Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Jul 1918, p. 8

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W M A a i MORE HER VOUS a Medicine J i 4 MISS ANMIE WARD St St John Hi with pleasure that I write to of the great benefit I the use of your medicine I was a great sufferer for many years from Nervous Head- and Constipation I tried everything consulted doctors but nothing seemed to help me until After I had taken several boxes 1 wee completely relieved of these troubles and have been unusually well ever since Miss ANNIE WARD is fresh fruit juices concentrated and increased in strength combined with finest tonics arid Is a positive and reliable remedy for Headaches and Constipation a box for trial size 25c Aall Ottawa BUILDINGS FOR SALE The frame twostory tenement house 36x28 with large twostory frame kitchen at rear as now erected lot No West side Prospect Avenue Heavy frames excellent building ma terial Apply to A Life Around the Hub j l sa v The Camp Meeting in Mr Ray grove at Hill was very largely attend ed delegates being present from all parts of Ontario and some the line There were about tents besides the large tabernacle where the services are held The evangelistic services in charge of Rev Ruth of Indiana were well attended The camp closed on Monday night o GORMLET A large garden party under he auspices of the Red Cross Association was held on Monday evening at the gardens of Mr Forester The proceeds were over A number from attended and took part in the program the chair being occupied by Dr C Smith The ladies of are alive to the nerds of our country and deserve a great deal of credit for the splendid work they are doing for the soldiers FARM NEAR NEWMARKET FOR SALE That part of The Robert Pear- sou farm lying north of the side road and adjoining Newmarket being the easterly part- of Lot No Con Whitchurch contain ing acres more or less will be sold at once There is a good frame barn with under stabling supplied with water and a good frame house on the premises Intending purchasers will ap ply at once to Richardson Newmarket or to WIDDIFIELD Vendors Solicitor Newmarket QUALITY COUNTS EVERY TIME Much regret is fell at the pass- in- away of Miss Rcbekali Hood who died on Wednesday June at he ago of 53 years A month previous lo her death she was taken ill with and later complications set in Site had always resided at lanlrae and was highly esteemed in that neighborhood For tin past three years she has lived her sister Mrs Bates Re sides Mrs Bales she is survived by I wo brothers Samuel of lantrae and John of Blenheim and a sister Mrs Jackson of Chatham s0 Pine Orchard Public sympathy for Hie be reaved families was greatly man ifested at the funeral of the late Klroy Starr on Thursday after noon of last week when the fam ily residence was crowded ov erflowing and probably hundreds of people could not gain admit tance during the service which was conducted by Revs Thomas and Parry of Newmarket Scott of Aurora Miss Anna Crawford and Mr Fisher ministers of Friends from Philadelphia was very impressive IS sure- lowly in approaching the railway track As he was driving a span of colls it expected that they became un manageable when frightened by he approach of the train and the speed of the latter was greater than he expected The Tl young mans death a warning to drive Aurora and Charles Sts Toronto has lately been asked to Mil tlons worth from to 1500 per annum The demand for our Graduates Is five times our sup ply No vacations Enter now Write for Large Catalogue W J ELLIOTT Principal give the room now Shoe flo have P Mavis lot on ley St ad- This will ample yard improvements all countries for our will bo cent MARION MARION University St Montreal REPAIR 8HOP and Wood Saws Mandrills KIM and other Machinery in order and will of Bank of Toronto Proprietor 1 T i- The T purchased Mr arid Morehouse to the company for any which they may make The company are also having an up- todate sprinkling system lire protection installed in the fac tory They will erect a large water lank on I lie side of the factory to give good wafer Almost every kind of attraction from a baby show lo a candy scramble marked the annual field day at Aurora Monday The weather interfered the at tendance somewhat but a suiii was realized for patriotic purposes as a- result of the big Dominion Day event School children formetT up at lie public school and marched to the town park where they sang songs fo music provided by the Hfi Highlanders Band There was a baseball tournament lacrosse match and final football ronlest as well as drilling marching