Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Jun 1918, p. 8

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pi 5 i J Quickly Relieved Tills Chronic Trouble Cawraw Mostbeal In my opinion no other medicine for Constipation and Indigestion I a sufferer from these com plaints for fiTe years and my occupation Music brought a kind of Intestinal Paralysis nasty Headaches belching gas drowsiness after eating and pain in I was induced to try Fruit -a- tires and now for six months I have been entirely well A a box for trial site 25c all dealers or sent postpaid by Limited Ottawa STOCK FARM WANTED From to acres or North price location lars J Beach P in East Slate ami Orchard On Monday June Minnie passed away to the Great Miss had been in poor health for about a year and a About four teen months ago she underwent an operation after which she seemed much improved but only for a time About a month ago she took to bed and gradual ly became weaker until death came on Monday last In spite of her suffering she was very pa tient never complaining The deceased leaves to mourn their loss her father four brothers Harry of Newmarket Archie of Bradford Frank of Weston and William at home and one sister who lives in California her moth er having predeceased her some few years ago OLD FOLKS TILL THE SOIL AhV Clean to handle Sold by all Drug gists Grocers and General Stores BRITISH WOMEN IN THE WAR Aurora BUILDINGS FOR SALE The frame twostory tenement house 36x28 with large frame kitchen at rear as now erected at lot No West side Prospect Avenue Heavy frames excellent building ma terial Apply A Bogarl FOR SALE barge Frame House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences Excellent Good locality Apply to Haines or Haines Mrs Parbvr FARM NEAR NEWMARKET That part of The Robert Pear son farm lying north of the side road and adjoining Newmarket being the easterly part of Lot No Con Whitchurch contain ing acres more or less will bo sold at once There is a good frame barn with under stabling supplied with water and a good frame house on the premises Intending purchasers will ap ply at once to Ed Richardson Newmarket or to Vendors Solicitor Newmarket QUALITY COUNTS EVERY TIME IOTT Mr I no W Stephenson died at his home on Wednesday after a long illness He was born in and has been a resident of Aurora most of his life where he had laken a prominent part in religious and social work He was a member of the Towa Coun cil and School Hoard an ardent temperance worker and a lifelong Methodist In 1862 he married Caroline A Davis of Aurora In he wont to St Thomas and in to Bomanlon near Three years later he re turned to Aurora He had six sons and four daughters Two sons and two daughters prede ceased him Those left to mourn their loss are Rev G Steph enson I of the Young Peoples Forward Movement of the Methodist Church Mrs Greg ory of Cleveland Rev Al bert Stephenson of Sidney Miss at home Joseph Stephenson Winnipeg inspector of the London Life Insurance Company for the Western Prov inces anil J Stephenson a Saskatchewan farmer Yonge and Charles Toronto has lately been asked to nil posi tions worth from 1000 to per annum The demand for our Graduates Is five times our sup ply No vacations Enter now Write for Large Catalogue J ELLIOTT Principal PROMPTLY SECURE al countries Art for our will MARION University Montreal David Taylors arm is progress ing very nicely after what might have been a serious accident in the upsetting of his automobile At the regular meeting of it was arranged to try to have the annual lodge sermon on the Sunday just prior to the of July or that just after tdora welcomes hack another of our overseas boys in the per son of William Harvey who ar rived On Monday Will had the misfortune to he wounded in ac tion and later in the other ser vices gelling seriously smashed up so that he may he permanent ly crippled are particular ly glad have him back with us again for he as well as the Harvey hoys have certainly done their bit Church intro duces the new hymn hooks on Sunday next afternoon service The of brass memorial tablets I he memory of Major Webster and Lieut Irvine Harvey will be held oil Sun day evening June here on the eve of Canadas national an niversary It is intended this will be a very special service Journal THRILLING STORY OF HEROISM AT SEA According to official announce ment there are at the present time women and girls employed in classified trades that are under the jurisdiction of the British Board of Trade These figures are exclusive of women employed in small trades and on the land Domestic servants are also excluded All hospital help Red Cross and other nurses are not counted Taking all classes of British women war workers the total is considerably over Less than women were employed in Great Britain before the war began and these were mostly in textile mills The port for gives in government offices exclusive of civil service and local govern- The latter two employed Munition workers num bered over workers in chemical and