NEXT P08T OFFICE Sat Aug 31st Watsons Jewelry Store The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest sent out of North York unless paid in advance TERMS per annum in advance when not so paid 3200 to United States in advance only I Open in New Store NEXT POST OFFICE SatAiig31st TCWatson Graduate G JACKSON Editor and NEWMARKET 0 T FRIDAY AUG j VOL No 3i Single Copies eaoh A LETTER THAT WON A PRIZE Dear Sir I dont know much about advertising but I do know about the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove Before we were Introduced I had been handicapped In my kit chen work by defective cooking appliances This placed me in a state of fear and anxiety as I was never sure of satisfactory results But one day someone suggested the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove After my first actual handling of the stove I was surprised at Its ease of operation Its simplicity and Its wonderful efficiency It has been my experience and the experience of all housewives I have met that one naturally expects ease of operation simplicity and efficiency of their cooking appliances and that It Is a bitter dis appointment If the above are lacking I therefore can truthfully say that a longfelt want has been successfully met by the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove TJiere Is no delay no waste no wloks no smoke no odor If you take pride as every body should In a nicelycooked meal a perfect baking of bread cake or cookies the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove will place that pride on a firm foundation BINNS HARDWAR THE PAINT STORE PHONE 28 Calvary pomes Pentecost and after the Kaiser and militarism conies Lloyd Wilson Week IS Over MONT is ESTABLISHED OVED YEARS Banking for Soldiers A Branch of this Bank now in operation at Valcartier Camp for the convenience of our soldiers Military Pay Cheques cashed without charge Money Orders Issued on all points in Canada Savings Accounts opened and a General Banking Business transacted HEAD MONTREAL C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch It Leaves Memories of Pleasant Hours The Chautauqua in Newmarket was something now but the course proved to he or and intellectual profit all who were fortunate enough to procure season tickets Any one of the three lectures was worth the price to say nothing of the musical talent that acquitted itself so efficiently every day of the week Although the guarantors were catted upon make good a smalt deficiency they are not discouraged They real ized that it brought our people the opportunity hoar and see noun men and women at a minimum of expenditure and so confident are they thai Ihe Chautauqua has been appreci ated Ihey have signed up for another season Wednesday was one of the strongest days of the Chautauqua combining ex ceedingly popular musical numbers by the Royal Dragoons Band and an elo quent lecture by Col Bain This gifted Southern orator seventyseven years young charmed his audience by the grace and finish of his oratory and his beautiful commingling of wit and wisdom He said If I had life live over there are some things that I would change I would be brought up in the country as I was I would play over same blue grass carpet along the same turnpike aisle swing on branches of same old trees and listen lo Ihe concert chorus of Hie same song birds I would early seek my calling in life Half of lifes failures are because boys do not find what they are filled for If it is true that ever since creation shot its shuttle through chaos design has marked the course of every golden thread then everyone is designed fit a certain place in life To ihe young he said You live in a testing world Every cannon is tested The gun that can stand lest is placed in fort or on battleship The gun thai stand the test is cast into the junk pile Thomas Marshall was our gifhd Kentucky orator He could soar as high on unseen wings of elo quence us any offspring thai ever plumed wings from a family of orators ami on his deathbed he said And l his is end Tom Marshall is dying borrowed bed without decent suit of clothes in which In hurled He couldnt stand Hie lest and i SOUTH END LUMBER YARD FARMERS COAL FOR THRESHING on Sale PER TON W PEARSON Cor Church and DArcy Carters Giles John Murphy and Leslie Royal Dragoons Band A most capable organization of play ers and singers this band proved them selves Both in solos and ensemble they appeared to advantage and en thusiastic encores were the rule Sweet who was conductor of Ring- lings band for years is head of this band and has brought it to a high state of efficiency The Tschalkowskl Quartette Thursday was the big day for music lovers attractions being the Rus sian Quartette and Bertha The four gifted musicians from Boston who compose the quartette gave great delight with their program All their selections were high class and the choice showed excellent judg ment several of numbers helms well known favorites Individually and in ensemble these players proved themselves artists in the highest do- and more than merited the en thusiastic applause accorded them Probably most attractive numbers were a Spanish Dance Gavotte Overture from Rossinis William Tell and violin selection of the lead ers own composition at loir song recital in evening quite sang her way into the hearts of her hearers She is possessed of a charming personality anil a pure sweet soprano of wide range ample power and perfect train- Included in her selections were THE WM CANE SONS CO LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER LDINC I Such as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Saab Doors and Window Frames Door In Pine Fir Ash or Oak at prices that will Interest you Kindly give us a trial Wm Cane MEW MARKET BANK ofTORONTO Banking Service Farmer given