v A T M J ENTI8T Main and Newmarket Fire Insurance FRED HARTRY Dr J- Boyd in Medicine of Toronto Licentiate f of Physicians and member of of 7 assistant in fields Hospital and Collet Ear Nose and Throat Holiday Next Mpnday is the- annual Ci vic Holiday for Newmarket as well as Toronto All places of business will be closed Heap England Tested Glasses Supplied Telephone US 6 Ho AND Park Avenue Post QffiM BERT GREEN AND PAPER irdcn Ave 2nd house from St Newmarket MRS DUNN paternity Nurse Andrew St P Bos 3m23 J- A STOUFFER Newmarket Teacher of Piano voice and Dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning for Columbia and Records Stock Prompt I A Woman Burdens Lyman Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private res idence if desired Furnace Work T U The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Womens Christian Tem perance Union will be held on Tuesday the in the home of Mrs N Janes on Prospect commencing at 3 pm A full attendance is urged Press Demonstration This is the age when people want to see for themselves what a machine can do before making an investment Mrs villo an expert operator is to be at Shop Aurora three days this week to show the ladies how to get the most out of a White Sewing Machine Bar gains and easy payments are now on See ad Union Services Sunday morning the ser vice will be held in the Christian Church at II am Rev Alfred Hall I of Toronto will speak Rev Hall is Senior Chaplain to the Royal Naval and Merchant Marine Institutes in Canada Next Sunday the day set apart by the Government as a Day of Prayer we trust that a goodly number will come and hear Dr Hall and become better acquaint ed with he spiritual work done among the boys at sea The evening service will be belli in the Friends Church at pm Plumbing Our Specialties the Bathroom at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITH OSBORNE TO GROCERY Green apple sauce is now a fa vorite dish Lots of wild raspberries being picked those days They are selling from 15 to a pound around town Garden berries from to a box Dont borrow the Era from your neighbor Subscribe for it and gel a copy f your own Only to Ihe end of the year to new subscribers in Canada or Eng land During the ex I re me heat last week every verandah hammock balcony conch lawn font and fre quently mother earth under a shady were in commission in the effort to secure a cool breath ing This week is rather cooler PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS I Get Them at The Photographer In Your Studio Door West of New Post Office EVENING SITTING BY APPOINTMENT t Via I BARGAINS Four Years of War The Ministers of Newmarket are making special arrangements to observe the day of Remem brance for the fallen and of prayer no the Allied cause next Sunday Aug The united ser vice of Friends and Christian Churches will be held in Ihe morning in the Christian Church and I be Methodist and Pres byterian Churches in the evening a in Presbyterian Church Taking advantage of the pres ence of Rev Dr Alfred Hall of Toronto Senior Chaplain lo Royal Naval and Merchant Ma rine Institutes of Canada who is taking his vacation in neigh borhood has been arranged for him to be preacher both services Special Thanksgiving and Intercession will he made the sea Dr Hall bas addressed more than half a mil lion Canadians on be British nasi few since he came from South Africa and he Die Dominion of the Navy League of Citiifidn Aleach f united on Sunday sailor fitters will he to tie Schools Ibece be nroces- of or the Brif- otd Die national colors f Hie In the musical par of be oim of and welUkoovvn will be use1 and each will National Anlhern and Bene- are lightened when to the right medicine If her existence is gloomy by the weaknesses deli cate derangements and painful that afflict will find relief and emancipation from her troubles in Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription If overworked nervous or- run down finds new life and strength Its powerful invigorating tonic and nervine which was discovered and used bj an eminent physician for many years in his large medical practice among women For young girls just entering womanhood for women in middle life the Favorite Prescription is the only medicine put up without alcohol and can be had in tablet as well as liquid form Its not a secret prescription for lis in gredients are printed on wrapper Send for trial package to Dr A Pierce Invalids Hotel Surgical Institute Buf falo or branch Hamilton When passing through middlo life as in most cases of this kind I began to fail in health I had severe pains in my head dizzy spells my back ached and I had pains in my side I became weak and nervous I took medicine without getting relief until I took Dr Pierces Favorite Pre scription and thi3 medicine built me up health and strength and I came through this critical period in a good healthy state Women will find Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription very helpful dur ing this trying time Mas SARAH Capes Robins Ave A pretty wedding wan solem nized in Chatham on Tuesday afternoon at live oclock at the home of the