SIX J Mia ttf fol SERfffOTH and button H AGP MOUNT ALBERT Hi Mount Albert Next Sunday Sepl Methodist pulpit will be occupied morning and evening by Alton A of Sandford Sunday Sept will be ob served as Sunday School Rally Day The morning service will be given up Sunday School ami a Rally Day program will he rendered LEAGUE The Epworlh League of Methodist met on Monday evening first meeting for over two months On account of the rain only a few were present president pre sided Miss Eileen Rowland acted as organist and the pastor Si briefly on- the topic Keswick The Law- Mr former Reeve of North Books on the Bible Next week now of Fort William has been meeting will be in charge of citizenship department calling upon relatives and friends Keswick and neighborhood Everybody come and make the He had not been here before for years League a success made things look j of England will preach in he Mount Albert School children turned out well for the School Fair in Sharon although rain the morning rather doubtful They were highly pleased at taking first prize for the best parade The recent rains have inter fered with potato digging in this vicinity but as the price has taken a jump are coming in freely Word has been received that Robert Brooks of the lIGlh lost bis lift- while attempting to bring in a wounded comrade A machine gun bullet pierced his lungs Mount Albert people hope lo fie the School Fair held here next year It has now been held two years in and two years in Sharon and should naturally he held here next Mr Geo is still on the sick list and his con dition is now considered serious Mr Joseph Hogg is greatly im proving the old Matthew Porter property which he purchased ago The fuel problem promises to be a serious one again this year Our citizens are hoping for a mild winter The Womens Institute bad an interesting at the home of Mrs John on Thursday last Wednesday afternoon has been Observed as a holiday by business firms in Town for the past five months Next Wednesday will Hie lftt The Johnny Canuck Club met home of Miss Ella on Tuesday evening P VanXnrman from France has been spend ing a week with his parents at their country residence The Cedars Keswick Mr Of for- Sharon The School Fair was a great success We are glad to see the old Temple is beginning lo look like it used in the olden days We are glad to hear Mrs is improving Mrs B and son are spending a few weeks at Weston Mr M A Ramsay is down on Grand Jury in Toronto S M Gordon W Ramsay left Sunday to take up his duties in Halifax Misses Mary and Bessie Brown and Clara Tate were given a surprise parly on Thurs day evening hut on account of the rain there were many unable to attend Nevertheless a good time is reported The girls were presented with a small token of remembrance by the young folks They will he badly missed in our circle both from the Choir and Sunday School where Mary was organist and also Teacher Mr and Mrs Ramsay are Ihe happy parents of a little son Sorry to hear Miss Olga Rain- say is under the weather I Queensville The Womens Institute will hold their regular meeting next Sutton West MVs J will be At Home on Thursday Sept 26lh Wednesday at the home of MrsOand afterwards on the third Aheit Milne commencing at of the month oclock The work provided will is on Good be making over stockings A traces on Friday and big Concert paper on Success from Differ- in Town Hall on the evening Standpoints will given weather will bring a big by Mrs J Lewis and another crowd PROGRAM FOR I on Legal Points of Interest to Women by Mrs Geo Pearson Music will also be provided In vitation extended to all women to attend The Directors of Agricultural have de cided to call the fair off for this year on account the War and the farmers being so busy Lots of rain this last two weeks and it looks like more rain Several from here attended E School Fair at Sharon last Friday although if poured rain for 3 or hours just when every one wanted to he going Every thing was well carried out in the grand old Temple considering the circumstances Mr seems to be good friends with everybody We hear there is to be ho Fair this year Per- guess the School Fair proved too or oat Baldwin Breezes Mrs Win has had a on Sunday at o clock and Baldwin oclock I am sure those who have heard him once will not hesitate come and him again Mr and Mrs David return ed to Ashtabula Ohio after a very pleasant visit with her sister Mrs J Morton Mr and Mrs Wilton Morton motor ed to Toronto on Saturday and took will one of our belles to start Normal Miss Morton Oh how we will miss her nobody knows Then another of our hoys lias gone to Toronto to school Mr Squire Mrs went first prepare for him Both Mrs and Squire will be missed by their many