Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Aug 1918, p. 7

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0V iK iV i5is gl It I t- CHINA HALL LOCAL NEWS DINNER SETS In Dinner Sets we offer Extra Good Value in Seta ranging in price from for a Very Nice White and Gold 523 for a fine quality of Semi- porcelain Set of a Nice Border j A Large Selection of Plain and Fancy Jugs Variety of Colors to Suit most Everyone Christian Church Choir All the members of the Chris tian Church Choir are requested to be on hand at the Metropolitan Station at oclock for the pic nic to Orchard Beach Remember the date Aug Farmers Club The Club will meet next Satur day night at oclock Discus sion on the Tariff will be led by Mr A Starr and Mr Bert Williams Good musical pro gram provided York Radla The employees of the York Radial held their annuaj pic nic to Bond Lake Park yesterday All kinds of sports and dancing Special late cars last night both north and south Fine day and good crowd Tea in Plain Decorated Styles each and Nicely MAKING OF ICE CREAM Food Control Permits Per Cent Fat best get I A Recipe That Has Proven Stake Vines and Trim Leaver to Grow HlghCoIored Tomatoes Contributed Ontario of Agriculture Toronto- THE RED TRIANGLE ON TROOP TRAINS A GREAT many Inquiries recently come to the Dairy Department of the Ontario Agricultural Collegeregardlng the new regulation from the Canada Food Board with reference to the manufacture of Icecream and also as to methods of testing Icecream for fat Order No 34 Issued by the Canada Food Board reads On and after May 1st no person Collision The oclock Metropolitan car from to North on Monday night ran into a special coming South near Newmarket Canal but for tunately no person was hurt The fenders were smashed on both It appears to bo a case of mistaken orders Importer of Staple Fancy China AND RESTAURANT IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK SOME WAR SAVINGS I Discount on Cash and Carry GROCERIES FRESH MILK CREAM AND CHEESE We can supply Ice Cream at whole- delivered Liking back all not Can also supply Garden Parties with Confectionery Soft Drinks Cones tic Restaurant and Soda Fountain Always Open Bedford St near the Market SOUTH END FLOOR AND FEED STOR Brlofleta Farmers are cutting Fall Wheat Barley and Rye this week have started cutting oats The spring grains in this section are splendid The surprise is not that there are so many motor accidents but that there are hoi more Improvements Mr Manning is putting a second storey to his portico in front of his residence which gives a stately appearance as well as its summer convenience store has been greatly improved recently the exten sion of feet metal ceiling and uptodate conveniences Y A Secretaries men from West speak of the splendid farm hoys It pays to bake your own Bread WHEAT FLOUR CORN FLOUR RYE FLOUR BARLEY FLOUR And the Price Is Right HEN FEED CHICK FEED GRIT AND SHELL ALWAYS ON HAND I License No Successor to A Howard Prompt Delivery Phono TEH MS A Farmers Estate Letters of administration of the estate Of John Smith late of ili Township of Whitchurch who died July 1918 have been granted to A Smith wi dow of the deceased value of the estate is placed at 15 of which represents the value of horses cattle and farming implements and cash in the bank At present when every available man is being recruited from the homes of Canada and rushed to France to help in the last blows against the Hun the services of the Y A on board troop train is of Special interest to the parents and friends of the soldiers A report received at Head quarters dealing with a trip on a troop conveying several hundreds of men is typical and conveys a vivid Impression of Hie value of this ser vice The live and sique of true as steel Three singsongs were held each evening beginning with popular songs ami closing generally by request with wellknown hymns learned in Sun day School and Church The last night on train after an address on the temptations Hie boys would overseas and the necessity of living pure lives and thinking pure thoughts one young fellow rose to his feet and asked the other boys join him in pulling trust in Cod who was able to give strength in the trials Nifty were soon to face Many acts of personal service were rendered by the Red triangle men Parents living en route were wired ahead so that could crime and a Word with their hoys whom in cases Ihey had not seen in years A A Canteen for the men was operated and every effort was made lo dispose of supplies at least possible margin of profit and it was possible to sell some lines cost 2000 letters and postcards