bride parents Mr and Mrs Byron Fisher Grand Ave west Toronto when their daughter Belle was married to Mr Harry P Amey son of Mr and Mrs John of Lloyd town The bride- looking charming in her bridal gown of oyster white embroidered georgette and bridal veil caught with while roses entered the re ception room on the arm of her father while her sister Miss Al ma Fisher gowned in white or gandie played Wed ding March Little Miss Har riet Scott of cousin of the bride daintily dressed in embroidered organdie carried the ling in a bouquet of sweet peas Mrs Hugh Holmes sister of Ibe bride gowned in white satin was matron of honor and Miss Nellie Amey of Lloydtown and Mr Fisher were witnesses to the signing of the register Rev J of Lloydtown con ducted the ceremony in pres ence of forty guests Mr and Mrs Amey left amid showers of confetti and good wishes for a honeymoon to be spent in Wind sor London and Toronto the bride travelling in a smart dress of navy taffeta and georgette with filet lace collar and Italian mi Ian bat Mr and Mrs Amoy will reside on the grooms farm at The outoftown guests were and Mrs Col Misses Nellie and Grace and Mr and Mrs John Amey of Mr and Mrs John Lee of North May Mr and Mrs Amey of Mrs C J Clowe Mrs and son John Mr and Mrs A Armstrong Mr and Mrs frvin Crowe Mr and Mrs Chester Crowe Mr ami Mrs ami daughter Harriet Mrs Fuller and son Allen of and Mrs Cecilia of Algomic Mich Look carefully It is knowii that the advancing every price of Goods days is I The only way we see is to sacrifice the Goods Come andsee for If goods are riot satis factory we will exchange if ed in days Out Store will be closed on Friday July 26 to i And Will Positively Close Monday Aug Ladies Low Shoes Mary Jane- Reg for Ladies White Pumps Reg- 2 for 119 Ladies Pumps HighHeeled and Mary Jaue Reg- 3 for 219 Ladies Low Shoes Reg for Childrens While Shoes from to 7 90c Girls While Shoes 99c Girls Patent Leather Low Shoes 2 for 139 Ladies Low Shoes Patent Leather with two Straps Reg 3 for 1 99 Ladies Boots Patent Leather laced or buttoned Reg for Pairs Ladies Everyday Boots Reg for 299 Mens Heavy Working Boots Black or Tan Best Quality Reg 5 for Mens Fine Boots Reg for Pairs Only Mens Boots Reg for Pairs Ladies Brown Boots Soles Reg for Pairs Boys Boots Size and 175 Pairs Misses Low Shoes with one or two Straps Reg for 1 79 Girls Patent Leather Low Shoes Reg 250 for 149 Mens Working Shirts Black and While Ihe Big Reg 2 for Mens Fine Shirts Reg 125 for Mens Overalls and Smocks to Match Reg for 169 Re 3 for Pairs Mens Trousers Worsteds and Serges Reg to for Mens Caps Silk or Tweed Reg for Mens Suits Worsted or Serge Reg 12 to for Boys Suits Tweed or Worsted Colors Reg 7 to for Mens Underwear 39c- 50 Ladies and Mens Waterproof Raincoats Reg for 395 Ladies Silk Poplin Skirts Reg for 449 Ladies Silk Poplin Skirts Reg for 319 75 While Skirts Reg for Middies Reg for Ladies Silk Blouses Reg for Ladies Silk Blouses Ladies Lawn 79c Ladies Blouses 35o- Middy Suits Reg for Ladies While Dresses Slightly Shop Worn for I Mens Trousers Ladies Tea Aprons Ladies Corset Covers Childrens Dresses Ladies Motor Gaps in Silk Reg 25c for 15c Reg 25 for 79c Reg for Reg for 28c A IF Pairs Pillow Shams Ladies Silk Dresses Reg to for Ladies Suits Reg for Ladies Hose Reg for 19c 3 Doora South of King George Hotel NEWMARKET PRISONERS GUNS CAPTURED IN GREAT BATTLE Greatest Conflict In Whole War Is Raging PLAN TOU8E WESTERN LIGNITE TRIBUNAL DECISIONS Extensions Allowed Willi the French army in Prance July Up lo the German divisions have been identified in pre sent and hat He Ottawa July A plan for the utilization of western lignite that is likely to have farmachine re sults lias been formulated hy Council for Scientific and Indus trial Research The Provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan import annually a from Pennsylvania about half therefore may he regarded as Ilia lines tic fuel and send out biggest since Ihe beginning of the taken number for Somebody POMES AND COMPLETE OUTFITS for Children AND STEEL TIRE BUGGIES in KOOI order Wafer KL NEWMARKET The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ASTER NASTURTIUM ETC In Quantity No Order leas than fcaj Delivered PHONE Mr Johnsons Funeral a relalivps and friends late land Johnson the idenee of hi- Mr Prospect Ave where Hie funeral was conducted by Hi floral tributes that adorned was a wreath from the Trustees of Mi Methodist be being an honored member of Hoard The pallbearers were Messrs Nelson and Sain Johnson two brother from Toronto Col of Aharon Mushes f Toronto Dr A Terry and of In terment at Newmarket Cemetery his from Hunts aim ii George from To- hose present were Mr Hold Joan and Mr John son the latter being a son of Mr Nelson Johnson The late Mr Johnson was a very active business muni and will he greatly Re fore he was the Christian Sun day School in Newmarket for a number of years was one of the foremost temperance workers and a supporter of the Lords Day Alliance When he moved he still continued along these lines for the social uplift of the community as well as conducting foundry and man ufacturing business