friends Mr Wellington moved away to Toronto on Monday Everyone was glad to see Mrs John out on Sunday Levering will take the evening in Christian Church on Sunday when we some real music Last Saturday proved to be an ex cellent day the North School Fair The Fair was good and greal crowd out certainly think our school and all the schools dill well Our barber sure is some shot shot an American bald eagle last measuring feel from lip wing j having much for her Don miss the his- illumination Saturday night Cry Baby an very ran- MARLBORO POULTRY YARDS Must ll make room a of Choice Yearling While he in the visiting Leghorn Ancona and Haired to tip of tin it stuffcjl I parts wonder what tin I rouble was with Mr car on Sunday He was driving down Ihe shore wilh his horse and Seen Horace it girl some nice music Hock Pullets also Cocks and now since have their new Cockerels from my heavy laying Sun will strains flocks that will improve your a PUTNAM HEIFER ASTRAY Strayed from Lot Con a small Rod Yearling Heifer with in fore head and on flank In formation leading to her recovery will be suitably rewarded Please write P Out FARM FOR SALE Lot ill fain acre- more or less jusl mile- from Metropolitan About acres under cultivation acres hardwood bush mostly hiajdc and the balance pasture and swamp land Hank ham nig good painted ing house Comfortable of rooms woodshed alone cellar and floor orchard and garden Apply to P a day In own Willi no running We have had a of rain late ly bill Mr to and bis smile m to have brightened up the old f he rain Mr peril a few days al Up and while visited the rfallery and proved himself to I- one f he in Canada by down fourteen out of fifteen moving fardels I think William a medal Eel haven Field Comforts Soci ety met in the Sept til lo pack boxes for our boys who have gone overseas Twelve iadies were present Nine boxes were packed and addressed lo Bel haven boys They are Ellin Thompson Harold Carson Ma honey Carman Archie Emery loUghby Grant Frank anil Murdoch The Township Public School Fair was held at Sept I fib School won 1st prize this year The Comforts Society had plan ned to have a Booth at the Fair but owing to sickness and other unavoidable reasons it was with drawn The Quill that Mr Walter Thompson bought at Mt Pleas ant Bazaar and contributed to our Society was disposed of as we had advertised Mr A Winch held a box of tickets up while Mr Ivan Mann look out one ticket The number of the tick et was HO and as Mrs J Barker had bought the corres ponding number the Quilt went Mrs Barker We thank the people very kindly who so gen erously bought tickets and you may know that though you did not the Quijtj you paid for a some boy overseas Tickets for the Quill were sold the amount of We are having a lot of rain these days Everybody is their fall plow ing Fish Market has declared war Breaking bicycles is fashion of III a lot they t no benefit from Mrs Hold Glover of Keswick visited on Tuesday with Mrs W Mrs Watson Wright has re turned to her home after visiting for two months amongst relatives Mr and Mrs Sinister Miss Eleanor and Mr and Mrs Sey mour Donne motored up laud for over the weekend Heal estate is all gossip these days Mr George Bond has sold his property to Mr J and several others are looking at the diferenl places for sale Some are talking of leaving here Mrs Wesley Harrison Bertha and litlle daughter Florence of are visit ing friends and relatives after li years absence Mrs J A Crann and Mr are down from the West- visiting her parents and other relatives and friends Mr and Mrs Wm Mason of Toronto and Mr Herbert Warren visited al Mr 1 Horners on Sun day many cars out Sunday can how boast of a firs I class dentist as Dr A Terry has moved his office equip ments up here Our visitors from the city at their respective homes over week end were Misses Bertie Crann Jessie Wright with two friends Florence Lewis and Edna Was- Messrs Norman Wnili and Ross Miss Smith has changed her occupation from a school teacher to a nurse and is training at Hospital in To ronto The Presbyterian Cross Social last Thursday night Mr 1 Flanagans was all Where will Ihe one be as lapse of her former ailment and is still in an unfavorable and critical state She is in tie shadow of years 13th The To School Fair was held at Egypt Corners on Monday Kith According to the judgment of the kids it was a huge success The contests were keen 1 have not time to dilate as the kids would have hie do Egypt School won the prize Nora showed what is what by whining the oread making sweepstakes I told you a few days ago that she is a hard one to heat at thai Master Murray there in the foot races lie has winged heels and can scnot around the coiner like greased lightning