engineering plants land workers with an additional 30000 call ed for this summer and thous ands as mechanics motor drivers ambulance drivers car and omnibus operators cab drivers every sort of railway work teller carriers hank clerks and office workers of every kind Recruit ing goes on steadily in all these lines and the response has been to the of 15000 a week The spirit of these women is wonderful Difficult work and dangerous work is not shunned but taken up cheerfully Extra hours are taken as a matter of prom Toronto Telegram June the first time in thirteen years and I have been keeper that long thisinstitulton this month balanced its expenditure said Mr w the master of the Newmarket Home for Aged Folk the warden and reeves of York County when they visited it yesterday There is nothing of bumble dom or the bareness of charity about the building either inside or out The most noticeable thing about it is lis perfect clean liness There are no parts of the floors or staircases that could not bo used for dining poses they are so beautifully white The sleeping wards ex hibit the same appearance as any hospital ward Canada They are large and roomy electric lighted and steam heated and fill ed with cots of greenpainted iron with the whitest of bed lin en curtained and flowerbedeck ed windows making each ward homelike Work all the Land There are acres of land at tached to the institution alt of which is under cultivation ex cept a small is re quired for recreation purposes The whole cultivation is done by the inmates with the help of a teamster This year there are acres of oats 5 acres of wheal of barley of corn potatoes and turnips to meadow and 10 pasture beside a large hush fruit and general truck garden There arc cows nine hogs fin addition to that have beeji raised and disposed of three of the best class of horses that can be found in the country and hens in the present stock list and the barns inside and out are a replica of the institution for orderly cleanliness The whole Of this cultivation and slock raising is done by the inmates who are able to work f I Are Here Told the Best Remedy for Their Troubles through the critical period of life being fortysix years of rye nd had an the symptom incident to thai change heat flashes nervousness and In general run down condition it was hard for me to do my work- Pink- hams Vegetable Compound was recommended to me the remedy for my troubles which it surely proved to be I feel better and stronger In way since taktnff it and annoying symptoms have Mrs Napoleon Fremont Ohio North Haven Conn Vegeta ble Compound restored my after everything else had failed when pawing through change of life nothing like It to lsLLABox North Eleven Conn A I Suite A Iv course Were not tired is their motto and when holidays are mentioned the reply is What will our men at the front do if we holidaymaking trials who never tied their own shoes or to anything continuous ly for thirty minutes work con tentedly through a long day for weeks and months side by side with their former maids or wo men from the fields Skilled workmen have been glad to teach these brave and plucky women he secrets of trade efficiency Excavating for actually laying bricks and doing carpentering is being done every day in order to release men for the front A thrilling was REPAIR and Wood Mandrills Saw and other Machinery in First Class order and will be sold of Bank of Toronto W Proprietor In good appetite good mean no discord in the body To keep the organs in there needuse The official com munication of June announced the capture of prisoners The truth is that this figure rep resents the entire Italian losses In killed wounded and missing Paris June MS of the German submarines launched are already at the bottomof the according to a statement made to the Deputies by the of the Navy And continued the we are destroying them twice as fast as they are build ing them Era bring results Try ons London June story of heroism at sea closed at presentations the late captain of the steamship cisien of Quebec and to W Roberts laic chief officer of the steamship Lord While traversing Atlantic on Feb Lord receiv ed a distress signal from the Percisien thai she was founder ing rapidly and the lifeboats had been lost Notwithstanding the darkness and terrible weather the captain of he manoeu vred his vessel as rapid as pos sible to he sinking ship Rob erts called for a volunteer crew to which all hands including the engineer and apprentice re sponded the greatest difficulties the vas boarded and the whole of rescued The Admiralty authorities in expressing appreciation of Hie flno penmanship of all concern ed slate action is worthy the traditions of the Brit ish mercantile marine FIRST CAR RIDE AT AGE This is an age that very few rach hut Mrs York mother of Mrs Win Hoover will be 0r years of age this sum mer The old lady is as spry as a and when Mr Fred Mor ris took her out for a motor ride lam Thursday the first she downstairs and out Into the oar unassisted Mrs York