Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Aug 1918, p. 2

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J V j TWO if iv HOU8EJO RENT Also a House for Sale on the month ly plan Apply to Kirk St Newmarket BLACK CHATELAINE Last Saturday morning on Main SL Newmarket containing purse and glasses Finder will be rewarded leaving at Era Office FOR One Ford Roadster Two Light Waggons One Cow Milking Cords of Wood Box Keltleby CARD Mrs J Cook and family wish to ex press hanks to the kind neigh bors and friends for Ihejr kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of beloved husband and father also to the Independent Order of Forester of Keltleby for their asslst- at the funeral CARD OF THANKS Mrs Dr desires to express her deep appreciation to the many friends who extended and sympathy in sudden bereavement through which she has been called to pass also to the various Societies and personal friends who contributed flowers tit adorn casket FOR SALE OR TO RENT A good comfortable frame House near Public School Apply to Allan Howard Prospect Ave Newmarket STORE TO RENT In the Hank of Toronto at present occupied by the Department of Agriculture Pos session Sept 1st J WESLEY PURSE FOUND On Timothy Street Tuesday evening Aug Owner can same by proving properly and paying for this notice Earl Burrows Pearson St Newmar ket- TO RENT Store and Dwelling with gar den opposite Post Office For particulars apply to Newmarket or to I Per kins Ave Toronto FOR SALE A Bicycle- In good condition Tools to he sold with Bicycle tor further particulars apply to Mrs James Groves Niagara St HOU8E FOR SALE OR TO RENT The Cedars Boarding and looming House Would lease for a term of years with or with out furniture Apply to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Victoria Ave License No Newmarket f COW FOR Apply to NOT DEAD BUT SLEEPING As War time compells a man to keep his mouth shut so the editorial critic feels that Jie must not fiip his pen loo freely in the ink well lest he shpuld be looked upon as a traitor For this reason Liberal papers are somewhat mum concerning Government matters but that is no indication that the Liberal Parly is dead A few days ago the Toronto News had the au dacity to say The old Liberal party is a broken pitcher Some still try lo dip up the water with the shards but it is unprovable exercise Referring to this quotation the London Advertiser has this to say If the Liberal parly is dead it requires no further funeral ora tions from the News or anyone else Once to every man and ev ery party come embalming fluid and the floral wreaths and the cutting of the sod You cannot play an encore with Death If the show is over he turns the crank that brings down Ihc cur tain Canada has seen a few po litical parties go under the daisies for all time to come but it has not yet heard the muffled drum roll and the cymballs clash in a symphony of woes for the Liberal party that held the reigns of pow er for fifteen years up to and went into Opposition With colors flying The Liberal party cannot be kept alive by any strong application of journalistic oxygen Enthusiasm cannot be pumped intoits lungs in the hope that it will stand Bui on the other hand it has learned the methods of gas protection and it cannot be killed with the noxious vapors its enemies have poured into its trenches Otherwise it would have been dead long ago Every kind of political assassin has been hired for tbe task of exterminating Liberalism and in many cases it has received seri ous wounds that drained its blood The Ih robbing consciousness of its ideals was never lost When a party ran withstand what Liberal ism has gone through there is reason to believe that it may car ry its honorable scars through many another battle And no matter how little or much of pub lic coddling it may receive no mailer how seldom it may sit at the tables of the rich all through the land there are men and women who will receive it as the most honored guest How ever may be deserted by syco phants and selfseekers however its cause may fall it will never he killed until it has achieved its mission In this country lo estab lish brotherhood and lo make truth supreme if the electors bad a chance now to mark their it would fell i different tale to thai re corded at the last general Iction OUR SOCIETY COLUMN Miss Mae Cain is spending WAR NEWS Far more effective than Sticky Fry Catchers Clean to handle Sold by Druggists and Grocers everywhere a week in Hamilton Miss Leila Starr bad- a boat trip lo Rochester a few days agQ Mr Gordon Burnett spent last week visiting in Rochester Mr and Mrs Playler and children were guests of Mrs P Hunt on Sunday Mrs Dr Scott had the company of two nieces from fo- ronto for a week Comments of Exchanges London Advertiser The S Government has decided lo lake some of the wood pulp out the Sunday newspapers When one sees a whole page