I for Sale Grocery Shop Furniture Com puting Scales Show Cases Cof fee Mill Tea Caddies Scoops etc Roche Co Maple No will 1 1 general meeting in Lodge on September at when all mem- are requested attend Meeting will I a Mothers Meet ing Thursday the of Sept the home of Mrs Albert lundy mi Queen St commencing at pm Come a many as can am brine your own work un til further arrangements are made Press Mission Circle Corn Roast It ure to come the Mission Roast- on in Lewis Bush meet the Methodist at pm sharp If i unfavorable we wilt at the Gymnasium There will be a small fee of a rover expenses Come have a good lime Com Christian Endeavor attendance Tuesday even- ft-a- up the standard A paper Our Tongues prepared by Miss Blanche Tuesday evening Miss Laura Penrose is to have while Rev A will the paper on Using our Christ Let everyone keep up the attendance by pi meetings Com Grand Concert and Illumination at Sharon tin- reopening of the Tem ple at Sharon on the announced thai in appre ciation assistance given by the men of Sharon Band in up the grounds he would Concert in aid of the Band Fund and have the Temple lumirialed as ii used to be in he olden times mi Saturday Sept pm He also an nounced secured he services Mr Neil noted and other well- known singers and reciters two of whom are gold medalists The is only cents A Record to be Proud of Over years in one build ing the record of Watsons Jewelry St re In the late A it Watson started a Watchmaking Business and re mained in the same building until daih in The business Mien taken over by his son Mr T Watson who adjed the adjoining store and put in a plate front he purchased the across the street just the Office SO long a- Simpson Drug icb bas Completely rebuilt and added until lie now lei- two very complete and dab stores The north one he titled up for bis own use among other things one Of Hie must completely equipped and modern Parlors of city Surrogate Court John I retired farmer in Aurora left his widow Mary L Cook absolutely and he income from the as she remains r her death the be divided among his irm in Albion township val- fash and IheJeel Farmers Insurance Company tip the estate of Mrs fane a widow who died in Kinv hip July last My tbe de- r farm in equal made v divided I lea children and Samuel of Toronto Jaw William of l Mrs Angelina Wood of lumber- and Ann John Mary nod Matthew in fievif hold By a codicil executed IM the money house anil family Bible were Mrs Wood Wiled In Action one of the casualty week wax he third son Mr saae of He was born at Holland lading moved here with five years of age and at Newmarket pub- Be look up the line eleel work and assisted in wiring Town when he last watt made with Met Co which he Winnipeg where he eft- three years ago with the Ball Cameron Highlanders in the machine section He Jd his at Camp Hughes in England only four be was transferred to Bat I in eW In talking with of Bo- family when be as in Prance and has the flrlng line nearly two was years of afire Of I thai a 0 and would do and go anywhere be vas Pari Willi our boy in the hMlfh an have the life streiitflh bin that a good cause the reopening of the Sharon Temple last Saturday Night work has been resumed at Office Specially Works to catch up to orders The parcel of Eras for Holland Landing last week went in mail and have not turned up yet consequently a number of people were disappointed in not receiving their favorite paper as usual Diamond Jubilee The first Sunday in October will he the Anniversary of the organization of Hie Methodist Sunday School in Newmarket and it is intended to celebrate the event by services befitting the oc casion The Committee in charge is now arranging the pro gram A special speaker is to be here to preach at the morning service when the S scholars will lead the singing A plat form meeting with special ad dresses and music will take the place of the usual lesson study The public may look forward to a very interesting occasion Killed In Action Frederick Norman was bom in the village of Waterloo County on April and was killed in action on Aug in France He was Captain and Adjutant of tbe til Bait Co He went over seas with his Battalion in Oc tober Ho was honored wilh taking the first draft from the Battalion to France When Battalion was broken up he requested to be sent to a Bomb ing School for a short period and then go lo France as he wished to be With the boys he had rained But instead be was senl to an officers school at Bed ford From there he was sent to Camp as Camp Adju tant From there he applied to gel into be Canadian Buffs Bat talion as it was reported that I bey were to go to France in a few weeks When the Fifth Di vision was broken up he reverted lo Lieut and went to France Af ter being in the trenches ful some time the call came him to leave the Battalion and go to the Corps School in France when he was about three months and join ed the Brigade again about the middle of August When lie enlisted ho was a teacher and Cadet Instructor in the Barrio Collegiate where he is held in high esteem