Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Jul 1918, p. 7

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siSiHS HALL OUR LOCAL NEWS I SEED SPECIAL seed all 1lb pkfla to bo cleared at each Clover No Quality at a Special Price to clear Timothy Seed Classed No but No In Quality and Ger mination Carters English Turnip Seed in bags Quality Very Best Carters English Garden Seed In and papers BULK GARDEN SEEDS Put up by us are Good The King George Hotel is being brightened by a coat of paint An idea of the auto traffic on St Monday is given to us by a resident near the olc toll- gate who counted over 200 cars going south during one hour Special Car Those who want to attend the Red Cross Garden Party at Roachs Point should remember that the Special Gar leaves Newmarket at oclock sharp to night and returning leaves the Point at Regular fares all stops on the line GREAT POTATO WASTE I from Mr and Mrs of Richmond Hill spent the holiday at Mr R Buttings Miss Augustus Marsh of ronto spent the holiday with her mother Mrs Boadwin spent last week in Toronto Miss Ruth visited in St Marys part of this week Miss Fife of Toronto spent the past week with Miss B and Miss Ben nett of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr J Dutchers Miss Edith Dutcher of New market spent Sunday at her home here Can Be Prevented by Thorough Sprayfng Womens Meetings In Swingr- Summer Institute Sheetings Are Benefit to Every Woman Who Attends Topics to Be Dis eased and Work Planned Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture Toronto OTATOES are sprayed to pre vent such fungus disease as Early Blight and Late Blight and Rot These diseases are caused by plants known as fungi Those fungi derive nourishment from living plants them In so doing in ways and thus give rise to what are j known as fungus diseases In combating the great majority of Mr of Toronto has moved his family to their summer home here Miss Louise and Miss Agnes Seymour left Monday to spend the summer in Muskoka Mr Elliott of fungus diseases methods of the weekend with relatives only are practicable Spraying in the village potatoes not done to cure but to Mrs Davis is spending prevent disease In other words the a couple of weeks at Snowball object of spraying Is to cover the her mother Mrs G I leaves and stems with a Mr and Mrs Hunter of To- substance poisonous to the spores or spent Sunday and Monday fungi In which they cannot grow THE MENS Ik Importer of and Fancy China Christian Last Sabbath a Patriotic Service was held and a good number were present Our morning sessions are having good attendances Come and meet with us 945 Remember Wed July and arrange to take in our excursion and picnic to Wilcox Lake car running Jf Mr and Miss loft at j- day to spend the summer vacation reach them and at her home in Springfield I ace of the leaves and stems must Miss Mary is Spending I be covered so completely that a few days at her home in Spring Is not the smallest space on which a dale spore can germinate Efficient spraying of potatoes Auto Owners You surely do get more Power more Mileage less Carbon if you use Peerless Gasoline Sold only at Binns Hardware AND RESTAURANT IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK SOME WAR Christian S Picnic The Annual Picnic of the Chris tian Sunday School is to be held on Wednesday July to Wil cox Lake A special car is to be run at 130 going direct to the lake A good time is being plan ned so reserve the date More particulars later Last Thursday evening about people gathered at the home Mi de pends Upon tbe use of the proper and Mrs and bade fungicide Bordeaux mixture has farewell to Miss Chinas prior far proved to be the only satisfactory Discount on Cash and Carry GROCERIES FRESH MILK CREAM AND CHEESE I wliole- inking all not supply Parlies with iVHfiioTiry Soft Cones and Soda Fountain Always Open I ifM si mar the Market Improvement Prospect Avenue is being widened as a result of the good example set by Mr Everest of the corner of Huron and Prospect who last week graded his boulevard to the east of his res idence The good work is being carried on down the Avenue ana the appearance is very pleasing Mr Everest lias one of the most attractive corner lots in Newmar ket and it would be a good thing for the town if all the citizens were united in his idea of neat ness NOTICE is hereby given that Lillian North formerly Lillian Thompson of tbe City of Toron to In Hi County of York and Province of Ontario married wo man will apply to the Parliament of Canada the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her husband Frank North