Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Aug 1918, p. 2

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it TWO mm mm ONT AUG v I I i lira A PART COW For sale Harry Bells Hol land Landing LOST On Tuesday between and Baldwin Leghorn Hat with black around crown Simpsons name inside Finder kindly notify Mrs Jacksons Point Reward FOR Editorial Notes There were- six people drowned in this Provinpe last Sunday Three at one at New one at St Catharines one at Cobalt and one at Port Hope The fascination of the water on a hot day makes peopre venturesome Let others lake caution Our Toronto Letter Red Gross Mrs of Arundel Ave was the victim of a brutal isault by two unknown men Exmoor Pony Just the thing as the result of which for children to drive to school in the Western in harness or saddle fast serious condition with The collection on French tag Day resulted as follows Total Receipts S3i037 Expenses Amount forward to Red Cross for French Day S3 1997 The local branch of the Red Cross Society desire to gratefully acknowledge the receipt of a cheque for from St Johns H Church Field Comforts FARM GOLD STORAGE i Small Efficient Plant Doss Not Cost Much our society r Miss Mabel Store of Toronto is visiting Mrs Jas Gregory to school saddle fast not afraid of cars or Box or phone Aurora MACHINISTS WANTED Minimum wage cents tin- hour with higher scale to more competent men Modern shop conditions Apply lions Department TaylorForbes Company Limited NOTICE meeting of the by firing a the King George HOI is a farmer of high A be held in lei Newmarket on Thursday ening Aug 1st for the purpose of organizing a Headquarters Branch for North York and ap pointing SecretaryTreasurer severe injuries to her head En try was made at rear by the removal of a screen in the pan try window by the wouldbe bur glars Prof J Loudon of Toron to University was fined by Magistrate Gordon Port Credit on a charge of assaulting Mrs Margaret McMahon who is em ployed on his farm at Gooksvilje Win of appeared before Magistrate to receive sentence for wounding Gordon of shot The management of the Office Specialty Company have very gen erously donated a large number of brass articles to be disposed of to help our funds Beautiful Candlesticks Picture Frames Stamp Boxes Paper Weights Letter Holders are among the lot These articles are for sale and can be seen at Mrs We gave the patients in the Hospital a treat of ice cream and cigarettes last Friday evening which was very much appreciated by all Here is a list of games and ne cessities that the patients are in great need of Quoits Dart Ring Boards Beck Quoit Boards Bowles Boxing Cloves Tennis I Inner Tubes for Foot Balls standing in hid district and Ma- 1 Games of any kind Magazines Simple and Efficient Banning Water Systems for the Farm Hob Full Directions Regarding and Installation May Be Secured Contributed by Ontario Department Agriculture Toronto COLD storage is a room or building depending upon the cooled by Ice or by some mechanical means In Bhort it is a place for keeping food products cool in the hot weather Since the farms produce the food and since the cooling of it should be done quickly and immediately after its production say milk for example In order to keep it in good condition as long as possible would it not seem good business and economy to have the cold storage on the farm This applies to our farms particularly since they produce such very per ishable products as milk butter eggs fruit and meat If there was no other advantage in having cold storage on the farm than that it pro vides a place in which to keep the daily victuals cool and sweet would seem to be a good reason for Including it In the farm equipment Miss Clara of Toron to is visiting friends in town for a few days Mr J C got word on Saturday that liis brother at he front is missing Mrs Clarke and Miss Nellie are holidaying in London where- Mr Clark is convalescing CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 84433 PRUNE Now that Fruit is scarce there will be more Dried Fruit used- We have Prunes at 12 and alb Mr and Mrs Macdonald of Toronto spent over Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Brimson Mrs of Strath nee Miss Mae Hughes was calling on old friends in town last Friday Mrs ScolUFinlay left last week for a visit with friends at Pickering Whitby and Norwood Mrs and Miss Blade of Toronto were guests of Mrs Hunt Joseph Ave- last Sun day Rev W J Wood and family leave next week to spend the re mainder of their vacation in Mus- PEACHES Nothing finer In Peaches than what we have at and 27c per lb J GRANGES Nice Juicy Ora nqes at 30 