Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Jul 1918, p. 5

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Frank Duncan COLLECTOR H DENTIST Main and Botsford CHA8 A TERRY Dentist in Bank of Toronto and Bridge Work car to Plat Work Wad I OUR LOCAL NEWS Fire Insurance FRED Dr J Boyd inc of Toronto Medici also Licentiate of and member of Collie of Surgeons of clinical la Eye Hospital and Nose and Throat Fire Alarm Test The Office Specialty sprang a surprise the employees on Thursday afternoon of last week by sounding the Fire Alarm and putting the men to a practical test as to efficiency in case a Are did break out The test was quite satisfactory Broke his Collar Bone- evening last Clar ence son of Mr was going along he sidewalk on Queen St between the railway and water bridges when lie acci dentally tripped and rolled under the railing where there is a drop of 12 feel and sustained a frac ture of the collar bone London England Tested Glasses Supplied Telephone lit Hon S park Avenue Adjoining Post Office Farm Produce There was only a medium Market last Saturday The hucksters commenced by offering 12c for butter but it was not long before they raised the price to Most of townspeople paid and for both butter and eggs Potatoes sold at per bag and homegrown straw berries at a box BERT GREEN AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd house from St Newmarket PO Box Newmarket of Voice arid Dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning for Columbia and Records lote Stock I Prompt I Lyman G Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses At Ibe Era Office Newmarket Office Private Union Services Tin congregations of Iho and Presbyterian Churches will unite again this summer in holding alternate ser vices and thus give the Pastor and Choir each church one months holidays During July Rev J Wood will lie I he preacher and the Presbyterian Choir will lead tin NURSING THE WOUNDED It and to now wounded Every make herself fit for wars call at home or abroad Health and strength are the reach of vrtrj woman They are brought to yon by Dr Pierce a Favorite Prescription Take medi and theres a safe and remedy for weaknezaes derangements and peculiar to women It will build strengthen and invigorate every rundown or woman It the natnral functions At tome period In faer life a requires a special tonic and If a tired or afflicted woman turn to Favorite Prescription will find it never fails to benefit Sold la tablet or liquid form Send Dr Pierce Pre Invalids Hotel and Insti tute Buffalo or branch for trial tablets Toronto I found Favorite Prescription a did tonic for women Some time ago I be came all rundown weak and could not eat or Had backaches pains in my right side I took Favorite and it com pletely me up in health and re- me of all the annoying pains and Mat Grantham Front St Niagara Falls Ont During middle I began to go down in I woold become black spots would appear before my I also suffered with severe pains in the back of my held and my back would ache continuslly I was most miserable when I began taking favorite Prescription but by its use I came through this critical period in a good healthy condition It is a splendid medicine for it this tims of life Mrs Bridge THRESHING IN ONTARIO 5 Gangs Available This Year to Relieve Situation I HOW THIS Service wilt be lield in the Presbyterian Church in the morning and in Methodist Church in the evening Comments of Exchanges issued at private res- I if desired Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop The Late H Traviss Estate My executors shall purchase a bit in the Newmarket Cemetery and endow ho same and also lo the memory of my wife and myself at a cost not than roads in pari the will of a retired farmer of East who died in mi April leaving in household goods and imple ments SI in horses ami farm slork and an interest of SI in a farm in Town ship After that lie owed his in Franklin he paid lit lie proceeds of Ihe house hold jrnods- and the testator lefl the residue to hi wife Mrs Eliza wilb a thai she divide any remaining at her death among the of the de ceased Star The festive strawberry lias touched the market price Mils year a price never dreamed of by growers Early shippers received as high as 32 ami a quart while this price is abnormal there is little prospect of a great reduc tion The crop is not a large me as many patches were more or less damaged by intensely winter Those growers who have a good crop are making a fortune In town berries retail ed as high as Old growers who ollen at three and tour rents will stand aghast at the astounding