Baldwin as a whole was covered glory Dorothy Jew ell by her many wins materially help ed do it Sound the loud timbrel Oer- Egypts dark sea Jehovah triumphed His people are free familiar wilh the history of the wanderings of the Israelites ere they settled in a nans hind will see much beauty in the above lines In modern Egypt Ihe Owsecs some var iation in the cause for rejoicing Sound the loud timbrel oer Egypts dark land Our school has a teacher who was born command the kids with apparent ly such ease That it dawns on each mind they cant do as they please By the lime they have got twenty good lashes They repent of sins in ami ashes Yes indeed in deep humility they bow And cry Lord a Massy be merciful SUTTON FAIR CONCERT 1 Humorous Song All Out of Step but Jim BOB WILSON Scotch Song When the Bonnie Bonnie Heather is Howard rOssell 3 Musloal SketohThe Sick Doll MISS JACKSON Violin Solo Concerto MISS MAUD Humorous Song Advice to the Ladies BOB WILSON 6 Irish Song Dance HOWARD RUSSELL 7 Sketch Betsy and her Beau ARLENE JACKSON AND BOB WILSON Violin Solo Nocturne MISS MAUD Musical Sketch One Day in June MISS ARLENE JACKSON 10 Patriotic For the Glory of the Grand Old Flag HOWARD RUSSELL Violin Solo Patriotic Airs MISS MAUD 12 Comic Song A Peculiar Thing BOB WILSON Doming In Good ranging In Very Nice to for porcelain Pattern A targe Fancy Jug Suit most Tea Decorated each GOD SAVE THE KING now i ROOFING OF TWIN SHINGLES THRIFT and production are the farmers watch year is a tremen dous help to the thrifty farmer because the price is right it is easy to lay will require no repairs arid will last for many many years To date has a record of over years service nor homo lawn and leaving irv a both ami financially A- HOPE No church Sunday on account rain Mr and Mrs flail spent the in Aurora Mr- Henderson ami daughter Toronto spending a week with Mrs Hall Miss of Toronto spent for payment as follows EUtsI Council Tin- regular of the Muni cipal Council I In Township of was held Sharon on All of l In read and read Tin bonds of collector for tin year were laid before the board for their approval -Itichardsoii- Ilia l Ilirilies preienlcdbii Mr collector for I be accepted as satisfactory by Colo by ami resolved that issue his order bo COAT L08T and Mount Albert on rain coat with irel silk In pockets Finder will be rewarded on reluming same Isaac Mount Albert with Mrs is order of Ihe day now Mr Charles has re word that hi nephew Pie field has been wound ed We hope tie will soon recov er Herbert has recovered his second wound Jim I instead has purchas ed a new engine Miss Ada Parks spent Sunday with Miss Hall The down tour of rain no was cause of the small turn out al the tnion Services last Sunday at the Presbyterian Church is it some people ran have sugar for taffy and others cannot gel it for home use llovt will give a lecture and views on behalf the Bible Wednesday in the basement of the Methodist Church Silver collection A 1 Imam- the Brit ish Navy eldest son of Mr is home on a fl weeks furlough HI FOR A sow ami seven small to Ceo Goodwin Holt I have Spring Ham Lambs left and one twoyearold Pure bred Oxford Downs Keswick FOR Breeding Ewes Yearling Ewes Ewes Apply to OLIVER WACO Mount Albert 8ALE Monday Oct A Dennis A Sou vill have a farm sale of slock implements etc on the 3rd Con of imbruy miles north of Queensville mouths cred it Sale at one oclock sharp K And Wm Dominion Kx- Company driver at Moose Jaw murdered five and then surrendered lo the police House and Lot with good frame stable In Mount Albert east of Power House Black Currants Raspberries other For particulars ap ply to Ho- Sept Leo the ten- yearold of Angus Walker wan fatally shot last evening a in the hands of a com panion being accidentally dis charged A group of boys were engaged in target practise In a neighbors yard when a lad of whose turn It to shoot hit his elbow against the corner of a shed and the rifle was dis charged Walker who was about feet distant was struck by the bullet just below the left breast and died In half an hour w Cole bonus roils wire fence sheep claim Jacob it Smith MM valuing sheep 400 sheep claim It sheep claim Vloo Amos Lapp gravel It gravel njr libs work on road Smith grading con i Cole grading lots con tut Irank Thompson timber Geo Ilarnmett reps washout cm W Thompson cutting weeds cob snow shovelling Main prize work on culvert 300 W Stokes work on culvert Leek work on culvert Alfred work on road lot con Peter work con w lite for con gravel Hoi burn gravel that the corporate seal he here to attached- Harried Proctor Haines that when this council adjourn it stands adjourned Until Friday Oct at one oclock pm A Mackenzie Clerk wet for STRAYED From the premises of the un