Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Jul 1918, p. 3

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i err I nit lae out not every IM WO- at our July Celebration The Newmarket ia- joining in the Celebration ilBarrie on Friday next Church Parade L- several members of the local Orange went down to Au- Sunday evening lo at- Church Service with their brethren Baptist Church sermon was by Pastor Rev Mr Scott ewmarket Lodge will hold Church Parade next Sunday July to the Chris- Church when Rev Alva will preach the Annual Sermon Everyone wel come to this service A The their evening the ad- the death of Coroners Inquest On Tuesday evening iourned inquest on the late Starr was opened at the Fire Mall in Newmarket by Coroner Wesley All the jury present Mr R Stewart be er foreman Co Crown Aitor- Mr F rep rinting T and Mr HfrrK representing the Domin ion Commission were present A number of witnesses were ex amined after which the Jury re tired and brought in a unanimous of accidental death ex onerating the from all blame mil strongly reel be erected A First of Mr Geo Haskell new po tatoes as large as goose eggs for dinner Saturday This is a record for the early season A CANADA YEflHLY MEETING She goes as a dietitian OF Her parting at the Young I Friends Meeting was an Annual Session of the Date Changed At the request of some of the proposed patrons the meeting to be held last Saturday night at Mortons on the Mar ket Square was postponed until next Saturday night The advisability of carrying farm insurance by the farmers will be considered at this meeting Flag Day Dont forget that In response the request of the British and French Red Cross Saturday July the French Refugees who are sick Canada M opened for business on Saturday June 29th at am in Friends Church Newmarket Of the delegates appointed answered to their names at the opening session which was con sidered a goodly proportion The attendance throughout was good The visitors present from other Yearly Meetings- were Gilbert Bowles of the Friends Mission Tokyo Japan J Reagan Principal of Seminary Union Springs Lillian Hayes Sec of the Young Friends Board of the Five Years Meeting David Barton of Elba N Y Clar ence Pickett of College Iowa and Hen- Other important business was transacted dux fag the day and Meeting was held in the evening addressed by Henderson Lillian Hayes and Jane erald of Edmonton Alia after which the Clerk read the final minute for adoption GLENVILLE and on account of the invasion of their homes by the Germans Let Newmarket be prepared to do her duty I0g at the crossing in Ibe fatal accident Aurora where occurred Off For the Front The many friends of the Rev Alexander Mackenzie a former Pastor of the Christian Church here will be know that he has offered is services to the Government and has been accepted He has taken he po sition of a Secretary in one of the YMCA Camps and leaves with others of M A Corps for France on September 1st The good wishes of all will follow him in his work here K and Auto Tire guaranteed for miles ftn finis and 6000 on heavier cars wenoyaf Hardware York Pioneers The society has broadened out 11 was announced on Tuesday by Dr las I Hughes the Chair man that since the last meeting he had received petitions for membership from persons in York Co most of them members of County Council and offi cial- Reeve of Mount Albert who had obtained most the names was thanked The purchase of the Sharon Temple by the Society has awak ened the greatest interest in the of the Society in North Yori Trustees for temple VttA named follows Hon IDavis and Messrs A Rogers p Pearson Crocker and Mrs Sliap- Great Sale Of Duncans Stock is the talk of the town and country It is without doubt the greatest oppor tunity offered for many years to High Grade Mens Wear at such low prions The charac ter of the goods Is of the highest order Mr Duncan catered to better trade bought High Class Clothing and Furnishings High Class Hats and other far men so that any article buy will he absolutely de- Mr who Mr Duncans Slock is a wellknown business man and comes this community highly His idea of ii your moneys worth or money back in other money refunded for any not absolutely satisfactory W fake in buying If You Would Make a sure job of the bugs use Pure English Paris Green Its strictly pure at Binns Hardware Sold Matrimony A very pleasant event look place on the Con- of King on Wed nesday July 3rd at the residence of Mr and Mrs John Black the occasion being the marriage of their youngest daughter Gertrude to Mr Geo AnningS The ceremony was performed by Elder Prosser of Newmar ket in the presence of a large number of friends The bride looked very pretty dressed in cream silk trimmed with pearls and carrying a large bouquet of pink roses The bridesmaid Miss Laura Armings was dressed in white or gandie and carried a large of white and pink carna tions The bride entered the room on the arm of her father lo the strains of Wedding March played by Miss Irene Kelly of Newmarket The grooms gift to the bride was a necklace of pearls to the bridesmaid a ruby ring and to the groomsman a gold watch chain The numerous and costly pres ents showed the high esteem in which the newly married couple are