careful attention Hale Notes discounted Loans made to responsible parties Every convenience is afforded to Savings Depositors Small or large sums may be deposited and Interest paid on balan ces Branch Manager Hoys you Here the speaker referred tin leader of 1 Hough Riders exPresident as one who could si ml Hi He wanted to take tinny France when it wis considered best be did not sulk in liih lent Mis four sons vol unteered one has been killed ivvii tire on Ihe flrjng line his eldest daughter Alice gave her fine home Cross service his youngest daughter is now over I be sen his soninlaw and are Ihe front while in- is using mid longue to quicken Hie pulse of patriotism All honor to the Roosevelt family After Haying many things ah out what hi- would do or wouldnt do giving young people wholesome advice he turned the war which lie said had made th- world look like a menagerie animals louse and the keeper gone home and be said have seen so many good things happen am an optimist in my old age I saw negroes sold on be auction block in my youth now slavery Is gone I saw a duel fought between two leading young men of slate now- dueling is gone Fiftyseven years ago tie south was arrayed against the north and against the south in my country now 1 grandsons of men who met on bloody battlefields are keeping step with your Canadian hoys on the way to Deri in This war Is not an unmixed evil It has blessings as well as horror lint of great disasters great The partition wall between rich and poor Is crumbling down Young women who three years ago counted lime from the I as I dance the next dinner are now standing side hide with girls from factories and shops in Red Cross service The banker son and blacksmiths hoy arc bunking logether and If the black smiths hoy falls wounded In No Mans hand the bankers son will go after his pal and Hie United States are realizing they allied by much more than are divided The United States has put aside the distorted Jens of prejudice and sees how from her mother came her language ami laws Englands navy has protected our Monroe doctrine and how when the German fleet entered Manilla bay to hearten Spain ffect anchored between and said In substance to Germany You touch my runaway daughter Columbia and Ml touch you I rejoice that the United States Is rewarding England by sending more ih a million men lo help destroy the maddog of and we ask no belter record of our soldiers than Canadas brave sons have made Referring to the atrocities commit led by the Germans and the humanity of the allien he said Your flag and my will never go down In defeat before a tyrant who knows no law has no honor nor respect for the virtue of womanhood There have been reverses and may be more but after Hull nun comes Appomattox after the Jewel Song from Faust a quaint Tuscan folk song and a patriotic num ber When the Hoys Come Home The program was conclud ed by singing in turn the Star Spangled Banner Marseillaise and Rule Britannia As she sang each Song she was draped in Ihe folds of lilt iir of the and applauding enthusiastic ally The Ben Greet Players 111 under storm on Friday even ing nterfcrrcd with the attendance although lhen were between six ami seven hundred people present to hear the most popular Offering of the week This however was greatly interrupted by occasional downpours of rain To lovers of Shakespeare the name of Hon is familiar as one who has presented th plays of i great hard of Avon of doors in a style con forming lo that in were originally givn embellishments of scenery used which decided novelty accustomed scenic effects thai now play such a prornfnenl pari in most stage productions Mr fireet has gathered many actors and heir Interpretations are as to win un stinted applause Ho well do art their parts thai Ihe absence of scenery- never missed but serves to imagination and attention upon players The of one of Shakespeares earliest plays is rarely now as the Incompar able pattern liter which marly all modern farce has been modelled The construction of many a new farce fol lows closely this lab of two pairs of twins In I Ik- company llmv was not a week spot ami cleverly ilellneijteii mlrlhprovofclng roles captured audience Acres of Diamonds a fitting conclusion he splen did of came tint by Dr Jon well Ihu most fa nous lecturer in Thirl years ago Dr pastor of a llllle in and he has sienll grow from that a congregation with over members in he of a with and Hie ceils of his lectures at which he gives a year are devoted lo poor boys get an education I if ledum Acres of Diamonds has delivered limes and Its richness does not suffer with the passing years Tor nearly two hours Dr unflagging In terest of his hearers It was a curious Incident by which found the title for this lecture said Dr I Willi a party of friends was Journeying down the banks of the after having left My guide had been telling me BO many stories that Ihey became wearisome but last lie told me one that aroused my Interest This was the story Near Indus there lived an old fanner who was visited by a Buddhist priest who told dim wonderful stories of dia monds and their fabulous wealth These stories made the obi man dis contented and lie weld his farm and with the money wandered through foreign lands ever seeking for dia monds lie never found them and In his disappointment flung himself Into the sea In the meantime the man who had bought his farm found what he thought was a strange piece of rock He kept It as a curiosity A priest came to the house and told him It was a diamond And the moral of the story was If the man bad stayed home- and dug in his own garden Instead Of wandering about the world he would have had acres of diamonds There have been many Instances of the same thing happening said Dr Wc have acres of dia monds In our own cities 1 am facing