prices of today Vet reports say there is a ready mar ket for all berries offered THE LEADING TINSMITHS NEXT TO 8hllTH8 GROCERY Mercury Four years A Proposed Plan of Organlaatio How to Overcome the Difficulties Applications to Be Filed One by Ontario Department Agriculture Toronto HE threshing gang not an untried experiment In Ontario In certain coun ties for instance these gangs have been employed and have proven very successful Neither the thresbermen nor the farmer In these cases care to return to the old methods of changing help with neigh bors where men or the threshing gangs can be secured The Ontario Department of Agriculture and the Ontario Trades and Labor Branch are now cooperating to make ar rangements to ensure an ample ply of labor for as many threshing gangs as are likely to be organized this fall and suggest herein methods of organizing a gang and a plan of organization The Difficulties Overcome Them the early of harvest- when many moves must be made and when comparatively small amounts of grain are threshed the thresher- man finds it difficult often to make a profit even under present methods If he employs a gang his expenses will be much heavier His charges therefore must be high euougb that later in the season he may re- gain what is lost at this time But at any time luring the threshing season there may be con siderable idleness during the fre quent changes from farm to farm caused by the small amount of grain to be threshed toe average By good organiz ation this lost lime may be limited to the however by having the majority tne changes made at night Thresher Board Men if the farmer were obliged the gang a certain element of unfairness could not be avoided It would seem therefore that the thresher should be responsible loi this The most convenient way in Ontario perhaps would be for the to make arrangements with farmer to provide meals for the men the thresher to pay for the same It would seem necessary for thresher to provide a sleeping van for his gang and the men to pio- ide blankets as is done in the North west These vans ire and one can be constructed for the Told by Herself Her Sin- SJiould Con Other 11L For suffered from irregularities weakness nervousness and was in a run down condition Two of our best doctors failed to do me any good I heard so much about what Vegetable Com pound bad done for others I tried it and was cured- I am no longer ner vous am regular and In excellent health I believe the Compound will cure any female trouble Mrs Heller Christopher 111 Nervousness is symptom of weakness or some functional which may be overcome by this famous root and herb remedy E Vegetable Compound as thousands of women have found by experience If complications exist write Medicine Co Lynn Maps for suggestions in regard to your ailment The result of its long experience is at your service NOW IS YOUR WILL YOU NEGLECT IT To All Wool Suits at prices that will not be repeated for years We have secured a range of English Cloth Water Proof Overcoats YOUR INSPECTION INVITED F WILLIS MERCHANT TAILOR Main St A SOLICITED I Phone 160 NEWMARKET Our Toronto Letter MAKE YOUR IRONING A PLEASURE QUICKER COOLER AND MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER of warfare have made average Ontario gang for about leer armies of Britain equal i If the thresher does his own building ional militarist system has evolved which only goes lo show hat Lwenly years of raining doesnt make a man a belter fighter ban one year will do if cause is a good one PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS PLEASE I Get Them at IE The Photographer In Your Town the One Door West of New Post Office EVENING SITTING APPOINTMENT Phone J Put on a Two ladies talking oilier day in some way telephone subject under discussion They had parlyline One of the ladies was telling about how mean somebody in her neighborhood is To use her own language will ilk to some oilier fool fur half an hour and never say either and here will bo nearly wild order tilings for dinner or Tom what I Win to flume Are yun way The oilier replied I used lu be but inn any A friend if mine with llio lull Hie how mil OH iind will Nil you You may Imvi those wo knobs lop Hie are there whether you have Ihelii or not Now when has used wire lung i- she I lai a or short of wire two knobs Then in a minute I fake my hurt oid ran gel rented ill right I lo as if I wurds now I feusips way The bin I was thank fully one Whom it given oid others will be loo TORONTO NURSE APPOINTED lamerf Idir him- i i Halifax filly obmuini sank iiiiiid V who by lb- Miss Mr JfliiMt tin only It has ill