held After many congratula tions and the serving of an ex cellent repast the happy couple left for a pleasure tour to Lake the brides travelling suit being brown taffeta with pa- noma hat On their return they will reside on the Con of King Iff WHAT INTERESTED HER Exams At lhprcent Examinations In JMie following pupils of 1 were sue- Year Miss Urine Miss Ruth Farr Mi Ruth Richardson j Madeline Case l Margaret Patterson Honors Winn Hon fleralilliMs Smith mi Id Pearson Marguerite Rouleau of been success the f ntary The director of the British Mu Frederick has had many amusing experiences with visitors Once he was showing a dis tinguished lady some of the price less treasures of which he is custodian but for a long time no thing seemed to interest her very much Then suddenly he noticed a change Her face lighted up and she leaned forward What is it madam asked Sir I gratified this tardy ign of awakening appreciation Pray do not hesitate to ask if there is anything you would like know So good of you I said lady wish you would tell what brand of black lead you on I hose iron ventilators in floor We have the same things at my house maids never them half so brilliantly the me use the sort but my to shine lauo I Haines widow -cotch- id for bur for for to corrections week fepX of the Mr P- umh wh0n up lijffJWjB story himself and it least two W lh horses lh and thus The Paskalchewan crop is report ed in condition promising yield einal to greater than lhal of pas I two years horses ftfcrr by motor ear Dr Williams and bis ami an hour was deposited Hoi he flummoned the in at the Fire Wrist Watches LADIC8 AMD In Qold Silver CLOCKS MANTEL CUT GLASS WATERMAN FOUNTAIN KODAKS And 8UPPLIE8 Atkinson Co coming to Toronto as pastor of the Mailland St Meeting was accompanied by his wife and son Dr A Zavilz of O A also present Harris of Ont was reappointed as presiding Clerk with two assistants Representatives were present from different Meetings of Friends throughout Canada wilh the exception of British Columbia and Alberta and a telegram was received from that distant Quar terly Meeting Among the epistles received from the different Yearly Meet ings of Friends a summary of which had been prepared and was read were two letters of greeting one from Philadelphia lth and Race St and of Friends recently hold in Toronto I As one Friend remarked One of byproducts of the present terrible times and it is going to be is a coming together of all Ihe different of So ciety of Friends in War Relief Work and a closer standing to gether in support of the ancient testimony of Friends regarding war The tics of brotherhood are being strengthened Reports were read of the So cial Service and Temperance and Bible School work followed by interesting discussions Statistical Reports were re ceived from Bible Schools and verbal reports were made by the members of the Temperance Committee The following resolution was recorded Canada Yearly Meeting wishes to place On record its apprecia tion of action taken by the Dominion Government for the suppression of Liquor Traf fic throughout Canada for the duration of the War and the Clerk is instructed to forward a copy of this Resolution to the Premier Sir Robert Borden Emphasis was placed upon the importance of Friends supporting the Dominion Alliance in their efforts to enforce and make ef fective this law Saturday evening was occupied by reports of the Five Years Meet ing held in Richmond Indiana last October by Mrs Marion of Pickering A Rogers of Toronto and others who were delegates followed by an address on What Five Years Meet ing means to Canadian Friends At the Sunday morning meeting an inspiring message was given by Gilbert Bowles Cor 12 I gladly glory in my infirmi ties that the power of Christ may rest upon me said this I would not stand before any peo ple J Could not cross ocean and go back to Japan could not give the message to rny own kin and people did not believe that Christ can enter into a life tOglve power and ability and strength to perform our tasks and to meet the crises of this our day and bring in the Kingdom of Christ The afternoon Meeting under the auspices of Young Friends Association was addressed by Lillian Hayes and J Reagan the evening meeting by Flam Henderson The Foreign Mission Reports on Monday showed a year of pro in the work in Japan where and Elizabeth Bin- ford are working as Missionaries had been raised during the year for Ibis work and for Friends industrial Mission in Africa The Home Mission work was reported by the Chairman of Board J P Rogers who read Review of the past years work and the Treasurer reported expended The afternoon was given over to the Meeting of Ministry and Oversight when an excellent pa per vas read by Fred of on Flemenls of Church Strength The Young Friends business meeting and the of Committees were continued Gilbert Bowles in the evening addressed a meeting on Japan The people of Newmarket land Canada Yearly Meeting of Friends have been honored in the privilege of hearing him He is considered without doubt to have had more influence than any oilier one man In Japan in bringing about friendly relations with other na tions through his statesmanship and Christian principles Tuesdays meetings wore oc