people who are thinking of leaving Newmarket because they do not think there are opportunities enough here Hut there arc oppor tunities for and greatness right in this town If you think you cannot ever be rich in Newmarket you never be I once heard Mr Gladstone say hat Australia and Canada were the great arms of British Empire Less than one quarter of Ontario has been taken up and there Is less than one eighth under cultivation This is the opportunity we consider how rich Ontario is now and not nearly developed as yet It is your duly to get rich con tinued lecturer I know dial some people think you must be poor and dirty to be pious but the scrip tures do not teach people he poor and a poor person should never be helped unless he would pay back if able charily does harm The Bible speaks rue words and after fifiy years of bad times we see people more united than ever in be lieving that the is Irue Some people would say Isnt there any thing greater than money Yes love is greater than money not without money It is your duty to get rib gives yon added power and with Ibis power look at Ihe great good that you could do A man in llils world gels just what he is The foundation prin ciple if business success is doing things help your fellow- men Every man in business Should make a fair profil if he doesul lie is breaking every rule of business He is not himself and you cannot trust a man who is nol true himself Hut at the same time the buyer should also by the business transaction An dea that sticks in the mind of many people is thai a must he soui kind of a crook to make so much money Upon investigation of millionaires in the United States and millionaires In Canada there an over that I can say are dis honest Out of these 4043 began life without a dollar and made their millions in towns that were under Inhabitants This does away with idea that a big city Is needed lo make money in Teach your boy to help the fellow The man who was pointed out by Chris I lo be the greatest man was good Samaritan and he was a business man It is the laking interest in your fellow men that makes success In herited money is the curse of the age Hardly any rich mans sons die rich Supplying a known demand is neces sary in making money Kind what tin- public want gel it fur them and you will make money Mr cited many instances of huge fortunes thai have been made in this way I asked Andrew Carnegie why o many men succeed in small towns and he replied have time to think Thinking are Ihe ones that big Women have op portunities now for makng and some of the most marvellous things have been invented by women and they accrue large fortunes for Wherever Ihcre is a human need there is a fortune Most of l hose started in low posi tions In life but afler they are rich their willingness do humble things marks their greatness No mailer how small a mailer has he attended concentrate your whole mind on it was Ahralfnm Lincolns rule As small towns have grown into great cities all needed make Newmarket great is for the people To got together and all work zealously for Hie good of Ihe town If everyone would do I his whole Newmarket could he city of in ten years Mr finished his lecture by lolling how each soldier should use his spare moments in reading good books which prepare him for life after the war A soldier goes to war for the good of his Hod and his country and if he wants to servo III CIO to the of his ability will prepare serve them the war The men will he great after the war will he the privates who study for prepara tion after war Saturday the musical part of the program was contributed by Madame a Danish soprano Ok borne a violinist of great ability for his years and Herbert an excellent pianist The patriotic pageant Our Allies for which the Juniors had been prac ticing for Six days was he opening number on the afternoon program and the excellent aiding singing and dancing of the children taking part reflected much credit on the teach ing of Mis director The first scene of the pageant was laid in ancient Home and depicted the youth of that time The second scene was a strong contrast to this the youth of Canada demonstrating how are trying to win the war by thrift The costumes were varied and pretty including Roman costumes and Red Cross nurses uniforms Hearty applause greeted the presenta tion of the four patriotic tableaux national anthems appropriate to each one being sung I YEARS In III call for- increased production people of the cities towns and villages of Canada have greatly increased the garden acreage in this country Last year it was esti mated by the Agricultural Gazette the value of Ihe war gardens produce amounted to somewhere between and This year Mr Frederick Abraham Hon Chairman of the War Harden and Va cant Section of Canada Board after a Canadas war garden reports from coast to coast estimates that this production will he two or three limes greater than last On tins basis war gardens of Canada this year have produced anywhere from i0- worth of fruit and vegetables Taking a conservative view of these figures war garden production in for should be worth about It would a positive shame if after all Ihe work time money and material spent upon these gardens a large proportion of the crops were al lowed to go to waste for lack of dis tribution lo consumers is impos sible for the family of the war garden er consume in many cases more than a fraction of the vegetables and fruits his garden produced The Canada Food Hoard has urged war gardeners can perishable fruils and vegetables in greatest possible quantity but many lots have grown more than one family can use even taking into account the interval be tween now and next harvest either fresh canned dried or Stored Am ateur gardeners in numerous eases expressed themselves as unwilling sell