lueiil of I Hill of Hi- Military llpiial Whitby Miss the bestknown nurses and ha- bad a splendid Iraming She is a graduate of General and bad exjierieiiee in Niagara Ihe war mil May he enlisted for lit WJi joining the Mercury It seems as if Ireland will never gel Home Rule Just when it is in sighl sonic part of be crowd start up a regular Fair and the fly and the heads break so rapidly that be real oldtime Irishman would sooner do without Home Hole if Ihe game with had lo he abandoned The Illuc Devils have set Ibe of on lire J lie of kinship Unit these men have from Hie old and has made the men see what valor and how brave men are regarded by followers They are eallid Devils made I In- feel blue Packet are over generally under paid mail carrier ureiy sill nation Their appears only one way of deal ing with and thai i the plan now foJrVfd if putting rolc up pilblir Tile be see work done laivaMon nl if men will lender at bait the value of work or even less than half as is Hie be only course opcnlo Post Office is to accepl their of fer and Id J j i suffer he Journal We would advise ibe political par- lies waleb Ihe growth of Ihe farmer movement if may In that both will be spared Ihe f up a candidate LEMON JUICE IS FRECKLE REMOVER v f in I QREENH0U8E8 NEWMARKET The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ETC Nov Ready In Quantity Ho Order than Delivered era rmilo Medical under Huberts which numbered 3Ufl in all nurses lay ill the unit at ie spent months ill war of the mt na ture After leaving be with the unit I Ide Lately she arrived home on leave of and Was about to return to When he received word of her appoint men I to the responsible position which be is now hold ing Mr farmer a i-uupb- of from Sound hit wife and two young daughters had a marvellous escape their oar Ken worth one day recently The car waft badly twisted and smash ed but the occupants had the good fortune escape without any serious Injuries Girls this beauty Lotion to clear and whiten your skin Squeeze the juice of two lem- into a bottle containing Ihreo ounces of orchard white shake well and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion and complexion at very small cost Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply Ihreo ounces of or chard while for a few conts Mas sage Ibis fragrant lotion into the face neck arms and bands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear soft and while lh skin I It is harmless built on trucks windproof and rain proof and with two of bunks on each side would afford ample sleeping accommodation for an On tario gang As several men constitute gang the weekly wage would run fairly high This would involve considerable regular expenditure on ibe part of the which in turn would necessitate prompt pay ment by farmers Where are employed It Is necessary lor farmers to give cash or 30day notes Imme diately the Job Is done Probably most Important factor of all is the rates watch the will charge These of course be much higher than those charged formerly TblB would make the threshing bill a fairly large sum Yet the farmer could Still make a by the transaction If by em ploying a ho were enabled In the two weeks thus saved to prepare an additional acres say for wheat he would have from to bushels of this crop to sell In Size of Gangs last problem Is that of securing men The average gang would probably consist of eight men as follows blower man feeder and four mow iBtackmen This would leave the farmer to lake care of his straw and to supply another man lo carry grain If one were not suUiclent A team of bis horses would also be required lto draw water lie would supply fuel of course as Is now done In organizing a gang of this na ture possibly not more than two or three could be secured in the local ity it wan desired to operate The Ontario Trades and will undertake io supply as many men aft can be secured lor this purpose It ihcie will In no insuperable difficulty in securing men for this purpose at rea sonable wages during the threshing mouths Where the silos are to be filled the same gangs or as many men as am required may be utilized for this purpose Organize a Gang in Your District It Is suggested that farmers clubs other farmers organ lions of farmers without lie fin lie organization consider at once ibe advisability of employing a threshing gang ibis fall Call the local thresh- to meeting am confer with him regarding ways and means Then having reached a definite agreement write Dr A Itlddcll Superinten dent Ontario Trades ami Labor Branch IS Queens Park Toronto Inversely any thresher who wishes to organize