Ho was an active worker in the Collier Street Methodist Church a mem ber of the Choir and a Sunday School teacher where he had a class of young men He was al so active in temperance and A work lie lived a clean life and bad a good Christian in fluence wherever he wool always ready deny himself help oth ers and has now paid the su preme sacrifice Rev Cork who was his Pastor at Barrie writes 4 dont think I ever knew one who had such influence and commanded Such respect and was so well be loved by his students as your son They would follow him anywhere so it is not to be wondered at thai he was among I lie first re spond lo his countrys call He was horn command and that not only by efficiency but by purity of life How we strength of his character and peeled ami loved him in Collier Street Church How the you men of his class were devoted to him nearly all of them following him to front How interest ed be was in the Church How simple and childlike he was in his estimate of himself how true and appreciative to bis pastor bow selfeffacing he in reverting to a lower rank in order gel to the front if Master Jesus an honor roll the name of Adj will be found there His former McLaren of writes He was a splen did Adjutant an ideal officer a born soldier and above all a kind ly Christian gentleman of the highest type brave loyal kindly unselfish generous conscien tious painstaking ever thinking of the welfare of others He was as gallant a soldier as ever represented his Heavenly King or wore tin uniform of a British officer His example was a power for good among I be officers and men of Hat- Wrist Watches LADIES AMD GENTS In Gold nd Nickel FRENCH IVORY CLOCKS KITCHEN CUT GLASS WATERMAN FOUNTAIN end 8UPPLIE8 Atkinson Co Marriage Lloentei I Wounded Bell Holland Landing Wounded Clayton Vandorf Gassed ML Al bert Word has also been received that Ross Armitage of Newmarket has been severely injured by a motor truck running over both legs Industrial Home The Commissioners met on Fri day and passed accounts amount ing to 904 They decided to ask County for a grant of toward expenses They also approved of the plans for the construction of a Sewerage Tank and Drainage Cor the Home and are advertising for tenders for carrying out the work which from a sanitary of view is very desirable The great Newmarket County Fair is week after next Get your entries ready The practice of hanging upon the steps of an auto when in lion is always attended wilh more Or less danger and the wonder is there have not been more accidents record A delivery turned a cor ner so quickly in town last Mon day evening that one of occu pants on the rear of the car was thrown out and considerably bruised Coming Musical Event The combined Choirs of the Aurora and Newmarket Methodist Churches purpose giving two Concerts this season one for each town The date for Concert is Nov and for Au rora Nov A splendid program of anthems glees lady and male choruses is being arranged The numbers include compositions by leading English American and French composers All lovers of music should arrange to at tend one if not both of these concerts A substantial portion of the proceeds will be donat ed to patriotic purposes a combCumberland The marriage of Miss Helen Constance Cumberland daughter of Mrs C Cumberland of Hur on St Toronto to Lieut Fred erick George son of Dr and Mrs Farncomb of New castle look place on Saturday afternoon in SI Georges Church Newcastle Dr Stevenson of Bradford uncle of the bride gave her away She was wearing a gown of while embroidered Geor gette with tulle veil and orange blossoms Miss Dorothy Morson attended as bridesmaid and Miss and Miss Marjorie Cum berland were dainty flower girls Lieut was best man The service was taken by lev A brotherinlaw of the groom assisted by J Fleming After a trip to West Lieut arid Mrs will reside in Halifax where the groom is now stationed- Dr Farncomb was formerly rector St Pauls Church New market Mr Death of Mrs More than years ago Andrew and Miss Han nah A Furdy started out on the sea of matrimony and commenced farming in the Township of Whitchurch After two ycar- weni to California but after an experience of three years in sunshine slate they returned tit Sharon where they spent remaining years in happy qui etude and among old friendships But recently disease began manifest itself and on Tuesday of last week after being confined her bed for only a few lays connubial partnership was dissolved by the ruthless band of death and Mrs Gilroy was no more There being no children Mr Gilroy feels bis loneliness all the more The funeral took place on Fri day last and was largely attend ed Rev of Holland Landing conducted service assisted by Rev Cook a retired minister of Sharon The remains were interred at Newmarket Cem etery Put Up a Noble Fight There passed away al the north end last Monday morning a man who fought bravely though quietly and endured hardship without complaint This was Mr Francis J Wheeler who was born In went to Australia when a boy only years of age made his own way in