mL OUR LOCAL NEWS improvements Mr Thole Kirk as bough I the West ri house on Timothy St and is put ting installing electric hath room conveniences Christian Church Ininn Services Sunday morning at lie Friends and in the evening at the Christian Church The pastor of the Christian Church will have charge of services- Subject for morning sermon The of Providence and subject for to Feast Com Brisflets grown green corn is now II hill fare There is not so much daylight to and we will soon be want ing I switch back to the old lime It predicted that owing to the yT- of beechnuts and the scarcity of mountain ash berries this year a winter is sure ONT RiDiAi Q Killed In Action pi was received that Ernest had been killed in action Pie Cousins enlisted in the Battalion and in England was fnvd to the 134th Highlanders f his lie worked on a Mount Albert When i in Newmarket he lived with Mr and he leaves two tjstTn i mourn loss Miss- Olive and Miss of Victoria Robert Brooks Killed in action Aug dur ing the last Canadian drive was born at Zephyr years ago He enlisted with the Bait un der the late Col Sam Sharpe and won three strips on the field He was through Viray Hill Merrcourt and Pas- Unlike many farmer boys who had a good home he was willing to give it all up sold he stock and implements by auc tion rented the old homestead and fell it was his duly to serve his King and Country He was a member of the Presbyterian Church in his home town A Memorial Service will he hold in Zephyr Church next Sunday Miss Helen Keriney visited in New market this week Mr Hammcll of Newmarket was home for the weekend Mrs John Herman visited In New market during the past week Mr Stephens of Newmarket was in town Saturday Mrs Kirby of Newmarket visited her daughter Mrs Gardner Tuesday Mrs Grant of Newmarket was a caller in town on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Gardner of Belleville visited with Mr and Mrs S Gardner on Thursday The dates which were previously set for Bradford Fall Fair have had to be as selected the same dates The directors have de cided on Thanksgiving Day for Brad ford Fair Witness SAVE SOLDIERS Methodist Conference annual session of the Ontario Conference of Free Church was held at VvMiarkcl from Aug to the Over one hundred gates ireachers and visitors were entertained among honors and sympathetic ad herent luring that period Many others provided self-enlertain- at the King George Hotel and with lunch baskets The business meetings and weekday services all convened in the Free Methodist Church Mill ard Avenue but the Sabbath ser vices were conducted in the Town Hall when three times the capa city of the hail was fairly tested Among the many excellent put- pit ministrations we might worth ily mention the sermons of Rev Morgan a converted Ro man Catholic Monk Fair- burn of the Methodist Church Stevenson of ro and Cowherd near Some of the other ministers present were Luck and S Snyder both former pastors of Newmarket Snyder Toronto Cunningham Uxbridge I Kingston He I haven The Sabbath services com menced with a Love Feast during which many oldtime testimonies conversion and reverberated in rapid succession through the conclaves of the old hall whose walls were silent in- lived to military preparedness and seemed to furnish a striking analogy between war with car nal and spiritual foes The item on the Sabbath or was a subscription to wards a fond for purchasing a Newmarket Parsonage and in a short time Si was pledged Hi shop Snellens morning ser mon was an exhortation to have on the whole armor of viz girdle of truth breastplate of righteousness shield of faith helmet of salvation and shoes of gospel of peace Each of topics was duly elaborated to furnish instructions to and impetus to veterans in the Christian life The afternoon service was de void missionary work of China thai field and showed He growing need for progressive work among heathen peoples hi- prophetic enthusiasm he that the work of evange lizing the is more crit ically incumbent on all from the standpoint of Hi own national wellbeing and survival When we consider China alone constitutes one fourth of life worlds population an fin- liol as might m tally inferior the white may well consider carefully whi allied hostility of the raeij would mean This villi surely it civilization i introduced through coriiiitfreial factors without the amelioration of the gospel address was supplemented by voluntary subscription to irijapy work amounting over At the close of the fl exhibited a Urge collection of Chinese curios The evening sermon by Bishop fieilpfi from Jamestown New was taken from the text lit- ready for In such an hour think not the Son of Mar The pivotal part which the sermon revolved fho ready The prin ciple human accountability In every business and social rela tion was dearly illustrated Just men often feel less obligation for liabilities to a corporation nan to a person just so theyof- look upon as one lo whom are only obligated in a Away denser but we must rernem- that in the Trinity there is a personality to whom we are flebted more than lo any Wan and we should live In render an account of In Him Joy