Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Jul 1918, p. 1

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jw sSfcSk w ife kJVp OH v and ASSORTMENT OF SILVERWARE Suitable for the jUNE Bit I Watsons Jewel The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance J- TERMS per annum in advance when not so paid to United States in adv only r pain of Your Eyes Time to have ex amined i i T Watson Graduate lit Iff a I JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET FRIDAY JULY I I No Single Copies 5c each NEWMARKET PUBLIC SCHOOL Promotions senior classes names arc ar ranged in order of merit In he junior forms he classification of pupils is given Those marked rec- haw failed to secure pass standing hut will be allowed to try lie work of higher grade The fourth class will probably taught in the Alexander School senior III and senior classes in the King George School Miss Mortons Room Jr to Intermediate Primer A LETTER THAT WON A PRIZE pear Sir I dont know much about advertising but I do know about the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove Before we were Introduced I had been handicapped In my kit chen work by defective cooking appliances This placed me In a state of fear and anxiety as I was never sure of satisfactory results But one day someone suggested the Detroit Vapor OH Stove After my first actual handling of the stove I was surprised at Its of operation its simplicity and Its wonderful efficiency It has been my experience and the experience of all housewives I have met that one naturally expects ease of operation simplicity end efficiency of their cooking appliances and that It Is a bitter fi if the above are lacking I therefore can truthfully say that a longfelt want has been successfully met by the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove There Is no delay no waste no wicks no smoke no odor If you take pride as every body should In a nicelycooked meal a perfect baking of bread cake cookies the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove will place that pride on a firm foundation INNS THE PAINT STORE PHONE Charlie Harrison Murray Winnie Hugo Thomas Cecil Bond Albert BANK Bruce Davidson Bruce Davis Lennox Moffat I Myrtle Johnston Arnold Laurie Hook Verna Taylor Davis Ruby Moss Clara Richardson Karl Murphy Mildred Draper Harold Belfry Irene Wood Robert Recommended Bessie Kershaw Marlon Clark Douglas Bain Florence Johnson Miss Bussells Room Jr to III Arnold Eva Cook Cameron Lane Willie Towniey Alberta Atkins Dora Bacon Boyd Charlie Brodie Helen Dennis Eileen Hartford Lyman Jim Hamilton George Johnston Jack Laker Earl Newton Edna Marion Mary Sutton Jack Stick wood Waller Elsie Verily Hannah Junior Primer Kenneth Milligan Clarence Burling Ruby Sarah Donald Harlford Kay Wilson Hazel Lily Nelson Lawrence Mabel Enid Pollock Irene Legood Senior Primer Charlie Bruce Bain Charlie Emerson Marshall Mrs Room Classification of Pupils Primer Wilbur Margaret Henderson onion Dean Giles Willie Rowland Elsie Gregory Doris Charlie Holies Tablet III FOOD CONTROLLER SAYS YEAR Alfred Trusty Douglas Marshall Greta Hook George Bunn Kathleen Murray Ada Winkworth Eric Bond Will Webster Elsie Simpson Lawrence Taylor Fred Velma Smart George Hill Howard Morris Wakefield Huston Gibson ESTABLISHED OVER Banking for the Soldiers A Branch of this Bank is now in operation at Valcartier Camp for the convenience of ouf soldiers Military Pay Cheques cashed without charge Money Orders Issued on all points in Canada Savings Accounts opened and a General Banking Business transacted Recommended Clarence ill if to Jr III Miss Holidays Room III Jr Edna Willis Ered Meek Emily Meek Harvey Nora McKewon Mary Margaret Teddy Alberl Mildred Me Cart Charlie Evans McDonald Lena Ballmer Helen ArlhurCollhani Florence Rogers Oliver Bunn Dorothy Dennis Leo Cecil Murray llejen Ralph Mary Campbell Patterson Alice Draper Dorothy Penrose Sadie Granger Ferguson Fred Stephens Kenneth Bain Archie Doddemead May Gordon Campbell Evelyn Dennis George Cameron Harry Thorns Ralph Jones Rose Velma Stark Jeffery Smith Harry Crocker Verna Foster Willie Vera Tel foil I Skinner Verna Phi Hips Winnie Cumber Reggie Smith Beatrice Brown Velma Phillips Marion Marie I Groves Helen Marshall Doris Geo Blair Leslie Brown George Emerson Tablet Sylvia Parkin Winnifred Sanson Bertie John Reggie- Archer Teddy Law I Id Elms