the world became an engineer and after joining the Masons in country he rose to the dis tinction of District Grand Mas ter But his health began to de cline ami with the hope that a change of climate would be ben eficial he came to Canada about years ago and been a res ident of this town for nearly two years It was not known that he vas a Mason until his wife com municated the fact a day or tvo before bis death Al once the brethren visited home and looked after the wants of the wi dow and four small children On his death they made arrange ments honor him with a Ma sonic funeral on Wednesday the remains being inferred at New market Cemetery since been ascertained thai lie was also a member of the OddFellows and Orangemen The widow was Miss Barman of Aurora the residential properly of Col Allan on Church St as the for mer owner is moving to Toronto Newmarket Soldier Wounded Mrs Evans Eagle St has been notified by an official telegram from the Director of Records Ot tawa that her husband A Evans laic of Bait now of Ball Canadian Highland ers bad been wounded by gunshot in left arm and hip while fight ing as a bomber in France Aug Evans is in the 20th Gen eral Base Hospital at near Boulogne No further par ticulars have so far been received Evans is a brother of the late Stephen Evans who was killed in action Aug 23rd FOB BUTTERICK PATTERNS Another Newmarket Hero Gone The sad news has been received by Mr and Mrs Joseph Evans Prospect Ave that their third son Pte Stephen Evans had been killed in action somewhere in France Friday Aug while doing Scout duty in No Mans Land Along with his older brother A Evans he was among the first lo enlist in the Batt when that unit was formed but upon its being broken up in Eng land he was transferred to the Batt Canadian Highlanders B Deceased was a young man who would have reached his birthday Sept born in and came to Canada wilh his parents a few years com ing direct to Newmarket and had been employed at Man ufacturing Co Factory for some time He took an active part in St Pauls Church Choir and AYPA and was a member of the Sons of He possessed a quiet unassum ing manner ami was of a genial disposition and most agreeable companion The sympathy of entire community goes to the sorrowing parents and family in their af fliction in the loss of their brave son who freely gave his life lo his country and died with his face lo foe in he most advanced position in which a soldier could be placed Schomberg The annual Roman Catholic Picnic will he held in on Saturday next The baseball and oilier sports will commence at Shipper served at six o clock Dancing in the evening from to Mr and Mrs of To ronto spent Sunday at Mr Lemons Miss Lemon of Sandusky is visiting friends and relatives in this community Miss Haines Ihe new teacher for No 1 1 arrived on Friday and began her duties tin Monday Mr and Mrs Chas Butler and family ami Mrs John Butler of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr W Davis Mr and Mrs Webb of Snowball spent Sunday al Bros on Ihe Line Sir and Mrs of Aurora spent Sunday at Mr Jns Murrays Miss spent Sun day al Mr J Tilsoifs Aurora with much ill Is have After m Illness several months Thomas llulse one of pro minent residents Aurora- died In Toronto on Sunday and wilt lie hurled Irlday afternoon in Aurora The lab Mr was sixty- years and besides being in business Circles had been a member at tin- Town Council for five years Deceased is survived by bis wife and I wo sons Aimer ami Harry the latter bis fathers business Mrs Is seriously ill typhoid fever Bed Cross dances seem be in vogue this season ami the lied Cross Sod el of Aurora Augmented their funds by 200 by I lure dances held id Park this summer orchestra supplying the music The lastdtfnee of the sen- son wan cm Wednesday night along with a corn festival The Med Cross has Bit names on Its list and each of these boys Is a box of torn forts every three months ihe past three weeks life Over seas Auxiliary of Aurora have been working on overseas boxes and boxes have been packed socks handkerchiefs envelopes randies cake candy and oilier good useful King Council The above Council met al Tem- Hall Keltleby oil Satur day August 1018 Members all present The minutes of last regular meeting read and confirmed A number of communications were received and read after which the Council wenl into committee of Ihe whole oil bills and Mr Kaake In the chair The following bills were passed and ordered paid John Cull blacksmith bill K J While reps to culvert Win Black blacksmith bill Harry Wood right of way for water supply drawing gravel reps to culvert Alfred Lloyd reps to culvert Hiram Poller yds gravel Calvin Doan reps to road pud MA DRY GOODS ALL GOOD COOKS U8E POWDER Our Large Purchases of All Kinds of Dry Goods EnaStes us to sell Many Lines for Less than we buy them for today Anticipate your wants and get Some of the Bargains at the Present Prices GROCERY TALK We have All the Substitutes used Instead of Flour at a little Lower Prices than usual TEAS AND Are Our Speolats whloh we are offering