were written on A station ery supplied free THE MENS STORE i GERMAN TYRANT ASSA8SINATED An Aged Pilgrim at Rest The passing on Tuesday even ing last of our oldest townslady Mrs M a native of and a lifelong resident of this place has occasioned sadness lo her family and a host of oldtime friends The funeral service will he conducted at her late home this Friday afternoon A more ex tended reference the sad event will he found in the columns of our next weeks Issue St Johns Church Garden Party The Committee in charge of the Garden Party desire thank the public for their splendid patron age and to acknowledge and thank the following for donations and assistance towards its success J Mrs Francis J A Allen J Miss Mrs and al- those who soul flowers fop lions Total Total ii LOCAL AGENT WANTED For ihc Old Reliable ifijfi dnj can for fruits trees pi nts etc nnl fur stock in I large with liberal not lo Patriotic Societies 170 The Doll siHI unclaimed lucky f if Sto Wellington TORONTO yourself your own cars before jw I talking machine or Bawling after Josii two rinks Aurora Wednesday after noon was here in the evening when Marshall trimmed his man good and proper by shot did the to rink by poinfs ville won hit by 1 point but disputed lite second shot and wished to make game tie Newmarket went strong to North Toronto on Tnenday for a friendly game there was lip shots with a strong rink won by won out by shots and were a little down but the total score was f to New market lor North To ronto July Field Mar shal von the German in Hie and his Ad jutant were wounded seriously by a bomb in Kiev Tuesday says an of ficial announcement received hen from the Ukrainian Capital The bomb was thrown at nun While hey were driving to llieir from Die Casino Tin- Field Marshals Adjutant is named Captain von The which wounded Ilie Iirld Marshal am the Adjutant was thrown from a which drove close to their carriage as were ap proaching I he Field Marshals The and the cab driver have been iirresled Amsterdam iol Hi The I von while JndtKliation ill imisl have occasioned Utile surprise among those who knew what Ibis IllOSt of all the Kaisers e-nt-rals- had done Kiev lo shove and plunder the Cor Hie I hi lievjiiuiiiK treat ed He ikiainiaus rth laves whose only reason fir living was see enough food from the laud His incisure In force the peasant Hie land for the benefit of the liermaiM list fix a price for com which would enable Hie more cheaply which absolutely ruin the lkrafnr ami land owner bread Would peasant In Canada shall use In the manufac ture of more than per centiuft of fats whether of animal or of- vegetable origin or than six pounds of cane sugar to eight gallons of icecream As a result of recent Investigations made in the Dairy Department of the A College by Messrs McMillan Miller of the Dairy Stan we can recommend the follow ing formula or recipe for a batch or which will produce about eight of Icecream of good quality and which will come within the as laid down by the Food Board lbs gallons cream test- tag fat lbs skim milk powder 6 lbs sugar lbs sugar may be replaced with 2 lbs corn syrup ounces vanilla extract ounces gelatin dissolved In 6 lbs gallon skim milb The cost of the ingredients in this formula will range from to 67 cenis buying In small quantities If bought wholesale would be less If whole milk and cream are used mixing quantities of these will produce an icecream testing not over ten per cent fat assuming that the milk and cream are of average fat content and to 20 fat respectively Three Methods of Testing for Fat is necessary for the icecream maker to test his Icecream occasion ally and the following methods will give satisfactory resulu If care- ffully carried out The Glacial Acetic and Hydro chloric Acid A representative sample of the Ice cream Is taken and melted and thor oughly mixed a 9gramme sample weighed into an Bab- cock cream test bottle A mixture Is prepared using equal parts of glacial acetic acid and concentrated hydrochloric acid Twenty cubic cen timeters of this acid mixture Is added to the sample of Icecream In the test bottle and Is then all well shaken The bottle Is placed In a water bath of 120 to 130 and Bhaken at Intervals until a brown color appears It Is then placed In the centrifuge and the test completed In the same way as for testing cream and the reading multi plied by two The Sulphuric Acid Test To make the lest with sulphuric acid a sample Is weighed Into an test bottle About cubic centimeters of lukewarm water Is then added to dilute the sample In order to have about 18 cubic centimeters of mixture In the bottle The sulphuric