logelher with some farming operations Im II Kin- John I Sept Newmarket Sept I Exemptions Atkinson Mount Albert V Exemptions Allowed To November I Zephyr Marker I Mi illinirer A King V Crone Hue Ml Albert Duncan liormley Kay it Zephyr Kirswe King Lewis f It Win Sebomherg Zephyr Paxton P Alfred Valley Smart A King Smith J Sfephenson Stewart lowse James King J I Zephyr Thompson Hoy Vernon A M Newmarket Walker J A Ml Albert Watson Stanley King Yule Thus The Japanese steamer Cana da hound in from Yoko hama and Kobe with a cargo val ued at some ran aground at the entrance to tho Straits of Juan de Q A HAIR war The prisoners over thousand more than live hundred cannon and thousands of machine guns have been captured Of Ihe prisoner fourteen per rent belong Ihe class showing that nearly all these boys already have been incorpo rated in fighting units nil of them have been utilized I hey would form from to I ft pec cent of the Herman strength Information received proves Mi fit he class which it was intended he incorporated in army Of October has been order inlo units in September Most of Mils class are not old he country therefore more than years VILLAGES WRECKED AND CROPS RUINED Spreading Desolation on Hand In His I Dr Natural Hair an Is guaranteed to gray hair lo Us natural color or money refunded not a and nonInjurious postpaid Go Ost On aali Id a J Y Drug Store bring Try Willi American Army Ihe AisnhMarne July A desolate shelllorn waste aipl burning houses ami towns mark he one evacuated by the and today Up- indica tions are thai should salient of be recovered probably will not be a vil lage within it or a house stand ing with its walls intact side if permitting sen- I ii I enter into the situation There has beep no battle which has displayed a greater spirit of merciless Village af ter village has been subjected artillery fire until their appearance that lie guns had been aided by an earth quake in their destruction The Germans have occupied find often fortified every village and farm house using lo lie last And the Allies have not hesitated to reduce The grain and vineyards have escaped although is ex- peeled that thousands of acres of oveirlpn wheal will he lost through a lack of harvesters The fields were saved ow ing to rapid retreat of the Hermans who in only a few In stances set lire A slower would have result ed In greater destruction HE Mother Why did yo strike my child for act bin Teacher I struck him because he wouldnt tell me where riv er Thames was Me only stood and looked at me Mother He wad be dumb founded at yer Ignorance likely There are in these Provinces it is estimated about tons of lignite of a poor grade ami consequently disqualrlled from service as do mestic fuel It has been dem onstrated however that they can I be carbonized and and thai the product thus treated is- 1 an equivalent to anthracite As a result of these investiga tions conducted by the Lignite Committee the Jouffcil that the eslahlish a plant in Southern to turn out aonuu of this fuel yearly he esti mated cost of which would lint probably eArecd 7 per Ion al the plant The three concerned are sign flic proposed agreement the Domin ion already Voted its share of the total cost of he plant expect to appoint the Commis sion in operate the plant an early date LATH FLOORING LIME Our prices are right SHINGLES CEMENT Builders FLOUR COAL See our Hardware and Canadian Twin Screen Doors FEED WOOD Shingles Phone Newmarket BRILLIANT SERVICE OF TORONTO MAN Bar to Distinguished Sorvloo Or- dor LtCol F London July Singular of how Canadian Railway troops can fight as as build railways is shown in a story re garding Ihe conferment of a bar to the Distinguished Service Or der Lieut Col Frederick Clarke Toronto who took the Unit ou of York I During an attack lasting four- days he organized Sixteen Lewis gun crews from a battalion ing all arrangeuieiits for muni to be brought up on his own lorries and this unit was entirely selfcontained Tile and alacrily Willi which the call for volunteers I he splendid manner in whirl the defense was organized the coolness and en thusiasm displayed by all ranks were largely due to the courage and inspiring example and due leadership of the Commanding DIDNT KNOW Now Harold said teacher If there were eleven sheep in a and six Jumped the fence how many would there he None replied Harold Why here would paid she No maam there Wouldnt per sisted You may know arith metic tail you dont know sheep The Lungs of Your Range There is no flue sys tem just like that of the Pandora Range Before you buy a range learn about the Pandora method of heat distribution it is the secret of good baking and of Gvcry kind of good work a good range should do It ia tho lung system of the range FOR SALE BY J A W ALLAN CO HIT i a I Toronto Montreal St Hamilton Calgary Winnipeg Edmonton Vancouver Saskatoon Iovj About Some Furniture V We somo Designs we would like you to and and Prices will compare favorably with what COMPARISON SOLICITED I Dealer In Furniture and J i Funeral Dlrootor j you can got In the NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS FRED SKINNER t I