An Offering of was taken for the resident Pastor and after singing God he with you till we meet again the ses sion closed to meet again at Kingston in The Conference by a rising vote adopted the following pre amble and resolution Whereas this Conference de sires to place on record its grati tude to Almighty God for the many mercies that the Domin ion of Canada has enjoyed while many the nations engaged in the current world war as well as many neutral nations are suffer ing fearful hardships such as a scarcity of food and destructive diseases while we in a large measure are enjoying prosperity and suffering few privations These favorable conditions we ascribe in great measure under Divine Providence lo the relation we sustain to the British Empire and also lo our proximity to the great Republic of the United States both of which nations have been so instrumental in the hand of God in spreading right eousness throughout the world and in protecting the weaker na tions from the oppressions of the stronger but unprincipled ones Believing as we do that the present struggle is one from which these nations could not have refrained without sacrific ing heir right to be called the protectors of the oppressed and downtrodden it is Therefore resolved Thai this Conference urge up on all of our people the advisabil ity of such active interest as can be consistently taken to advance the cause of the Allies and fur ther that in keeping with the Scripture injunction that prayer be marie for Kings and those who are in authority do hereby re commend that a portion of time he set aside by the Conference in which we shall unitedly offer voul thanksgiving lo God for the measure of success already at tained our navies and armies and for he protection afforded Our soldiers and all who arc act ively engaged in the great task of overthrowing the military power that has brought about such a condition as exists today and further thai prayer- he offered First for our rulers and those in authority may seek and obtain wisdom from on high that will qualify them for their respective offices Second for our Armies and Navies and the various agencies engaged in assisting them Third for the nations that may be visited with a gracious re vival of religion thai will purify US from sin which the wise men declared is a reproach to any people and establish that char acter and degree of righteousness which will exalt the nations be lieving as we do that this and this alone is the way to a true and permanent peace Cunningham BLOOMING ON Rev and Mrs A Sanderson of were guests of Mr Tanmers Mrs Stouffer and children of To ronto are visiting at her fathers Mr A Law Miss Kennedy of Toronto is a guest at Mr J Storrys Mr and Mrs Burnett of Mark- ham spent over Sunday at Mr Jos Burnetts Mrs Beech and son of spent a few days at Mr Geo Sages Miss Wilson of Toronto was a guest at the home of Mrs Mr and Mrs Hood and daughter of spent Sunday at Mr A Mr and Mrs French of were guests at Mr on Sun day Miss Mahon of Markham spent a week at of Mrs T Mahon WHISKEY LABELLED OLIVES Out of the conditions arising from the war new are constantly coming to the front Materials that heretofore were waste have acquired sudden values and are eagerlysought Many of I hem will retain their value after the war For instance the cocoaniit Before the war the United Stales was a tre mendous consumer of meat and oil The meat from the fresh nuts was and usedin confectionery and the like The oil was used in making soap prin cipally but in the last few years more largely in the manufacture of the va- AGENTS BUTTERICK PATTERN DRY ALL GOOD COOKS USE BRUNTON8 BAKINQ POWDER r The five barrels of whiskey report ed a couple of days ago to have been seized by License Inspector Hartley of the county of were brought to Toronto for inspection by the Ontario License Board The in spection revealed a unique way of shipping whiskey SUSPICION AROUSED The fact that five barrels were labelled olives anil shipped to unknown ininies gave rise to Hie Suspicion aroused and when the barrels were opened an ingenious attempt to gel past the authorities was revealed In each barrel was a small separate compartment into which the bung hole of the barrel opened This small sec tion of the barrel contained olives in brine while the rest of- the barrel contained bottles of whiskey in brine The bottles were all packed tightly in the straw casings and when opened the straw was soaking wet from the brine The purpose of having the brine all through the barrel was so it would not run out of the compartment containing life olives of the rive barrels would hold forty to fortyfive gallons of liquid while the other was a sixtygallon bar rel They were addressed three different parlies whose names were not known around Oakville and al though inspector spent all night guarding his new seizure no person to lay claim the goods barrel had in quarters of olive in it SI rat ford Aug Mrs Henry of Smith was lined and costs by Judge Barron today when convicted of concealing her brother Pic Adam a deserter Aclfng on the instructions of Pro vincial License Inspector of Toronto Wellington an official of the