Is a Canadian horn a native of North York Co and was born in the year Gazette Farmerettes is a name which carries a pleasant suggestion of picturesque employments hut too often if stands for such unlovely tasks as cleaning or such nerveracking as lending horses when one is actually afraid of the creatures Make the of yourself and he worthy of the thai has been placed in was be British advice appli cant for service in he Women- Army Not one or more than women caged in war work ha failed to heed he message WARTIME CLOTHES Are Satisfied There are inmates all told men and women ranging in age from to and all to whom The Telegram spoke stat ed that they were pretty comfort able well treated and got enough to cat There are sitting rooms for both sexes simply hut Com fortably furnished a chapel with organ dispensary and a regular visiting doctor fire appliances and a water supply obtained from a spring a mile and a quarter hack hut which is so forceful that the top of the institution is supplied by it There are enamelled baths and lavatory ac commodation and outdoor recre ation rooms The inmates can be visited each week and two commissioners J Stewart of and of Whitchurch make monthly calls Kind anil moth erly Mrs Armitage is the matron The present sewerage system is going to he improved upon a it is somewhat primitive There is a burying ground in which some he inmates who are friendless are buried Cover Your Home With a Safe Roof SEVEN MILLION TONS A MONTH Infants lo Over MAKE IT YOUR If some one has left down the bars leading info the cornfield make it your to put tip again If the sittingroom rug Is kicked up take it for grant ed that it is your business to keep thingft about you in the best shape possible to correct other peoples mistakes to right wrongs even if you are not responsible for them All women engaged in official work have the problem of what to wear solved for them by their government as n rule There arc other women who are just as truly engaged in war work hut- its performance does not remove them from the generality of wo men The question of what to wear is however a most impor tant one The great considera tion is to secure suitable ma terial eliminate as much as pos sible in the way of laundry work that comes under the head of luxuries and never for one instant look dowdy or what some women abhor almost as much just serviceable Femininity has set its brains work and there is a general agreement That the onepiece frock is most satisfactory If one must have blouses the recom mendation is for dark ones with dainty guimpes which can be re newed easily and frequently suf fer comparatively little from their visits to the laundry and always look dainty and fresh Both lima and money are saved by us ing guimpes Linen or lawn of good quality is the preferred ma terial Underwear has likewise been chosen with the same ideas in view Frills are practically banished All of these points recommend themselves because they emphasize most attractively the two things dear to the wo manly woman dainty for every day and immaculate freshness A London tailor is offering a wartime onepiece dress which has many attractive features The design is patented and all royalties go to the British Red Croats Canadian women might design and pnlcnt a dress the proceeds to go to the Red Cross Loudon June The neces sity of keeping an eye upon the importance of sea power in the present Conflict despite close attention claimed by the land bai lies is emphasized by Archibald the naval expert writing in hi Daily Telegraph We have been apt during the recent offensives on the Western front Mr writes lid overlook other aspects of flic WHAT THE OLD MAN Do you have to he cranked or are you a selfslarer There are plenty of men and hoys who will go if they are cranked ami started coaxed and pushed or pulled It is said that fereat characteristic of the American soldier is that he has initiative He is a selfstarter Wo need the same thing all along line There are boys and girls in school whom the teacher has to fairly drag along They lack ambition energy enterprise and enthusiasm They just de pend on somebody else on the push or pull to get them along in their Studies They need to learn to do some things for themselves Some one has call ed them coattail hangers In business in factory anywhere in active life you will find the coattail hanger lie isn cling ing vine and lie clings with a grip Entirely lacking in initiative he dogs the trail of Hie boss seeking orders and when orders are given he docs not Comprehend them There are two reasons why the coaltail hanger is not worth his sail on a working force First be does tint dare Io trust himself Jo go ahead with anything and sec ond he lakes good deal of the valuable time of man higher up explaining to him a lot of why and wherefores Wilson Star BY all means be careful in selecting the ma that you put on your new roof Be sure that Its safe to buy from the standpoint of beauty economy wear and fire protection Twin Shingles are safe