Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Sep 1918, p. 1

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all ifl Si j The Leading County Paper as well as he Oldest No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance j TERMS per annum in advance when not so paid to United Staos in advance only double vision Lenses Without that telltale line STEP INSIDE I Have them Demonstrated Watson Graduate Optician I G JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET T SEPT VOL No Single Copies each A LETTER THAT WON A PRIZE Dear Sir I dont know much about advertising but I do know about the Vapor Oil Stove Before we were introduced I had been handicapped In my kit chen work by defective cooking appliances This placed me In a of fear and anxiety as I was never sure of satisfactory results But one day someone suggested the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove After my first actual handling of the stove I was surprised at Its case of operation its simplicity and Us wonderful efficiency It has been my experience and the experience of all housewives I have met that one naturally expects ease of operation simplicity and efficiency of their appliances and that It Is a bitter dis- If the above are lacking I therefore can truthfully say that a longfelt want has been successfully met by the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove There Is no delay no waste no wicks no smoke no odor If you take pride as every body should in a nicelycooked meal a perfect of bread cake or cookies the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove will place that pride on a firm foundation BINNS H THE PAINT STORE PHONE 28 With thy clear keen joyance Languor cannot be ho quoted then improvising con tinued May shadows of annoyance Never come near He raised his glass ami turned toward the groom wilt love and neer loves sad satiety know And amid a murmur of ap plause and clinking of glasses the toast was drunk Then someone taking up the thread of Wiltons thought began a Wm Jordan Moore Son of Mrs Josephine Moore of Newmarket who with the wounded the fool Bruce Ball was by gun shot in on 1 and BANK- ESTABLISHED OVER YEARS ECONOMY The man and the woman who practice a wise economy and deposit savings in a Savings Account regularly are helping to win the war as well as making more secure their own financial position admitted lo 2nd Au stralian General Hospital HER CHOICE Now that it is all over I do Hot mind telling you that is the girl that I had choscn for you to marry She looked up at him over the great bunch or pink that she held in her arms and from under the sofl chiffon of her while hat and lie looked down at her out of deep set eyes under shaggy I rows Then his glance followed hers down the long dis tance of the room resting on a girl who stood there beneath a bower of palms The cloudy masses of her white veil were thrown hack from a face of smiles and blushes as she received con and wondered vague ly at the strange sweetness of it all You dont mean it Then- were great pauses of incre dulity between Wiltons words and slow smile that came in to his eyes was hoi one of C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD JUST ARRIVED W PEARSON f Cor Church and DArcy Sts Carters Giles John Murphy and Leslie Shier THE CANE SONS GO J AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND LUMBER us Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material all Well kiln dried and nicely machined Sash Doors and Window Frames Doors In Pine Fir Ash or Oak at prices thai will Interest you Kindly give us a trial The lintel NEWMARKET The BANK INCORPORATED TORONTO OF Bank ice Farmers Business given careful attention Bale Notes discounted Loans mad to responsible parties Every convenience Is afforded to Depositors or large sums may be deposited and Interest paid on balan ces A MLI8TER Manager rat her great pleasure in an unexpected compliment Is not the girl I have ways described Tall and big brown eyes and curling light brown hair You have been blind all this lime not have seen who I infant I had my on il somehow she added sadly You both seem so well suited to each oilier Why did you sooner I might have set lo work ii would have been bard work lie was still looking bride Play the pari of the rnaker Ami where my liUle sis ter wan concerned Ah no I not Itll you hot I didso wan I it Thai is the greatest you could paid mo I really- had turned and was looking down Inlo her eyes Suddenly he slopped as ii a bought had stifled his words and color his face for one second she said as though divining bis thought and wishing I il you are to make first oast I believe You continue yum duties as best man She led way down the long hall and together paused on bresboldof dining room Did you do this he asked Ye- Do you like it He stood silently drinking in beauty of ihe room with lis filmy draperies of asparagus fern amid the delieale green of forth tail silver and crystal vases longstemmed bridesmaid roses Mere ami there low howls of green and gold glass were half beneath the dainty Color of roses veiled in leaves of maidenhair The con- volitional with its Streamers of narrow satin ribbon shimmer- white amid the colors and the pink shaded candles threw soft reflections oyer everything It was very beautiful and he said so to her She was vary beautiful as she moved about in her clinging of palest green chiffon straightening a leaf here or bending a flower there and his eyes said so al though she did not see It Then the next thing lie knew the room was filled wilh people Hi- young was beside him and someone was holding glass Inward him saying Will you loasl them He looked at the howed and began Hall lo thee blithe spirit I then stopped laughing That wont do Yon are a sky lark Shes a bird though vehe mently interrupted a hoy who had adored the girl for years Then