and signalling by a company of Girl Guides of To ronto A program of races was run off The baby show and knit linfi contest furnished plenty of amusement for the crowd In the evening the Aurora oral Society conducted by Mr If Fletcher Toronto render ed a number of patriotic songs after which Highlanders furnished the music for a promenade concert and dance Miriam and her maidens also pleased the crowd Associated with Ihe field day a flower show and canning demonstration by Mrs lecturer of he Department of Ag riculture Mayor Baldwin Reeve J Lennox K I and other wellknown residents of north York made brief addresses CASTOR I A The Kind Y o Have Bought has borne the signature of etcher and has been made under his personal supervision for over years Allow no one to deceive you in rills Counterfeits Imitations and justasgoodare but experiments aad endanger the health of Children What Is Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It Is pleasant It con neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allayBFeverishness For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Con stipation Colic all Teething Troubles and It regulates the Stomach and Bowels assimilates the Food giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Clean to handle Sold by all Drug gists Grocers and General Stores T HANGMAN BERRYS CONVERSION School Reports PROMOTIONS EXAMINATIONS S S No East r Vera Glover Honours Until Parr I Honours Ramsay Jr IV Annie Mack rill Honours Wesley Eves to HI Dorothy Itamay Honours Gloves Walter Davis Frank Wartl to Jr III Dora Marion Grose Estclln Ivan Eves II Hall Cephas Andrews Grace Ward Recommended Jr Margaret Davis Edna Andrews REPORT of S S No 2 NORTH Names in order of merit Jr III to III Van Norman Percy Eric Elliot Jr HI mice Kinjr Jr II to Ha fie thy Willis Gordon Green online ride Irwin Pollock Smith Audrey I lo Jr lela Elliot Erii Vera Pollock Primer Jr I Pollock J Draper KETTLEBY SCHOOL REPORT are in order of merit Jr IV Dora Wood Mount Hazel Dove III to Jr Frank ration Jr III Gladys Lewis Gertie Hurling Jr Grace Burling Elsie Warren life flee I Jr II Hut Edwards Lewis Maud Alma Hurling Primer A Primer Violet Weal Howard Plefisaiicc Clifford Tales II Glass A Glass Olive Green- sides Stella Fred Millie Glass lo Glass Sain Audrey Tallon Annie Gamble Hafsy Die pupils who failed failed in Hie subjects- Gladys Hurling Jack Hunt Draw Edna Hunt Hurling Arllh Gram Ruth Hunt Spell Tommy on total The following pupils came highest In the school hi Hie following Edwards Men ial Arllh Hunt Gram hie Hunt Frank Hurling Ml Jack Davis Grace Hurling Heading Hobble Hunt Spell III Drawing Jennie Lewis Teacher Juno More than rslJent of county are 111 from poisoning h a result of eating chicken pies Sunday ax the annual celebration of St Society held at Puce near w titlSff l A A i ft IMC ftll P How do you suppose Ihe single men Vt the first Contingent felt about When they saw their married comrades selected for three months home fur lough to Canada One of the bach elor soldiers In a humorous letter to friends In Toronto reproaches them for letting him depart for war unwed and breaks Into verse In thin way Oh never before In my bachelor life Old I feel as at present my need of a wife JUSl fancy If only been Mrs For long days Id have left the French sod But take It from me when Hie next breaks out III have fifty wives sooner than join up without Name censored mm James Berry was no ordinary man If he had been he would never have to the British Government nor have been directly or indirectly connected with seven hundred drops from the scaf fold in the ten years during which he held that office You would ex pect the conversion of such a man to be an extraordinary and thrilling one And so it was The frequent let ters I now receive from him are a source of inspiration to me in my work and is with the hope that others may receive similar blessing and encouragement that I seek to- make the incident more widely known At Hie time of his conversion Mr Berry was living at Bradford six weeks tie been under deep conviction of sin becoming at last so miserable thai lie determined to end his agony com muting suicide With this in view he left home one morning for lie Midland railway station intending to purchase a for Leeds and end matters by jumping out of the ex press train as il dashed through the tunnel at Bridge When he arrived at the station train was just steaming from Hie platform There was no other for an hour He would wait He bought a daily paper The account of the Welsh revival attracted his He called to mind his sainted