from any point of view They make beautiful roofs of per red or green colors soft restful pleasing to the eye Their crushed slate time and assures long wear That means the best of service at the smallest cost per year They are Impregnated with asphalt that keeps out all weather They are firesafe They are spark resitting They are easily and quickly laid with a saving of a third In labor They take a third less nails and nailholes Twin are the only twin shingles two self spacing They are strong tough pliable They conform to curved surfaces They are right for any style of architecture for any size house Will you come in talk over your roofing problem with us Neponset Dealer Newmarket W EVES Dear Sit I Detroit wo state of But After m ease of It h have and appoint no wast body she or firm foi PHONE WISE AND OTHERWISE One noticeable feature about luck is that it generally favors those who do not depend on it Alter all while God provides the birds with food lie does not throw ii into their nests they have to a little hustling for themselves To err is human to he forgiv en is divine Ten years ago L Sullivan said thai if he could dry the United States could lie lived long enough have it proven that he was about right Snow fell for an hour on Sat urday at Buenos Aires This Ihe first lime in the history of country that enough snow has fallen to make the ground white war- no I ably the fundamental factor which la sea power Af ter a period of fifteen months during which our strength in ships steadily declined the down ward tendency has now been defi nitely arrested Not only is our sea lower increasing but our grip on the enemy is at any previous period of the war Seven million Ions of shipping enter or leave our ports month ly Each ship is the for enemy submarines yet there have been days in Ihe present week when the enemy has not secured a single ship Twelve months ago we were With difficulty maintaining one stream of traffic namely that which brought Us food and raw material Today supplies are flowing through this main artery in greater volume than a year ago At the same time another stream of traffic has started and merchant shipping has been made available for the greatest transport movement which has ever been carried out For three months past Amer ican troops have been coming across the Atlantic by tens of thousands far faster than at one time thought possible That means that the balance between the allies and the central powers Is being adjusted in favor of the former Era to Absent jre A for MM to a diet fct ill to TEUTONS GARBED ITALIANS PUT TO DEATH WHEN Homo Juno Italian mili tary officials learned before the Austrian offensive began says a semiofficial note Issued today that the had dressed Italian soldiers In Ital ian uniforms In order to throw them at a suitable moment into the allied lines so as to provoke pahlo and disorder Captured Austrlans so garbed executed after a drumhead court martial in accordance with the laws of war GREATLY FRIGHTENED A young lady who lately jour neyed from Wimbledon to Loudon had a very uncomfortable adven ture She reached the station us the train was and had ly lime to jump into the compartment where she dropped upon a seal Wot until the train was in motion did she notice that she had a single fel low passenger young well dressed but of a somewhat for bidding aspect The young lady unfolded a news paper and began to read but as Ihe first station was passed she chanced to glance again toward Ihe other end of the carriage The man was there but his face wan no longer serene He appeared to he greatly agitated and was intently in the direction of the young lady A sudden overwhelming fear look possession of her All the wild stories of railway murders to which she had ever listened through her mind She felt herself doomed She thought of shrinking for help but her tongue refused to move The monster for so he seem ed to her looked anxiously about him apparently to himself that the time ripe for his murderous designs Then- he advanced to the other end of the carriage camo quiteclose to his and put his right band in bis overcoat pocket Was he fooling for a knife or a revolver Springing to her feet the frightened traveller faced him in despair Wthat do you moan she cried half fainting with fear Ho bent toward her smiled very grimly and Kxcuse mo madam I offer you ton thousand apologies If I have alarmed you Such a thing was farthest from my thoughts but the fact is I have to alight at the next station and since you the train you have boon sitting on my hat The rovulsion of fooling on the ladys part can bo hotter Imagin ed than described Blushes took the plaoe of panto Fortunately the hat was a soft ono i I Loudon Is Jio the place of meeting of the Canadian Order of Foresters breath digestion- Sealed tlaht Give it to me please Grand- daddy Why Bobby If you wait a bit for It youll have It to en joy Poopoo no argument with cause the flavour lasts After J A 4 1 J A cram I

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