a gang should write Or It Id el I also In every case will necessary for a thorough understand ing to exist between the thresher and his patrons When such Is the case everything possible will bo done to supply men for all thresh gangs required this year in Ontario Apply lo Dr W A not later than July 10th Justus Miller Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture A farewell reception was given in Dunn Avenue Presbyterian Church on Tuesday oven ins Rev Dr John a mission ary in India since and who has been home on furlough He leaves on July return In bis held of labor at The late John Ross Robertson left an estate of over a million dollars which passes lo the Sick Childrens Hospital on the death Of his wife and son The loiter gels an annuity of a year Four young men were arrested here last Thursday for during 111 of I of a package containing snatched from a girl in Hie Eaton store which she hail just finished counting and seal- ing close of Ihe theft occurred on June and Ihe men escaped among the crowd but detectives cleverly followed a description Rev 1 Cochrane who has retired from the pastorale of Sheet Church to accept a position of a military character with a was the recipient of a purse in Loid from the congrega tion at a farewell meeting Some Yankee Soldiers marched down SI reef last and received an enthusi astic welcome all along Ihe line It is years since the York Loan went into liquidation yd some people have made no claim for their share of Hie estate As a result nearly been paid into and will eventu ally pass into the bunds of the Government Rev A pastor Ave Methodist Church had left for House Summer School where he will conduct Ihe study of Ihe Itev lames Allen A Gen eral Secretary of Home Missions of Meihodisl Church Cana da died oil Saturday V AT 3i it a HURON ST NEWMARKET I To Every Lover of HOMEMADE BAKING TRY Our Favorite and Five Rose FRESH FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE Give Us a i a CANADIAN HOSPITAL SHIP TORPEDOED 234 Lives Lost Prices Right OLIVER TERMS STRICTLY Flour COAL IS DIKE Phono This Includes Nurses and Over Canadian Medicals Nearly laborcrfl have Arrived hi Midland and commenced work on the new elevator aiuhai the smelter Tie InrgCBt steel steamship yet constructed In Canada the Alaska tons was launched and given her trial at Vancouver GRAY HAIR Dr Natural Rest- at to or Moaay nil a ud Writ Supply Co J Loudon July A submarine in from Ihe Irish of tune lorpeilitetl I I hos pital Llandovery which had been by the Canadian and had been ill In ervjee of wounded and Iron loCanatla fur many months ship then on her way to she had board persons including ho men of the Canadian Army Medical and I nurses I lo ihe latest reports only of bone on board ihe have survived which came war nine The submarine commander who ordered Ihe rap- lain of the Llandovery Castle several of officers and Major Lyon of Ihe medical corps aboard declared that he had sunk the ship because American aviation officers and others in Ihe if Ihe allies Hi added Ibis bit er asserting thai the was carrying be cause of nil explosion which had occurred aft All lights were when llie Llandovery Castle was lor- These included a cross over the and slriims of while and ftretui lights on either side The red crosses on the sides Of Hie vessel also were illuminated by electric Mihis One of the boats of he hospital ship containing nurses was seen lo The sisters were drowned The admiralty report on sinking describes the cruel Ireal- Major Lyon and declares submarine after sinking the vessel shelled an unknown target which It intimates might have been the missing boats to go to Country on call up PHONE Lot us make you Comfortable in a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Service Charges E A BOYD Prop Night Calls on Phono Promptly Attondod lo A ti GUARANTEED WHEAT Oats Barley Flax Live Stock opportunities IMMENSE WEALTH IN WESTERN CANADA SEND FOR FREE BOOK Homeeekert end Settler Guide LOW FARES FREE FARM Government land along the Canadian OF ACRES EACH f the and ready for entry is and a billion Crop production to m Fall crop value Wheat Oat and rap pi alooo for in Manitoba and Alberta la IMPROVED LANDS ALONG CANADIAN NORTHERN to railway be purchased on or and crop payments Means school good roada and convenient Act now get away this Tractors other Farm Easily available now Government assistance plan Capital or no capital opportunity It and tha Northern Ac for the Contains valuable information Government Any or General Montreal Qud Toronto or Winnipeg Man fc

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