Frank Duncan AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Wilkinson DENTIST Corner and Bolsford New Fire Insurance J Bovd MB Graduate in Medicine of Toronto also Licentiate of the Royal JaJlefC of Physicians and member of il Collie of Surgeons of Eog- Former id a i DA A UG OUR LOCAL NEWS ECU univer- C T The reenter Monthly Meeting of the Womens Christian Temperance Union will be held on Tuesday the 3rd of September in the home of Mrs H-S- Huron St commencing at 3 A full attendance is Eye riiy College Ear Nose and Hospital London England Tested Glasses Supplied Telephone S MATCHMAKER AND Park Avenue Adjoining Post BERT GREEN AND PAPER Ave 2nd house from Queen St Newmarket PO Box MRS DUNN Maternity Nurse Andrew St P Box A Newmarket Teacher of Piano Voice and Dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Agent for Columbia and Records 1 Prompt I r Lyman G Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses At the Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at private idence if desired Furnace Work Moving Watsons jewelry store is moving across flic street this week to Mr j Watsons new block The Dept of Agriculture is moving week to he premises of Dr Clark nearly opposite the King George Hotel Navy Marine League A meeting the representative people of North York was called at the Hall yesterday afternoon to ar range for raising funds for the Murine Col was Navy League peeled to present the claims of the urgent call and he necessity of the fund on people of Hie Riding Brleflets I ate cars every night next week from Toronto Newmarket The Free Methodists had a at their Conference here last week ready to open a new- store on Hit- corner of Main and Lot Streets Many families are enjoying green lots WHILE AT WAR Women Sutfer at Home consider Doctor Pierces Favorite Prescription the best of wo mans tonics I suffered a severe nervous break down I conld not sleep was and tired all the time I took the Prescription and just a few bottles completely built me up and relieved me of my nervous condition It is a good medicine and I am glad to recommend it Has Beaton St Niagara Balls I can safely say that Favorite Prescription did me lot of good I at one time de veloped womans trouble my nerves were completely shattered and I became weak I had severe backache and pains in my extending down into my limbs I doctored but did not get relieved of my ailment and was down and out when I began taking Dr Pierces Favorite Pre scription and it bo completely cured me and restored me to health and strength that I was able to do all my own work and others besides I do recommend Favorite Prescription to weak and ail ing women they cannot get a better medicine Mrs John 26 Terrace Ave FIVE BUNGS GONE By Albert Tplman The Machine Com panys Iron smokestack two hundred and and a half feet in its diameter was by much tallest in the busy Connecticut city At its foot there stretched the great threestorey factory of glass and steel and concrete that hummed and day with ceaseless activity As fast as it could Ions was turning out certain machine parts for the government At half past four oclock on a hazy morning in June Duncan the steeple jack was preparing to paint the Hamcrton stack He had climbed the iron ladder and hauled up his tackle with a hand line From two hooks that he had suspended four feet apart on the rim opposite the ladder he had hung blocks and falls by means of which his crew when they came at seven oclock could hoist a stage Duncan kept early hours in summer On this morning he was in an unusual hurry for it was part of his days work to gel The Market Bargain House has still Bargains to give away at half price a few Lines of Goods still to clear Come and See I pairs Ladies Nigger Brown Boots with Soles reg 700 to for 50 pairs Ladies Brown Boots with Neolin Soles and Heels Reg for 50 pairs Ladies Low Shoes must be cleared below cost Sport Coats v 900 to 1000 for Ladies Lawn Blouses reg 200 for 99c I another stack half a mile Prescription is an inrigorat- taut ready another crew restorative tonic a soothing and Then he himself was to paint on strengthening nervine and a positive ft It took him less than half an hour lo arrange his tigging greater production Chrstan Endeavour The members of the Christian En deavour Society are requested to tin nice ling of above Society- on Tuesday evening Much good has been derived from tin past meetings lot ui look forward a standing remedy of years good standing- Send