and 60c Reeve Keith lei All return attend Sere men are requested to jor Brunlon said it was a pitiable thing for him to have to appear in a police court and very dis tressing for him as a judge to I deal with Fortunately had escaped serious hurt J Wellington wjl nQt vmj for to punish you severely must get the CARD 0FTHANK8- The Newmarket Fire Brigade desire to express their thanks for the following donations in acknowledgment of their services at the recent Ore Blizzard 2000 J F Harvey J Fred Doyle Chief Engineer PUBLIC NOTICE Town The public are hereby notified that the owners of all Dogs who have not taken Tags and all Carters and other persons who have not taken out a Li cense will have costs added if not attended to within ten days from the date of this notice By order P J ANDERSON Dated July MM Town Clerk FOR Short Horn Bull old Prince No dam Lady No Apply to J F PlayleF Lot Con Whitchurch or Newmarket P DRESSMAKING At reasonable prices Enquire of Mrs McKewon next door to the Post Office on Park Ave New market idea out Of their heads that the firing of rock salt or small shot to scare boys is of no account You will be fined S100 and costs Mrs Harry aged was killed and Mrs Morris prob ably fatally injured when an auto ruck ran them down on St Clair Ave on Monday Dr John for more than a score of years connected with the prison life of his Prov ince first as Warden of Toronto Central Prison then as Warden of the Ontario Reformatory at and latterly as Parole Commissioner for Ontario died suddenly at his home St on Monday morning Under Dr regime many meth ods of reform were realized He was held in high regard h gh oul Province Twenty cents a ton will he add ed to the cost of bringing coal to Toronto under the new freight rate Mr J Mac Kay who retired form position of business manager of Globe to take he duties of treasurer of the Russell Motor Car Company has been presented by the dif ferent departments of the Globe with a grandfathers clock as a mark appreciation of Mr Mac- Kays work during his 15 years the newspaper and an ex pression of their best wishes for his success in his new under taking Wash Cloths Flowers Any kind people who would like to contri bute any of these articles please communicate with the vicepres Mrs A number of parcels have been acknowledged from overseas this week from the following Sapper McCaffrey Frank Ralph E A Mitchell M Hubert Bailie Reg Pierre Pave your waste paper There will be a collection soon trance July I Dear Mrs Ross Please give my deepest thanks to the officers and friends of the Newmarket Branch of the Field Comforts Society for the very nice useful box I received yester day It is very cheering to us out here to know that we still have the thoughts and support of the people at home We are very busy Out here just now so have not much time for letter writing We had to work all day today July I- but of course it all helps in the flood Cause so we do not kick Hoping this mole will find you all under comfortable circum stances and banking you again for your kindness I remain Yours sincerely A for a expects to There are many ways of providing weeks a small cold storage on the farm but with the exception of very large fruit or dairy farms the same principle applies to all namely that ice is used as the means of The method of applying the Ice to the best advantage constitutes the prob lem In each individual case This Is why one system can be recom mended for all cases It is ray inten tion to describe briefly below one type which should give good service in many farm homes The particular name of this sys tem is the Bunker system It con sists of a small room a few feet with a bunker or box or rack at one side for holding the cakes of Ice It is separated from the room by a partition which is kept a few inches off the floor and likewise from the celling The bunker has a slat ted floor with pan just below to catch water which Is disposed of readily through a drain This ar rangement provides a natural for the cold air to drop down to the floor escape Into the cooltng room proper and for the warm air to up over the partition to the Ice So long as this bunker is kept supplied with ice there will be a natural flow of cold air through the storage room If the room be well insulated it should be possible to maintain a I from of about deg Fahrenheit IwAnk andafalrly Those de- siring plans for constructing the type outlined or any other type may receive them free of charge by com municating with the writer Inform ation and assistance will be freely to all applicants Write us Grahm Ontario Agricul tural College Guelph ft on Monday