I cannot continue at all for bird thou never wert wont apply shall f say He looked at all man standing near then into the eyes of the girl What thou art we know not What is most like thee And the- boy who had used slang surprised them all by continuing the quotation he is like a glowworm golden Oh oh But like a star of heaven in the broad daylight or a rose embowered in its own green leaves all that ever was joyous and clear and fresh or Please said bride ap- no more It is very beautiful but so embarrassing I dont deserve it I am going to drink Shelley who I aught you In say such beautiful things With such a subject some one began but Margaret and her sister had disappeared Wilton slipped from the crowd ed room out into the quiet halls he wandered up and down wondering how he had not thought the same thing be fore All these months past how stupid he had been Yes he Ihouchf il would do no harm 9 his lurk- Ah no she never would she could not love him it was too much to export She would look higher and find Bui she had chosen him for the little sister whom be knew she loved belter than life If she thought him good enough for her would she not be willing The idea had so strong a hold upon him from the mo ment he had looked down into her ryes to thank her for her compli ment that now he wondered how he could have been blind to it for so long a lime It seemed to him as if he had never had any other thought than this an if he could never have any other thought than Margaret lie wondered if The carriage was at door Ihe had her arms about her mothers neck Ihe groom ready hallway down steps was impatiently wailing A shower of rice tilled air a while sal in slipper shimmered Ihrnugh the shower Willi a quirk pull horses started and the man within the carriage turn ed from waving a last adieu to party on the balcony and put his arm- about the girl A I last I have you safe he said Do you know I was al ways afraid of Dial man Wilton That man Wilton was already following into the draw ing room as a voice behind i hem said Thais the best fellow in town I dont see why he and Margaret dont The color rushed over Mar garets fare as tip to see if he i I heard The smile in his made her down Driver Victor Bridges and Companions of the Batt In France Field in France Aug 1 Dear Editor I now take the greatest pleasure in sending you a of myself and chums of 1 Mi Battalion We always gel your paper in Canadian mail which we appreciated very much as we like In hear whal is on around our own home town and seeing photos of Newmarket boys in it we have sent ours which we thought you might like to have It was taken by a French Made moiselle behind Line while the Battalion was a well- rest We are having very nice weather at the lime of writing and we are giving Fritz- ail he wants at present ami more beside Well Mr Editor I will have to close for this lime wishing the Era every success remain of hoys Driver Victor Bridges P The guy with Ihe on is our Mascot The writer is marked a YEARS AGO From Era Newmarket branch of the Up per Canada Bible Society raised this year Mr Smith president and Mr It Alex ander secretary Soutor Trent have sold out their grocery and liquor store lo Harris Culver well Holland Landing heat Newmar ket at cricket by runs Patrick J Whelan was found guilty of the murder of this week and sentenced to lie hanged 32000 lives were lost last week by an earthquake in Peru Married at Bingham hotel Bradford by Rev Hamilton on Sept IT Mr Win Stephens of North to Miss Har riet Taylor At St Pauls Church Newmar ket on Sept by Rev Canon Mr Septimus Mills of Newmarket to Miss Sarah Boswoll of East By Rev Hamilton Sept at he residence of the brides father Mr Jos to Miss Rebecca fourth daughter of Mr Richard Long all of East At Christ Church Roachs PI by Rev Walter assisted by las Morton Dr fas Unwell of Toronto to Miss Km- ily daughter of Isaac Esq of Roachs Point THE FRENCH FARMERS SAVED THE DAY ifls good land of ours in France fair land made it iff that hated German war The The saying farmer is a national Canadian pro gress today in all lines attests to the splendid qualities of thrift that have marked the farmers in all the provinces returns from Held crops and animal produce have been only possible because of disposition lo make use in an economical way of all I lie wonderful of Providence in this The same was abundantly true alte when the frugal thrifty farmers of Hint possible for Ihe Republic I indemnity of two billion francs levied against them same spirit national tjirifl is being trie by lire Thanks be heroism is proving hue The line is holding The blood of the farmers is flowing equally as well through the veins of France daughters of the soil and so the national strength bends out doe break Canada is reaping her harvests of Increased returns and money is being made as never before Our farmers are earning tile gratitude ol all ill I Heir splendid efforts at pro duction That they will carry into their savings an equal foresight in conserving their surpluses against the future days of darkness and lower prices will be equally praiseworthy lie is well advised who saves his extra dollar until he sees which way Ihe winds of lomorrow will blow Adversity blows a chill blast where there is mo dollar in savings 25 GERMANY SOFTENING DOWN I I again quickly She walked far end of he room beneath palms where her sister had and stooping picked up some rose petals hat lay scatter ed her feet She did all unconsciously When she rose Wilton was stand ing over her lie Iodic her hands inlo his rose petals and all and looked down into her eyes I dont see why we dont eith er Do you Someone had gone a piano and the strains of he march from came to them through the open doors breeze softly stirred in the palm leaves above flic pink rose petals slipped from her lingers in a shower down over her gown as she