of tablets to Br Pierce Invalids Hotel Buffalo N j or with the Plumbing Our Specialties This will meeting after lie summer holidays and will be in charge of Mrs Waller Collins Miss is to give the paper Lei everyone be present Coin Holidays are Over All Schools reopen on Tuesday morn ing of next week at oclock has been glorious weather for Ihe and they should all come back to their studies with renewed vigor and It Is important that all who In tend to to school attend mi the opening lay no that there may be no disappoint men about being crowd ed out of ones proper seat Another thin- scholars dropping in a day or two after I In class has commenced not only find it hard to catch up but delay all others in the class remedy for tho chronic weaknesses pecu liar to women old prescription of Dr Pierce Is extracted from roots and herbs means J he descended Stood a of pure glycerine and is a temperance moment on the ladder looking around From deep black pit beside him rose a hot tide of he air was clangor which came from beneath the ce ment roof far below Beyond the marshes to the south lay Long Island Sound overspread with a pearly haze through which burn ed a round fiery sun Remembering his next stack he so and sit down to do all began to climb down The work possible iron rungs were each Jtittle bluing added to I la toned separately In stack at water in which glass is washed intervals of ftfloen inches by Single rivets in their flattened Three Doors South of King George Hotel NEWMARKET To save your strength when in the kitchen keep a stool which higher I can be pushed under the work table out of the way when not See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop- THE LEADING TINSMITHS NEXT TO SmlTH8 GROCERY adds much to its brilliancy When starting for a drive on a cold day I put a newspaper across my chest under my coat It is wonderful how it protects one from the piercing wind To cut an iced cake without crumbling dip the knife for a moment in hot water PLAYING SAFE In the spelling list for a class certain school in a were the words and it PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS PLEASE Get Them at The Photographer In Your Joined the Colors Ill the year before tin- War broke out Mr John son of Mr Win of Newmar ket returned from Saskatche wan and entered Pickering from institution he matriculated with honors in lie then Marl ed on a at Haver- ford College Philadelphia working towards his A but he could not close call of the great War therefore he Joined American Cross and Work with fellow students among which great prevailed and sailed from New York last Friday The family have roideil in Town for some years and a brother is now farming at Many friends will wish him Jink and a return singeing The class ask ed to write sentences using these words lo show that they knew the correct meaning of each One follow wrote The Italians are a singing nation The allies will soon be singeing two rods under the board of the Kaiser With Angers and his For an sideward glances he watched teacher mark his paper and tim idly asked Is it all right Yes she said hut Kaiser has no beard he has a mous tache I know I know hut I ends Some of the rivet heads were badly rusted With the thought in his mind that he had no time to waste he descended in a hurry stepping none loo lightly When he was about fifteen feet down a rung suddenly gave way His foot dropped heavily to the next which yielded like the other Then a third went a fourth a fifth His hands clutched the rung below as his arms had straighten ed to their full length both feet struck he sixth rung It buckled but held There hung the steeple jack with his arms stretched straight up his face and toes against the stack and his life depending on his in stant the terrific suddenness of he disaster paralyzed his brain he guessed had hap pened How could he get down He could not drop his font to he wanted on my paper and I next rung or even lower it an couldnt spell Argonaut moustache Tin i the Town One Door Weal New Post Office I of EVENING SITTING BY APPOINTMENT Phone Death of a King Tp Former The death occurred of Aurora on Wednesday afternoon of lost week of Mr John 100k after an illness of a mouths Mr Cook was horn In I Townhip of King years ago and lived ih-i- all his he from farming ago and bought rcMdeneo in Aurora spVnd re mainder lit his lays in piielude and comfort Mr Cook was a good an farmer and j in He hi- wife and daughters Mi- I mid Mrs It Aurora