Pottage Carl Kennelh Tablet I Bruce lean Hopper Marie Wilson Lily Hilda Eva Marshall Vera Blair Max Ruth Pearson Eileen Bond Emily Verity Boyd Annie C Ross Manager Newmarket Branch- IL SOUTH END LUMBER YARD CAR X X SHIN E S JUST ARRIVED Edna Murphy Phoebe Grace Marvin Johnston Nelson Jean Hunter Recommended Ivy Jones Waller McDonald Ben Murlon Miss Mcphersons Room II 0 Jr HI I Honours Bessie Lawrence Brook McDonald Alice Verily olive Louisa Townsley Arthur McGonlglC John Gibson passed Freddie Murray Donald Walter Johns Murray Harold Recommended Marjorie Harry Hodge Jack Manning Alfred Dennis Cordon Trusty Prank Arnold Miss Rogers Room Jr III III Winn Nora Mcintosh Harry Huntley Grace Harry Davidson Helen Richardson George Cane Price Nora Knowles Nellie Stevenson Mildred Denne Rogers Irene Godson Eveline McCartin Ruby Williamson Edward Robinson Charlie Thorns Jenny Stephens Mary Wilson George Edna Smith Roy Douglas Rogers Hugo Frances hanger Jr Eileen Grace Boyd Simpson Honours Theodore Leslie Boyd PEARSON Cor Church and Giles John Murphy and Leslie Shier passed Hill Jessie Walley Flora Recommended Katie Ralph Job Money Josephine Smith Ralph From to Jr Honours Sterling Mason Boh Manning passed Edith Willie Temple Olive Andrew Walsoii Alex Lillian Willis Mill I red Fade Charlii Cane Cameron Moore Miss Room II 111 Elsie Campbell Audrey Wilson Ben Wilson- Alfred Irene Horace Cumber Helen York County Council The summer Session of York County Council concluded on Thursday of week Two bylaws were passed one to bor row at per cent or loss to carry on work of the coun ty until the taxes are collected the other to authorize the by law passed by the Township of ordering closing of the road allowance between lots ami 13 concession in thai township The report of the Finance Committee recommending an in crease of per week in the pay of county constables and an in crease of cents per day in the pay of court constables was adopted The Si per week to the county constables he consid ered OS a war honus and new rale apply from duly Spe cial county constables will re ceive per day Instead of Reeve J Wells of King and Deputy Ford Miller of York were appointed delegates to the of he Ontario Municipal association in August The Kail session will he held On and after July one pound of wheal substitute must he used by all bakers confectioners and public eating places with every nine pounds of standard wheat flour in making any bakers pro ducts and the same rule shall apply lo every person in Canada hakes bread rolls or pastry for private consumption On anil after July 15th in all Canada east of Port Arthur the propor tion is to be increased to one pound with every four In Port Arthur and the West the increase is still in abeyance preceding the report on quantities of sub stitute available It is provided in this Order that on and after July no licensed dealer shall sell for private con sumption east of but not includ ing Port Arthur white flour to any person who docs not purchase from him substitutes in the pro portion of not less than one pound to two pounds of standard flour West of Port Arthur the proportion is kept at one pound substitute lo four pounds wheal flour The brand Victory Bread is to be affixed to every loaf as a guarantee I hat the pre scribed amounts of substitutes for standard wheat flour are be ing included therein Bread not bearing Ibis label may be seized and any person violatingthe reg ulation is liable on conviction lo a penalty no I exceeding sioo0 and not less than 100 or imprison ment for a period not exceeding three- months or both line and imprisonment Fines are be paid municipality if Ihe municipal officer secures the conviction or to Provincial Treasurer where a Provincial Of ficer secures the conviction WAR NEWS From July 10 Dr Ramsay son of Rev Canon Ramsay of Newmarket has recently been a profes sorship in the University of Phil adelphia letters remaining in the New market Post Office on the 1st of July are advertised Married By Rev on July Mr Daniel Miss Park both of East Markets Eggs butter 17 pork per cwt AGO From Era July Marguerite Lehman ftrue llllsszaiyl Richardson Cordon ing Hern lee Smith Saunders Leslie Hose Douglas Main Lilly Thorns Jr Up David Jean Jianller Poster Douglas Pol lag ituth Parry I CANE SONS CO LUTED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRES8ED LUMBER John Harvey