dersigned about Sept Black Coll rising years Light Hay Colt rising years and Dark Hay Colt rising years Reward for Information leading lo their recovery McOUION l3w34 Phone Holt It lias rather harvest from he City arc stay ing Willi Mr Mrs John formerly of Ml Albert is visiting her son Mr Miss Viola Warren is on the list We hope lu hear of her recovery soon Miss Delia of Sutton is visiting her grandfather Mr Crittenden Mrs Albert Maries Spent a few days with Mrs Win Kelson Mr Herbert Warren of Zephyr spent Sunday with Mr John Warren Who is that guy wilh the buggy that visits these parts occasionally There have been good turn outs at the meetings in the schoolhouse on Tuesday Hope they may continue Mrs Crittenden and daugh ter Mrs Ernest Taylor visited in the City a few days last week Potato digging seems to he the order of the day when the weather permits Prices are good Mr Frank of ville has moved to Mr J Shields Thos was drowned In the River ffcugog while duck shooting his launch capsizing There no happiness In having and gelling but only In giving half the world Is on the wrong scent In the pursuit of happiness The import of the above is a fact School lias at last got a school who is boss of situation Besides her mental she is built on a liberal platform somewhat tie style of Venioii well known about years ago has indeed wrought wonderful changes Where pandemonium now deep silence is the rule You can bear a pin drop enthusias tically exclaims Trustee Muscu lar or Christina Just as you choose has done the business Thais Ihe way lb it The weather is as Hie wen- Hicks Almanac had il forecast l- I many moons ago You may I told you or weather long ago Fanners arc jubilant Crops all expectations wheal is phenomenal Some are it and it mil of standi Cbas Is hanking money It is I In- Potato King of 1iloes S2 a bag good Thai wonderful beyond wonderful stage and the It became I lame lohncnl it got rule enough to climb up screen door press the and open the store doer So it and were given an admiring s clever Kit Wm has returned bis uniform fo depot and a discbarge are all his The are included in thai wont ill A billet to the owl Dear Owl I inn so glad you are to at tend the at The Tem ple Sharon Inland t be pres ent and sonic feast pound and apple pie 1 read and enjoy the so much etc etc An Old filrl was a sad sad disappointment I was mil Ihar I felt so provoked almost as much to heart as Ihe girl who say her prayers because of disappointment in not gelling her seventh husband Paul pot tils car at my disposal to lake In me show but neither Paul nor the cur came around A slip of mem ory and sin no more you old progenitor of the In complaint was made that the Germans were aw fully aggrieved Now they are of a very retiring disposition The Yankees do he doing It Just fine and bis threshing outfit are among the Scott farmers These husky lads long ago buried Poor Trust Had killed him That policy pleases Charlie Thirtythree years ago this very day Sept I attended the Harvest Home on that earthly Paradise Pec- tec Island It was a delightful out ing The weather was superb The sail ditto More anon 1 must dry up The Owl London Sept The British penetrated the enemys defences northwest of St to a depth of three mile and captured more than prisoners If you are roofing or repairing roofs this year give your building the protection of For in stance burning cinders falling on a roof die out harmlessly makes an attractive roof too either in the gray finish or with the red or green crushed slate surface Insist on the genuine Look for the label as shown here Twin Shingles for ail Residences Sold by Hardware and Lumber Dealer Newmarket W HEVES HID SOI Aiio op Brown Hill spent Sunday with parent We arc sorry ly hat Mrs We ran for rain and is from unsettled wenther now her Mr and Mrs Mr Harry son of Hracehrlde been the old lliunedead spending a few days rein- here ami He lives A start I now In I urn up I iim iiiuch pleased see a our citizens nut to Mr Paul a flying again after spending about trip I mi Tuesday sixty at ease Well I must say Mr Harold Hasp lurk buyers SliipinL Hiauly EWSK- i o No Heat Waylaid Straight walls in the deep firepot of the Sunshine Furnace pre vent ashes from col lecting and absorbin the heat instead of allowing it to do its work in heating the home one of the feat ures that make the Sunshine the kind of furnace you want for your home J A FOR SALE BY W ALLAN CO London St John NB Furnace Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Calgary Vancouver I j i At hi E 2 Disc M We can sale used with etc so FLO Hay Also Sh Try NOT LOU Sue Prompt Steal Stool Two- Light 1 Good K N I Yon go Every graduate Positions dred ant help wo free With St Kewma i00 lure BOX