of the City of Toronto in the County of York and Province of Ontario on the grounds of adultery and cru elly Paled at Toronto this day June A 1018 Lillian North by her Solicitors R obi net 1 Godfrey Adelaide St W Toronto R C Garden Party Arrangements are being com pleted for the Annual Garden Parly of St Johns Church which they purpose holding on Separate School Wednesday July 17th Many attractions for the enjoy- of the patrons of annu al affair will be provided viz Fish Pond Swings Musical Pro gram Drawings for valuable prizes elc Aurora Band will he in attendance The usual good supper will he served 5 of proceeds for Red Cross and Field Comforts Socie ties for bills for fur ther particulars to her departure from our midst to up work elsewhere A very enjoyable evening was spent in music and games after which a light lunch was served Mr Watson of Toronto spent Sunday Mrs Tin Cemetery Co purpose holding open Memorial SenIce on J lie on Sunday July at t p in and short will he given Fox and Mr Dales Whitchurch Council Whitchurch Council met at Saturday June with all members present ami the Reeve in the chair The Minutes of last meeting were read and The following Communications were presented and read Mrs Wesley Hill Sec Red Cross Society grant for Patriotic Work A James Engineer York Highways Com suggesting that the Council un dertake to round the corners al he intersections of lie Vandori when the Road by the 2nd and 3rd Con Lines J re in- rates by the T spray mixture for potato diseases 2 Upon timely and repeated spraying Spraying should be com menced when plants are from six I to eight inches high and repeated it intervals of from a week to ten days throughout the growing season From three 10 seven applications will be required the number depend- upon the weather the wetter the weather tne more frequent the spraying Upon liberal use or Bor deaux mixture From 50 to gal lons of Bordeaux mixture should be used per acre at each application Upon thorough spraying whicn means the covering of every portion of the plant with the Bordeaux mix ture in the form of a flne mist This can be done only when the solution is applied with good pressure so to insure covering every portion the plant The best results from spraying are obtained when potato sprayers are used which are with Tjoint attachments so as to insure covering both surfaces of the leaves at each spraying Upon spraying before rathe than after prolonged rainy periods Infection of the plants takes place during or soon after rain Therefore it Is of the utmost importance to have the spray mixture on the plants Remarkable Values in the Immense j Spring Display of Clothing For Men And this season as usual In spite of conditions variety in styles patterns and weaves la a most notable feature of the display and Is a va riety that provides the good fit desired the smooth or rough weaves that strike the fancy and also the patterns and colors that are so important in the choice of a Spring Suit The display Is now ar ranged and we invite all men whether they want to buy or not to come and see the value hat are offered a ay si All ft 9 a THE JAMES The Gents CO NEWMARKET Furnishers fl rain conies Prof J THE CONSTANT CALL for well trained and office assistants prompts us to continue our work through the summer months Enter any time Business Schools Free catalogue haw Shaws Toronto J SOUTH END AND Qroater Production The Production Committee met on Tuesday evening when favorable reports were made of the Secretary reported hat three Vacant entered for the prize competition If any others are desirous- of en tering I hey should be reported to Mr A Cornell at once as Judges will make their in spection in a few flays The following worn ap pointed Mr J for School aniens on the side Mr Tim Trivett for the Mr for he School gardens and Mr J for the Vacant Lots Accounts amounting to about for seed and other expenses were passed on the Hoard of Trade which body it is under stood will undertake lo finance campaign FEED STORE crease It Co Provincial Sec retary re amendments desired to the Assessment Act Assistant Deputy Minister of Agriculture re Surveys for farmers Sheep claims were presented as follow killed injur ed award of Valuator killed Award Stony killed in jured award of Geo killed award of Leathers killed injured award of Stony 2 killed award Leathers The following hills seated yds 4A yds gravel Municipal for Wright I Hospital I day- maintenance A mod late Mrs gnl The Treasurer was I pay the hills and lege Ontario Agricultural Col- I were pru Lavn Bovllng A start was made in It League Karnes here pays