Willie Loved Recommended Beryl Jackson Honours during term Leonard Sold at J Siding Moulding and Inside Trim I Stair Material voii kirn dried and nicely machined Sash and Window- Frames Doors In Pine Fir or Oak Interett you Kindly give a trial to a a Miss Starks Room to Jr Classification of Pupils Honours Sutton Helen Scott Passed Luirrelia Muriel Dunn Austin Newton Bleneowe Howard Draper Hazel Dike Gordon gllckwood Recommended George First Hook Class it June Richard Harrison Louise David Skinner John Mildred Lovell commended Nellie Chapman Reginald Ml on Room of Pupils Senior Second Parker Donald Patterson Pa lief son Junior Second Lillian Archer Nellie Clark Kathleen Slmmerson Harms Moore Annie Loinns Norman MoClyniOnl Mary Bruce Williamson McClynient Allccn Sargent Willie Aubrey Nellie Stephens Macintosh Sinking Service Farmers given careful attention Bale Moles discounted Loans made to responsible parties convenience is afforded to Small or large sums may he deposited and interest paid on balan ces Margaret Dennis Fern Nelson May Hues I on Marie Parker Alice Curtis Fannie Cubllt Nellie Laker Vera Pahnateer Helen Smith Vivien Smith Nellie Sutton Irene Stark Robert Fountain Robert Lyle Willie Draper Arthur Jack Snndersoi Henry Smart Branch A LISTER Manager Charles Verity Primer Alice Burnett Kdllh Fields Doris Wilfred Mary Willie Hefner Harden Marjorie Sutton Thomas Lizzie Trusty Stewart Johnson Jennie Donald Longhural Kenneth John Money Room To Senior Primer Classification of Pupils Ceorge Parker Hilda Boyd Artie Cream Audrey Beatrice Hefner Milton Howled Cordon Howard May Jones Manning Miller Mcrlyn Bobble Ralph Cladys Webster Stella Brown Grace Brown Pirkin Mabel Winters Leonard Crocker Lome Fletcher Kenneth Sams Willie Thorns Hook I Audrey Kenneth Tansley Lawrence Me Arthur I laze I Lawson May Cameron Hopper Bobby Chapman Annie Granger Hopper Mitt Room of Pupils Senior First Class Florence Alfred Lovctt Hose Smith Flossie Cordon Cecil Taylor Harrison Junior Hikes Tom Smith Ruth Davis Itccta Holies Stevens Harmon Beatrice Bain Celia i First Class COMES ALL WAY FROM MEXICO TO ENLIST IN CANADA evidence of man ner in which British subjects from every born or of the world an- rallying the of the Motherland in her need is furnished by the rase of Fred erick Harold who arriv ed in Dallas yesterday from Mex ico City to report for service in the Canadian Army Young who will not he iJ years of age until July was horn Cuyamaloyo Ranch Hidalgo Mexico of par- finis The familys residence in Mexico dales from- the year 1808 when grandfather ar rived En country from Britain and both his father and her were horn in Mexico Twice previously has 1 to enlist under Union Jack hut on occa sions he was informed Ihe British Consul in Mexico City that he was too young From the mining town of in the State of Hidalgo where family now reside no less than British and American subjects have gone to Join al lied cause either in American or armies A perfect physical examination was passed by and he was forwarded by A Wood chairman of the British recruit ing committee in Dallas to the Chicago depot of the British and Canadian recruiting mission whence ho will be transferred to Canada is anxious to get through with his preliminary training as early as possible and hopes to see service in France within the next few months Albert Edwin a Cana dian subject years of age who has resided in Houston for the lasl year was also enlisted yes terday by A Wood for service In the Canadian forcos and left night with for Chi cago Field Marshal report says The number of German prisoners captured by us in the month June was includ ing officers Amsterdam June 10 Dr Alex ander Hungarian Premier caused a sensation in Parliament on Saturday with a declaration regarding losses in the Hal- inn offensive as being men The Bolshevik Government has surrendered a pari of the Russian Black Sea Meet The ships of the fleet were blown up by their crows Ger many has promised not louse the warships and return them to Russia after the conclusion of peace Berlin July I Since he- ginning of offensive on March allied pris oners have captured by the Germans according to an official statement from the War Office Of these says were British R0000 French and the remainder were divided among Portugese Belgian and American forces he front THE WOMEN OF FRANCE Aylmer Allan Teddy Murray