devoted lo a picture of a bathing beauty the action does not seem illadvised Toronto Star Thanksgiving Day may be deferred a month or so the idea being no doubt that the longer it is put off the more well have lobe thankful for Christian Guardian As Ger man statesmen to realize that the end is near they natural ly begin to look ahead and Dr Solf one of the Cabinet Ministers has been pointing out that one absolute necessity for peace will be the return of her colonies to Germany But Lord Robert Ce cil in answer announces that Britain inlends shortly pub lish details of Germanys treat ment of the natives in her for mer colonics and when these facts are given lo Ihe world Lord Robert Cecil declares that the conscience of the civilized nations will agree with Foreign Secretary Balfour when he declared that these colonies could never be re stored to Germany is recog nized on all hands thai Germany has a right to peaceful expansion but her colonial record makes it impossible for libertyloving hu manity lo hand over millions of ignorant Africans the iron rule of a Government which showed no mercy and which ut terly refused to recognize the rights or respect the liberties of unfortunate nations which happened to come under its rule The future of Germanys col onics is still a matter of conjec ture but one thing seems settled and thai is thai I hey will never again he subject lo the heartless and inhuman dominance of the German people Our Toronto Letter Miss Mabel Menar spent last week at Belle visiting Miss Erie Mrs John Currcy who has been seriously ill for two or three weeks is improving Mr Jack Watson of AHiston called on his parents at Bon- Air on Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs Fred Toole of were the guests of his aunt Mrs P Hunt Ibis week Mr Bert Hughes and wife have returned after spending a week at Rochester with friends Miss Gladys of To ronto spent he weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Albert Trivelt Miss Alela Brodic is spend ing a couple of weeks with her grandparents in Toronto and taking in the Bertha Robinson was successful in passing the Inter mediate Course in Agriculture at McDonald Hall Mrs and grand daughters Muriel and Gerald Ae By their progress Wednesday the British and the French have put the Germans in another dangerous predic ament The Australians and the French have driven the German centre on a ten or twelvemile front against a bead of the from the crossing to the Ham crossing French have seized the line of heights which overlook the and together with the Australians they have shoved a large section of the retiring Germans against the river the French from Cizancourt to and the Australians from to Herb- court By giving the enemy another shove and keeping up the bombard ment of their artillery the allies have the opportunity of driving large bodies of his infantry into the river and of cutting off his remaining heavy guns and war materials Since July the allies have taken prisoners and more than guns The unbroken chain of allied suc cesses in France is stirring up trouble for the Germans in regions previously kept subdued Vienna is in alarm because the Poles Czechs and South Slavs arc carrying out what resembles a general mobilization This action threatens AustriaHungary with civil war The Poles Czechs and South Slavs live in a solid block from the Danube to the Baltic Sea and the creation of a commotion here would rapidly undermine the power of Au stria making her impotent to assist the Germans and making it imperative for the Germans further to assist her In Russia the allies are also making rapid progress They have cleared the Archangel district of Bolsheviki they- have come closer to joining forces with the GzechoSlovaks on the railway of Moscow and the ar rival of allied reinforcements in east ern Siberia is beginning tell against the forces still at large CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO RUNES Mr end ho ting it Sight J Now thai Fruit Is scarce there will be more Dried Fruit used- e have Prunes at 12 and a lb the Christ Christ the Sub PEAC Nothing finer In Peaches than what we have at and per lb ORANGES Nice Sweet Juicy Ora nges at 30 and doz I A BANANAS at dozen We have a few DUTCH SETS left which we of fer at lb CANDY Nothing better than the kind we handle Try UK PHONE YOUR ORDER IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTENTION a PHONE sMjaJL Watson of Toronto visited at BonAir over he weekend Mrs Morton of Keswick ami Mrs V of Little Britain spent Tuesday with their cousin Mrs O J Wilson Mrs Firth laic of Pickering College Newmarket had the misfortune to break her wrist at her summer collage at GoHome Bay Mr and Mrs Jackson left yesterday to lake in the Island trip on their way lo Mont real to spend the weekend with their son Mr Edgar Li Jackson Miss of Detroit An immense deposit of pot ash sodium sulphate of