooking igave the palm women for tasty dishes The heart of the army was won through its stomach ils bead through ilsj purse By the end of there were over women em ployed in military cooking The preparation of three meals a day for 1000 is mil light work any time The kidhen staff consists of only women End lid ing helpers ami waitress- arid under renditions inn Hit fourteen sixteen days feeding Such buds will not be ex cessively but should be fat enough to cook and cat well Some markets demand a bird The most profitable gains are made on birds weighing from three and onehalf to four and onehalf pounds when put up to fatten The grains fed should be ground and it at all possible should be mixed with sour milk Mix the feed to a consistency of a pancake batter The more milk the chioken will take the better bird you will have in end Milk appears io have no good substitute for fattening chickens If you cannot get milk then add ten to fifteen per cent of meat meal to the ration and mix with water The addition of a little food daily will matters Many people get better results by feeding a little salt About onehalf pound to one hundred pounds of dry grain is sufficient This mixes best by be ing dissolved in water and adding a little at each Be careful not to use too much The beat grains available now are a mixture of ground barley corn- meal finely ground buckwheat and shorts Oats are good If part of hull Is sifted out as are also ground brewers grains We have used With good resulis a mixture of two parts of ground barley two parts corn- meal and two shorts mixed will twice the amount of sour milk In general feed about oncrtiirJ shorts and then whatever finally ground grains you may have about SPECIALS IN OVERCOATS SPECIALS IN SUITS SPECIALS IN HATS SPECIALS IN UNDERWEAR SPECIALS IN MENS BOOTS S Successor to F Duncan Leading Clothier Hatter and Haberdasher Old Stand Newmarket The Duncans If at all mix the ground grains with sour milk Prof It Graham A College lion ye went jrver III when OUR DEBT TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN US The who believe in us make us in There few who can succeed in atmosphere Of doubt Most of owe more than we to he friend whose in us never wavers who be yond present mistakes sees Victory And since this is so il Should HOI difficult for us to see bow best we can serve our neighbor Era to Absent Ave The to WEST FARE THEMODWnTRAHl no one of Die staff would consider herself in enviable position regular employment would continue Iioik unless well- paid 1 1 when the services of women were ajed for arduous and mily moderately wellpaid work tioiiH were received- Iwij women who have bandied this work from and deserve credit for able to utilize Diepafriolfe impulses of this host of women avoiding friction and producing harmony and efficiency ape Mrs I each ami her sister Mrs The lal I attended largely to the pari of lbe work Looking after references listing and vacancies and Countless details of office work have- been handled by Mrs Lout- The and placing has from Die first been Mrs Leachs work She inspects cooking staffs and all pro motions are mnde by her order A rook stands every chance ill the world of becoming bead conk even alio starts in Die lowest position The proof of success came in when the Womens which was a private or ganization and worked only in cooperation with Army lie- came a very Important part of that Army by being incorporated with Die A A Mrs Leach retains the command as of old hut that credit for this wonderful achievement is due to the women cooks who have shown the fines loyalty and patriotism by being willing serve wherever their training had given the opportunity Important of Attending Inhibition Kail exhibitions arc a permanent feature in the life of Ontario ana are of particular and to the farmer and his family True many of the smaller shows might lie greatly improved by the introduction of more new educative features and some of the larger exhibitions have been criticized in the past for tardi ness In placing agriculture in its due place but at the present time with things agricultural to the forefrom as they are exhibition managements realize the value of a strong agricul tural and livestock department and are making this a leading feature of their work In fact ho fall fail large or small could exist let atom prosper without ihe products of the farm well represented Bearing this in mind it is impor tant that all attend their local lull fair and their nearest large exhibi tion A fair la an edu cation The best live stock ot the various types and breeds the quality grain and vegetables the newest devices to aid the farm el and in- uile in their work and Hit most special attractions arii all there and each has in value to tiiose who with the pur pose Of improving their knowledge It worth while watch the Judg ing being done to get an idea of approved type and to have ones in terest thai be may home and do better work In breed ing live Block o the production farm crops Study the work the Judges It helps to fix in the mind the proper type live stock Ol breeds and Ihe of all farm crops The boys be taken to the exhibition encouraged l study and learn as well as to enjoy themselves Exhibitions also have their plate social welfare of the people It Is profitable to gel away from for a few days and mingle with oth ers there discuss matters of in terest to all and to see progress being made In industry ether that from which the gets Ills or her living It makes for big ger men and women with a viewpoint A little clean whole amusement Is necessary in or der gel Die most out of life Go 10 Die exhibition the Idea of Improving your education and the same lime to have a real good lime It is profitable 10 get rout work occasionally and ex hibition offers not only an opportun ity tor pleasure but also for pro Hi Prof Toole O A College ill The Phonograph with a Soul When purchasing a Phonograph It is tone that you are buying It is not furniture or motor You are getting something you cannot see and unless you select the instrument that most faithfully repro duces real music you will soon tire of it The tone of the Edison is the tone of the Artist J R Yu Newmarket a r CAST For Infante and Children In For Oyer 30 Years of FARM FOR SALE acres more or less acres cleared Con 5 corgi Township alongside main road a miles from Sutton Fair build ings ALSO 100 ACRES More or less acres clear balance pood bush being Lot con No buildings pood water supply Excellent for pasturing Apply lo DONALD Head St iw30 Hamilton A Comments of Exchanges Wilson N Star Paris is still intact and there is promise of dawning of a day when the Kaiser will have to decide wheth er to give op tils schemes of world conquest or see Berlin bombarded as he hoped lo bom bard Paris Era to Absent THE BEST ON THE SOFT COAL MARKET i If Phone 22 Newmarket i