business trip out West and be absent for three BANANAS at dozen left which we have a few DUTCH SETS fer at lb CANDY Nothing better than the kind we handle Try it I PHONE U8 YOUR ORDER IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTENTION Mrs Chas Smith has gone to Longford Mills to visit her daughter Mrs Mc pherson Mr and fam ily who moved to Vivian about five years ago have moved back to town Master Norman who is a Soldier of the Soil dur ing the holidays spent Ihe week end at home Mr and Mrs Will Foster of Toronto are spending part of the vacation holidays with Mr and Mrs Bolton Mr and Mrs Frank and children of Pine Orchard were guests of Mrs P Hunt Joseph Ave on Sunday last Dr and Mrs McConhack and Master Teddic of North Toronto spent Sunday with her father Mr and Mrs J PHONE Nowadays It is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR THE PATHEPHONE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument In the World HUYLERS CHOCOLATES FOR a few choice Berkshire Sows bred to farrow in September EDWARDS King P 3 FIRSTCLASS GIRL Wanted Good Wage- paid Ap ply to lf20 Industrial Home Newmarket DAIRY FARM WANTED From to acres not far from a shipping point Will rent for a term of year- with privilege of purchase Apply at this of- flee FOR SALE Touring Car FirstClass running painted new tires all round and two spare Tires P BIQ SEIZURE OF WHISKEY July The biggest seizure Of whiskey ever made in j or Western was pulled fames yester day and had it riot been that the head of one of the barrels broke liquor would doubtless have been safely delivered to the par lies for whom if was in leaded As Ihe result of the breaking in Of he barrel bead while being handled here i a proximately worth of and Wort whiskey now lying under guard The whiskey came to on Friday hidden in a label- led Baled Hay and addressed the Imperial Co of this city a concern that has no existence so far as known It was billed from a suburb of Montreal and the whiskey was in in barrels containing fen doz en hot ties apiece To the eve Ihe car all it contained was baled In the Field Feb Dear Mrs Ross I thank you very much indeed for the parcel of nice things which 1 received quite safely a few days ago can assure you it is quite a comfort and blessing to know that one is not forgotten by his own home town It has a great pleasure to me dur ing my 30 months out in the country to have been recognized as one of Newmarkets boys and it is certainly glorious know thai one has so many good friends especially as I am practically a stranger to most of your people seeing hat was only in Canada came about months before off here by License one and only Ball of which also composed f quite a number of Newmarket hoys so is why your parcels are always well ap preciated simply because hey came from dear friends and I hope the time will soon mine when I shall ho able thank you one all for your kindness Yours sincerely I A City Conveniences for Country The desirability and Importance of an ample supply of pure water on every farm can hardly be over BUed Perhaps more than any other food element It determines the healthy and robust development of the body Inversely deadly disease germs lurk Impure waters of contaminated which may bring death with little warning into the family circle Without great the water supply the average farm may bo so protected as To prevent contamination and It surely seems the part of wisdom In every case 10 ensure an abundant supply of pure Mr and lady friend Toronto arc spending a or two with Mr and Mrs Freeman St Mr David Hamilton who has been under the care for the past week was able to lip a few hours on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Peacey and their daughters Lillian and of Toronlo spent Sunday with Mrs P Hunt Joseph St Mrs Hoilins of Windsor formerly Mrs N Starr has returned to Newmarket and may possibly reside here in future Mr and Mrs Miss Annie Meek Miss Miss Stark and Miss left on Monday to spend two weeks MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Store Phone No House Phone No PLANES TO CARRY A HUNDRED WEN vacation in THE WORKERS lender tin banks for of comforts in words how HEW METAL FOR COMMERCE FOR Rooms large fruit trees Will sell Apply to WOOD Queen St West Newmarket SALE OF LAND FOR TAXE8 OF Town Newmarket the for he County of York To Wit Notice hereby of builh how liable lo rears of of Town of ban been pre pared and in an advertise ment in -jlii- Ontario on May and 31 of or advertisement may upon application lo in de fault of payment on lint hi fi came time of Taxen on r ft fore Kept M- I at the and at the Council Chamber