acid la then added slowly a little at a time at minute Intervals shaking well after each addition until a chocolate brown color appears In the bottle No defi nite amount of acid can be stated as the quantity will vary with different Icecreams As soon as the chocolate brown color appears In the Icecream a little cold water may be added to check the action ofthe acid The bottle Is then placed In the and the test completed In tho usual way The reading Is multiplied by two Acetic nnd Sulibjirlc Acids Weigh a 9gramme sample of Ice cream that has been thoroughly mix ed About cubic centimeters of water Is then added to the sample Add cubic centimeters of acetic acid and then add carefully to cubic centimeters sulphuric Hull Centrifuge and then add water the name as in other tests using an 18grammo bottle multiply the reading two to obtain ho per cent fat In icecream A bottle which Is give percentage of fat direct ly needs no correction when reading Dean Ontario Agricul tural College Quel ph 5 Remarkable Values in the Immense Spring Display of Clothing For Men And this season as usual In spite of conditions variety In styles patterns colors and weaves Is a most notable feature of the display and Is suoh a va riety that provides the good fit desired the smooth or rough weaves that strike the fancy and also the patterns and colors thai are so Important In choice of a Spring Suit The Spring display Is now ar ranged and we Invite all men whether they want to buy or not to come and see the values are offered it THE JAMES The Uptodate Gents CO NEWMARKET Furnishers if I EARNING MANS WAGES The fact that others shirk is a poor reason for neglect to earn ones wages The Young Peoples Weekly prints the following an ecdote about a boy who was an honest worker One day after a severe a large number of men and boys wore out on the roads of a coun try town to shovel out the drifts Each workman was paid a quar ter of a dollar an hour and as may be supposed there was no very strict watch kept upon- them but one Utile fellow seem ed work with nil his might and his comrades laughed at him Why lira are you after the job of surveyor or do you expect get more than the rest of us for putting in so Lots put out he is shortening our job it wont last ill night at this rate laughed am getting a mans pay for the first time in my life and I mean to earn it said Jim I dont suppose town fares nor thai I shall pot any more money at night but shall feel a big slghl hotter myself Youve begun right Jim said the surveyor who was not very strict in of own perhaps mil had business of bis own whore ho appreciated work men a conscience Would you like to have of- WELL EQUIPPED paid minister meaning energy do ml buy one nice afford to make for the -ML- All Mtr com to your home to W4 of BURNET Main Off it Elmer Hie MISTAKE didnt you nun door Private ir Im a and Stripe It Works main features of success is reach the persons you want see there a barrier that prevents yon from someone who want- what you have to of fer- He is In the market but you are not in touch with him As a you do not have a chance get his business ov ercome lliis great difficulty a big question Some men will ad vise you one way others will tell you something quite differ ent Nov use your own com mon sense Place yourself in position of the purchaser What would influence him first Would it not he a reminder from the advertisement that be mw He will recall that and such a man carries that line suck and a price The result is thai is made for the man that had the advertisement It pays to advertise if you have something lo dispose of at the right price My boy you know Hie enterprise No sir answered I dont believe I do Well Ill Ml yon lino richer men in the world came lo Ibis city without a his back and now he has millioits Freddy the clergyman In open eyed iiniagejnijil Millions be asked Why bow many of hem can he wear ii one time LIKE AN ELECTRIC BUTTON ON TOE8 Telle why a lo so painful and mokes them grow Press an electric button and you form a contact with a live wire which rings the bell When your shoes press against your corn It pushes Its sharp roots down upon a nerve and you get shock pain Instead of trimming your corns which merely thorn grow Just step Into any drug store and auk for a quarter of an ounce of freezono This will cost you very little but Is sufficient to re move hard or soft corn or callus from ones feel A few drops applied directly upon a tender aching corn stops the soreness instantly and soon the corn shrivels up so it lifts right out root and all without pain This drug is harmless and never or aven Irri tates the