mothers public That young his arms around my neck and kissed he did If 11 hadnt been for him I might never have been converted Neither would he let me go with out visiting willi him the Rowland Street Mission He obtained the key from the caretaker and pointed out Hie exact spot where he had knelt and prayed It was evidently a very fragrant memory There tie said is the place where James Berry the hangman was buried and James Ber ry the child of God was made alive might be said about his career as an evangelist since his con version but is not wonderful the exdrunkard the exsaloonkeeper is now by ttie grace of God a that Jarnes Berry the exhangman of Hie gospel Is it not marvellous that James Berry who for years was engaged in the sad work of giving fellow the drop Is now to give a lift Frank NY Dell in Sunday School Times SEE DEMONSTRATION OF MOk Soap Sauces Gift Coffe4 Bread Csks Muffio Pit ALL THE FOOD VALUE OF PASTEURIZED SEPARATED MILK IN POWDER FORM C S NEWMARKET ONT prayers The tears commenced to roll down his cheekSi James Berry the hangman was actually crying His purpose began to waver Then a remarkable tiling happened A hand was laid upon his shoulder he looked up A kindly sympathetic vnici Mate is there anything I can do for you 1 The speaker was a member of the Street Mission who mark you had never been to Bradford Midland station in his life before and who hail only come there in response the leadings of Hie divine Spirit He was but a new convert himself hut such war Ills enthusiasm that he offered to call a special prayermeeting of Hie Street Mission for James Berrys benefit Indeed he said if you will only give your Inart to Cod I will gladly go without anything eat for a couple of days Touched by earnest young mans enthusiasm Mr Berry agreed him in lh mission hall at two oclock In fact he was already deeply moved As he himself ays I cried all the way home of course everybody stared tint no one would have noticed if had been drunk were getting used arrived the house I a I hadnt done said Whats Hie malt People in Bradford lhat When I kissed my wife for years She Berry youve how God 1 1 in- into my been crying I told her hail prevented me from suicide and she fell arms and sobbed saying Jim Ive been praying for you nil morning know would answer my prayer Meanwhile Street Mis sion was put into a great stale of by news and before long alt Bradford had learned that James Berry tin- was seeking Christ At two oclock four persons including Mr had assembled for prayer Others quickly entered Men hurried from their business and women from their household duties to Join in prayer for Ills conversion The room was soon filled The scene that followed may best be de scribed the words of Hie leader of mission was astonished the gathering The room was practically empty when I knelt down to pray when I opened my eyes It was full When Mr Ber ry began to pray we all broke down Everybody was crying And when at last lie Jumped up add shouted Tin saved Im saved Joy knew no hounds All Jumped their feel and shouted loo We gathered round and began sing I was lost but Jesus found rue When Mr Berry Im going home to tell my wife shes been praying for me all lay an adjournment was forth with made to his home which was two miles We formed a procession with Berry at tie head singing as we marched I was lost but Jesus found me The service was con tinued In the house then an In cident occurred which tested the genuineness of his conversion We were all In the room singing a hymn when we heard a great thumping at Hie back door There we found a dray and the carter wall ing to deliver a barrel of beer ordered by Mr Berry the day before But Mr Berry now refused to have In the house Take the stuff away he With the- help of God Ill never touch another drop as long as I live A scene followed but the barrel had to go away and the com pany returned to their devotions Such In brief Is the story of James Berrys When I visited him In his home at Bradford he took me to Midland railway station and Showed me Hie very scat he had oc cupied on memorable morning am sure God sent that young man lo me he said arent you Then with moist eyes he whispered some thing he does not generally tell the TRAINING LITTLE CHILDREN By Mrs Alice The mother of small children who does not live within reach of a kin- need not feel compelled to deprive her little ons of the pleasures and benefits of systematic training It is true that the stimulus of coop erative work and play so- vital a feature of the is not so apt to be found in lire smaller group at home and is entirely