T IV aS e T ass a Frank Duncan AND COLLECTOR dTTT Wilkinson Main and Newmarket- Fire Insurance FRED Newmarket Dr S J Boyd MB in MejUclne of Toronto of the Royal Physicians and member of of Surgeon of ra assistant In Sateftl4i and J Nose and London England Tested Glasses Supplied Eyes S C WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Park Avenue a Post Office BERT GREEN PAINT AND PAPER HANGER 2nd house from St Newmarket phono O Box MRS DUNN Maternity Nurse Andrew St Newmarket P Bos A STOUFFER Newmarket teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano for Columbia and Records OUR LOCAL NEWS -v- The Weeks Casualties Wounded A J Roberts Holland Landing P Ferguson King Thompson Zephyr met Newspaper Subscriptions In Ad vance Newspapers will now be obliged advance There was never a time when the rificea and the help of women were more appreciated than at the present time Women should learn and nursing at home There is no way to the new edition of the Common Sense Medical with to enforce cash in First Aid for all subscriptions Orders Anatomy Hygiene care of the Sick have been received from Ottawa Diseases of Women Mother and Babe to discontinue sending any paper throe months in arrears This action is taken owing to the scarcity of newspaper Brleilets The cisterns should be full by ibis time Get in all the wood you can secure Coal is likely to be short in supply during the win ter Monday October I has been proclaimed as the dale for Can adas Thanksgiving Day Mr Uriah Marsh has sold his farm on the Town Line and in tends t reside in Newmarket prayer service in the Christian Church last night Town barbers have raised llieir prices It costs 35c to have your hair cut now and 1 5c for a shave let Stock Prompt Sarvloe I Lyman Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private res- desired Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SO TO GROCERY utile Fellow Badly Hurt i weeks ago a little boy Douglas Pottage years age stepson of Mr Geo a narrow escape from iicing killed He was play ing on the side of the road near his home with other children when Fee drove along in her car on her way to Sharon Temple and just at that moment he across the street She turned her ear sharply to avoid him but the mud guard struck the child and knocked down His side was badly bruised and a little finger broken in two places It expected that he will be able to return to school next week Marriage to be at some or send to Dr Pierce St Bridgeburg Ontario- If a woman suffers from weak back- nervousness or if pains afflict her the beat tonic and corrective is one made up of native herbs and made with out alcohol which makes weak women strong and sick women well It is the prescription of Doctor Pierce used ly him in active practice many years ana now sold by almost every druggist in the land in liquid or in tablots Send Dr Pierre Buffalo Y for trial pkg Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets are also for liver and bowel trouble Stratford OrJ Dr Favorite a great to me During an expectant period I became nervous could not eat I also fered with bickachea I complete wreck and was down tick in bed when J bum taVinz Favorite Pie I com to feci it finally restored me to health and I could do all work and felt fine- I and healthy Thorn WEriiSL PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS PLEASE I Get Them at The Photographer In Your Town studio Door West of New Post Office EVENING SITTING BY APPOINTMENT Phone Educational On Tuesday Oct lit a number of changed will go into effect the Department of Education an nounces For some time a re organization of the present pro vision for the training of candi dates for high school assistant ordinary household science cer tificates and firstclass grade A and certificates hut for the coming session all such courses will as heretoore be given at the Faculties of Education in Toron to and Queens Universities A provision for the admission at the of eighteen the age for admission to Normal Schools of applicants who have duly pass ed the faculty entrance examina tion is the most important change derided upon Obituary The following paragraph cop ied from the paper California was received too late for last issue The funeral of the late George Barclay was held Monday afternoon at the residence of his soninlaw Dr A McMillan Dr officiating Mr Win Jones sang Sweeten as Wars By and Abide Willi The pallhearers were J of Hock Dan- 1 of Beverley Hills of Angeles J land 1 If and A Our- Interment in View Term and this is likely to be increased Of this number are in the Commercial Form He asked for ten more typewrit ers and as the number of pupils is loo much for one teacher to handle he asked the Board for another teacher A long discussion ensued Finally the Principal was au thorized to divide the Junior so that only half would he instructed aonce and the other half to take other work A resolution was passed to purchase five typewriters and rent five more the secretary to obtain prices for next meeting of the Hoard Also option of pur chase of the rented machines ami price for rental of four additional ones for the Evening Classes The finishing of the Assembly so as provide more classroom accommodation was but lie difficulty of procuring men to do the job is great Probably Hi rooms will have he used as they are for the present school year and have them properly finished during next summer holidays The insufficient supply of coal was also discussed and steps tak en secure more if