License Board living at Orlllia Tuesday afternoon placed Harry Mul len Of arrest Oil a charge of operating an illicit still According to an official of the License Board Mullen was C a light rcdhnndCd being engaged In the distilling process when the Officer entered his house The still which was In operation on the Kitchen stove and quantity of liquor was seized Canadian National Exhibition Aug TORONTO Sept 7 I Wrist Watches LADIES AND In Gold Stiver admissions sold first day of advance sale Come in years history of the CN CLOCKS IVORY KITCHEN CUT GLASS WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS KODAKS and Co I The Heroes of Britain A production ol tremen dous force and beauty with All the colorful of romance and W- In the dramatic every Canadian ehould tea MOVEMENT LIFE SPLENDOR A Patriotic Thrill In awry scent Cleat of crippled hoot bo device tOW A WORLD OP SPECIAL ATTRACTION Price of your local agent railroad and margarines and the like which are now a help in Cutting down the grocers bill and Which arc considerably cheaper than regular creamery butter But he shell of the was a waste product It is an almost iron hard substance and beyond being manufactured occasionally into dipper bowls had practically do other value save as fuel Then a use was found for these co shells in connection with de fense against poison gas it la no mili tary secret for the Huns have analyz- j our gas masks long ago arid know their contents but the Huns cannot get the materials for they havent a ship on any of the- seven seas They have been driven from seaborne com merce Suddenly therefore the has become of immense importance it means life or death for thousands of our gallant men at the front and agents are now scouring all available sources in the West Indies in Central and South America and in other parts of the world to obtain the precious supplies of shells which have a value greater than those parts of the nut which were the only ones with a market value The American gas masks are now- recognized to be the best in the world thanks the American chemists and the Latin American The result of the sudden and imper ative demand for the hulls is resulting in American capital becom ing interested in the indus try in I he American tropics and the West Indies Factories are being erected near where the nuts grow he- cause the nuts are so bulky that it is an economic waste in these times of scarce ship tonnage ship them whole They do not pack well In a bin of nuts there is almost one- fourth of the space wasted More over I here is almost a pint of milk In each ripe fullsized nut anil this milk has no commercial value That adds weight to the cargo when several hundred thousand of are shipped at once So in the interest of economy and the conservation of vessel space I he government has cut off the importation of whole mils There is also a good deal of unneces sary moisture in the meat- So the nuts are thoroughly steamed near where they grow cracked and Die meats extracted from the hulls Formerly in he tropics the hulls were used for fuel to produce the Steam and was a sort of a perpetual motion industry Dill the hulls are nol used for fuel now II would be almost like feeding the furnace with dollar hills to hum these shells up The hulls are now carefully preser ved and Shipped to the United Slates The meats are dried either by expos ure the sun or hy artificial heal and when I he water has been all dried out Hie greasy meats are called copra This is also shipped to the United States run through a put in powerful hydraulic presses and the oil forced out The oil is then settled and filtered or clarified lllC grade being used for the manufacture Of artificial but ter or margarines in toilet prepara tions and some pharmaceutical ways The residue is used for making soaps and the like The almost dry cake of material that was copra Is now called poonae In Denmark anil Norway and Holland It Is highly esteemed as a food for dairy cows Its milkproducing and arc the as the cotton seed meal of the south wldeh is a standard cattle food ami has no superior for use In connection with growing crops if I worlds supply of Latin America and West Indies furnish hardly more one ami one- half per cent seems Incredible hut It Is true and Hie opportunity Is there gain a large hulk of this busi ness Certain It is I he demands for fats will never grow less but on the contrary will increase with popu lation and fats humanity will have and must have The Is Hie greatest source today of vegetable The shells now have value which con easily be turned to monetary ad- vuitage in peace The outer cover ing or husk Is edited coir a rougti strong fiber which Is made Into rough cordage ami woven Into mattings mats Upon which to wipe the hIiorh and rugs and druggets and the combings are used for stuffing mattresses horse collars and the like Everything about the nut Is of value at present except the milk and that could very easily be turned Into alcohol as It fer ments easily Instances of profits of from to per cent on groves have been made and the groves bear for a hundred years with comparatively no attention months In storage