Newmarket proceed by public auction Ihe lands or audi portions thereof a shall he pay together wllli Hie thereon P J Town CI Town Ju and New York July A metal liable for the very driest forms of has been developed from combining iron and cobalt according to an an nouncement made by Professor Queens Uni versity Consul Johnston who is at King ston reports the new met al is easy to work and is shortly to be put on market in com mercial Prof is Chairman of the Canadian of the doci lely of Chemical Industry which organization in conjunction with Canadian and chemical engineers is working toward ik a higher degree of extraction of from ores and III new uses fir waste products Canadian chemists were responsible for discovery of Ihe new metal which pecu liarly a Canadian product By way of warning farmer in general that it Is against the law fire charges of rock salt or small with a view to Bearing hoy trespassers- Magistrate in the County Police Court yesterday fined- William of and costs Ih a France June Dear Mrs Ross Will you kindly Society my very the Splendid parcel which arrived yesh I cannot express much appreciate the kindness of ladies of this Ev ery article is very useful and I can assure you I hey give a great deal of comfort I ami looking forward Ihe day which I hope is not far distant when I Shall be able to thank you all for your good work and kind though Willi kindest regards and very best wishes believe me J I am yours sincerely Hubert Cradduck The Field Comforts desire to thank lie of St Johns Church for lion of tic handsome to their funds TO ANNIVERSARY OF WAR Mid J wellknown farmer slightly in jured a boy named Gordon Rise- borough with a part of a charge from a shotgun Sunday Aug the fourth anniversary of declaration of war has been set aside by proc lamation of LleuLOovernor at the request of the Dominion Government as a day to ho ob served in commemoration of entrance of the British Empire into the war for liberty and civ ilization The proclamation urges the sol emn observation of the day by the calling of public meetings throughout the province at which the following resolution is lo be submitted and adopted That on this fourth anniver sary of the declaration of a right eous war this meeting of the cit izens of records its determination to continue to ictorlons end the struggle in maintenance of those Ideals of liberty and- Justice which are the common and flacrod cause of the Allies water for man and the household must bo drawn from a well or a stream at some distance from tho dwelling physical labor Involved Is great- It may be assumed that when no plumbing Is Installed an allowance of ton gallons per person per day for all purposes Is necessary With a family of four someone often the house wife must carry pounds of water a day or over one ton a week In the stable much the samo con- exist tank of pumping water by hand for a largo number of live stock Is slow and arduous wasteful of time and trying to the temper And In cold stormy weather stock when driven outside tank or an stream will rarely drink sufficient for their beat performance or development Water systems In each cobo pay their way In dollars as well as In conveni ence comfort and health question of coat Is Important Many Improvements may be made however such as safeguarding tho Well from pollution Install ing a hydraulic ram tank system etc which are not very expensive and when the farmer to do a good deal of tho work himself the cost Is reduced to a point where can afford tho stalatlons With a practical work ing of tho principles of water supply water equipage and sewage disposal few indeed who have Impure well water and without household and stable water conveni ences but can make improvements of a moat beneficial nature and at a which they can afford to expend To give such Information Is the of a bulletin now presented to tho farm public of Ontario by tho Ontario Department of Agriculture Parliament Prac tical information as as and so arranged as to enable each reader to find quickly par ticular problem ho la most Interested In la given regarding every phase of tho water question To further as sist who may wish lo Improvements or Installations tho authors of bulletin will gladly give personal attention to any ques tion or problem which may bo sent to Messrs Geo and Roberts Hamilton and their families mo tored from Roches Point Tues day to say farewell to Miss Jones who leaves for China on Saturday Mr molored also Mr and Mrs and son Rapid City Wis and Mrs Henry from Paris July Airplanes car rying a hundred men and equip ped with engines in power to those in a mediumsized