possible A resolution was passed ask ing the raise for school purposes Board adjourned about ten oclock Chamber on Monday evening Sept with the following members present Mayor H Eves Reeve Keith P Pearson Aldermen Fred A and Osborne The absent members were Alder men Freeman Lloyd John McCaf frey and Norman J Rogers The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed The Council went into Committee of the Whole with Mr Fred A in the chair to consider the following accounts and communica tions- JWCaldwell a Win Cane sons referred to SO Wm Cane Sons referred J Wm Sons referred cutting wood David Millard Feranti Electrical Co Northern Electrical Co re ferred to Property Com 1750 Northern Electrical Co re ferred to Property Com Northern Electrical Co re ferred to Properly Com J Stiver inspecting meters customs Canadian General Elec Co Canadian General Co Albert Stork sand pumping I 99 r A Hydro Electric power com power J Dunn re wiring Moloney Electric Co Electric Co Buffalo Meter Co Kirk sidewalks Bell Telephone Co Pay Sheet No 17 Applications for electric McDonald J Kirkby Communication from ItalianCan adian Soldiers Aid asking for fin ancial assistance received and read hi I I The Market Bargain House has still Bargains to give away at half price We have a few Linos of Goods still to clear Come and See I pairs Ladies Nigger Brown Boots with Neolin Soles 700 to for 50 pairs Ladies Brown Boots with Neolin Soles and Heels Reg 900 for 595 pairs Ladies Low Shoes must be cleared below cost Sport Coats reg 900 to 1000 for 595 Ladies Lawn Blouses reg 200 for 99c hall 5547 52256 3030 29350 light Three Doors South of King George Hotel NEWMARKET MISUNDERSTOOD One of the mistakes ypung peo ple often make is to suppose that nobody understands them They have an idea that they arc dif ferent from others- and if their elders treat them in a way they do not like they set it down to Ihe fact that I hey are misunder stood But while it is true that no wo people are exactly alike the fact remains that often the father of the youth who thinks his case is so Unique under- stands him considerably heller than he understands himself and the girl who is so impressed with her other peo ple is not in the least a problem Six reasons Canada of Friends Formerly held at SI will he held in Friends Church on Sunday Sept at 1 1 a in a Session On Monday Hi a will be a business Session All wel come Com The report of the Committee of he Whole was received ami adopt ed by Council and the mayor was authorized to issue his warrant on the treasurer for the same Enquiries Mr asked Mr Pearson what steps he was taking to assist people norlh of Huron Street put in electric light Mr Pear son replied that when the residents were prepared put up for installing the service the lights would go on Orders of the Day orders of the day the mat ter of a grant Mr George Phillips assessor was considered The Council discussed the question for sometime and the opinion was general that the assessor was not paid in proportion to his work It was finally moved by Mr Keith and seconded by Mr Fred A that report of the Committee of the Whole of August be amended by striking out the word and substituting Carried Sale For Taxes Move by Mr Keith seconded by Mr Pearson that the clerk is hereby empowered to act for at the next lax sale and to purchase for the town such lots and proper- lies as remain unsold Carried On motion the Council adjourned to her mother While no two people are ex actly alike all of us are con siderably alike In the process of growing up we discover so many new ami interesting fea- 1 lures in ourselves that we are likely lo conclude that we are ex ceptions to the human race But as a mallei- of fact- our fathers and mothers our aunts and uncles and our grandparents hack to Adam and Eve have all felt exactly the same way The trouble is not that nobody un derstands you but that you do not understand yourself Be a little patient Your elders have been along the very way you arc travelling and the coun sel they offer is not given in the dark its a good friend I Steadies nerves 2 Allays thirst Aids appetite Helps digestion 5 Keeps teeth clean 6 Its economical BEQQINQ AT THE HOU8E WRONG I I BARGAINS for Somebody aw dead thai die in lain Mr married Mi- I and J old of and farmed on Ihe HI of Whitchurch for JO When they I retired from active liffl lived in for some bill daughter married McMillan of Iassadena went out there Jo live with Deceased had a lift ing In fop years and was in his year when Iip passed away on Mo of Daylight Saving Tin dale fixed by the Do minion Government when Saving reverts solar lime was October hut make il uniform with change of lime In jt was further amended by and changed I am on Sunday Oct On of it effect on time lahles elc it important in have his dale cor reel I have for Hale PONIES AND COMPLETE OUTFITS Ihe tiling for Children also RUBBER AND STEEL TIRE BUGGIES In good order Water St Newmarket GREENHOUSES NEWMARKET The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ASTER NASTURTIUM ETC Nov Ready In Quantity No Order let than Delivered High School Board The Hoard last Friday evening for Mr T Walton Chairman Rev J Wedlock Messrs I J and Cane amount were passed in ihe Moved by Rev J and by Mr fi dillehi Thai we the members of the iiluh Board record oil deep rcxrei he of our thebaic la- i Dr Huff Hi- sudden i demise deep on ev Salvation Army Another I lie lr Ihe Army widely illTainfCll for in shape Harvest Preparations are mi foul