for about less per lb than they are usually sold for BOOTS The Price of Boots Is again Upward Bound Our Large gives you Proteotlon on Price for some time to come EVERYTHING IN 8HOE8 UPTODATE And the Workmanship on Pair Guaranteed V opening pit W Davis drawing plank and reps lu road Fred Webster gravel ILio Herbert reps to hill 603 Frank Davis reps lo road H Black cement tile 3020 W H Boys yds gravel Ceo ft lumber W Class lumber J A Watson removing lolls LOO J A Watson pay sheet No that the treasurer be authorized to the sum of So as payment by Fred Walton re drain- award Wal ton vs Cutting that the treasurer be authorized lo receive from for cement tile sold hat Ibis Council pay II for postage and services re colling rales ill that Win Merchant be paid for lamb killed by dogs that the treasurer be instructed to pay Luke and credit same against 1917 road list Kaake that Edward Lloyd be given a grant of lo re pair road opposite lots 34 and con 10 that he clerk be instructed to notify Mr Woodcock that Council intend dealing the lax arrears of the Hol land Landing ItiverKoad Co direct with the county The amount hav ing been forwarded to the County for collection that the clerk be authorized to notify Joseph barrister that we will lake no action in the matter of Keith vs King Township Kaake life reeve bo appointed lo attend the convention of representatives of municipalities in the interests of farmers to be held Ihe Temple Building To ronto on and of Sept Thai Man ning be paid Ihe sum of balance on culvert lol con J A Watson be paid for steel supplied re culvert on lot con Kaake that the treasurer pay to Canada Cement Co and to re on cement and on slel MacMurchy McCulcheon Ihal the treasurer be authorized I loan to j No 2 Township Of King on approved note of Irudes three months ij cent Kaake that 1 A Haw- tin be paid for ft plank MacMurchy that Ihe treasurer issue cheque for re advance on Hie manufactured by Clark- ami Fill ley thai 1 Watson be instructed to muter- take he I lie bridge mi side line between lots and 0 cither by day labor or by contract that Cooper Joseph Wilson and Campbell be appnlnled linl for Township of King in accordance with the fuel regu lations the province Bylaw Nil to raise levy and collect during the current year for county township etc Bylaw No ttt loa collectors of rates NEWMARKET TWO WEEK SALE OF VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS Heavy Cord Velvet in Shades Navy Taupe Wine Grey Rose Black In wide 75c- Plain Velvet Good Heavy Pile in all Shades 75c La Vogue Dress Velvet SilkFinish In wide all the New Shades 75 Black LaVogue Velvet in w suitable for Suits and Coats yd Heavy Suiting Serge All Wool In w In Navy Black Green Burgundy City Price to Our Price yd V It ESTABLISHED OF CANADA Joint deposit account may be opened subject to withdrawal by either party M SMYTH NEWMARKET BRANCH Branch alio al Aurora Manager I foe the year with Ihe names of l for north ern- division J A Watson for southern division and bylaw No to levy ami collect certain rates on the several school sections as applied for by re- and their several reaitngs passed On motion Council adjourned lo meet Music Hull on Saturday Mill TROOPSHIP BY GERMAN UBOAT Had 2800 on Board All of Whom was Heating Device Sold I Phono 147 For Full Information Write or Phono w j AURORA Solo Agent for BRADFORD NEWMARKET AURORA London Sept The British steamship Persic of the White Line gross tons with American troops on board has been torpedoed All hands were saved The troopship wan benched In order to save time instead of launching he boats the men clambered down ropes to de stroyers which swarmed around the stricken vessel and came close alongside The troopship was a membor of a large convoy approaching the English coast The vessel was torpedoed miles from shore at oclock on Friday afternoon Something had gone wrong wilh the troopships which compelled her for a time to lag behind thereat of the convoy but the rouble had been fixed up and she was fast catching up with the other transports when a tor pedo hit her Just forward of the engine room Several soldiers told the As sociated Press that they saw the German submarine lifted clear out of the water after one of the depth bombs exploded and then entirely disappeared Winnipeg Consolidated has been closed on nccount of an outbreak of infantile paralysis This makes live schools closed in this district for this complaint Children FOR AST R I A Toronto Markets Butler lb do 00 Turkeys lb Spring Chickens lb 50 Ducks 35 Kail Wheat bush Goose Wheal bush Oats bush 93 Timothy Hay ton 2200 per Butler per lb Wheat bush Old Oats bush Mixed ton 1900 New Oats hush Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid in Toronto I this Extra Choice Steers and Heifers Butchers Choice Cattle Medium Steers and Heifers Butchers Choice Cows Common Cows Choice Choice Milkers Good Springers Common Milkers and Springers Choice Veals Good Calves Lambs Yearling Lambs Choice Sheep Hogs off cars ff I 1575 1100 16000 8500 1 LPS rtP Newmarket Markets 1 An v 1J