their and fruits not caring to take position of grow ing garden truck for money If such gardeners would their deli cacy in his mallet- recognizing these are war limes and he of foods is well nigh World wide it would avoid serious danger of waste Where they can dispose of their sur plus either by stile or by gifts to their wellsftuated neighbours they should take pleasure in doing so The community is being closely knit by he necessities Of war Iood pro duction food storing f I conserva tion and food distribution are all pat riotic services of utmost Importance to whole community Prior to the war said Mr Thomson Chairman of the Canada Food Hoard addressing the fisheries Association at Halifax Canada had barely enough beef to satisfy home needs loday because of increased conservation and other factors this country is able export I an army of soldiers the front only aboil I one ounce of jam per week is available civil popula tion of Creat at the present lime Canadian housewives should make all Ihe jam possibly can facilitate conservation of butter which will be Ihe more needed overseas be cause of jam there About one third of all sugar used In the homes is served in lea ami cof fee If an average of a a cup Is left undissolve 1 1 the bottom of 12000000 cups of lea coffee and cocoa used daily in Canada the waste would be pounds of sugar per day Is there a possibility of saving sugar in your home After September will he both and Impassible tor public eating houses obtain sugar without a certi ficate -una- I LEMON JUICE 18 8KIN Mow to a beauty lo tion for a oonto From Era Flo Sept Thayer great circus and menagerie drew a big crowd to town on Wednesday The pro cession was immense Mr Chas VanNorman of To ronto contributes a poetic fable The Grasshopper and the Ant in this issue Eighteen ministers attended Association Meeting in the Church here Thursday of last week each one introducing a subject for discussion Dr Scot eclectic physician has opened an office in marfcet Two Toronto gentlemen Messrs Stewart and had a narrow escape from drowning- in Lake on Monday They were paddling in a log canoe when a sudden gale swamped them were rescued after hanimr the canoe for half an hour The residence of Mr Sailer vast ftwillimbury was robbed of on Thursday night The burglars used chloroform The Huzzars Cricket Team and their magnificent Military visited- Newmarket on Monday The game was finished for want of time The visitors were at the Miss Poole has removed her millinery shop premises next door to Dr Bon leys Drug Store Mr Thompson of Hol land Landing advertises that he is dead nor sleeping and gives his argument lo prove it The Golden Lion Toronto occupies a large space and ad- vises farmers not to take Amer ican silver for their grain Hied at Holland Landing Aug- Eliza beloved wife of Arthur Esq In West Aug Isaac Rogers aged years Deceased was one of first settlers si north of the When he first visited the population was ru der I no a AGO From Era Sept The United Government lost about In operation of railroads during the first six months of this year For Infants and Chfldrsa Ih For OvorSO Years 8taklara 7i The Juice of two fresh lemons strained Into a bottle containing ounces of orohard whit makes a whole quartor pint of the most remarkable lemon at about cost on must pay for a small Jar of ordinary cold creams Care must be taken to strain the lemon Juice through a fine no lemon pulp gets in thou this lotion will fresh lor months Every woman know that lemon juice Is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles sallownoss and tan and Is the ideal skin softener er and Just try it I Got throe ounces of orchard at any store and two lemons from grocer and make up a pint of this sweetly fragrant lem on lotion and massage It dally Into the face neck arms and hands Lewis Visiting in liar I man is Miss Audra for Trenton on Saturday J it II i visiting Niagara visitors this week Mrs Miss flora Iloud Mr arid Mrs May Mr fas Pee Mr McQuillan Mrs Kilty and daughters Messrs Will J Eft Oliver and 1 and Marker The Minns an Montreal Miss Annie Terry of Mrs Mr 1 Miiir last night losee While Klephn at Mrs I Sen has relumed after a month at Hamilton and To ronto Mrs Morrison ami daughter are visiting Montreal and Annie have re- turned after spending four wccl varalinn at txbrldge Mr Hughes and bride are spend ing the honeymoon Niagara Falls Miss Annie unity Is spending n month and New York Mr Byron Oliver leaves next to accept a position in a Musical Academy in ihh Mr Frank llogarl and his mother haw tit Mrs Oakley of California is here on a visit Public School opened Monday morn ing pupils present and High School The North York Iteform Association held a iiitellg in Newmarket on Wed nesday lo arrange fur the big pienio week The Altar By 1 on Aug Mr Geo Hughes to Miss Sadie By Rev J Hell at the Manse Newmarket on Aug Mr A Toronto to Miss Ada M Davis of Newmarket The Tomb In Newmarket Aug Viola wife of Mr Griffi In her year the Royal Hotel Newmarket on- Aug Wm S In his year At Aurora Aug Pearson Wells exM P In his year At Bradford Aug 30 son In his year In Newmarket Aug Michael In his year hrkets Fall wheal spring and goose wheat barley oats dhug433c peas rye eggs Jk iVi t t Mr t l ft ll A f 11 Tho Cunard Steamship Com pany cannot be held liable for loss of life and in the torpedoing of Ihe by a German submarine according to a decision handed down in the Admiralty of the United District Court butter chickens pair hay ton oto Aug 26 A car- loatf of corn a car of salt and unknown quantities of food were destroyed when the elevator of Mr Fred Kicksce was burned to the ground between and to to night Three feet only sepa rated the elevator from the Michigan Contra freight sheds but owing to prompt action on part of firemen were saved 1 as A Ss j