ami Ilrowfiing and j sons Karl and hf- of King Township and Harold who He armies in The funeral look ph- lasl wen in inch without taking both hands the Cling above And the he did thai he would fall backward from the ladder down through two hundred feet of- emp ty space Staring blankly at the rusted iron Duncan went over Ihe sit uation In his mind He was on the souill side Of the slack to ward the marshes and the sound was Canadians arc use to try to shout for the When the total hammering in factory below guns of all sorts and I would drown any sound he could tilt fjerman field gun make If he were he rescued two Ired and a all he rescue himself 219 GUNS CAPTURED PY CANADIANS With the Canadian Forces Aug The most impressive sight to he now in Ihe vicin ity of the battlefield to the east of Amiens is the park of artillery No one was likely be out in raptured by the fourth army with direction so early There which lioratcd number of sizes from up numbered nineteen These menus include entire number of guns captured as here are others yet brought in Perhaps the most interesting pieces of the Canadian trophy are high velocity livepoint nine- inch -llll- BARGAINS for Somebody I have for Sale PONIES AND COMPLETE OUTFITS for Children also AND In good order Newmarket Fall I hprnii u tie- ml- but on the pull infill iiiuleilaklrig IS The Hut how The ropes he had just pulled up hung behind the slack of sighl and many feel mil of reaehJ His -uh- safely lay eith er up or down Hint treacherous bidder Duncan deliberated His These are naval guns body was strained close against of about 15 ealibre with a iron he could not range twenty miles and have furl her away from il Within been employed in shelling our Hie stack a fiery column was area including shots al Amiens BIG BLAZE AT MONTREAL Auk J h RUBBER IS Water St- Newmarket NEWMARKET The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ASTER NASTURTIUM ETC Mow Ready In Quantity No Order than Delivered fc tt PHONE Fair if i lot dc- of it- inhahil- iiiilformliy with whhh when an Imjiorlaiil iimiilifil Ienl eallr- for united Hie Newmarket fair which lie milled iff lard Week in riejdembir The ioiiiis are now work closing up Prize which will probably be week houhl good prevail tie- Hiieiiors are forward most held in North Vork are being made Mine rtllracllons but we are in a announce anything definite in the behoves every of thin pari of country to think Up what part he or hV ran Hay in mafcinr Ha exhibit worthy grand old farmlnH eyiioii Lei visllori wit that we aan to up our regulation in farm Mock greater lili- as well ari work ean do lhir let ttie children at the hool Fair- put you to Monlreal of tons of oil and material wen destroyed today the that destroyed the oil tanker Lake Manitoba causing damage esti mate at about at Ihe wharf of the Imperial Oil Com pany The cause of lireis said lo nig unceasingly and if seemed him thill the iron was gel- hotter every ihi utile There was safely on tbeIim ol the chimney above ho only teach il there was safely below Ion if he could Ollty get his hands tin rung where his feel rested how was In- to accomplish His life hung on Ihe answer Suddenly rung under his linger quivered He looked up and to his horror saw thai the righthand rivcf was barely hang ing I new terror man can breathe those deadly fumes and long re tain consciousness Stronger and stronger grew the gas thick and thicker the smoke dctnly the fireman far below was putting on fresh coal A thick black cloud began to belch out of the stack and come coiling down around him Choked blinded nauseated Duncan bung there unable to stir an inch Although his head began to rob and ache he thought hard He knew that vertigo blindness insensibility were coming He must gain the firmer rungs with in minutes if he were lo gain hem at all II was that or a twohundredfool drop down the side of the stack When at least half his minutes of grace were over a plan that seemed to offer a chance of suc cess occurred to him He must lake off his overalls and pass one leg of them over the rung to which he was clinging then grasping both legs he must slide his hands gradually down them partly supporting his weight and at the same lipid stepping care fully down Could he do Less than two minutes would loll Letting go with his right hand he unbuckled his ov eralls Still holding the rung his left baud he worked the upper pari gingerly down his body Sharpened by danger his sense of touch told him the