to bake your own Bread WHEAT FLOUR CORK FLOUR RYE FLOUR BARLEY FLOUR And the Price Is Right I FEED CHICK FEED GRIT AND SHELL ON HAND I License Ho Successor to A Howard Pvrnpt Delivery Phono TERM CASH I nslrneted ep claims YOUR PLAGC a new rtrat aim to as someone Hie North- on Wed nesday The Bradford sent down three rinks En the after noon and Newmarket won on two rinks Marshall was up Over Bernhardt a large majority also heat Wilson with was up against the strongest rink and lost three points on the last end The ev ening brought and agiin Newmarket was up floating ihe ehumpioiis in nil three rinks Manning for Newmarket was only up heat Col shots Sinclair live Our preen in and as the weather now geU ting warmer we shall have games every evening There are still a few vacancies in out rinks so any who wish to loin now will he put on Hie for Lennox Trophy presented to Men and lo to Win for services as Valuators of or injurerf Refvfl fpaulding whs W0 for gravelling Lon Line Lots ami and to accept me tender of Mr to replace fallen ahut- for bridge between and Hon I Importance of Womens Institute Meetings A scries of meetings which to women of rural Ontario have always proved worth while and increasing ly bo the last year or two is the Womens Institute meetings These are Important because they are so farreaching in their nature They afford town and country woman no matter what her denomination may be a channel through which sue can be of allround to hu manity Since the war began Itcd Cross and other patriotic work has of course received first consideration The alleviation of suffering seems peculiarly womans work need greater today than ever The great demand by the Allies for certain foods such a beef pork wheat and sugar has caused the I housewife to change her methods of prewar days Shu must now learn to substitute and to eliminate var ious of waste Perishable foods must be more widely lifted not only In summer but also winter These must be conserved through proper storage canning or drying Such subjects as these may bo dis cussed the meetings An expert demonstrator may he secured from the Department to give Information or a practical demonstration to assist the housewife The members may club together and do their cunning at one centre fire If choose and In addition to the work accomplished may have a so ciable time together The children in the rural districts not bo forgotten They must be prepared for great responsi bilities which are too soon to fall upon them Their education must not be neglected They must not be handicapped by physical imperfec tions Subjects of importance to the child must be discussed and means adopted to Improve conditions Medical Inspection of rural schools and Ihe clinics held through the Wo mens Institute are doing much to improve conditions The girls also attention We are apt to forget ihe girls In our was parsed anxiety for Ihe boys- Their lives and up- nun Treasurer to their prospects for the future are be Way of overdraft as flS throe dollars if Standard Hank meet current expenditure to meet it Laics Auk 3rd at BEHIND TIME A great Battle was on Column after column had- been hurled for eight mortal hours the enemy posted along the ridge of a hill The summer sun was sinking west reinforce ments for the obstinate defenders were already in eight it was necessary to carry the position one charge or everything would be lost A powerful corps had been summoned from across the country and if it came up in season all would yet he well The great conqueror confident of formed his reserve into an attacking column and ordered J Ihcm to charge enemy The whole world knows the result Grouchy failed to appear Water loo was lost Napoleon died a prisoner at St Helena because one of his marshals was behind lime A leading firm In commercial circles had long struggled against bankruptcy As it had enormous on the Pacific Coast it ex pected remittances by a certain day and if the stints promised ar rived its credit its honor and fu ture prosperity would he preserv ed Jut after week passed without bringing Mold At came the fatal day on which the firm had hills maturing enormous amounts The steam er telegraphed at daybreak hill il was found she brought funds and the house failed The next arrival brought in nearly half a million lo the insolvents but it was fno late they were ruined because agent had been be hind lime II is continuously set in life The plans the mosi impor tant affairs j fortunes of in dividuals the welfare of nations honor happiness- life itself are daily sacrificed because somebody is behind lime There are men who