cupied with the consideration of important work The claims of The Canadian Friend the paper representing Friends of Canada and published in Newmarket wore presented by the Publications Board National Service and Recon struction Work In France also received a large share of atten tion Another Kern of Interest was the going very soon of Miss Gla dys Manning to France to work In the 2nd Friends Reconstruction We are having cold weal her for July Mr anil Mrs Gordon and family of Toronto anil Cadet V Webster Sunday Mr Mr Sam went on a fish ing expedition one day last week Mr Douglas has gone to Toronto Mr Calvin loan has purchased a horse from Mr Douglas for a large sum FOR BUTTERICK ALL COOKS USE This Season our advice is BUY EARLY as many Lines cannot be repeated at any Price and many other Lines on future delivery will be advanc ed In Price from 25 to Many Lines of 8hoes at Old Prices Lines of Date 8hoewear we are showing are not seen outside of the Best Toronto Stores The Workmanship of Every Pair- 1st Guaranteed The Sunday School was well attend on Sunday it being Childrens Day The Children all did aplendid and a vole of thanks was given to litem and also to ones that trained of them the Day Dont worried about the shortage of Sugar The beet information wo can get Is that there be as much 8ugar year as last but It may la little later in Delivery hitter Stouffville v Haying is the order Farmers are quite busy Mr and Mrs spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Nor ton Wedding Hells are ringing in our burg Who will be next Mr Black and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Tired Tim Mrs Elizabeth Hancock a died in June equity of in two and family V Street six and a half acres of widow i left houses on in land StOUff- a The railed sudden death of Starr Hie cash and in household giods She left a and chain to pit granddaughter Hazel of a gold silver spoon to her son Thomas Pickering of Toronto Ihe houses on Victoria and the household goods to Thomas Pickering and Annie Cockerel her in equal shares The laud I n Blake Street is to be sold and Ihe NEWMARKET divided between Thomas and Annie the forlh Ihe sympathy of he whole community Although so young he m sixtyfive per cent had filled places of responsibility in aUer per cent work of the Church Ho was 1st VicrtPresidenl of Bradford District League and of Teacher Training Department of Whit church S Association lie had acted as President of our League for two years and had been Secretary of mi Sunday School for three years lie will he greatly missed The following is contributed hi An na darter Mere today and gone Young and true if heart Early nasi lliou Finished soon lifes battle thy part Not the soldier Foremost in scarred and bleeding the battles fray Not the Doth worn Master and call weary away It til the young Ihe And Ihe conflict just begun For only When our work is done Thus He called I bee from the warfare In thy early life From Ihe heal and from the turmoil And the daily Strife Here To I and gone Fathers throne All the end from beginning Now to is known All the mystery of our lielng is plain While we ask with secret Ask anil ask in vain ooo yearning FIFTH LINK KINO er visited tin Dies on Sun- Mr and Mrs I Litters mother Mrs D day Mrs Smith of is visiting her daughter Mrs Waller Miss Henderson is spending a few days Willi Sirs Curl Is Mr Mrs 1 Shanks Is visiting his brother Mr A- Shanks Mr and Mrs Cook visited the hitlers mother Mrs on si A young girl from our burg was at garden parly last Monday night Who did she go Willi Mr and Mrs visited with Mr ami Mrs Starr of Pine Orchard owing I Ihe death of Mrs llawlins brother a few of girls vlftlled Niagara Camp We all feel proud of our young men when we see I hem around but sorry to learn they may be called to go overseas at anytime Mary had her friend from Dshawa see her on Who was lonesome young man the long lane on Sunday night docs anyone soldiers name who was with Lake Saturday afternoon TRUE TO HIS PROMISE An elderly country doctor was talking about his professional ex periences says a writer in the Detroit Free Press when some thing called to his strange occurrence of many years before one of those romantic events which perhaps are not so rare as most people would suppose- in the lives of practising physicians One night said the doctor received a call from a distant farmhouse and upon answering it found a lad about eighteen with a bullet wound in his shoulder I dressed the wound and then the lad with much anxiety observed You wont say anything about it doctor Why not my lad I pitied him for his eyes had a hunted look and he appeared half- fam ished half dead Because I received this wound in escaping from the sheriff v You neednt tell must I couldnt gel work sir and not able lo resist tempta tion I stole It was for tie first time I thought you might speak of dressing a wound and then they would know where to find me If you say nothing I may be able leave the country You have been kind to me doctor this and On one condition my tad TWO WEEK SALE OF VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS J taffies Black and White Lisle Hose Reg 35c Sale Price Fine Ribbed Hose Makes a Good School Hose for Boys or Girls Special