many millions of Ions has been discov north of Maple Creek CATARRHAL CURED CANNOT BE Nowadays it is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR years old Sharon Milton FOR SALE A Bicycle in good condition Tools to be sold with Bicycle further particulars apply lo Mrs John Groves Niagara St THINK IT OVER Editorial Notes lo the return of Premier Borden from England the London Advertiser says Die a r Life Is Uncertain Death Is NOT If Your Life Is Prolonged you will endeavor to make an adequate provision for your vlfo and children But there is NO GUARANTEE that Will last until that aim Is attained ASK FOR PARTICULARS AT YOUR AGE Fred District Representative NEWMARKET THRE8HIMG FOR At Low Prices or 10 P Second Hand or New Large Traction Engines from l P Portable Engines l P Stationary Boiler and Engine and P Separators Feeder Blower and Straw Cutter Attached Hand Feed and Raker Machines Hand Feed with Blowers Machines Feeders Blowers Clover Mills 2 Gas Engines Cutting Boxes A Number of Repairs for Cutting Boxes Second Hand Belts and Tank Hose Feeders and Blowers P Indian Motor Cycle Saws Pulleys and Shafting Newmarket CALL premier ban never shown that he possessed the ability thai magnetizes audiences statements are formal eold and Hid with a slock of words sawed nit with a rather than the of a Certain is thai he has not lie eloquence of Sir Wilfrid and the Advertiser sizes him up about the sarin an ordi nary people but few have courage say so No 10 he Canadian Record of Performance for Pure- Bred Dairy Cattle constitute a hand book that dairymen can hardly do without it contains the rules and regulations govern ing records of performance standards for Ihe records of performance of all purebred dairy cattle in the country convenient summaries Of reports exact details of records achieved and the of the owners a record of cows that have produced sufficient milk and fat qualify hot have failed lo freshen within fifteen months after ihe com mencement of the lest a list of hulls open to registration and an index lo owners The whole a valuable and concise book of dairy records that can be had free oh application to the Publications Branch Department of Agriculture Ottawa Red Cross Society The Red Cross ladles are well satisfied with Die results die on he Chautauqua grounds The only thing they sold was Ice cream cones and cleared Had the privilege of selling In the lent before be performance been granted at Hie Aral they would have cleared least The ladies are extremely grate ful Mr Smith for pro viding fllC lumber and men to build The ex pected to have had part of the big but ibis privilege would not be allowed They will know heller what to do another time Three arrests have been made in connection with the attempt ed robbery of the Spa d ilia Cafe Auditor for the Toronto General Trusts Corpora tion died on Tuesday following injuries received Friday night when he was struck by a motor cycle Fred years of age and a bachelor was sent to penitentiary for two years for an assault on a young girl After completing ten days of his sentence Rankin will receive fen lashes with catonine tails and ten more just before he leaved prison The Exhibition i in full swing and the attendance promis es equal last year There were only SOU kid dies at the on Childrens Day a record breaker Miss Kathleen a fa mous i at Ihc King Ed ward Hotel she lias no pro fessional engagement hi Ihc oily She inaugurated aerial mail service between Calgary and and Vancouver and Vic toria The Ontario License Hoard is preparing a pamphlet in which Ontario Temperance cl and il amendments are codified for convenience of license hold- ers and inspectors Ken was and costs for using obscene language on a radial ear CROP DAMAGE REPORTS GREATLY MAGNIFIED Almonte Aug The big flannel mill owned by ex member of Parliament here was burned down thin The will be The fire darted at it known that either hot box or nail the Ifl to have been the caiiKe Want Harvesters At Once Reports previously published I rig damage by frost to crops In Saskatchewan wire pessimistic showers and favorable weather have changed the outlook s apparent thai Province of Saskatchewan will have a normal crop This evidenc ed by Western demands for Parol as not less than arc re- Immediately for harvesting young man and those more mature In every community In Including own should get away and can make his a grcal opportunity to serve the In a practical way and it tin same lime be of In valuable benefit to himself an distance journey at low and a chance to and the Immense new Country nerved by Canadian Northern Peopled oxcundons by Canadian Northern trains having Toronto m 281h September and I la Harvesters from outside points lo use connecting trains to To ronto Aug japan has made preliminary plans lo in crease her army by per cent and lo build three times num ber of dreadnoughts and previously