her up on Wiltons shoulders and mel his eager quest inning look No she said very softly A Keriorn hotel tins rinse Its for two weeks for having sugar howls on Its and a firm Is shut up for a week for persisting In making even sole bread Mikado Sank Sept lives and damage done I a fire this morning which destroyed the store and dwelling of Meloff Mr his two sons and daughter had to for Jewish New Year observance leaving Mrs With five children al home Mrs Meloff I Hoovered the fire and gave Urn alarm Heroic efforts were made by Fred Popoff ft fanner Miss a clerk and Miss a to rescue the lrwnonthsold Oh I Id They gained the top floor but apparently were overcame by smoke and flames and perished along with baby Children is gratifying see change of attitude of Ger man military authorities ac complished through the In his report Mr Paul Ami Secretary working for French and in Germany says The first permit granled me only gave me a right the dis tribution of gills among the war prisoners My activity in the Camps was thereby very limited Then J- received reports from our Secretaries working Russian war prisoner camps in and presented them the War Ministry for inspection Al New Year I was able to receive as guest the Chief of a section of the War Ministry we bad a long free conversation in which I gave him a description of a manifold activity among prisoners of all nations All Ibis gradually cre ated at the War Ministry an at mosphere of confidence and kind disposition toward us and this spring at a special session of War Ministry a new permit was granted me for my camp visits and a special messenger was dis patched to me let me ho good results of the transac tion This new permit reads as follows You are authorized not only to look after the welfare of the War prisoners and to speak to to take nolo of their de sires for gifts and have photos taken of them but also to have he following privileges the In stalling of balls for divine ser vices of opening schools read ing rooms arranging of grounds for sports gymnastics and games the organiz ing of workshops and libraries To Ibis end you are authorized be a hearer al the divine vlcOfl held in the camps al the instruction in school and at theatrical representations You are also authorized to send and to transmit moneys and ad vance money Local are requested jo give you the ne cessary protection and assist ance From Era Sept 22 Mr and wife are visiting in this week- The following are taking in VNorlds Fair Mr and Mrs ROSS Mr Cane Mrs M Hughes Miss Jennie Mr I C Mr and Mrs Wallace and Miss Maud Wallace have been in City several days owing to death of his sister Sixteen from Newmarket look in the Methodist Convention al Bradford Tuesday and Wed nesday Itev Messrs J I Belfry ami J- Stephens and also Miss Keith look a promi nent pari on the program Mr Dunn brother of Mrs Dr returned from Wisconsin on Wednesday Mr is selling out his baking business The Altar on Sepl Mr Isaac man of to Miss Eliza- of Whitchurch Call mi Aug Miss Buchanan in Dr Angus Ego of a sou of Clerk of On Sept by A Bedford Mr John Watson New York to Miss Mary Amelia Phil lips of St Tin Tomb At the resilience of her daughter in Whitchurch Sent Isabella wife of late John Smith Of Cast in her year LEMON JUICE IS FRECKLE REMOVER Girls I this cheap beauty Lotion to cloar and whiten your skin Squeeze the juice of two lem ons into a bottle containing ounces of orchard white shako well and you have a quarter pint Of the best freckle and tan lotion and complexion at very small cost Your grocer has and any drug store or countor will supply thrco of or chard white for a few cents Mas- sago this fragrant lotion into face nock arms and hands each day and how freckles and diaappoar and bow clear aoft and while skin becomes Yea I It harmless FATALLY INJURED Mul len WAS here I by making whiskey by means Mill in his lie fined or six months in deeliled In lake the lalter freight cars on fin Grand Trunk ho rails near on Saturday and much loss of properly is result Am prior Sept p Herbert Mc- was almost instantly killed and his companions I Parsons ami badly injured a distribute gills to the prisoners Falling when alighting from moving Metropolitan radial car Jean the daughter of George Daniels minister of Chatham OriL frac tured her skull and died within two hours The family have their summer home at Jefferson on SI and- the girl was returning from Aurora a paper for her father It is said that she got off before the car slopped anil fell her head strik ing the pavement She died at llie home of Dr Rich mond Hill Daniels wns a former pas tor Aurora Bra to Humphrey were when an automobile in which they were riding one oclock yester day collapsed and turned Edmonton Sept Hunt er a rancher of the Prairie district was lured into a deserted shark by a chance ac quaintance on Saturday night as saulted and robbed of in money his watch and other valu ables He was knocked down with a wagon bolt Fruit ami vegetables may bow be shipped without restrictions of any sort from Cuba the United States now ruling will be effective until December Si Sept fi In Hie bounty Judges Criminal Court bore yester day before bulge Ward Allen Mit chell was sentenced years Imprisonment on a charge of bigamy Cine Of bis wives Is a girl to whom he married a few months Ho bad previously entered upon several other ventures Ottawa Sept The biggest li enor seizure In the Ottawa district since prohibition came Into force in cither Ottawa or Hull was made yes terday in the city when of the Hull police force act ing on Instructions of Mayor Archab- mault look possession of a shipment valued at 910040 Ihe premises of the Sudbury Brewing Company The consignment which came into Hull from Toronto consisted of 10 barrels of gallons each rye and dozen bottles of Canadian whiskey i

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