mak I he idle of threat sueeess in this town A of organized by Local which promises lo be Piial inferettl a lid We hall he abb pive more de- lulled informal on with respect I Ihe program In a latter issue The work ialion has carried and Ho- success which has attended dalius with more oill- and forlorn commands the appreciation of all who sympath ize with spiritual and moral needs of the people No doubt many of these will avail tlieirt- of this opportunity show confidence such praise worthy efforts There is more Catarrh in this sec tion the country than all other dis eases out together and for years It was supposed to he Doctors prescribed local remedies and by con stantly falling to cure with local treat ment pronounced Catarrh is locil disease greatly influenced by constitutional conditions and requires treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by 1 Cheney A Co Toledo Ohio is a con stitutional remedy Is taken Internally acts thru the on Mucous ur faces of System One Hundred Hollars reward is offered for any cast- that Halls Catarrh Cure fails lo cure Send for circulars and P J CO Toledo Sold by Druggists Halls family Pills for Constipation FALL FAIRS 1918 W PHONE member of the board We hived him in lif- and keenly feel dial hi absence a void ill hearts and a in our ran- is hard fill We feel we have a friend and a fail and zeal on colaborer whose whole heart was fie led to advancement and welfare of school We wish moreover lo convey Mis Ir Hull our eondolenee real she Iiai in Ihe of her The Mr I II reported fliat there is an of Hie school Sept Cooks town Oct Lindsay Sept Mark ham Oct Sept Oct Oct GRAY HAIR AN ALLY OF GERMANY has powerful ally working within the boundaries of Canada its operations are very effective enters munition plants and causes explosions It cripples hundreds of factories which are laboring to produce wartime necessities It waits until the grain in the fields is ripe for and then de stroys it over thousands of acres or else bides its lime until IhQ crops have been stored in elevators and obliterates them by Ho- hundreds of thousands of bushels It operates in every city and town and in country districts It unceasing in its activities working by night as well as by day ami for every hour of the twentyfour It enters countless homes bringing devas tation and sorrow and last but not least it causes heavy loss of life This foe is not an alien ene my but comes of good Canadi an stock- It is encouraged by millions of people who believe themselves to he patriotic With out help- il would soon he overcome The name of litis great enemy is Preventable Fire and its principal cause is Canadi an carelessness the keeper of a shop in aii English town was standing in his door says the London Tele graph when he was accosted by a man with a- wooden leg and a crutch I want you to do me a favor he man said want to leave my leg with you for a few minutes and go round the next street and work a house for half a crown Ive an idea that the folks are very sympathetic If go one leg Im sure to Well em Very Well said the shop keeper just leave your leg there and Ill take care of it The wooden limb was rap ped and handed over and the cripple used the crutch lo help himself down he alley Five minutes later he ran the door bell of a house in Ihe next street only have if opened by man he had jlisl seen he gasp ed Very sympathetic family lives in here replied Oili er You seem mel with a sad loss and Im anxious help you Mere j- a wooden leg Which may til you The leg was handed over The man sat down on the steps rapped if i and stumped away thinking no doubt that life full of surprises I Chew If after every meal IT WAS CORRECT I Natural Hair alive used as directed is guaranteed to restore gray hair Ha natural color or money refunded Positively not a dye and Price postpaid Write Supply Co Toronto Out On sale In Newmarket at J Drug Store Ottawa Si pi A decrease nearly two hundred and entyone millions is Ihe total trade of Canada for first five months of the year as compared wilh the same period in 1 is shown by the monthly trade issued from the customs department Oil Friday Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I A This teacher was having some trouble with certain pupils grammar Now would it he proper say You cant learn me anything it would replied girl Oh I Perhaps you tell me just why Cause you cant London Answers GIRLS I WHITEN SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE a beauty lotion for a fow conts to tan frooklos sallowne8s Your grocer has the and any drug store or toilet conflict will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents Squeeze the juico of two fresh lemons into a hot- tic then put in the orchard white and shake well This makes a pint of best lem on skin whilener and comploxlon known Massage this fragrant creamy lotion daily in to face neck arms hands and just see how freckles tan sallowuess redness and rough ness disappear and how smooth soft and dear the skin becomes Yes I It is harmless Iho beautiful results will surprise you HURON ST NEWMARKET To Every Lover of HOMEMADE BAKING TRY Our Favorite and Five Rose FRESH FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE Prices Right Give Us a OLIVER DIKE TERIY18 STRICTLY Flour COAL Call I Phone 111 Should make You Feol Comfortable by being Free and Nice Fit- Wo have the Materials in All Colors We Will C MERCHANT TAILOR Main St and Guarantee the Fit WILLIS Phono 160 NEWMARKET A CAUL SOLICITED I X i A I III ftl o