planned spent the weekend with her par ents here Her sister Miss Lo is returned with her to Detroit where she has accepted a position Miss Lillian of To ronto has returned home after spending a few days with her aunt Mrs Pine Or chard and her grandmother Mrs Hunt Joseph Ave Mr and Mrs A spent Sunday at the gliosis of Mr and Mrs Heck Miss Florence and Miss Cane accompanied them and remained there for a few- days Mr of Bradford wellknown here has been on the sick list for some lime and does nob show much signs of improve ment He has consulted Toron to specialists and gut little en- Mr and Mrs J Lewis of announce engage ment of their second daughter to Mr Win eidei son of Mr and Mrs John Pa ton of Fergus Out The marriage will take place early in September Owing to the illness of her daughter Mrs Ii He wilt went to New York a couple of weeks ago to look after her Miss llcwitl was sufficiently re covered to he brought home and arrived here last Sunday She is getting along nicely Mr and Mrs and ha by of Bronte dropped off at on Wednesday to see old friends They were on their way to Orchard Beach to spend two or three days With his grandfather Mr- Jackson who will reach his birthday today We regret say that he has been very poorly for some lime prossor is showing a good ileal of vitality for one in his year A week ago last Sun day he preached at Pine Orchard in the morning and after dinner motored to Jacksons Point where he was met by the Indians with a gasoline launch and taken to Island where he con ducted service at oclock Chief Big Canoe who is in his year led the singing with great enthusiasm mid service was much by all present in- cludingabout of he dusky tribe I Prober returned home by in tbe evening A lad from Toronto camp ing at Ross Lake had the misfortune to be shot In the Oil Saturday by Ids companion The boys were out with rifle and while the hammer gun was dis charged breaking a bono in the hoys leg Montreal Aug Thirtyone horscK were burned to death and damage estimated at caused by a fire believed to have been of ccndlory origin which destroyed the bakery of J A Street this morning The outbreak In the bakery was the sixth fire of suspicious origin which ban oc curred here In the past hours In establish men Is connected with pro duction of food by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car There Is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness and that is by a constitution al remedy Caarrhat deafness is caus ed by an Inflamed condition of the muc ous lining of the Eustachian Tube When tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing and when It is entirely closed Deaf ness is the result Unless the matlon can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition hear ing will be destroyed forever Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh which Is an inflamed condiUon of the mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of th system We will give one Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Circulars free All Druggists J CHENEY A CO Toledo THE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument in the World CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo House Phono No Store Phone No f iVi THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY 9 Night attondod to at J MILLARD Phones and 2o The Cradle In Whitchurch I Ml Mr null Mr a sou Thus Halnos In 1018 to Mr anil Mrs Elliott Haines a son u Vwmurkct on Aug to Mr and Mrs J a daughter Tho Tomb Gray Died wounds in on Auk Pie Hi Inert Arthur licld Ambulance dearly son of Mrs Gray North St Aurora in drd year Deeply by all who knew him Cook At his late residence Con- naught Ave Aurora on Wed nesday Aug 1st John Cook in his year On Tuesday Aug lli at his residence King Out Neil in hia year Funeral on Thursday to King lily Cemetery Watt- On Saturday Aug Hi 1 at her residence Lome Crescent Louise loved wife of Watt and second daughter of the Into Sheriff of Brant- ford and niece of Mrs Perkins formerly of Ibis town Cnl on Auk Knowics former ly Newmarket after an Illness of nearly years LATH FLOORING LIME Our prices are right SHINGLES CEMENT Builders FLOUR GOAL See our Hardware and Screen Doors I FEED WOOD Canadian Twin Shingles Phone 22 Newmarket Firm Trustor CAN NOW BE SEEN AT Water Newmarket Immodlato can bo S J Roadhouse Furniture Undertaking Hi North Alt DONT These Buggy Bargains 2 Rubber Tiro 2 Stool Tiro Buggies with Tops Stool Tiro Open Buggy 1 TwoSeated Mikado Light Wagon with Top Good Work and Driver Enquire at K ROBERTSONS Water 8t Newmarket LOCAL AGENT WANTED For Iho Old onhard need Thousands of replacing War Gardens call for early bearing fruit trees pus plnnls The demand for Ornamental towns and villages is Secure a paying Agency with commissions Experience necessary liberal not Stone Wellington Established TORONTO

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