tacking in case of only child Never theless many of the activities provided in can be carried on not only by the small group but by tic lonely child as well Come lei us live with our child ren Is old familiar Slogan We might It by saying Come let us sing wilh our children Why shouldnt children sing morn ing greeting to father and mother as well as teacher I know can sing them and de light in doing so The good morning songs various members of fam ily to the new day to sun or clouds sung while dressing do much create a sunny morning atmosphere There are songs to accompany many of home duties besides wealth of nature songs Al bedtime Hie de votional spirit of the evening prayer may be enhanced by the singing or a childs hymn Songs such as these can be found in lames and Music Of lroebels Mother Play and in other songbooks Any good library would have some of these or it would be possible buy copies through a bookstore A calender may easily be made home Tor his purpose a sheet of white cardboard is- ruled off into a sufficient number of blank squares for the days of Hie month The children mark the calender each day a suitable emblem Yellow circles should tie provided for sunny days and gray for cloudy Tiny umbrellas denote rain a gray circle partly covered with- while indicates snow Advertisements furnish pic tures for special occasions a little church a toy a birthday cake a Christinas Iree The particular emblem is less important to the child ren than the pleasure they take in to the calender regularly and tip fad hoy are being helped to a realization of divisions of lime The card should be large enough to allow for suitable picture for to he mounted outside of the ruled portion Squirrel and Pair of may he used for sheet Holy for December Washingtons or Lincolns I rail for February train the senses at the same thai llley afford pleasure A ran play many games with her child Interrupting her work is a Imagination and storied lend themselves to Mils fulfil of reproduction flit aiming It does to relate limited world of the small per a on to larger about him In tile ken his appreciation of parents and all workers tn deepen his wonder and reverence for natural phenomena is wore than a more plan of The home can Ik made more than this also Keep In mind as the confection you can buy Send It to boys at the front firm War Time Economy in Sweetmeats a 5cent package of will you several days enjoyment its an investment in benefit as well as Pleasure for It helps teeth breath appetite digestion CHEW IT AFTER The Flavour Lasts phot WOMEN TORTURED I terribly with of high but why now Women high holla up their toes and they for terribly from corns Women then proceed to trim flecking roliof but hardly ro- the tcrriblo danger from in fection says a Cincinnati author Corns can easily bo lifted out with the Angers if you will get from any drug store a quarter of an ounce of a drug called freef one This is sufficient to movo every hard or soft corn or from ones feet You simply apply a few drops dlreotly upon tender or callus The sorenoas Is reliev ed at once and soon the entire corn or callus all lifts out without one parllole of pain freozono is a stioky which dries in a moment It Just shrivels up the corn with out inflaming or even Irritating the surrounding tissue or skin Tell your wife about this Six head of cattle belonging to Job Duff a- Now Lowell- fanner were killed during on June Accidents will happen In very simple way Mr of Midland was vislllng in and while Bitting In on easy chair with his feet on another chair one of his feet slipped off and his heel struck the floor his leg was broken so that he had to be taken to the hospital Owing to the illhealth of Mr Sr we are going to offer you A REAL BARGAIN IN INSTRUMENTS Cecil Player Piano Mahogany new 6 months with Rolls Dominion Piano Walnut Case a lovely Instrument Bell Practice Piano Upright in excellent shape 10000 Dominion Piano Mission Style new 30000 Morris Piano Mahogany Case fine tone Upright Piano Walnut Williams Piano a lovely quality Doherty Organ Six Octave Oak Case a lovely Instru ment worth One Hundred Dollars Dominion Organ Piano Case Walnut a real beauty Twenty Other Organs from 1000 upwards Any Persons needing a or Phonograph just re member we will give 10 Off the real Cost Price Easy Terms- No Interest Plan Horses or Stock will be considered on any of the above Act Quickly for they Must be Sold A Phono 3D IF ITS AN Then you know Made in If Ita Anything a Ycuikeo I CANADIAN IF forms it You Wish TORONTO Wcat Local Agent M 1

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