Stuart Granger Sams Ida Donald Cody Harold Coupland Doris Lucy Hose Wilson Cumber Poster Kilns Phil Cane Norman Clifford Thorpe awarded a for cords of hardwood In Algonquin Park Laid down In consumers yard this wood will per cord While A Harris editor of the Gazette was operating machine his left ham caught a the elevator and the Index and second fingers severed at first joints In Franco recently showed that there am now Women al work in munition factories at per day plus from and additional for each child if the head of the house is in army Thrift is so strong a principle with women thai French hanks are carrying larger depos its than ever before despite the fad towards the finances of the war came from popular subscription More than French men been killed in war and are physically unfit by their injuries to carry on their farm work The women are man aging the forms and doing most of the farm work In battle zones such as the Champagne district women did not forsake their work in the fields even when German shells were bursting alt around thorn When the can nonading was heavy they lay on the ground and as soon as there was a lull they would be up attending to their grapevines The wives of French farmers have always helped their husbands in the fields They now do double duty rising earlier and working Inter Horses were conscripted for the army and French women have taken their place to draw the plows and harrows Food production In France despite the efforts Of women children old men and cripples has dropped to onethird if Mr Sep Nash of and Mr Ed of Aurora wore in town yesterday Mrs visited in Aurora last week Mr Guy Denham of is visiting at The Cedars Mr Frank spent the of July Miss Ramsay of spent Sunday with Miss Mrs Madillof is spending a fortnight with the Misses Sykcs Mr Fred Slocking and Miss Stocking of Toronto spent Dominion here Mr Wallace and Miss Bertha spent the 1st at villa Mr Percy Fletcher is repre senting the Newmarket Endeavor of the Christian Church at a Con vention in Montreal this week Mr F Forster of Medicine Hat spent over Sunday with his Mr Elgin Mr Frank Miller teacher at Wiarton was in town this week on his way to to spend his vacation on his fath ers farm- Win Esq M P was in town this week Mr Will Gibson of Owen Sound was home for Dominion Day Mr station agent is taking in the Worlds Fair at Chicago Mrs A Watson and daugh ter spent last week in Detroit Mrs Alberl Mr and Mrs McQuillan and Mr Ed nf were here oyer Dominion Day Mr ft of Montreal formerly of he Ontario Bank Newmarket is spending a few days in town Mrs W and daugh ter of Mario are here on a visit Mr David Gray and bride on Wednesday for their new home in British Columbia Messrs T A were in London over Sunday on account of the death of heir father The hotel at was burned to be ground yesterday morning Mr Win Bell had two ribs broken and Mr las Nelson was badly hurt by being thrown off the dray on Tuesday evening Decoration Day at the Ceme tery was a great success yester day afternoon Stores closed and Band in attendance Sev eral Lodges in procession OddFellows Floral Oar com manding much attention i a In of Father Morris picnic on the Fair Grounds on Dominion Day was an unqualified success Pro ceeds Lacrosse match Firemens races and horse racing people present Presbyterian Strawberry Fes tival last Wednesday night The Masons attended St Pauls Church last Sunday evening in a body Canon deliver ed the sermon Green pens are on the market Know All contributes some interesting ChitChat from Queen St in his weekly budget The Altar On June 27 by Kid Shoults Mr Jos Paisley of St Minn to Miss J of Whitchurch Markets Oais 35c Butler Eggs lie Daniel has donated a park to town of Hanover State of Ohio City of Toledo Lucas County as Prank J Cheney makes oath that he partner of the firm of J A Co doing business in the of Toledo County and state and that said firm will pay the Of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS CURE FRANK Sworn to and he fore me and sub- in my presence this day of December A A Seal Notary Public Hal a Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern ally and through the Blood on the Suqouj of the system Send focteeUraoJilaJs free J CHENEY CO Toledo SoW by til druggists Htllt Family Pills for Constipation ARCHIVES OF ONTARI 1 a a A Ml -a-

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