always fail in whatever they undertake simply because are behind time pyo minutes in a crisis is worth years ft is but a period it has saved a fortune or redeemed people If there is one virtue thai could he more than another him who would suc ceed in life it is punctuality if there is error thai should he avoided it Lo being befiind time IVeemnii Hunt Would you like to have -of- The Edison Phonograph In your home If you will let us know at once we will try to arranqe for same A I I mi SPECIAL TERMS OF PAYMENT ARRANGED TO PURCHA8ER BROUGHTONS DRUG STORE It AT THE am AN EDIBLE CURRENCY you make it aid if you are not too your place you are too for it- I earn more about ban is by iiipoKition you fill Mas ter until you are willbe noticed that a n who in taken for a place always one who Hanoi be from his present post- peach crop will in York bill apiUs Jll he buoipci crop THE ALTERNATIVE A littlir hoy of four years had il tit ill lunch v IukUi ijv woman an friend of tils to indulgent turned to her and said I cant think how you ran let your boy be greedy and unruly meal tines be were give him a good spa Ing Oh said the mother you cant hank the pour liMIe Chap on a full tofhah So her friend hut you can turn him over lam a I a small up to Mr the newlaid rural station in Mr Hell i One Wio into his store Hell niU Mr Bell five her You can answered Mr Bell No sir two needles she five me change miner a needle reel say idea for dis needles pro affected by thlfl war up for for for developing their lalenla lo the full must be afforded them Many of these may be secur ed through Institute Surely with of vital Importance ttB the abovementioned all meetings should he worth while We would call attention of all lo the Importance of the sumiuei held throughout June when the delegate from Department in attendance She has latest In formation on all of Import ance to the Institutes and 1b ape on her own particular sut- Jecia A Putnam Superinten dent Womens 000 want say please in cheese THE I ant will be vo Their la ugh for and a good for the sordid Of the grownup world duty ovjd tonic Just to watch lllttn for a while every day H18 The automobile sales man hud just delivered the fair customer her new car and every thing was Just lovely lie had scarcely entered the of fice however when he a telephone She said thought you told me this car was a selfstarter So it Is replied the sales man nothing of the sort I have lo push a button to make it go A CHANCE TO HELP IS To the Ream not and the Best Quality that the market Can Produce j No mailer how poor we may or how busy we can always if we will a bring a bit of brightness into some other life A lady called at a home one day to engage the services of a laun dress who had been highly mended to her She found her Hushed and tired over an ironing lahle while the little room seemed as hot as an oven Before hc knocked at the door the caller heard a voice singing some 1 id song hut the ceasod at the sound of her knock When her errand was done the caller said to the other Was it you I heard singing before I knocked at the door Yyes the other admitted I singing I most always sing when Im ironing How can you was the rfiiostion How can yon stand all day in Ibis hot room and iron and have cheerfulness enough to sin Well was the answer some times I dont feel much like sink ing Tint heros a little girl up- she has to stay alone all day while her mother goes out washin she likes to hear me sing Some- limes there are pictures in the papers that clothes wrap perl in and I save those for her When she wants a drink of fresh water she pounds on the floor With a slick she has and I carry it up to her If we cannot find opportunities to help others it is because we have not the real love and desire in our hearts for life is full Of such chances Selected Mrs Hawbuck Hiram it you twice as long to drive he pips as it used to larmcr II know would not mo to speak nnrsh to a lot of critters worth apiece would you Two hears were Golden Valley in few days ago trapped near peninsula a J A Sinclair of was the must injured of half a doz en men who were on their way Friday evening when Iheir car turned turtle on fourth lajrs that a bad back and fc8sa DUTIFUL TO THE Daughter did you back that young man everything he gave you as I told you Yes pa I did exactly as you told me even his kisses Bal timore American Washington July will he launched from Am erican yards on July S with number of Kagle boats will represent the navys share of tonnage to take the water in celebration of Independence Hay J S J

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