steamship will be developed with in three years said Gianni inventor of the bombing planes an interview The bombing planes now in use continued will be mere dwarfs compared with those to be developed There is lo be a surprise in Store for the Germans Instead of the forty and fifty machines necessary to start on a bombing expedition it will be possible to do same work with a new machine as pow erful as squadron To make a sliding screen or a window sash move easily rub a paraffin caudle along the edge which is likely to bind This is an effective lubricant that lasts a long time and is easily to he man who labors and does ilwilh a song He stimulates his neighbors and helps the world along I like the men who do thing who saw and glue tilings and spin and dig and weave Man groans beneath his bur den beneath the chain he wears and still the toilers guerdon is worth the pain lie bears For theres no satisfaction neath the bending sky like that the man of action enjoys when night is To look back over the winding and dark and rocky road and to know you bore your grinding and soul- fatiguing As strong men ought to bear it through all stress and strife dials the reward of mer it that is the halm of lif- I like men who do thine who plough and saw and ivananri build and delve and while Ihe dreamers are asleep Linden Michigan ami were snap used in guests of heir uncle Mr teir men rtir I on Friday last Mr Alva has re lumed lo his duties at the Hunk of Toronto alter spending his va cation in- Toronto and Miss Helen Lister leaves today I to spend her ten days near Otta wa Mr A J Hasselt Of Canning- ton railing on friends in lown tin Monday He has two sons at the front One was wounded in the lace with shrapnel las September and is still under- Hos pital treatment his way Mrs children lllft her Moss peel to A and two from Detroit are visit- parents Mr and Mrs 1 Millard Ave They ex- leave THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash RMBAUIINO A SPECIALTY I Night to at residence HARDLY fr hid I47 l Ill ill ivj pie S- N IV Kill Hi ril yon Willi my k tjr The Tomb Oil Monday for Montreal but will be back for a while before returning home Hill Deputy Reeve of ar rived In Newmarket Monday from his annual visit in the West He reports that while there are small patches of crops on he whole they are the worst ho ever saw miles and not worth cutting J MILLARD Phones and 20 TheCratile Smart At Holland Landing July th Mr Mrs Smart a son on and DAMAGE BY LIGHTNING If you happen to find a toad in your garden dont interfere with him He patriot work is and he knows precisely what ho Is about Ho eats flics moths worms bugs and all sorts of noxious insects that prey on plants Poterborp is having races for two purses Its civic holiday Monday Aug 12 Children FOR Lindsay July JO In a severe electrical storm in this vicinity yesterday afternoon the barn with contents of Mr Jr Of Ops Tp was destroyed Mr Webster of a barn and contents as welt as a hay shed The house of Jos Hill of was struck with lit tle damage Jas Donovan of suffered the loss of a barn with contents A barn and contents owned by Mr Noil Mc Donald of Argylc was destroyed T barn at Snug Harbor was struck and live pigs killed but the barn was saved Mrs Junk in Bethel was stunned by lightning her house was very badly wrecked If mists come down from the hills or descend from heavens and in the valleys it prom- fair hot weather Mists In the evening show a hot morrow Art At Holland Landing on July 1018 lo Mr and Mrs Art Jr a son Robinson At on Sun day July to Mr and Mrs P Robinson formerly of a daughter 8haw In on July to Mr and Mrs Clare Shaw a son Lee At Gasholi on Tuesday 10 lo Mr and Mrs Lee nee Lillie French a son stillborn Harper At on Tues day July to Mr and Mrs J Harper nee Miss Alta French of Albert a son John Clark In Newmarket on July to Mr and Mrs Henry At lii reidem Mil on hi Kb year Gibson Clark a daughter Dunoan In Newmarket on July to Me and Mfs Prank Duncan Jr a daughter Popplatt In Newmarket on July lo Mr and Mrs Art a daughter in Coplthorn Ho- e- Mr A tt near July 2nd Jane aged In mi July mis John hw year Smith- Al ItillpW I IPI8 J dm Smith in In year on Saturday In Vienna Square Bogart on ttl home iii Sarah widow h in her Funeral privale i pm Kindly omit flowefs- On July I0J residence of Uoiiia Aurora widow of laic Donnelly of Interment at last Monday Slalor In Mount Alberl on Tues day July l oik Mrs Emma in her year neral Thursday- Cemetery Marshall- At Holland on July Hugh J- Marshall aged years S J Furniture Undertaking North AM Mf- Albert l A I

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