tor W FRIDAY AUG 2ND 8 mm t iff J I t I j 1 I I J I last Dividend Earnings Is the Final Test of Merit and In this respect THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA STANDS SUPREME Examine Before Placing your In surance ENQUIRE OF Fred District Representative NEWMARKET phone 295 Editorial Notes Tin resignation of Mr A accept the penmanship of throws the constituency of North Huron open for an election hut the Con servatives are nbl going to have a At a meeting of Chautauqua Week in Newmarket Aug IS to Inclusive 1 the Canadian War Board a injustice the shipper dpi consignee who required by them pay for he of shipment which the railways in transporting cars from point another For in- 1 car coal were fr Niagara and If railway in in own in- J what will if like when hoy haw Hip hill ilhirs fr their carepssnps THRESHING OUTFITS FOR SALE suffer and he Liberals last week at which SI A in I chosen to contest the Hiding Some things are tolerated Greatest Combination of Celebrities Ever Here circumstances hul the ruling or A At Low Prices Second Hand or Largo or Small I tin will he Tin- railway increasing I lie freight rales without was hardlv Traction from to the public eilhev I P Portable from P The Canada 1 Hoard i- run- 1 to P mi Hie fael that Stationary Boiler and Engine it has and P and that therefore 2 Separators Feeder Blower nothing We Straw Cutter Attached so mv that If Hand Feed and Raker Machines of the retailer are Hand Feed with increased the chances that Machines Blowers are 3 Clover Mills Gas Engines wise increased is not hard Gutting Boxes u wlm I he War Tax in A of Cutting j on a hox of Boxes Second Hand in grcery Because threshing Belts and Tank Hose stamp on Feeders and Blowers tuffs it is no I P Indian Motor Cycle that von are paving Saws Pulleys and Shafting The re- I- I In- Food Board are Newmarket j jikinjr it harder Hie prorery- CALL AND SEE man I keep Iheir trade and they I BEFORE YOU BUY j mi Hip cost Attend the Great Sale of the F Duncan Stock Bargains of the Greatest Magnitude the order the day Prepare for Civic Holiday of IN SUITS AND OVERCOATS IN RAIN COATS a I IN HATS AND CAPS IN ALL KINDS OF FURNISHINGS OK NORTH YORK MARBLE well else AND GRANITE WORKS Greatest lecture in the world delivered more than In inleresN Hie Allies lliej Dr is President of Temple Philadelphia with Board hut the i IN BOOTS AND SHOES have In pay salaries iill tin- ami a great lecturer and a great preacher who will make Hie last a of Chautauqua Week memorable Comments T PLAYERS of Exchanges The X Star ail- 1 other whimper f you ahoui this warm weather Listen Its in the of winter in tin Latest Designs in and and dnwn All Kinds of Cemetery Work Toronto lif is TO thinp after ait- Call and see us before buying does a elsewhere horning his parhage than All kind of Building Stones Cut to a no his and down the Post for mail Shakespearean Players in Existence Over 100 Suits for Men arrived for Mr Duncan the Very Newest Styles Most Tempting Prices and Young Men just m and taken over by me Fabrics and Patterns at Order Memorial Tablets for kept In JOHN O I Teeram to lliej present no one appears to have hie credit to ho Borden Dealer and Importer or Foreign and Domestic GRANITES AM Ii bravely Phone a Box I moved I In Huron St vi h welern front Hoeton World Methodist iyiiriiu ami have united for tin- UlilliHr in HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO I the rihl it is it will heroine Offers you and all family the only Hie outing of your life ALGONQUIN PARK MUSKOKA LAKE GEORGIAN BAY LAKE OF BAYS TtMAOAMI UiiMinr hut Wilson Star lIMIili aholll the ioad Hie and eleVlrie and til Ills like nil any money what altoiii SELLING OFF THE DUNCAN STOCK Duncans Old Stand Old P 0 Building NEWMARKET -s- HEN Everybody loves Shakespearean piny lind Comedy of errors deservedly most The Hen licet PAY Only 25 Cents to Join the a r ihii laughCreating play fifth or Cliuiitniiqun Area Famous aygrounds unii Hint Progressive Sewing Machine Club You can do YOUR part these days by doing your own sowing man True Modern Hotels afford city com- f h forts but many prefer to live in tent or log cabinyour choice at reasonable cost Secure your Parlor or Sleeping v il- that int inakilJ Car accommodation In advance Full information from any ahoiil all Hny Tins Known throughout America as one of the available Popular In the greatest play houses here and abroad a record at notable performances excelled by few theatrical In the world by appearances on While House- lawn before American Presidents and International celebrities An organization of outstanding merit- big in numbers higher In Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C I artistry with a vehicle has stood the test of time comedy wit wUU I- a punch Sukesiiearos Horning District llf Depot Agent il Iimm It- iiijibr Hi- When Irtijipssaw iuh Iii-m- your f my libst Iihi Hud Fifty miniifatnriii to ij who jin irfih iiml only Tills i- In iiimny Only a limited number of machines to Phone Ben roots players are thoroughly capable histrionic who Specialized upon Shakespearean productions The record of success won lll the Chautauqua platform but j I a theatres of America Is Die best possible ranee of their ability to please Agent in Hi of lay COLONEL GEO W- BAIN The bo sold Only a limited number of memberships open Come to our store at once and us explain the plan ft liif day liiicd il I from sr2 lassitude low spirits and of appetite will find Ltrengih brighter c3 better and using Pills They you very help you need end a natural aid to the stomach liver bowels blood Gentle and positive in action without any disa greeable aftereffects Use- in Hi bad Npfild thai it My would lay I larfrnl I and hill v did oori laiiy THE REAL DIFFICULTY The old lady from ihf land mall a hoiv diwn upon Tin badly and vliHin and wildly I hi- fiir a- III tpped and the filial itunUi Thar- tin- hoy who rmaind in Ii Table of Payments SPECIAL PROGRESSIVE CLUB FEATURES 25c 25c 7Sc I SI SI IMpmrfi SI 100 SI- 25c l l 50cfW0 110 J You of paying or It 2 ThoreJs no Interest to pay 3 Thoro no agents commissions price is reduced 6 Tho payments easily A special discount of cents is given on each Final Payment It is duo COLONEL arc worth a a box The subject If I Could Life Over Full of wit and wisdom I ran manage I hoi In experience outgrowth of years of public by of VOII I ad Americas greatest Chautauqua lecturers A member of Coo grew saya For over an hour ho swayed his hearers as the storm king tho The way ho played upon their weird of a thousand strings human heart a to me ahull always remember thai Wiur us one of moat ecstatic of my life I A I i LISTEN TO THIS Club iiKitibT I was another I am While awl I lie work il It runs so it is ur I fur hours a lime The Time to Act Is Now Come to Our Store at Onco Lot Tell You All About the Club THEN ENROLL A8 A MEMBER 8alo Continues from July 31st to Aug 3rd Inclusive SON Aurora WHILE PAY THE PAYMENTS ARE SMALL TORONTO ftgeaat IS