Price 38c Ladies Fine Lisle Silk Ankle Hose to 10 Good Value ToDay for 50c Mercury Brand Hose Good Heavy Lisle Thread Special for this Sale Table of Remnants Including Fancy Voiles Musljns Ginghams Prints all at Cost Price Basket of Fancy and Plain Ribbons Narrow and Wide Widths LESS THAN in SNOWBALL a Miss Mary Fiirren Is spending months vacation Hamilton Miss Storey of Toronto spent over the holiday with brother Mr Will Miss Coombs of Toronto spent a few with Miss a a few from here attended the picnic from which was held at lake on Saturday Miss I aura Morning also Miss Flos Hie Terry of the fifth line spent Sun day at with formers brother Miss Trainer of Toronto spent over the holiday with her In Miss p Casey Mr George Ferguson and Walt er spent Sunday at Large number took In the sports at Aurora on Hay and Mrs of Aurora also Mr A Lew spent Sunday on Third Line Next Red Cross meeting w be held at the home of Mrs Rob Further particulars later FALL And that is You will not again You wouldnt believe thief I will believe you I promise Many years afterward I re- a box of good things for Christmas from California The next year another box came and so on for many years The only clue I had the sender was a few words in the first box I have kepi the promise made you doctor KEEP YOUR OPEN OF CANADA CAPITAL PAID UP FUND RAISE MORE HOGS NEWMARKET BRANCH M SMYTH M HERE IS SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR YOU Dont Miss the Opportunity Rog for 149 Reg for Reg 3 for Ladies Pumps Ladles Qroy HighTopped Boots Ladles Mary Low Shoes Childrens Low In from to Rog for 135 Childrens Patent Leather Shoes Ladles Japanese Blouses Reg for Ladles Repp 3 On Sale for A Big Slock of Running Shoos Must bo Sold at Reasonable Prices He wideawake and all there is to be seen I earn to notice everything if you form a habit of observation now you will be a thousand times repaid as you all through life Did you ever hear the story of IhcyOUlig prince who easily rode a restive horse which all his fath ers courtiers had tried in vain manage it waa a beautiful nut so fierce and ungov ernable that no one was able to mount him The prince who had been standing by saw what no one alee saw that the horse was frightened at his own shadow and spoke soothingly to him and stroked him gently until he was quieted He then mounted and rode him with perfect ease Anyone of the men might have done same hut none of them were observant enough to find out caused the trouble The prince afterward became Alexandor the Great and horse was his famous steed Bucephalus Probably pow er of observation was one of Dcoro South of Kino NEWMARKET Barrio Sept Bolton Sept 30Oct Sept 1819 Oot Lindsay Sept 1921 London Fair Sept Markharn V 35 Sept Ottawa Central Sept QueensvIIlo Oot 89 Toronto Aug r HABIT AND There are few young people who do not purpose to do some thing for the world sooner or lat er Unfortunately wity most them it is later rather than sooner Many a young man plans to make some largo donation to charity when he has made his fortune but meanwhile he has not a quarter to spare for anyone Many a girl plans a career of philanthropic effort but she wants a good time first and complains if she is called on to amuse her fretful baby brother- Such voung people underesti mate the force of habit For when selfishness has flowed like a resistless stream through life a cortain of years Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid In Toronto week were as follows Choice Cattle Good Butcher Cattle 1150 Choice Butchor Cows 1275 1500 li75 which j ft 5 anil and move in too was rcclion The man who in his the great gej People who go through planned to build a without their eyes open lose plW turns out a grasping money much of pleasure as well as many opportunities to advance their own interests and to be of use to others Selected July I his wonp was brought Into Jgnare by a young Indian of the drowning of A James of the A two of Ills children aged respectively and and Tall Iwo years of age on Lake two south of here A party of eight Including Mr James his wife father and mother hit three children and Sanunlo Tall while out In ft motor launch ran on a reef and the launch almost Immediately sank Mr James was able to save Ids parents his wife and one of the children but was drowned while to save re maining three children maker underpaying his men and seeing In his wealth only the means of to his own gratification The girl who saw herself In fancy a second Flor ence Nightingale she had her fill of pleasure on in the old routine pleasure ceases to please Very early in life you can pick out those who are to be of their race for the habits of youth make Ihe character of middle life Windsor July More than worth of foodstuffs were de stroyed by fire this morning when the grocery store of J on avenue was burned out The total loss is placed at to Kits at matches are blamed for fire J fc Newmarket Markets Butler per lb Wheat bush Oats bush Barley bush Bran ton 3800 Toronto Markets Butter lb 77 Eggs doz 48 Turkeys lb 33 Spring Chickens lb 50 35 Fall Wheat bush Goose bush Oats bush Barley bush Timothy Hay ton Mixed Hay ton 1400 Children I m i rtt j I I a A i i I

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