cost Or It can ho kept for years oh copra tree In full bearing Is counted upon to produce an average of one hundred ripe per year It Is a continuous crop the nuts fall an they ripen and they ripen every few days during lie year The trees be gin to bear when five years old and are In full hearing and strength at ten year An acre of healthy cocoanut trees In full bearing Is supposed to yield nuts per annum At per acre with hardly a cent for up keep or for gathering except picking them up off the ground The tree has few enemies although a blight has Our Large Purchases of All Kinds of Dry Enables us to sell Many Lines for Less than we can buy them for today Anticipate your wants and get Some of the Bargains at the Present Prices GROCERY TALK have All the Substitutes used Instead of Flour at a little Lower than usual TEAS AND COFFEES Are Our Specials we are offering for about less per lb than they are usually sold for mi SHOE I The Price of Boots Is again Upward Bound Our Large gives you Protection on Prloe for some time to come EVERYTHING IN UPTODATE And the Workmanship on Every Pair Guaranteed i i r manifested itself on the Atlantic side of Panama at some places The nuts of the San Bias region of Panama and the nuts on the other side of the isthmus are con sidered the best in the world The San Bias nuts are from the hundreds of small islands near the Columbian bonier and owned by the San Bias Indians but the mainland will produce just as well There are several in vestments the sort in Panama and Nicaragua and Honduras now YOUNG FRENCHMAN TAKES 700 The capture of Germans is the exploit attributed to Pierre Cellier aged twentythree a corporal in the French Tank Corps Among the pri soners were a Colonel and fourteen other officers Two field pieces also were taken has been awarded Hie Cross of the Legion of Honor a reward rarely given anyone but a commissioned officer was in command of a tank manned by iT Americans in the recent fighting in the salient A shell struck the tank and rendered it useless The men then advanced on foot discovered the Germans ambushed in a cave He kept guard at the entrance for an hour when a German appeared with a white flag Behind the first one came the rest of one one The Germans threw down their arms before and marched to the rear his direction Sale Register Wednesday Mr J A Moss will have a general farm sale on lol In the Con of Whitchurch about I mile south of Pine Orchard Station credit or for cash Sale at one sharp The farm will also be offered W J The crop cun bo kept for a fresh condition with no u NEWMARKET Wi DAYS ARE NAMED FOR EXHIBITION Friday August Press bay Saturday August list Production and Conservation Day Monday 2nd Labor Day Tuesday Sepl 3rd American Day Wednesday Sept 4th Farmers Day Thursday Sept 5tll Manufacturers and Transportation Day Friday Sept Day Saturday Sept Athletic Day and HARVESTERS URGENTLY NEEDED IN CANADA When to Western harvest fields go Canadian Northern Hallway ami thereby give support lo Peoples Line Information of value lo harvest hands Is given In a leaflet entitled Harvesters Work ami to be had from any Agent Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid in Toronto this week Extra Choice Steers and Heifers Butchers Choice Cattle Medium Steers and Heifers Butchers Choice Cows Common Cows Choice Choice- Milkers Good Springers Common Milkers and Springers Choice Veals Good Calves Spring Lambs Yearling Lambs Hogs off cars Choice Sheep RAILWAY TWO WEEK SALE OF VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS Ladies Black and White Lisle Hose Reg 35c Sale Price Fine Ribbed Hose Makes a Good School Hose for Boys or Girls Special Price 38c Ladies Fine Lisle Silk Hose to Good Value ToDay for Mercury Brand Hose Good Heavy Lisle Thread Special for this Sale Table of Remnants including Fancy Voiles Muslins Ginghams Prints all at Cost Price Basket of fancy and Plain Ribbons Narrow and Wide Widths LES8 THAN COST I Wi iTJ I OF CANADA CAPITAL PAID UP 7000000- RESERVE FUND reserves 18 Build up a account in idrtnitiet of has a department Iniereil allowed at current rate I J SMYTH NEWMARKET BRANCH Branch alio At Aurora Manager 1 IF AN Then you know Its Made In ASK ABOUT THIS CANADIAN No 2 If You Wish TORONTO OFFICE I 18 Local Era Office rii i vc to go to the Country on I HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS to Winnipeg Plus a Beyond PHONE Let us make you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR Prompt LA Prop on Phono 172 Promptly to I AUQU8T 118 From Toronto and all Stations and South thereof in On tario For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Or to Horning Dis trict Passenger Agont Toronto J Depot Agent Phono J Ft Phono Agent Newmarket Markets por Duller per lb Wheat bush Oats bush Bran ton Toronto Markets Butter lb T71 dor Turkeys lb 32 Spring Chickens lb Ducks 35 Kali Wheat bush Wheat bush Oats bush 93 Timothy Hay ton Mixed Hay ton Auk- Rebel forces have gained successes Govern ment troops near according lo reports reaching today from South Chlna The Government troops In the Province of con- are said to have been placed In a dangerous position to I I fcl a