rung was loosening His overalls had faHen his knees Reaching down as far as he could with Ills right arm and lifting bis right fool he finally managed to- get that leg of the garment off But near his left hand the rivet was working looser and looser rasping the rung with his right hand again he lei go with his left lifted ha left foot and tried to pull his overalls entire ly off It was a longer job than before and to bis alarm he rung above wabbled at every motion The need of haste made him a HI lie careless and as he twisted his foot Oil of the overalls hoy slipped from his hand His heart seemed to leap upward They caught on his toe Passing one leg of the overalls over the shaky bar he grasped hoih legs of ihe garment and low ered himself until his right foot found wa was almost off His left fool found Ihe second jrunif Two steps more and he Would be safe down came the over alls The rival had pulled out Like lightning he swept his hands down side of the stack His fingers struck a rung and locked il as ihe falling bar hi- cheek vanish ed with Hie overalls II had been a close call Duncan began to down eeing is The glass oven door and the oven thermometer on the Pandora Range make baking an ex act absolutely con trolled operation You can see pre cisely how the oven is working how fast or slow is J A SALE BY W ALLAN CO ty XM vy- Iondon Toronto Montreal Hamilton Calgary Winnipeg Edmonton Vancouver Saskatoon IT a HURON 8T NEWMARKET To Every Lover of HOMEMADE BAKING TRY 9 J Our Favorite and Five Rose FRESH FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE Flour Ihe rung below There I need of fOI Hie OLIVER TERMS STRICTLY Give Us DIKE a COAL Call Phone Ml in its hole Kvon as be a of erude oil it moved Held where it caught I but lie feapd Caught fire and the whole vessel boiler where it in a short time was in flames it loo might whole river was llghlad cautiously ho or miles and the ml if Maine o Ihe water making a he flau fc jiitii t from curious hip oil vessels ides the torrents chemicals Soon Hie smoke and gas thinned and before loiijf he was below but remaiiud his head ached was blurred and he didnt seem have si re Hi hold on He never was able understand how be koI down that two hundred feel after rung climbing climbing Suddenly be His leg doubled up like a jack- knife The ground al last I Duncans wabbly limbs refused In support him and he collapsed In a heap at the bottom of the slack Youths Companion lug what you GRAY HAIR were in flghlillilf Ihe flames The ship carried tons of crude oil onii tons of copper and Ions of coal of oilier tons and was one of Ihe iftttuhM her kind calling at Ibis rforl One part Of his problem was settled lie knew Hint the road the rim was barred for the second he pul bin whole weight Oil is hands Ihe rung would give Way The question way could be She a r FALL FAIRS 1918 Dr Hair directed guaranteed to restore gray hair to lis natural color or money refunded oat a dye and DODlDJUrlOUfl Supply Co Qui Ob in at J brag Cooks town Oct Lindsay Sept Western Fair Sept Oct 35 Newmarket Sept Ottawa Central Sept Oct 89 Toronto Aug 9 9 l Somehow must thai fiverung gap tp from the south breathed a salt and damp ami iradually it grew stronger cord- in the hack of his neck Tiny dlanioids of moisture began lo gem the rust in his face Suddenly be coal gas turning his eyes upward he saw that under the influence of of smoke was over the rim and blowing down side of the stack was as coolbeaded and resolute any steeple jack in the business 1ml high I Of that rolling smoke him with a Bradford Oct Id ami Sept Sept tho wind black cloud SAME ThINQ TWICE A pnsscnger on a New l ml on awakening In oioinliiK found under his one black shoe had one one called the porter and his at- teniioh to Hie error MAKE YOUR TOAST THE ELECTRIC WAY AT THE TABLE WITH AS YOU NEED IT A COME IN AND SEE THEM The porter scratched lils woolly head in alter be wilderment sender Now if that a claimed tho line happened ruin beat Dots did mistakes AT U the Era to friends Children FOR FLETCHERS UNMISTAKABLE Did you hear nboul lb dHIeate hint Mr last night No what wjs Well found that looking at the cluck and oilier familiar devices were of mi avail ho ordered some refreshment and seal in of breakfast rood Sketch How Soma Mew comparison is solicited Wo havo somo Designs we would like yog- to call and see and will comparo favorably with what you got In City NO troubletTo show goods FRED SKINNER In Furniture and Funeral dlreotoi iM