To Grow Most Successfully If you are growing tomatoes to a single stem he to rcmovo all side shoots before they become of any size All ibe extra food which Is used In their growth wasted and the breaking off of large shoots Injures tho plants When- August comes It Is well to nip off all growing ends so that the fruit will ripening also open out the plant If very thick to allow sun light In When first fruits begin to ripen apply nitrate of soda a In a watering can full of water to the plants twice a week to make a liquid manure and use it instead These more especially valuable after the growth has been slopped Keep a dust mulch around plants If weather Is very dry soak the ground around them thor oughly in tin- evening then mako a new mulch In morning When the first fruits In slaked tomatoes are benlnnlng to color re move onehalf of each leaf This will hasten the ripening Is ne cessary for rapid ripening Leave only growth enough on your plants to carry what fruit will ripen frost There Is no useIn al lowing to set than bo of to you and the fruits you will bo larger A Ontario Vegetable Specialist THE LIFE THAT STRIVING Our Ideal Ik a life from which sirug- has been eliminated a life where everything good easily and everything hard and unpleasant Is barred out Hut character Is not de veloped in such a hothouse existence For making men and women the life Which means striving and Is vastly superior to that whore the Vy Is always unclouded Do not quarrel with Hods plan for your best development Do not find fault with His scheme for you all that you ought to be JUST IN TIME An in maker left the lurried on in his shop on nigh I and upon arriving in morning struck a mat eh light II There was- a teiTlflc explosion and Ho was blown llirniiffh door almost In middle of Hie A rushed In Ids and helping him IoHfo Inquired if was Injured The Irishman gazed nl his place of business Which was now burning briskly and said No I hurl Hut I only got old in lime A BOY WITH A FUTURE Kills Ulster Hie expert a banquet Tin prime virion of a good angler Is patience No man or boy ever de veloped Inlo a successful fisherman who hadnt at twice the patience of Job Theres a hoy in Shawnee who is going to make a one of days I saw him fishing the oilier afternoon on the bank of a creek and I said lo What are you fishing for son said lie What are snlgs said I diinno said Ibe boy I aint never caught none THE 8AME REA80N Young Belts had Just told bis moth er of his engagement to a charming young woman Who was not blessed with much of this worlds goods and lie met with Immediate objection Now dear said the young man dont get angry with me for falling In love with her He- sides you were a poor girl yourself when you first met father Yes replied Mrs Hells se I was Hut so was your fattier And I married him licet- use I knew he would succeed Well mother he said and she Is going- marry me because she did dont you see r The Edison Phonograph In your home If you will let us know at once we will try to arrange for same 8PEGIAL OF PAYMENT ARRANGED TO 8UIT BROUGHTONS DRUG STORE in fi HURON ST NEWMARKET To HOME Every Lover of MADE BAKING TRY- i Our Favorite and Five Rose FRESH FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE Era Ads bring Try one Prices Right OLIVER TERM8 STRICTLY Give Us a DIKE COAL Calif Phono A A certain father whose son la- an nl oie of the larger colleges has frcquenl occasion with he boy on his ex travagance In a recent letter he a check for fifty dollars bill accompanied Willi admonitions to lead a more econ omical life My son be wrote your studies arc costing me a good deal To which his son replied cheer fully know it father and I study very hard either CHANGED HER MIND A young woman called at the Bos ton postoffice and Inquired if there was a teller for her Business or love letter jokingly In Hired he clerk Business was the hesitating re ply As there was no such letter to be found the young woman took her departure She came back however after a little while and said in fal tering tones Please would you mind looking among he love letters i PLEASANT THOUGHTS Thirty pi sily of munitions ai Saturday Docs she well as she the testimony jeet is hear tell her grasped Brown lo Sorry Brown said the doctor after the examination Youre In a very serious condition Im afraid Ill have to operate on you Operate I havent money for operations Im only a- poor working man Youre insured you not Yes but I dont get that until after j Im dead Oh thatll be all right doctor consolingly Era Ads bring results Try one c For In Use For Always

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